-from twisted.application import service
import os.path
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.application import service
+from twisted.internet import defer
from foolscap import Tub
from allmydata.util.iputil import get_local_addresses
-from allmydata.util import idlib
-from twisted.python import log
+from allmydata.util import idlib, observer
class Node(service.MultiService):
# this implements common functionality of both Client nodes and the Queen
def __init__(self, basedir="."):
self.basedir = os.path.abspath(basedir)
+ self._tub_ready_observerlist = observer.OneShotObserverList()
assert self.CERTFILE, "Your node.Node subclass must provide CERTFILE"
certfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.CERTFILE)
if os.path.exists(certfile):
self.log("AuthorizedKeysManhole listening on %d" % portnum)
+ def startService(self):
+ """Start the node. Returns a Deferred that fires (with self) when it
+ is ready to go.
+ Many callers don't pay attention to the return value from
+ startService, since they aren't going to do anything special when it
+ finishes. If they are (for example unit tests which need to wait for
+ the node to fully start up before it gets shut down), they can wait
+ for the Deferred I return to fire. In particular, you should wait for
+ my startService() Deferred to fire before you call my stopService()
+ method.
+ """
+ # note: this class can only be started and stopped once.
+ service.MultiService.startService(self)
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: get_local_addresses())
+ d.addCallback(self._setup_tub)
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.tub_ready())
+ def _ready(res):
+ self.log("%s running" % self.NODETYPE)
+ self._tub_ready_observerlist.fire(self)
+ return self
+ d.addCallback(_ready)
+ return d
+ def shutdown(self):
+ """Shut down the node. Returns a Deferred that fires (with None) when
+ it finally stops kicking."""
+ return self.stopService()
def log(self, msg):
log.msg(self.short_nodeid + ": " + msg)
# called when the Tub is available for registerReference
+ def when_tub_ready(self):
+ return self._tub_ready_observerlist.when_fired()
def add_service(self, s):
return s
- def startService(self):
- # note: this class can only be started and stopped once.
- service.MultiService.startService(self)
- local_addresses = get_local_addresses()
- self._setup_tub(local_addresses)
- self.tub_ready()
- self.log("%s running" % self.NODETYPE)
self.numclients = NUMCLIENTS
if not os.path.isdir("queen"):
- q = self.queen = self.add_service(queen.Queen(basedir="queen"))
+ self.queen = self.add_service(queen.Queen(basedir="queen"))
+ d = self.queen.when_tub_ready()
+ d.addCallback(self._set_up_nodes_2)
+ return d
+ def _set_up_nodes_2(self, res):
+ q = self.queen
self.queen_pburl = q.urls["roster"]
self.clients = []
- for i in range(NUMCLIENTS):
+ for i in range(self.numclients):
basedir = "client%d" % i
if not os.path.isdir(basedir):