-import struct
+import struct, math
from allmydata.mutable.common import NeedMoreDataError, UnknownVersionError
+from allmydata.interfaces import HASH_SIZE, SALT_SIZE, SDMF_VERSION, \
+ MDMF_VERSION, IMutableSlotWriter
+from allmydata.util import mathutil, observer
+from twisted.python import failure
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from zope.interface import implements
+# These strings describe the format of the packed structs they help process
+# Here's what they mean:
+# >: Big-endian byte order; the most significant byte is first (leftmost).
+# B: The version information; an 8 bit version identifier. Stored as
+# an unsigned char. This is currently 00 00 00 00; our modifications
+# will turn it into 00 00 00 01.
+# Q: The sequence number; this is sort of like a revision history for
+# mutable files; they start at 1 and increase as they are changed after
+# being uploaded. Stored as an unsigned long long, which is 8 bytes in
+# length.
+# 32s: The root hash of the share hash tree. We use sha-256d, so we use 32
+# characters = 32 bytes to store the value.
+# 16s: The salt for the readkey. This is a 16-byte random value, stored as
+# 16 characters.
+# SIGNED_PREFIX additions, things that are covered by the signature:
+# B: The "k" encoding parameter. We store this as an 8-bit character,
+# which is convenient because our erasure coding scheme cannot
+# encode if you ask for more than 255 pieces.
+# B: The "N" encoding parameter. Stored as an 8-bit character for the
+# same reasons as above.
+# Q: The segment size of the uploaded file. This will essentially be the
+# length of the file in SDMF. An unsigned long long, so we can store
+# files of quite large size.
+# Q: The data length of the uploaded file. Modulo padding, this will be
+# the same of the data length field. Like the data length field, it is
+# an unsigned long long and can be quite large.
+# HEADER additions:
+# L: The offset of the signature of this. An unsigned long.
+# L: The offset of the share hash chain. An unsigned long.
+# L: The offset of the block hash tree. An unsigned long.
+# L: The offset of the share data. An unsigned long.
+# Q: The offset of the encrypted private key. An unsigned long long, to
+# account for the possibility of a lot of share data.
+# Q: The offset of the EOF. An unsigned long long, to account for the
+# possibility of a lot of share data.
+# After all of these, we have the following:
+# - The verification key: Occupies the space between the end of the header
+# and the start of the signature (i.e.: data[HEADER_LENGTH:o['signature']].
+# - The signature, which goes from the signature offset to the share hash
+# chain offset.
+# - The share hash chain, which goes from the share hash chain offset to
+# the block hash tree offset.
+# - The share data, which goes from the share data offset to the encrypted
+# private key offset.
+# - The encrypted private key offset, which goes until the end of the file.
+# The block hash tree in this encoding has only one share, so the offset of
+# the share data will be 32 bits more than the offset of the block hash tree.
+# Given this, we may need to check to see how many bytes a reasonably sized
+# block hash tree will take up.
PREFIX = ">BQ32s16s" # each version has a different prefix
SIGNED_PREFIX = ">BQ32s16s BBQQ" # this is covered by the signature
HEADER = ">BQ32s16s BBQQ LLLLQQ" # includes offsets
HEADER_LENGTH = struct.calcsize(HEADER)
+OFFSETS_LENGTH = struct.calcsize(OFFSETS)
+# These are still used for some tests.
def unpack_header(data):
o = {}
o['EOF']) = struct.unpack(HEADER, data[:HEADER_LENGTH])
return (version, seqnum, root_hash, IV, k, N, segsize, datalen, o)
-def unpack_prefix_and_signature(data):
- assert len(data) >= HEADER_LENGTH, len(data)
- prefix = data[:SIGNED_PREFIX_LENGTH]
- (version,
- seqnum,
- root_hash,
- IV,
- k, N, segsize, datalen,
- o) = unpack_header(data)
- if version != 0:
- raise UnknownVersionError("got mutable share version %d, but I only understand version 0" % version)
- if len(data) < o['share_hash_chain']:
- raise NeedMoreDataError(o['share_hash_chain'],
- o['enc_privkey'], o['EOF']-o['enc_privkey'])
- pubkey_s = data[HEADER_LENGTH:o['signature']]
- signature = data[o['signature']:o['share_hash_chain']]
- return (seqnum, root_hash, IV, k, N, segsize, datalen,
- pubkey_s, signature, prefix)
def unpack_share(data):
assert len(data) >= HEADER_LENGTH
o = {}
pubkey, signature, share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree,
share_data, enc_privkey)
-def unpack_share_data(verinfo, hash_and_data):
- (seqnum, root_hash, IV, segsize, datalength, k, N, prefix, o_t) = verinfo
- # hash_and_data starts with the share_hash_chain, so figure out what the
- # offsets really are
- o = dict(o_t)
- o_share_hash_chain = 0
- o_block_hash_tree = o['block_hash_tree'] - o['share_hash_chain']
- o_share_data = o['share_data'] - o['share_hash_chain']
- o_enc_privkey = o['enc_privkey'] - o['share_hash_chain']
- share_hash_chain_s = hash_and_data[o_share_hash_chain:o_block_hash_tree]
- share_hash_format = ">H32s"
- hsize = struct.calcsize(share_hash_format)
- assert len(share_hash_chain_s) % hsize == 0, len(share_hash_chain_s)
- share_hash_chain = []
- for i in range(0, len(share_hash_chain_s), hsize):
- chunk = share_hash_chain_s[i:i+hsize]
- (hid, h) = struct.unpack(share_hash_format, chunk)
- share_hash_chain.append( (hid, h) )
- share_hash_chain = dict(share_hash_chain)
- block_hash_tree_s = hash_and_data[o_block_hash_tree:o_share_data]
- assert len(block_hash_tree_s) % 32 == 0, len(block_hash_tree_s)
- block_hash_tree = []
- for i in range(0, len(block_hash_tree_s), 32):
- block_hash_tree.append(block_hash_tree_s[i:i+32])
- share_data = hash_and_data[o_share_data:o_enc_privkey]
- return (share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree, share_data)
-def pack_checkstring(seqnum, root_hash, IV):
- return struct.pack(PREFIX,
- 0, # version,
- seqnum,
- root_hash,
- IV)
def unpack_checkstring(checkstring):
cs_len = struct.calcsize(PREFIX)
version, seqnum, root_hash, IV = struct.unpack(PREFIX, checkstring[:cs_len])
raise UnknownVersionError("got mutable share version %d, but I only understand version 0" % version)
return (seqnum, root_hash, IV)
-def pack_prefix(seqnum, root_hash, IV,
- required_shares, total_shares,
- segment_size, data_length):
- prefix = struct.pack(SIGNED_PREFIX,
- 0, # version,
- seqnum,
- root_hash,
- IV,
- required_shares,
- total_shares,
- segment_size,
- data_length,
- )
- return prefix
def pack_offsets(verification_key_length, signature_length,
share_hash_chain_length, block_hash_tree_length,
return final_share
+def pack_prefix(seqnum, root_hash, IV,
+ required_shares, total_shares,
+ segment_size, data_length):
+ prefix = struct.pack(SIGNED_PREFIX,
+ 0, # version,
+ seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ IV,
+ required_shares,
+ total_shares,
+ segment_size,
+ data_length,
+ )
+ return prefix
+class SDMFSlotWriteProxy:
+ implements(IMutableSlotWriter)
+ """
+ I represent a remote write slot for an SDMF mutable file. I build a
+ share in memory, and then write it in one piece to the remote
+ server. This mimics how SDMF shares were built before MDMF (and the
+ new MDMF uploader), but provides that functionality in a way that
+ allows the MDMF uploader to be built without much special-casing for
+ file format, which makes the uploader code more readable.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ shnum,
+ rref, # a remote reference to a storage server
+ storage_index,
+ secrets, # (write_enabler, renew_secret, cancel_secret)
+ seqnum, # the sequence number of the mutable file
+ required_shares,
+ total_shares,
+ segment_size,
+ data_length): # the length of the original file
+ self.shnum = shnum
+ self._rref = rref
+ self._storage_index = storage_index
+ self._secrets = secrets
+ self._seqnum = seqnum
+ self._required_shares = required_shares
+ self._total_shares = total_shares
+ self._segment_size = segment_size
+ self._data_length = data_length
+ # This is an SDMF file, so it should have only one segment, so,
+ # modulo padding of the data length, the segment size and the
+ # data length should be the same.
