From: Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2016 04:51:22 +0000 (+0530)
Subject: more hlint fixes

more hlint fixes

diff --git a/src/FuncTorrent/FileSystem.hs b/src/FuncTorrent/FileSystem.hs
index 5568b77..7c95c1e 100644
--- a/src/FuncTorrent/FileSystem.hs
+++ b/src/FuncTorrent/FileSystem.hs
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run' pieceMap c handle = do
           VerifyPiece n var -> do
             isHashValid <- verifyPiece n
             putMVar var isHashValid
-          GetStats var -> do
+          GetStats var ->
             putMVar var stats
       readPiece n len' = do
         let offset = pieceNumToOffset pieceMap n
diff --git a/src/FuncTorrent/Network.hs b/src/FuncTorrent/Network.hs
index ca4b6d9..99243f6 100644
--- a/src/FuncTorrent/Network.hs
+++ b/src/FuncTorrent/Network.hs
@@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ sendGetRequest :: String -> [(String, ByteString)] -> IO ByteString
 sendGetRequest url args = simpleHTTP (defaultGETRequest_ url') >>= getResponseBody
     where url' = case parseURI url'' of
                    Just x -> x
-                   _ -> error $ "Bad tracker URL: " ++ (show url'')
+                   _ -> error $ "Bad tracker URL: " ++ show url''
           qstr = mkParams args
           url'' = unpack $ concat [pack url, "?", qstr]
diff --git a/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs b/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs
index 63aaa5a..c833c06 100644
--- a/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs
+++ b/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ msgLoop pieceStatus msgchannel = do
         NotInterestedMsg -> do
           modify (\st' -> st' {heInterested = False})
           msgLoop pieceStatus msgchannel
-        CancelMsg _ _ _ -> -- check if valid index, begin, length
+        CancelMsg {} -> -- check if valid index, begin, length
           msgLoop pieceStatus msgchannel
         PortMsg _ ->
           msgLoop pieceStatus msgchannel
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ msgLoop pieceStatus msgchannel = do
           let pieceStatus' = updatePieceAvailability pieceStatus p [idx]
           msgLoop pieceStatus' msgchannel
         _ -> do
-          liftIO $ putStrLn $ ".. not doing anything with the msg"
+          liftIO $ putStrLn ".. not doing anything with the msg"
           msgLoop pieceStatus msgchannel
         -- No need to handle PieceMsg and RequestMsg here.
diff --git a/src/FuncTorrent/PeerMsgs.hs b/src/FuncTorrent/PeerMsgs.hs
index ff3b435..f597ed8 100644
--- a/src/FuncTorrent/PeerMsgs.hs
+++ b/src/FuncTorrent/PeerMsgs.hs
@@ -86,9 +86,7 @@ instance Binary PeerMsg where
                                           bfListLen = length bfList
              RequestMsg i o l -> do putWord32be 13
                                     putWord8 6
-                                    putWord32be (fromIntegral i)
-                                    putWord32be (fromIntegral o)
-                                    putWord32be (fromIntegral l)
+                                    putIndexOffsetLength i o l
              PieceMsg i o b -> do putWord32be $ fromIntegral (9 + blocklen)
                                   putWord8 7
                                   putWord32be (fromIntegral i)
@@ -98,12 +96,15 @@ instance Binary PeerMsg where
                                           blocklen = length blockList
              CancelMsg i o l -> do putWord32be 13
                                    putWord8 8
-                                   putWord32be (fromIntegral i)
-                                   putWord32be (fromIntegral o)
-                                   putWord32be (fromIntegral l)
+                                   putIndexOffsetLength i o l
              PortMsg p -> do putWord32be 3
                              putWord8 9
                              putWord16be (fromIntegral p)
+    where putIndexOffsetLength i o l = do
+            putWord32be (fromIntegral i)
+            putWord32be (fromIntegral o)
+            putWord32be (fromIntegral l)
   get = do
     l <- getWord32be
     msgid <- getWord8
@@ -112,15 +113,15 @@ instance Binary PeerMsg where
      1 -> return UnChokeMsg
      2 -> return InterestedMsg
      3 -> return NotInterestedMsg
-     4 -> liftM (HaveMsg . fromIntegral) getWord32be
-     5 -> liftM (BitFieldMsg . pack) (replicateM (fromIntegral l - 1) getWord8)
+     4 -> fmap (HaveMsg . fromIntegral) getWord32be
+     5 -> fmap (BitFieldMsg . pack) (replicateM (fromIntegral l - 1) getWord8)
      6 -> liftA3 RequestMsg getInteger getInteger getInteger
        where getInteger = fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
      7 -> liftA3 PieceMsg getInteger getInteger (pack  <$> replicateM (fromIntegral l - 9) getWord8)
        where getInteger = fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
      8 -> liftA3 CancelMsg getInteger getInteger getInteger
        where getInteger = fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
-     9 -> liftM (PortMsg . fromIntegral) getWord16be
+     9 -> fmap (PortMsg . fromIntegral) getWord16be
      _ -> error ("unknown message ID: " ++ show msgid)
 getMsg :: Handle -> IO PeerMsg
diff --git a/src/FuncTorrent/Utils.hs b/src/FuncTorrent/Utils.hs
index be4e15b..30fd160 100644
--- a/src/FuncTorrent/Utils.hs
+++ b/src/FuncTorrent/Utils.hs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ createDummyFile :: FilePath -> Int -> IO (Either IOException ())
 createDummyFile path size = do
   dfe <- doesFileExist path
   if not dfe
-    then do
+    then
     try $ writeFile path (BC.replicate size '\0')
     return $ Right ()