# tahoe developers host copies of upstream dependencies.
find_links=misc/dependencies tahoe-deps ../tahoe-deps
- http://testgrid.allmydata.org:3567/uri/URI%3ADIR2-RO%3Asnrfwfxatrci35zdgjnzxxx2ke%3Aunarxv347edtku3xzmefy4mcdmfngxzeb72iyqcadbjzjpczjx5a/index.html
+# The following is a directory on the test grid which holds a bunch of packages of dependencies.
+# It is commented-out because unfortunately the test grid is currently (2009-03-05) too
+# unreliable -- it occasionally fails, and when it fails it usually does so by waiting a very
+# long time with no response to the HTTP GET. This occasionally makes builds painfully slow.
+# There are several issues which might be responsible for this bad behavior of test grid: #193,
+# #253, #287, #651, #653.
+# http://testgrid.allmydata.org:3567/uri/URI%3ADIR2-RO%3Asnrfwfxatrci35zdgjnzxxx2ke%3Aunarxv347edtku3xzmefy4mcdmfngxzeb72iyqcadbjzjpczjx5a/index.html
# Other sites that we might want to list:
# http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=78018&package_id=79063