+ expected_segment_size = mathutil.next_multiple(data_length,
+ self._required_shares)
+ assert expected_segment_size == segment_size
+ self._block_size = self._segment_size / self._required_shares
+ # This is meant to mimic how SDMF files were built before MDMF
+ # entered the picture: we generate each share in its entirety,
+ # then push it off to the storage server in one write. When
+ # callers call set_*, they are just populating this dict.
+ # finish_publishing will stitch these pieces together into a
+ # coherent share, and then write the coherent share to the
+ # storage server.
+ self._share_pieces = {}
+ # This tells the write logic what checkstring to use when
+ # writing remote shares.
+ self._testvs = []
+ self._readvs = [(0, struct.calcsize(PREFIX))]
+ def set_checkstring(self, checkstring_or_seqnum,
+ root_hash=None,
+ salt=None):
+ """
+ Set the checkstring that I will pass to the remote server when
+ writing.
+ @param checkstring_or_seqnum: A packed checkstring to use,
+ or a sequence number. I will treat this as a checkstr
+ Note that implementations can differ in which semantics they
+ wish to support for set_checkstring -- they can, for example,
+ build the checkstring themselves from its constituents, or
+ some other thing.
+ """
+ if root_hash and salt:
+ checkstring = struct.pack(PREFIX,
+ 0,
+ checkstring_or_seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ salt)
+ else:
+ checkstring = checkstring_or_seqnum
+ self._testvs = [(0, len(checkstring), "eq", checkstring)]
+ def get_checkstring(self):
+ """
+ Get the checkstring that I think currently exists on the remote
+ server.
+ """
+ if self._testvs:
+ return self._testvs[0][3]
+ return ""
+ def put_block(self, data, segnum, salt):
+ """
+ Add a block and salt to the share.
+ """
+ # SDMF files have only one segment
+ assert segnum == 0
+ assert len(data) == self._block_size
+ assert len(salt) == SALT_SIZE
+ self._share_pieces['sharedata'] = data
+ self._share_pieces['salt'] = salt
+ # TODO: Figure out something intelligent to return.
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def put_encprivkey(self, encprivkey):
+ """
+ Add the encrypted private key to the share.
+ """
+ self._share_pieces['encprivkey'] = encprivkey
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def put_blockhashes(self, blockhashes):
+ """
+ Add the block hash tree to the share.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(blockhashes, list)
+ for h in blockhashes:
+ assert len(h) == HASH_SIZE
+ # serialize the blockhashes, then set them.
+ blockhashes_s = "".join(blockhashes)
+ self._share_pieces['block_hash_tree'] = blockhashes_s
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def put_sharehashes(self, sharehashes):
+ """
+ Add the share hash chain to the share.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(sharehashes, dict)
+ for h in sharehashes.itervalues():
+ assert len(h) == HASH_SIZE
+ # serialize the sharehashes, then set them.
+ sharehashes_s = "".join([struct.pack(">H32s", i, sharehashes[i])
+ for i in sorted(sharehashes.keys())])
+ self._share_pieces['share_hash_chain'] = sharehashes_s
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def put_root_hash(self, root_hash):
+ """
+ Add the root hash to the share.
+ """
+ assert len(root_hash) == HASH_SIZE
+ self._share_pieces['root_hash'] = root_hash
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def put_salt(self, salt):
+ """
+ Add a salt to an empty SDMF file.
+ """
+ assert len(salt) == SALT_SIZE
+ self._share_pieces['salt'] = salt
+ self._share_pieces['sharedata'] = ""
+ def get_signable(self):
+ """
+ Return the part of the share that needs to be signed.
+ SDMF writers need to sign the packed representation of the
+ first eight fields of the remote share, that is:
+ - version number (0)
+ - sequence number
+ - root of the share hash tree
+ - salt
+ - k
+ - n
+ - segsize
+ - datalen
+ This method is responsible for returning that to callers.
+ """
+ return struct.pack(SIGNED_PREFIX,
+ 0,
+ self._seqnum,
+ self._share_pieces['root_hash'],
+ self._share_pieces['salt'],
+ self._required_shares,
+ self._total_shares,
+ self._segment_size,
+ self._data_length)
+ def put_signature(self, signature):
+ """
+ Add the signature to the share.
+ """
+ self._share_pieces['signature'] = signature
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def put_verification_key(self, verification_key):
+ """
+ Add the verification key to the share.
+ """
+ self._share_pieces['verification_key'] = verification_key
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def get_verinfo(self):
+ """
+ I return my verinfo tuple. This is used by the ServermapUpdater
+ to keep track of versions of mutable files.
+ The verinfo tuple for MDMF files contains:
+ - seqnum
+ - root hash
+ - a blank (nothing)
+ - segsize
+ - datalen
+ - k
+ - n
+ - prefix (the thing that you sign)
+ - a tuple of offsets
+ We include the nonce in MDMF to simplify processing of version
+ information tuples.
+ The verinfo tuple for SDMF files is the same, but contains a
+ 16-byte IV instead of a hash of salts.
+ """
+ return (self._seqnum,
+ self._share_pieces['root_hash'],
+ self._share_pieces['salt'],
+ self._segment_size,
+ self._data_length,
+ self._required_shares,
+ self._total_shares,
+ self.get_signable(),
+ self._get_offsets_tuple())
+ def _get_offsets_dict(self):
+ post_offset = HEADER_LENGTH
+ offsets = {}
+ verification_key_length = len(self._share_pieces['verification_key'])
+ o1 = offsets['signature'] = post_offset + verification_key_length
+ signature_length = len(self._share_pieces['signature'])
+ o2 = offsets['share_hash_chain'] = o1 + signature_length
+ share_hash_chain_length = len(self._share_pieces['share_hash_chain'])
+ o3 = offsets['block_hash_tree'] = o2 + share_hash_chain_length
+ block_hash_tree_length = len(self._share_pieces['block_hash_tree'])
+ o4 = offsets['share_data'] = o3 + block_hash_tree_length
+ share_data_length = len(self._share_pieces['sharedata'])
+ o5 = offsets['enc_privkey'] = o4 + share_data_length
+ encprivkey_length = len(self._share_pieces['encprivkey'])
+ offsets['EOF'] = o5 + encprivkey_length
+ return offsets
+ def _get_offsets_tuple(self):
+ offsets = self._get_offsets_dict()
+ return tuple([(key, value) for key, value in offsets.items()])
+ def _pack_offsets(self):
+ offsets = self._get_offsets_dict()
+ return struct.pack(">LLLLQQ",
+ offsets['signature'],
+ offsets['share_hash_chain'],
+ offsets['block_hash_tree'],
+ offsets['share_data'],
+ offsets['enc_privkey'],
+ offsets['EOF'])
+ def finish_publishing(self):
+ """
+ Do anything necessary to finish writing the share to a remote
+ server. I require that no further publishing needs to take place
+ after this method has been called.
+ """
+ for k in ["sharedata", "encprivkey", "signature", "verification_key",
+ "share_hash_chain", "block_hash_tree"]:
+ assert k in self._share_pieces
+ # This is the only method that actually writes something to the
+ # remote server.
+ # First, we need to pack the share into data that we can write
+ # to the remote server in one write.
+ offsets = self._pack_offsets()
+ prefix = self.get_signable()
+ final_share = "".join([prefix,
+ offsets,
+ self._share_pieces['verification_key'],
+ self._share_pieces['signature'],
+ self._share_pieces['share_hash_chain'],
+ self._share_pieces['block_hash_tree'],
+ self._share_pieces['sharedata'],
+ self._share_pieces['encprivkey']])
+ # Our only data vector is going to be writing the final share,
+ # in its entirely.
