fileutil.rename(self.incominghome, self.finalhome)
+ # self.incominghome is like storage/shares/incoming/ab/abcde/4 .
+ # We try to delete the parent (.../ab/abcde) to avoid leaving
+ # these directories lying around forever, but the delete might
+ # fail if we're working on another share for the same storage
+ # index (like ab/abcde/5). The alternative approach would be to
+ # use a hierarchy of objects (PrefixHolder, BucketHolder,
+ # ShareWriter), each of which is responsible for a single
+ # directory on disk, and have them use reference counting of
+ # their children to know when they should do the rmdir. This
+ # approach is simpler, but relies on os.rmdir refusing to delete
+ # a non-empty directory. Do *not* use fileutil.rm_dir() here!
+ # we also delete the grandparent (prefix) directory, .../ab ,
+ # again to avoid leaving directories lying around. This might
+ # fail if there is another bucket open that shares a prefix (like
+ # ab/abfff).
- os.rmdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(self.incominghome))))
+ # we leave the great-grandparent (incoming/) directory in place.
except EnvironmentError:
+ # ignore the "can't rmdir because the directory is not empty"
+ # exceptions, those are normal consequences of the
+ # above-mentioned conditions.
self._sharefile = None
self.closed = True