import Data.Binary (Binary(..), decode, encode)
import Data.Binary.Put (putWord32be, putWord16be, putWord8)
import Data.Binary.Get (getWord32be, getWord16be, getWord8, runGet)
-import Control.Monad (replicateM, liftM, forever)
+import Control.Monad (replicateM, liftM, forM, forever)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), liftA3)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word (Word8)
-import Data.Map (Map(..), fromList, toList, (!), mapWithKey)
+import Data.Map (Map(..), fromList, toList, (!), mapWithKey, adjust)
import FuncTorrent.Metainfo (Info(..), Metainfo(..))
-import FuncTorrent.Utils (splitN)
+import FuncTorrent.Utils (splitN, splitNum)
type ID = String
type IP = String
-- Make the initial Piece map, with the assumption that no peer has the
-- piece and that every piece is pending download.
-mkPieceMap :: Integer -> ByteString -> Integer -> PieceMap
-mkPieceMap numPieces pieceHash pLen = fromList kvs
+mkPieceMap :: Integer -> ByteString -> [Integer] -> PieceMap
+mkPieceMap numPieces pieceHash pLengths = fromList kvs
where kvs = [(i, PieceData { peers = []
, state = Pending
, hash = h
, len = pLen })
- | (i, h) <- zip [0..numPieces] hashes]
+ | (i, h, pLen) <- zip3 [0..numPieces] hashes pLengths]
hashes = splitN (fromIntegral numPieces) pieceHash
havePiece :: PieceMap -> Integer -> Bool
setBits ++ go bs' (pos + 1)
--- downloadPiece :: Integer -> Handle -> IO ()
createDummyFile :: FilePath -> Int -> IO ()
createDummyFile path size =
writeFile path (BC.replicate size '\0')
Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing to download"
Just workPiece -> do
let pLen = len (pieceStatus ! workPiece)
- sendMsg (handle state) (RequestMsg workPiece 0 pLen)
- putStrLn $ "--> RequestMsg for Piece " ++ (show workPiece) ++ "to peer: " ++ show (peer state)
- msg <- getMsg (handle state)
- putStrLn $ "<-- " ++ show msg ++ "from peer: " ++ show (peer state)
- -- msgLoop state pieceStatus
+ pBS <- downloadPiece (handle state) workPiece pLen
+ -- sendMsg (handle state) (RequestMsg workPiece 0 pLen)
+ -- putStrLn $ "--> RequestMsg for Piece " ++ (show workPiece) ++ "to peer: " ++ show (peer state) ++ " of length: " ++ show pLen
+ -- msg <- getMsg (handle state)
+ -- putStrLn $ "<-- " ++ show msg ++ "from peer: " ++ show (peer state)
+ msgLoop state (adjust (\pieceData -> pieceData { state = Have }) workPiece pieceStatus)
| otherwise = do
msg <- getMsg (handle state)
putStrLn $ "<-- " ++ show msg ++ "from peer: " ++ show (peer state)
, meChoking = True }
pieceHash = pieces (info m)
numPieces = (toInteger . (`quot` 20) . BC.length) pieceHash
- pLen = pieceLength (info m) :: Integer
- pieceStatus = mkPieceMap numPieces pieceHash pLen
+ pLen = pieceLength (info m)
+ fileLen = lengthInBytes (info m)
+ pieceStatus = mkPieceMap numPieces pieceHash (splitNum fileLen pLen)
msgLoop state pieceStatus
+downloadPiece :: Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO [PeerMsg]
+downloadPiece h index pieceLength = do
+ let chunks = splitNum pieceLength 16384
+ forM (zip [0..] chunks) (\(i, pLen) -> do
+ sendMsg h (RequestMsg index (i*pLen) pLen)
+ putStrLn $ "--> " ++ "RequestMsg for Piece " ++ (show index) ++ ", part: " ++ show i ++ " of length: " ++ show pLen
+ -- putStrLn $ "--> RequestMsg for Piece " ++ (show workPiece) ++ "to peer: " ++ show (peer state) ++ " of length: " ++ show pLen
+ getMsg h)