+ datavs = [(0, final_share)]
+ if not self._testvs:
+ # Our caller has not provided us with another checkstring
+ # yet, so we assume that we are writing a new share, and set
+ # a test vector that will allow a new share to be written.
+ self._testvs = []
+ self._testvs.append(tuple([0, 1, "eq", ""]))
+ tw_vectors = {}
+ tw_vectors[self.shnum] = (self._testvs, datavs, None)
+ return self._rref.callRemote("slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev",
+ self._storage_index,
+ self._secrets,
+ tw_vectors,
+ # TODO is it useful to read something?
+ self._readvs)
+# We know we won't have more than 256 shares, and we know that we won't
+# need to store more than lg 256 of them to validate, so that's our
+# bound. We add 1 to the int cast to round to the next integer.
+SHARE_HASH_CHAIN_SIZE = int(math.log(HASH_SIZE * 256)) + 1
+class MDMFSlotWriteProxy:
+ implements(IMutableSlotWriter)
+ """
+ I represent a remote write slot for an MDMF mutable file.
+ I abstract away from my caller the details of block and salt
+ management, and the implementation of the on-disk format for MDMF
+ shares.
+ """
+ # Expected layout, MDMF:
+ # offset: size: name:
+ #-- signed part --
+ # 0 1 version number (01)
+ # 1 8 sequence number
+ # 9 32 share tree root hash
+ # 41 1 The "k" encoding parameter
+ # 42 1 The "N" encoding parameter
+ # 43 8 The segment size of the uploaded file
+ # 51 8 The data length of the original plaintext
+ #-- end signed part --
+ # 59 8 The offset of the encrypted private key
+ # 67 8 The offset of the signature
+ # 75 8 The offset of the verification key
+ # 83 8 The offset of the end of the v. key.
+ # 92 8 The offset of the share data
+ # 100 8 The offset of the block hash tree
+ # 108 8 The offset of the share hash chain
+ # 116 8 The offset of EOF
+ #
+ # followed by the encrypted private key, signature, verification
+ # key, share hash chain, data, and block hash tree. We order the
+ # fields that way to make smart downloaders -- downloaders which
+ # prempetively read a big part of the share -- possible.
+ #
+ # The checkstring is the first three fields -- the version number,
+ # sequence number, root hash and root salt hash. This is consistent
+ # in meaning to what we have with SDMF files, except now instead of
+ # using the literal salt, we use a value derived from all of the
+ # salts -- the share hash root.
+ #
+ # The salt is stored before the block for each segment. The block
+ # hash tree is computed over the combination of block and salt for
+ # each segment. In this way, we get integrity checking for both
+ # block and salt with the current block hash tree arrangement.
+ #
+ # The ordering of the offsets is different to reflect the dependencies
+ # that we'll run into with an MDMF file. The expected write flow is
+ # something like this:
+ #
+ # 0: Initialize with the sequence number, encoding parameters and
+ # data length. From this, we can deduce the number of segments,
+ # and where they should go.. We can also figure out where the
+ # encrypted private key should go, because we can figure out how
+ # big the share data will be.
+ #
+ # 1: Encrypt, encode, and upload the file in chunks. Do something
+ # like
+ #
+ # put_block(data, segnum, salt)
+ #
+ # to write a block and a salt to the disk. We can do both of
+ # these operations now because we have enough of the offsets to
+ # know where to put them.
+ #
+ # 2: Put the encrypted private key. Use:
+ #
+ # put_encprivkey(encprivkey)
+ #
+ # Now that we know the length of the private key, we can fill
+ # in the offset for the block hash tree.
+ #
+ # 3: We're now in a position to upload the block hash tree for
+ # a share. Put that using something like:
+ #
+ # put_blockhashes(block_hash_tree)
+ #
+ # Note that block_hash_tree is a list of hashes -- we'll take
+ # care of the details of serializing that appropriately. When
+ # we get the block hash tree, we are also in a position to
+ # calculate the offset for the share hash chain, and fill that
+ # into the offsets table.
+ #
+ # 4: We're now in a position to upload the share hash chain for
+ # a share. Do that with something like:
+ #
+ # put_sharehashes(share_hash_chain)
+ #
+ # share_hash_chain should be a dictionary mapping shnums to
+ # 32-byte hashes -- the wrapper handles serialization.
+ # We'll know where to put the signature at this point, also.
+ # The root of this tree will be put explicitly in the next
+ # step.
+ #
+ # 5: Before putting the signature, we must first put the
+ # root_hash. Do this with:
+ #
+ # put_root_hash(root_hash).
+ #
+ # In terms of knowing where to put this value, it was always
+ # possible to place it, but it makes sense semantically to
+ # place it after the share hash tree, so that's why you do it
+ # in this order.
+ #
+ # 6: With the root hash put, we can now sign the header. Use:
+ #
+ # get_signable()
+ #
+ # to get the part of the header that you want to sign, and use:
+ #
+ # put_signature(signature)
+ #
+ # to write your signature to the remote server.
+ #
+ # 6: Add the verification key, and finish. Do:
+ #
+ # put_verification_key(key)
+ #
+ # and
+ #
+ # finish_publish()
+ #
+ # Checkstring management:
+ #
+ # To write to a mutable slot, we have to provide test vectors to ensure
+ # that we are writing to the same data that we think we are. These
+ # vectors allow us to detect uncoordinated writes; that is, writes
+ # where both we and some other shareholder are writing to the
+ # mutable slot, and to report those back to the parts of the program
+ # doing the writing.
+ #
+ # With SDMF, this was easy -- all of the share data was written in
+ # one go, so it was easy to detect uncoordinated writes, and we only
+ # had to do it once. With MDMF, not all of the file is written at
+ # once.
+ #
+ # If a share is new, we write out as much of the header as we can
+ # before writing out anything else. This gives other writers a
+ # canary that they can use to detect uncoordinated writes, and, if
+ # they do the same thing, gives us the same canary. We them update
+ # the share. We won't be able to write out two fields of the header
+ # -- the share tree hash and the salt hash -- until we finish
+ # writing out the share. We only require the writer to provide the
+ # initial checkstring, and keep track of what it should be after
+ # updates ourselves.
+ #
+ # If we haven't written anything yet, then on the first write (which
+ # will probably be a block + salt of a share), we'll also write out
+ # the header. On subsequent passes, we'll expect to see the header.
+ # This changes in two places:
+ #
+ # - When we write out the salt hash
+ # - When we write out the root of the share hash tree
+ #
+ # since these values will change the header. It is possible that we
+ # can just make those be written in one operation to minimize
+ # disruption.
+ def __init__(self,
+ shnum,
+ rref, # a remote reference to a storage server
+ storage_index,
+ secrets, # (write_enabler, renew_secret, cancel_secret)
+ seqnum, # the sequence number of the mutable file
+ required_shares,
+ total_shares,
+ segment_size,
+ data_length): # the length of the original file
+ self.shnum = shnum
+ self._rref = rref
+ self._storage_index = storage_index
+ self._seqnum = seqnum
+ self._required_shares = required_shares
+ assert self.shnum >= 0 and self.shnum < total_shares
+ self._total_shares = total_shares
+ # We build up the offset table as we write things. It is the
+ # last thing we write to the remote server.
+ self._offsets = {}
+ self._testvs = []
+ # This is a list of write vectors that will be sent to our
+ # remote server once we are directed to write things there.
+ self._writevs = []
+ self._secrets = secrets
+ # The segment size needs to be a multiple of the k parameter --
+ # any padding should have been carried out by the publisher
+ # already.
+ assert segment_size % required_shares == 0
+ self._segment_size = segment_size
+ self._data_length = data_length
+ # These are set later -- we define them here so that we can
+ # check for their existence easily
+ # This is the root of the share hash tree -- the Merkle tree
+ # over the roots of the block hash trees computed for shares in
+ # this upload.
