self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["leases-per-share-histogram"], {1: 1})
self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["buckets-examined"], 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["shares-examined"], 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["corrupt-shares"], [])
sr1 = so_far["space-recovered"]
self.failUnlessEqual(sr1["actual-numshares"], 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(sr1["configured-leasetimer-diskbytes"], 0)
return d
- def test_bad_share(self):
- basedir = "storage/LeaseCrawler/bad_share"
+ def test_share_corruption(self):
+ basedir = "storage/LeaseCrawler/share_corruption"
- ss = StorageServer(basedir, "\x00" * 20)
+ ss = InstrumentedStorageServer(basedir, "\x00" * 20)
w = StorageStatus(ss)
# make it start sooner than usual.
lc = ss.lease_checker
+ lc.stop_after_first_bucket = True
lc.slow_start = 0
lc.cpu_slice = 500
# now corrupt one, and make sure the lease-checker keeps going
[immutable_si_0, immutable_si_1, mutable_si_2, mutable_si_3] = self.sis
- first_mutable = min(mutable_si_2, mutable_si_3)
- fn = os.path.join(ss.sharedir, storage_index_to_dir(first_mutable), "0")
+ first = min(self.sis)
+ first_b32 = base32.b2a(first)
+ fn = os.path.join(ss.sharedir, storage_index_to_dir(first), "0")
f = open(fn, "rb+")
f.write("BAD MAGIC")
- # get_share_file() doesn't see the correct mutable magic, so it
+ # if get_share_file() doesn't see the correct mutable magic, it
# assumes the file is an immutable share, and then
- # immutable.ShareFile sees a bad version. So this actually triggers
+ # immutable.ShareFile sees a bad version. So regardless of which kind
+ # of share we corrupted, this will trigger an
# UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError.
+ d = eventual.fireEventually()
+ # now examine the state right after the first bucket has been
+ # processed.
+ def _after_first_bucket(ignored):
+ so_far = lc.get_state()["cycle-to-date"]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["buckets-examined"], 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["shares-examined"], 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["corrupt-shares"], [(first_b32, 0)])
+ d.addCallback(_after_first_bucket)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.render_json(w))
+ def _check_json(json):
+ data = simplejson.loads(json)
+ # grr. json turns all dict keys into strings.
+ so_far = data["lease-checker"]["cycle-to-date"]
+ corrupt_shares = so_far["corrupt-shares"]
+ # it also turns all tuples into lists
+ self.failUnlessEqual(corrupt_shares, [[first_b32, 0]])
+ d.addCallback(_check_json)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.render1(w))
+ def _check_html(html):
+ s = remove_tags(html)
+ self.failUnlessIn("Corrupt shares: SI %s shnum 0" % first_b32, s)
+ d.addCallback(_check_html)
def _wait():
return bool(lc.get_state()["last-cycle-finished"] is not None)
- d = self.poll(_wait)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.poll(_wait))
def _after_first_cycle(ignored):
s = lc.get_state()
last = s["history"][0]
self.failUnlessEqual(last["buckets-examined"], 4)
self.failUnlessEqual(last["shares-examined"], 3)
- self.failUnlessEqual(last["corrupt-shares"],
- [(base32.b2a(first_mutable), 0)])
- self.flushLoggedErrors(UnknownMutableContainerVersionError,
- UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(last["corrupt-shares"], [(first_b32, 0)])
d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.render_json(w))
- def _check_json(json):
+ def _check_json_history(json):
data = simplejson.loads(json)
- # grr. json turns all dict keys into strings.
last = data["lease-checker"]["history"]["0"]
corrupt_shares = last["corrupt-shares"]
- # it also turns all tuples into lists
- self.failUnlessEqual(corrupt_shares,
- [[base32.b2a(first_mutable), 0]])
- d.addCallback(_check_json)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(corrupt_shares, [[first_b32, 0]])
+ d.addCallback(_check_json_history)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.render1(w))
+ def _check_html_history(html):
+ s = remove_tags(html)
+ self.failUnlessIn("Corrupt shares: SI %s shnum 0" % first_b32, s)
+ d.addCallback(_check_html_history)
+ def _cleanup(res):
+ self.flushLoggedErrors(UnknownMutableContainerVersionError,
+ UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError)
+ return res
+ d.addBoth(_cleanup)
return d
def render_json(self, page):
p = lc.get_progress()
if not p["cycle-in-progress"]:
return ""
- pieces = []
s = lc.get_state()
so_far = s["cycle-to-date"]
sr = so_far["space-recovered"]
ecr = ec["space-recovered"]
p = T.ul()
+ pieces = []
def add(*pieces):
% abbreviate_time(so_far["configured-expiration-time"]),
self.format_recovered(ecr, "original-leasetimer"))
+ if so_far["corrupt-shares"]:
+ add("Corrupt shares:",
+ T.ul[ [[ ["SI %s shnum %d" % corrupt_share
+ for corrupt_share in so_far["corrupt-shares"] ]
+ ]]])
return ctx.tag["Current cycle:", p]
def render_lease_last_cycle_results(self, ctx, data):
if not h:
return ""
last = h[max(h.keys())]
- pieces = []
start, end = last["cycle-start-finish-times"]
- ctx.tag["Last complete cycle "
- "(which took %s and finished %s ago)"
- " recovered: "
- % (abbreviate_time(end-start),
- abbreviate_time(time.time() - end)),
- self.format_recovered(last["space-recovered"],
- "actual")]
+ ctx.tag["Last complete cycle (which took %s and finished %s ago)"
+ " recovered: " % (abbreviate_time(end-start),
+ abbreviate_time(time.time() - end)),
+ self.format_recovered(last["space-recovered"], "actual")
+ ]
+ p = T.ul()
+ pieces = []
+ def add(*pieces):
+ p[[pieces]]
if not last["expiration-enabled"]:
rec = self.format_recovered(last["space-recovered"],
- pieces.append(["but expiration was not enabled. If it "
- "had been, it would have recovered: ",
- rec])
- if pieces:
- ctx.tag[T.ul[pieces]]
- return ctx.tag
+ add("but expiration was not enabled. If it had been, "
+ "it would have recovered: ", rec)
+ if last["corrupt-shares"]:
+ add("Corrupt shares:",
+ T.ul[ [[ ["SI %s shnum %d" % corrupt_share
+ for corrupt_share in last["corrupt-shares"] ]
+ ]]])
+ return ctx.tag[p]