baduri = u.to_string()
self.fileurls["0shares"] = "uri/" + urllib.quote(baduri)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: c0.create_empty_dirnode())
+ def _mangle_dirnode_1share(n):
+ u = n.get_uri()
+ url = self.fileurls["dir-1share"] = "uri/" + urllib.quote(u) + "/"
+ self.fileurls["dir-1share-json"] = url + "?t=json"
+ self.delete_shares_numbered(u, range(1,10))
+ d.addCallback(_mangle_dirnode_1share)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: c0.create_empty_dirnode())
+ def _mangle_dirnode_0share(n):
+ u = n.get_uri()
+ url = self.fileurls["dir-0share"] = "uri/" + urllib.quote(u) + "/"
+ self.fileurls["dir-0share-json"] = url + "?t=json"
+ self.delete_shares_numbered(u, range(0,10))
+ d.addCallback(_mangle_dirnode_0share)
# NotEnoughSharesError should be reported sensibly, with a
# text/plain explanation of the problem, and perhaps some
self.failUnlessEqual(exp, body)
d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
self.shouldHTTPError("GET 1share",
410, "Gone", "NotEnoughSharesError",
self.failUnless("No such child: imaginary" in body, body)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self.GET(self.fileurls["dir-0share"]))
+ def _check_0shares_dir_html(body):
+ self.failUnless("<html>" in body, body)
+ # we should see the regular page, but without the child table or
+ # the dirops forms
+ body = " ".join(body.strip().split())
+ self.failUnlessIn('href="?t=info">More info on this directory',
+ body)
+ exp = ("UnrecoverableFileError: the directory (or mutable file) "
+ "could not be retrieved, because there were insufficient "
+ "good shares. This might indicate that no servers were "
+ "connected, insufficient servers were connected, the URI "
+ "was corrupt, or that shares have been lost due to server "
+ "departure, hard drive failure, or disk corruption. You "
+ "should perform a filecheck on this object to learn more.")
+ self.failUnlessIn(exp, body)
+ self.failUnlessIn("No upload forms: directory is unreadable", body)
+ d.addCallback(_check_0shares_dir_html)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self.GET(self.fileurls["dir-1share"]))
+ def _check_1shares_dir_html(body):
+ # at some point, we'll split UnrecoverableFileError into 0-shares
+ # and some-shares like we did for immutable files (since there
+ # are different sorts of advice to offer in each case). For now,
+ # they present the same way.
+ self.failUnless("<html>" in body, body)
+ body = " ".join(body.strip().split())
+ self.failUnlessIn('href="?t=info">More info on this directory',
+ body)
+ exp = ("UnrecoverableFileError: the directory (or mutable file) "
+ "could not be retrieved, because there were insufficient "
+ "good shares. This might indicate that no servers were "
+ "connected, insufficient servers were connected, the URI "
+ "was corrupt, or that shares have been lost due to server "
+ "departure, hard drive failure, or disk corruption. You "
+ "should perform a filecheck on this object to learn more.")
+ self.failUnlessIn(exp, body)
+ self.failUnlessIn("No upload forms: directory is unreadable", body)
+ d.addCallback(_check_1shares_dir_html)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldHTTPError("GET dir-0share-json",
+ 410, "Gone", "UnrecoverableFileError",
+ self.GET,
+ self.fileurls["dir-0share-json"]))
+ def _check_unrecoverable_file(body):
+ self.failIf("<html>" in body, body)
+ body = " ".join(body.strip().split())
+ exp = ("UnrecoverableFileError: the directory (or mutable file) "
+ "could not be retrieved, because there were insufficient "
+ "good shares. This might indicate that no servers were "
+ "connected, insufficient servers were connected, the URI "
+ "was corrupt, or that shares have been lost due to server "
+ "departure, hard drive failure, or disk corruption. You "
+ "should perform a filecheck on this object to learn more.")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(exp, body)
+ d.addCallback(_check_unrecoverable_file)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldHTTPError("GET dir-1share-json",
+ 410, "Gone", "UnrecoverableFileError",
+ self.GET,
+ self.fileurls["dir-1share-json"]))
+ d.addCallback(_check_unrecoverable_file)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldHTTPError("GET imaginary",
+ 404, "Not Found", None,
+ self.GET, self.fileurls["imaginary"]))
# attach a webapi child that throws a random error, to test how it
# gets rendered.
w = c0.getServiceNamed("webish")