+ self._root_hash = None
+ # We haven't yet written anything to the remote bucket. By
+ # setting this, we tell the _write method as much. The write
+ # method will then know that it also needs to add a write vector
+ # for the checkstring (or what we have of it) to the first write
+ # request. We'll then record that value for future use. If
+ # we're expecting something to be there already, we need to call
+ # set_checkstring before we write anything to tell the first
+ # write about that.
+ self._written = False
+ # When writing data to the storage servers, we get a read vector
+ # for free. We'll read the checkstring, which will help us
+ # figure out what's gone wrong if a write fails.
+ self._readv = [(0, struct.calcsize(MDMFCHECKSTRING))]
+ # We calculate the number of segments because it tells us
+ # where the salt part of the file ends/share segment begins,
+ # and also because it provides a useful amount of bounds checking.
+ self._num_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(self._data_length,
+ self._segment_size)
+ self._block_size = self._segment_size / self._required_shares
+ # We also calculate the share size, to help us with block
+ # constraints later.
+ tail_size = self._data_length % self._segment_size
+ if not tail_size:
+ self._tail_block_size = self._block_size
+ else:
+ self._tail_block_size = mathutil.next_multiple(tail_size,
+ self._required_shares)
+ self._tail_block_size /= self._required_shares
+ # We already know where the sharedata starts; right after the end
+ # of the header (which is defined as the signable part + the offsets)
+ # We can also calculate where the encrypted private key begins
+ # from what we know know.
+ self._actual_block_size = self._block_size + SALT_SIZE
+ data_size = self._actual_block_size * (self._num_segments - 1)
+ data_size += self._tail_block_size
+ data_size += SALT_SIZE
+ self._offsets['enc_privkey'] = MDMFHEADERSIZE
+ # We don't define offsets for these because we want them to be
+ # tightly packed -- this allows us to ignore the responsibility
+ # of padding individual values, and of removing that padding
+ # later. So nonconstant_start is where we start writing
+ # nonconstant data.
+ nonconstant_start = self._offsets['enc_privkey']
+ nonconstant_start += PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE
+ nonconstant_start += SIGNATURE_SIZE
+ nonconstant_start += VERIFICATION_KEY_SIZE
+ nonconstant_start += SHARE_HASH_CHAIN_SIZE
+ self._offsets['share_data'] = nonconstant_start
+ # Finally, we know how big the share data will be, so we can
+ # figure out where the block hash tree needs to go.
+ # XXX: But this will go away if Zooko wants to make it so that
+ # you don't need to know the size of the file before you start
+ # uploading it.
+ self._offsets['block_hash_tree'] = self._offsets['share_data'] + \
+ data_size
+ # Done. We can snow start writing.
+ def set_checkstring(self,
+ seqnum_or_checkstring,
+ root_hash=None,
+ salt=None):
+ """
+ Set checkstring checkstring for the given shnum.
+ This can be invoked in one of two ways.
+ With one argument, I assume that you are giving me a literal
+ checkstring -- e.g., the output of get_checkstring. I will then
+ set that checkstring as it is. This form is used by unit tests.
+ With two arguments, I assume that you are giving me a sequence
+ number and root hash to make a checkstring from. In that case, I
+ will build a checkstring and set it for you. This form is used
+ by the publisher.
+ By default, I assume that I am writing new shares to the grid.
+ If you don't explcitly set your own checkstring, I will use
+ one that requires that the remote share not exist. You will want
+ to use this method if you are updating a share in-place;
+ otherwise, writes will fail.
+ """
+ # You're allowed to overwrite checkstrings with this method;
+ # I assume that users know what they are doing when they call
+ # it.
+ if root_hash:
+ checkstring = struct.pack(MDMFCHECKSTRING,
+ 1,
+ seqnum_or_checkstring,
+ root_hash)
+ else:
+ checkstring = seqnum_or_checkstring
+ if checkstring == "":
+ # We special-case this, since len("") = 0, but we need
+ # length of 1 for the case of an empty share to work on the
+ # storage server, which is what a checkstring that is the
+ # empty string means.
+ self._testvs = []
+ else:
+ self._testvs = []
+ self._testvs.append((0, len(checkstring), "eq", checkstring))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "MDMFSlotWriteProxy for share %d" % self.shnum
+ def get_checkstring(self):
+ """
+ Given a share number, I return a representation of what the
+ checkstring for that share on the server will look like.
+ I am mostly used for tests.
+ """
+ if self._root_hash:
+ roothash = self._root_hash
+ else:
+ roothash = "\x00" * 32
+ return struct.pack(MDMFCHECKSTRING,
+ 1,
+ self._seqnum,
+ roothash)
+ def put_block(self, data, segnum, salt):
+ """
+ I queue a write vector for the data, salt, and segment number
+ provided to me. I return None, as I do not actually cause
+ anything to be written yet.
+ """
+ if segnum >= self._num_segments:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("I won't overwrite the block hash tree")
+ if len(salt) != SALT_SIZE:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("I was given a salt of size %d, but "
+ "I wanted a salt of size %d")
+ if segnum + 1 == self._num_segments:
+ if len(data) != self._tail_block_size:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("I was given the wrong size block to write")
+ elif len(data) != self._block_size:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("I was given the wrong size block to write")
+ # We want to write at len(MDMFHEADER) + segnum * block_size.
+ offset = self._offsets['share_data'] + \
+ (self._actual_block_size * segnum)
+ data = salt + data
+ self._writevs.append(tuple([offset, data]))
+ def put_encprivkey(self, encprivkey):
+ """
+ I queue a write vector for the encrypted private key provided to
+ me.
+ """
+ assert self._offsets
+ assert self._offsets['enc_privkey']
+ # You shouldn't re-write the encprivkey after the block hash
+ # tree is written, since that could cause the private key to run
+ # into the block hash tree. Before it writes the block hash
+ # tree, the block hash tree writing method writes the offset of
+ # the share hash chain. So that's a good indicator of whether or
+ # not the block hash tree has been written.
+ if "signature" in self._offsets:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("You can't put the encrypted private key "
+ "after putting the share hash chain")
+ self._offsets['share_hash_chain'] = self._offsets['enc_privkey'] + \
+ len(encprivkey)
+ self._writevs.append(tuple([self._offsets['enc_privkey'], encprivkey]))
+ def put_blockhashes(self, blockhashes):
+ """
+ I queue a write vector to put the block hash tree in blockhashes
+ onto the remote server.
+ The encrypted private key must be queued before the block hash
+ tree, since we need to know how large it is to know where the
+ block hash tree should go. The block hash tree must be put
+ before the share hash chain, since its size determines the
+ offset of the share hash chain.
+ """
+ assert self._offsets
+ assert "block_hash_tree" in self._offsets
+ assert isinstance(blockhashes, list)
+ blockhashes_s = "".join(blockhashes)
+ self._offsets['EOF'] = self._offsets['block_hash_tree'] + len(blockhashes_s)
+ self._writevs.append(tuple([self._offsets['block_hash_tree'],
+ blockhashes_s]))
+ def put_sharehashes(self, sharehashes):
+ """
+ I queue a write vector to put the share hash chain in my
+ argument onto the remote server.
+ The block hash tree must be queued before the share hash chain,
+ since we need to know where the block hash tree ends before we
+ can know where the share hash chain starts. The share hash chain
+ must be put before the signature, since the length of the packed
+ share hash chain determines the offset of the signature. Also,
+ semantically, you must know what the root of the block hash tree
+ is before you can generate a valid signature.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(sharehashes, dict)
+ assert self._offsets
+ if "share_hash_chain" not in self._offsets:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("You must put the block hash tree before "
+ "putting the share hash chain")
+ # The signature comes after the share hash chain. If the
+ # signature has already been written, we must not write another
+ # share hash chain. The signature writes the verification key
+ # offset when it gets sent to the remote server, so we look for
+ # that.
+ if "verification_key" in self._offsets:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("You must write the share hash chain "
+ "before you write the signature")
+ sharehashes_s = "".join([struct.pack(">H32s", i, sharehashes[i])
+ for i in sorted(sharehashes.keys())])
+ self._offsets['signature'] = self._offsets['share_hash_chain'] + \
+ len(sharehashes_s)
+ self._writevs.append(tuple([self._offsets['share_hash_chain'],
+ sharehashes_s]))
+ def put_root_hash(self, roothash):
+ """
+ Put the root hash (the root of the share hash tree) in the
+ remote slot.
+ """
+ # It does not make sense to be able to put the root
+ # hash without first putting the share hashes, since you need
+ # the share hashes to generate the root hash.
+ #
+ # Signature is defined by the routine that places the share hash
+ # chain, so it's a good thing to look for in finding out whether
+ # or not the share hash chain exists on the remote server.
+ if len(roothash) != HASH_SIZE:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("hashes and salts must be exactly %d bytes"
+ self._root_hash = roothash
+ # To write both of these values, we update the checkstring on
+ # the remote server, which includes them
+ checkstring = self.get_checkstring()
+ self._writevs.append(tuple([0, checkstring]))
+ # This write, if successful, changes the checkstring, so we need
+ # to update our internal checkstring to be consistent with the
+ # one on the server.
+ def get_signable(self):
+ """
+ Get the first seven fields of the mutable file; the parts that
+ are signed.
+ """
+ if not self._root_hash:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("You need to set the root hash "
+ "before getting something to "
+ "sign")
+ return struct.pack(MDMFSIGNABLEHEADER,
+ 1,
+ self._seqnum,
+ self._root_hash,
+ self._required_shares,
+ self._total_shares,
+ self._segment_size,
+ self._data_length)
+ def put_signature(self, signature):
+ """
+ I queue a write vector for the signature of the MDMF share.
+ I require that the root hash and share hash chain have been put
+ to the grid before I will write the signature to the grid.
+ """
+ if "signature" not in self._offsets:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("You must put the share hash chain "
+ # It does not make sense to put a signature without first
+ # putting the root hash and the salt hash (since otherwise
+ # the signature would be incomplete), so we don't allow that.
+ "before putting the signature")
+ if not self._root_hash:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("You must complete the signed prefix "
+ "before computing a signature")
+ # If we put the signature after we put the verification key, we
+ # could end up running into the verification key, and will
+ # probably screw up the offsets as well. So we don't allow that.
+ if "verification_key_end" in self._offsets:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("You can't put the signature after the "
+ "verification key")
+ # The method that writes the verification key defines the EOF
+ # offset before writing the verification key, so look for that.
+ self._offsets['verification_key'] = self._offsets['signature'] +\
+ len(signature)
+ self._writevs.append(tuple([self._offsets['signature'], signature]))
+ def put_verification_key(self, verification_key):
+ """
+ I queue a write vector for the verification key.
+ I require that the signature have been written to the storage
+ server before I allow the verification key to be written to the
+ remote server.
+ """
+ if "verification_key" not in self._offsets:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("You must put the signature before you "
+ "can put the verification key")
+ self._offsets['verification_key_end'] = \
+ self._offsets['verification_key'] + len(verification_key)
+ assert self._offsets['verification_key_end'] <= self._offsets['share_data']
+ self._writevs.append(tuple([self._offsets['verification_key'],
+ verification_key]))
+ def _get_offsets_tuple(self):
+ return tuple([(key, value) for key, value in self._offsets.items()])
+ def get_verinfo(self):
+ return (self._seqnum,
+ self._root_hash,
+ self._required_shares,
+ self._total_shares,
+ self._segment_size,
+ self._data_length,
+ self.get_signable(),
+ self._get_offsets_tuple())
+ def finish_publishing(self):
+ """
+ I add a write vector for the offsets table, and then cause all
+ of the write vectors that I've dealt with so far to be published
+ to the remote server, ending the write process.
+ """
+ if "verification_key_end" not in self._offsets:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("You must put the verification key before "
+ "you can publish the offsets")
+ offsets_offset = struct.calcsize(MDMFHEADERWITHOUTOFFSETS)
+ offsets = struct.pack(MDMFOFFSETS,
+ self._offsets['enc_privkey'],
+ self._offsets['share_hash_chain'],
+ self._offsets['signature'],
+ self._offsets['verification_key'],
+ self._offsets['verification_key_end'],
+ self._offsets['share_data'],
+ self._offsets['block_hash_tree'],
+ self._offsets['EOF'])
+ self._writevs.append(tuple([offsets_offset, offsets]))
+ encoding_parameters_offset = struct.calcsize(MDMFCHECKSTRING)
+ params = struct.pack(">BBQQ",
+ self._required_shares,
+ self._total_shares,
+ self._segment_size,
+ self._data_length)
+ self._writevs.append(tuple([encoding_parameters_offset, params]))
+ return self._write(self._writevs)
+ def _write(self, datavs, on_failure=None, on_success=None):
+ """I write the data vectors in datavs to the remote slot."""
+ tw_vectors = {}
+ if not self._testvs:
+ self._testvs = []
+ self._testvs.append(tuple([0, 1, "eq", ""]))
+ if not self._written:
+ # Write a new checkstring to the share when we write it, so
+ # that we have something to check later.
+ new_checkstring = self.get_checkstring()
+ datavs.append((0, new_checkstring))
+ def _first_write():
+ self._written = True
+ self._testvs = [(0, len(new_checkstring), "eq", new_checkstring)]
+ on_success = _first_write
+ tw_vectors[self.shnum] = (self._testvs, datavs, None)
+ d = self._rref.callRemote("slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev",
+ self._storage_index,
+ self._secrets,
+ tw_vectors,
+ self._readv)
+ def _result(results):
+ if isinstance(results, failure.Failure) or not results[0]:
+ # Do nothing; the write was unsuccessful.
+ if on_failure: on_failure()
+ else:
+ if on_success: on_success()
+ return results
+ d.addCallback(_result)
+ return d
+class MDMFSlotReadProxy:
+ """
+ I read from a mutable slot filled with data written in the MDMF data
+ format (which is described above).
+ I can be initialized with some amount of data, which I will use (if
+ it is valid) to eliminate some of the need to fetch it from servers.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ rref,
+ storage_index,
+ shnum,
+ data=""):
+ # Start the initialization process.
+ self._rref = rref
+ self._storage_index = storage_index
+ self.shnum = shnum
+ # Before doing anything, the reader is probably going to want to
+ # verify that the signature is correct. To do that, they'll need
+ # the verification key, and the signature. To get those, we'll
+ # need the offset table. So fetch the offset table on the
+ # assumption that that will be the first thing that a reader is
+ # going to do.
+ # The fact that these encoding parameters are None tells us
+ # that we haven't yet fetched them from the remote share, so we
+ # should. We could just not set them, but the checks will be
+ # easier to read if we don't have to use hasattr.
+ self._version_number = None
+ self._sequence_number = None
+ self._root_hash = None
+ # Filled in if we're dealing with an SDMF file. Unused
+ # otherwise.
+ self._salt = None
+ self._required_shares = None
+ self._total_shares = None
+ self._segment_size = None
+ self._data_length = None
+ self._offsets = None
+ # If the user has chosen to initialize us with some data, we'll
+ # try to satisfy subsequent data requests with that data before
+ # asking the storage server for it. If
+ self._data = data
+ # The way callers interact with cache in the filenode returns
+ # None if there isn't any cached data, but the way we index the
+ # cached data requires a string, so convert None to "".
+ if self._data == None:
+ self._data = ""
+ self._queue_observers = observer.ObserverList()
+ self._queue_errbacks = observer.ObserverList()
+ self._readvs = []
+ def _maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header(self, force_remote=False):
+ """
+ I fetch the offset table and the header from the remote slot if
+ I don't already have them. If I do have them, I do nothing and
+ return an empty Deferred.
+ """
+ if self._offsets:
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ # At this point, we may be either SDMF or MDMF. Fetching 107
+ # bytes will be enough to get header and offsets for both SDMF and
+ # MDMF, though we'll be left with 4 more bytes than we
+ # need if this ends up being MDMF. This is probably less
+ # expensive than the cost of a second roundtrip.
+ readvs = [(0, 123)]
+ d = self._read(readvs, force_remote)
+ d.addCallback(self._process_encoding_parameters)
+ d.addCallback(self._process_offsets)
+ return d
+ def _process_encoding_parameters(self, encoding_parameters):
+ assert self.shnum in encoding_parameters
+ encoding_parameters = encoding_parameters[self.shnum][0]
+ # The first byte is the version number. It will tell us what
+ # to do next.
+ (verno,) = struct.unpack(">B", encoding_parameters[:1])
+ if verno == MDMF_VERSION:
+ (verno,
+ seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ k,
+ n,
+ segsize,
+ datalen) = struct.unpack(MDMFHEADERWITHOUTOFFSETS,
+ encoding_parameters[:read_size])
+ if segsize == 0 and datalen == 0:
+ # Empty file, no segments.
+ self._num_segments = 0
+ else:
+ self._num_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(datalen, segsize)
+ elif verno == SDMF_VERSION:
+ (verno,
+ seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ salt,
+ k,
+ n,
+ segsize,
+ datalen) = struct.unpack(">BQ32s16s BBQQ",
+ encoding_parameters[:SIGNED_PREFIX_LENGTH])
+ self._salt = salt
+ if segsize == 0 and datalen == 0:
+ # empty file
+ self._num_segments = 0
+ else:
+ # non-empty SDMF files have one segment.
+ self._num_segments = 1
+ else:
+ raise UnknownVersionError("You asked me to read mutable file "
+ "version %d, but I only understand "
+ "%d and %d" % (verno, SDMF_VERSION,
+ self._version_number = verno
+ self._sequence_number = seqnum
+ self._root_hash = root_hash
+ self._required_shares = k
+ self._total_shares = n
+ self._segment_size = segsize
+ self._data_length = datalen
+ self._block_size = self._segment_size / self._required_shares
+ # We can upload empty files, and need to account for this fact
+ # so as to avoid zero-division and zero-modulo errors.
+ if datalen > 0:
+ tail_size = self._data_length % self._segment_size
+ else:
+ tail_size = 0
+ if not tail_size:
+ self._tail_block_size = self._block_size
+ else:
+ self._tail_block_size = mathutil.next_multiple(tail_size,
+ self._required_shares)
+ self._tail_block_size /= self._required_shares
+ return encoding_parameters
+ def _process_offsets(self, offsets):
+ if self._version_number == 0:
+ read_size = OFFSETS_LENGTH
+ read_offset = SIGNED_PREFIX_LENGTH
+ end = read_size + read_offset
+ (signature,
+ share_hash_chain,
+ block_hash_tree,
+ share_data,
+ enc_privkey,
+ EOF) = struct.unpack(">LLLLQQ",
+ offsets[read_offset:end])
+ self._offsets = {}
+ self._offsets['signature'] = signature
+ self._offsets['share_data'] = share_data
+ self._offsets['block_hash_tree'] = block_hash_tree
+ self._offsets['share_hash_chain'] = share_hash_chain
+ self._offsets['enc_privkey'] = enc_privkey
+ self._offsets['EOF'] = EOF
+ elif self._version_number == 1:
+ read_length = MDMFOFFSETS_LENGTH
+ end = read_offset + read_length
+ (encprivkey,
+ sharehashes,
+ signature,
+ verification_key,
+ verification_key_end,
+ sharedata,
+ blockhashes,
+ eof) = struct.unpack(MDMFOFFSETS,
+ offsets[read_offset:end])
+ self._offsets = {}
+ self._offsets['enc_privkey'] = encprivkey
+ self._offsets['block_hash_tree'] = blockhashes
+ self._offsets['share_hash_chain'] = sharehashes
+ self._offsets['signature'] = signature
+ self._offsets['verification_key'] = verification_key
+ self._offsets['verification_key_end']= \
+ verification_key_end
+ self._offsets['EOF'] = eof
+ self._offsets['share_data'] = sharedata
+ def get_block_and_salt(self, segnum, queue=False):
+ """
+ I return (block, salt), where block is the block data and
+ salt is the salt used to encrypt that segment.
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ def _then(ignored):
+ base_share_offset = self._offsets['share_data']
+ if segnum + 1 > self._num_segments:
+ raise LayoutInvalid("Not a valid segment number")
+ if self._version_number == 0:
+ share_offset = base_share_offset + self._block_size * segnum
+ else:
+ share_offset = base_share_offset + (self._block_size + \
+ SALT_SIZE) * segnum
+ if segnum + 1 == self._num_segments:
+ data = self._tail_block_size
+ else:
+ data = self._block_size
+ if self._version_number == 1:
+ data += SALT_SIZE
+ readvs = [(share_offset, data)]
+ return readvs
+ d.addCallback(_then)
+ d.addCallback(lambda readvs:
+ self._read(readvs, queue=queue))
+ def _process_results(results):
+ assert self.shnum in results
+ if self._version_number == 0:
+ # We only read the share data, but we know the salt from
+ # when we fetched the header
+ data = results[self.shnum]
+ if not data:
+ data = ""
+ else:
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ data = data[0]
+ salt = self._salt
+ else:
+ data = results[self.shnum]
+ if not data:
+ salt = data = ""
+ else:
+ salt_and_data = results[self.shnum][0]
+ salt = salt_and_data[:SALT_SIZE]
+ data = salt_and_data[SALT_SIZE:]
+ return data, salt
+ d.addCallback(_process_results)
+ return d
+ def get_blockhashes(self, needed=None, queue=False, force_remote=False):
+ """
+ I return the block hash tree
+ I take an optional argument, needed, which is a set of indices
+ correspond to hashes that I should fetch. If this argument is
+ missing, I will fetch the entire block hash tree; otherwise, I
+ may attempt to fetch fewer hashes, based on what needed says
+ that I should do. Note that I may fetch as many hashes as I
+ want, so long as the set of hashes that I do fetch is a superset
+ of the ones that I am asked for, so callers should be prepared
+ to tolerate additional hashes.
+ """
+ # TODO: Return only the parts of the block hash tree necessary
+ # to validate the blocknum provided?
+ # This is a good idea, but it is hard to implement correctly. It
+ # is bad to fetch any one block hash more than once, so we
+ # probably just want to fetch the whole thing at once and then
+ # serve it.
+ if needed == set([]):
+ return defer.succeed([])
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ def _then(ignored):
+ blockhashes_offset = self._offsets['block_hash_tree']
+ if self._version_number == 1:
+ blockhashes_length = self._offsets['EOF'] - blockhashes_offset
+ else:
+ blockhashes_length = self._offsets['share_data'] - blockhashes_offset
+ readvs = [(blockhashes_offset, blockhashes_length)]
+ return readvs
+ d.addCallback(_then)
+ d.addCallback(lambda readvs:
+ self._read(readvs, queue=queue, force_remote=force_remote))
+ def _build_block_hash_tree(results):
+ assert self.shnum in results
+ rawhashes = results[self.shnum][0]
+ results = [rawhashes[i:i+HASH_SIZE]
+ for i in range(0, len(rawhashes), HASH_SIZE)]
+ return results
+ d.addCallback(_build_block_hash_tree)
+ return d
+ def get_sharehashes(self, needed=None, queue=False, force_remote=False):
+ """
+ I return the part of the share hash chain placed to validate
+ this share.
+ I take an optional argument, needed. Needed is a set of indices
+ that correspond to the hashes that I should fetch. If needed is
+ not present, I will fetch and return the entire share hash
+ chain. Otherwise, I may fetch and return any part of the share
+ hash chain that is a superset of the part that I am asked to
+ fetch. Callers should be prepared to deal with more hashes than
+ they've asked for.
+ """
+ if needed == set([]):
+ return defer.succeed([])
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ def _make_readvs(ignored):
+ sharehashes_offset = self._offsets['share_hash_chain']
+ if self._version_number == 0:
+ sharehashes_length = self._offsets['block_hash_tree'] - sharehashes_offset
+ else:
+ sharehashes_length = self._offsets['signature'] - sharehashes_offset
+ readvs = [(sharehashes_offset, sharehashes_length)]
+ return readvs
+ d.addCallback(_make_readvs)
+ d.addCallback(lambda readvs:
+ self._read(readvs, queue=queue, force_remote=force_remote))
+ def _build_share_hash_chain(results):
+ assert self.shnum in results
+ sharehashes = results[self.shnum][0]
+ results = [sharehashes[i:i+(HASH_SIZE + 2)]
+ for i in range(0, len(sharehashes), HASH_SIZE + 2)]
+ results = dict([struct.unpack(">H32s", data)
+ for data in results])
+ return results
+ d.addCallback(_build_share_hash_chain)
+ return d
+ def get_encprivkey(self, queue=False):
+ """
+ I return the encrypted private key.
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ def _make_readvs(ignored):
+ privkey_offset = self._offsets['enc_privkey']
+ if self._version_number == 0:
+ privkey_length = self._offsets['EOF'] - privkey_offset
+ else:
+ privkey_length = self._offsets['share_hash_chain'] - privkey_offset
+ readvs = [(privkey_offset, privkey_length)]
+ return readvs
+ d.addCallback(_make_readvs)
+ d.addCallback(lambda readvs:
+ self._read(readvs, queue=queue))
+ def _process_results(results):
+ assert self.shnum in results
+ privkey = results[self.shnum][0]
+ return privkey
+ d.addCallback(_process_results)
+ return d
+ def get_signature(self, queue=False):
+ """
+ I return the signature of my share.
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ def _make_readvs(ignored):
+ signature_offset = self._offsets['signature']
+ if self._version_number == 1:
+ signature_length = self._offsets['verification_key'] - signature_offset
+ else:
+ signature_length = self._offsets['share_hash_chain'] - signature_offset
+ readvs = [(signature_offset, signature_length)]
+ return readvs
+ d.addCallback(_make_readvs)
+ d.addCallback(lambda readvs:
+ self._read(readvs, queue=queue))
+ def _process_results(results):
+ assert self.shnum in results
+ signature = results[self.shnum][0]
+ return signature
+ d.addCallback(_process_results)
+ return d
+ def get_verification_key(self, queue=False):
+ """
+ I return the verification key.
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ def _make_readvs(ignored):
+ if self._version_number == 1:
+ vk_offset = self._offsets['verification_key']
+ vk_length = self._offsets['verification_key_end'] - vk_offset
+ else:
+ vk_offset = struct.calcsize(">BQ32s16sBBQQLLLLQQ")
+ vk_length = self._offsets['signature'] - vk_offset
+ readvs = [(vk_offset, vk_length)]
+ return readvs
+ d.addCallback(_make_readvs)
+ d.addCallback(lambda readvs:
+ self._read(readvs, queue=queue))
+ def _process_results(results):
+ assert self.shnum in results
+ verification_key = results[self.shnum][0]
+ return verification_key
+ d.addCallback(_process_results)
+ return d
+ def get_encoding_parameters(self):
+ """
+ I return (k, n, segsize, datalen)
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ (self._required_shares,
+ self._total_shares,
+ self._segment_size,
+ self._data_length))
+ return d
+ def get_seqnum(self):
+ """
+ I return the sequence number for this share.
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self._sequence_number)
+ return d
+ def get_root_hash(self):
+ """
+ I return the root of the block hash tree
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self._root_hash)
+ return d
+ def get_checkstring(self):
+ """
+ I return the packed representation of the following:
+ - version number
+ - sequence number
+ - root hash
+ - salt hash
+ which my users use as a checkstring to detect other writers.
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ def _build_checkstring(ignored):
+ if self._salt:
+ checkstring = struct.pack(PREFIX,
+ self._version_number,
+ self._sequence_number,
+ self._root_hash,
+ self._salt)
+ else:
+ checkstring = struct.pack(MDMFCHECKSTRING,
+ self._version_number,
+ self._sequence_number,
+ self._root_hash)
+ return checkstring
+ d.addCallback(_build_checkstring)
+ return d
+ def get_prefix(self, force_remote):
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header(force_remote)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self._build_prefix())
+ return d
+ def _build_prefix(self):
+ # The prefix is another name for the part of the remote share
+ # that gets signed. It consists of everything up to and
+ # including the datalength, packed by struct.
+ if self._version_number == SDMF_VERSION:
+ return struct.pack(SIGNED_PREFIX,
+ self._version_number,
+ self._sequence_number,
+ self._root_hash,
+ self._salt,
+ self._required_shares,
+ self._total_shares,
+ self._segment_size,
+ self._data_length)
+ else:
+ return struct.pack(MDMFSIGNABLEHEADER,
+ self._version_number,
+ self._sequence_number,
+ self._root_hash,
+ self._required_shares,
+ self._total_shares,
+ self._segment_size,
+ self._data_length)
+ def _get_offsets_tuple(self):
+ # The offsets tuple is another component of the version
+ # information tuple. It is basically our offsets dictionary,
+ # itemized and in a tuple.
+ return self._offsets.copy()
+ def get_verinfo(self):
+ """
+ I return my verinfo tuple. This is used by the ServermapUpdater
+ to keep track of versions of mutable files.
+ The verinfo tuple for MDMF files contains:
+ - seqnum
+ - root hash
+ - a blank (nothing)
+ - segsize
+ - datalen
+ - k
+ - n
+ - prefix (the thing that you sign)
+ - a tuple of offsets
+ We include the nonce in MDMF to simplify processing of version
+ information tuples.
+ The verinfo tuple for SDMF files is the same, but contains a
+ 16-byte IV instead of a hash of salts.
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ def _build_verinfo(ignored):
+ if self._version_number == SDMF_VERSION:
+ salt_to_use = self._salt
+ else:
+ salt_to_use = None
+ return (self._sequence_number,
+ self._root_hash,
+ salt_to_use,
+ self._segment_size,
+ self._data_length,
+ self._required_shares,
+ self._total_shares,
+ self._build_prefix(),
+ self._get_offsets_tuple())
+ d.addCallback(_build_verinfo)
+ return d
+ def flush(self):
+ """
+ I flush my queue of read vectors.
+ """
+ d = self._read(self._readvs)
+ def _then(results):
+ self._readvs = []
+ if isinstance(results, failure.Failure):
+ self._queue_errbacks.notify(results)
+ else:
+ self._queue_observers.notify(results)
+ self._queue_observers = observer.ObserverList()
+ self._queue_errbacks = observer.ObserverList()
+ d.addBoth(_then)
+ def _read(self, readvs, force_remote=False, queue=False):
+ unsatisfiable = filter(lambda x: x[0] + x[1] > len(self._data), readvs)
+ # TODO: It's entirely possible to tweak this so that it just
+ # fulfills the requests that it can, and not demand that all
+ # requests are satisfiable before running it.
+ if not unsatisfiable and not force_remote:
+ results = [self._data[offset:offset+length]
+ for (offset, length) in readvs]
+ results = {self.shnum: results}
+ return defer.succeed(results)
+ else:
+ if queue:
+ start = len(self._readvs)
+ self._readvs += readvs
+ end = len(self._readvs)
+ def _get_results(results, start, end):
+ if not self.shnum in results:
+ return {self._shnum: [""]}
+ return {self.shnum: results[self.shnum][start:end]}
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ d.addCallback(_get_results, start, end)
+ self._queue_observers.subscribe(d.callback)
+ self._queue_errbacks.subscribe(d.errback)
+ return d
+ return self._rref.callRemote("slot_readv",
+ self._storage_index,
+ [self.shnum],
+ readvs)
+ def is_sdmf(self):
+ """I tell my caller whether or not my remote file is SDMF or MDMF
+ """
+ d = self._maybe_fetch_offsets_and_header()
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self._version_number == 0)
+ return d
+class LayoutInvalid(Exception):
+ """
+ This isn't a valid MDMF mutable file
+ """
-import time, os.path, platform, stat, re, simplejson, struct
+import time, os.path, platform, stat, re, simplejson, struct, shutil
import mock
from allmydata.storage.expirer import LeaseCheckingCrawler
from allmydata.immutable.layout import WriteBucketProxy, WriteBucketProxy_v2, \
+from allmydata.mutable.layout import MDMFSlotWriteProxy, MDMFSlotReadProxy, \
+ MDMFOFFSETS, SDMFSlotWriteProxy, \
from allmydata.interfaces import BadWriteEnablerError
-from allmydata.test.common import LoggingServiceParent
+from allmydata.test.common import LoggingServiceParent, ShouldFailMixin
from allmydata.test.common_web import WebRenderingMixin
from allmydata.test.no_network import NoNetworkServer
from allmydata.web.storage import StorageStatus, remove_prefix
class RemoteBucket:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.read_count = 0
+ self.write_count = 0
def callRemote(self, methname, *args, **kwargs):
def _call():
meth = getattr(self.target, "remote_" + methname)
return meth(*args, **kwargs)
+ if methname == "slot_readv":
+ self.read_count += 1
+ if "writev" in methname:
+ self.write_count += 1
return defer.maybeDeferred(_call)
class BucketProxy(unittest.TestCase):
def make_bucket(self, name, size):
basedir = os.path.join("storage", "BucketProxy", name)
self.failUnless(os.path.exists(prefixdir), prefixdir)
self.failIf(os.path.exists(bucketdir), bucketdir)
+class MDMFProxies(unittest.TestCase, ShouldFailMixin):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.sparent = LoggingServiceParent()
+ self._lease_secret = itertools.count()
+ self.ss = self.create("MDMFProxies storage test server")
+ self.rref = RemoteBucket()
+ self.rref.target = self.ss
+ self.secrets = (self.write_enabler("we_secret"),
+ self.renew_secret("renew_secret"),
+ self.cancel_secret("cancel_secret"))
+ self.segment = "aaaaaa"
+ self.block = "aa"
+ self.salt = "a" * 16
+ self.block_hash = "a" * 32
+ self.block_hash_tree = [self.block_hash for i in xrange(6)]
+ self.share_hash = self.block_hash
+ self.share_hash_chain = dict([(i, self.share_hash) for i in xrange(6)])
+ self.signature = "foobarbaz"
+ self.verification_key = "vvvvvv"
+ self.encprivkey = "private"
+ self.root_hash = self.block_hash
+ self.salt_hash = self.root_hash
+ self.salt_hash_tree = [self.salt_hash for i in xrange(6)]
+ self.block_hash_tree_s = self.serialize_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree)
+ self.share_hash_chain_s = self.serialize_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain)
+ # blockhashes and salt hashes are serialized in the same way,
+ # only we lop off the first element and store that in the
+ # header.
+ self.salt_hash_tree_s = self.serialize_blockhashes(self.salt_hash_tree[1:])
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.sparent.stopService()
+ shutil.rmtree(self.workdir("MDMFProxies storage test server"))
+ def write_enabler(self, we_tag):
+ return hashutil.tagged_hash("we_blah", we_tag)
+ def renew_secret(self, tag):
+ return hashutil.tagged_hash("renew_blah", str(tag))
+ def cancel_secret(self, tag):
+ return hashutil.tagged_hash("cancel_blah", str(tag))
+ def workdir(self, name):
+ basedir = os.path.join("storage", "MutableServer", name)
+ return basedir
+ def create(self, name):
+ workdir = self.workdir(name)
+ ss = StorageServer(workdir, "\x00" * 20)
+ ss.setServiceParent(self.sparent)
+ return ss
+ def build_test_mdmf_share(self, tail_segment=False, empty=False):
+ # Start with the checkstring
+ data = struct.pack(">BQ32s",
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ self.root_hash)
+ self.checkstring = data
+ # Next, the encoding parameters
+ if tail_segment:
+ data += struct.pack(">BBQQ",
+ 3,
+ 10,
+ 6,
+ 33)
+ elif empty:
+ data += struct.pack(">BBQQ",
+ 3,
+ 10,
+ 0,
+ 0)
+ else:
+ data += struct.pack(">BBQQ",
+ 3,
+ 10,
+ 6,
+ 36)
+ # Now we'll build the offsets.
+ sharedata = ""
+ if not tail_segment and not empty:
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ sharedata += self.salt + self.block
+ elif tail_segment:
+ for i in xrange(5):
+ sharedata += self.salt + self.block
+ sharedata += self.salt + "a"
+ # The encrypted private key comes after the shares + salts
+ offset_size = struct.calcsize(MDMFOFFSETS)
+ encrypted_private_key_offset = len(data) + offset_size
+ # The share has chain comes after the private key
+ sharehashes_offset = encrypted_private_key_offset + \
+ len(self.encprivkey)
+ # The signature comes after the share hash chain.
+ signature_offset = sharehashes_offset + len(self.share_hash_chain_s)
+ verification_key_offset = signature_offset + len(self.signature)
+ verification_key_end = verification_key_offset + \
+ len(self.verification_key)
+ share_data_offset = offset_size
+ share_data_offset += PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE
+ share_data_offset += SIGNATURE_SIZE
+ share_data_offset += VERIFICATION_KEY_SIZE
+ share_data_offset += SHARE_HASH_CHAIN_SIZE
+ blockhashes_offset = share_data_offset + len(sharedata)
+ eof_offset = blockhashes_offset + len(self.block_hash_tree_s)
+ data += struct.pack(MDMFOFFSETS,
+ encrypted_private_key_offset,
+ sharehashes_offset,
+ signature_offset,
+ verification_key_offset,
+ verification_key_end,
+ share_data_offset,
+ blockhashes_offset,
+ eof_offset)
+ self.offsets = {}
+ self.offsets['enc_privkey'] = encrypted_private_key_offset
+ self.offsets['block_hash_tree'] = blockhashes_offset
+ self.offsets['share_hash_chain'] = sharehashes_offset
+ self.offsets['signature'] = signature_offset
+ self.offsets['verification_key'] = verification_key_offset
+ self.offsets['share_data'] = share_data_offset
+ self.offsets['verification_key_end'] = verification_key_end
+ self.offsets['EOF'] = eof_offset
+ # the private key,
+ data += self.encprivkey
+ # the sharehashes
+ data += self.share_hash_chain_s
+ # the signature,
+ data += self.signature
+ # and the verification key
+ data += self.verification_key
+ # Then we'll add in gibberish until we get to the right point.
+ nulls = "".join([" " for i in xrange(len(data), share_data_offset)])
+ data += nulls
+ # Then the share data
+ data += sharedata
+ # the blockhashes
+ data += self.block_hash_tree_s
+ return data
+ def write_test_share_to_server(self,
+ storage_index,
+ tail_segment=False,
+ empty=False):
+ """
+ I write some data for the read tests to read to self.ss
+ If tail_segment=True, then I will write a share that has a
+ smaller tail segment than other segments.
+ """
+ write = self.ss.remote_slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev
+ data = self.build_test_mdmf_share(tail_segment, empty)
+ # Finally, we write the whole thing to the storage server in one
+ # pass.
+ testvs = [(0, 1, "eq", "")]
+ tws = {}
+ tws[0] = (testvs, [(0, data)], None)
+ readv = [(0, 1)]
+ results = write(storage_index, self.secrets, tws, readv)
+ self.failUnless(results[0])
+ def build_test_sdmf_share(self, empty=False):
+ if empty:
+ sharedata = ""
+ else:
+ sharedata = self.segment * 6
+ self.sharedata = sharedata
+ blocksize = len(sharedata) / 3
+ block = sharedata[:blocksize]
+ self.blockdata = block
+ prefix = struct.pack(">BQ32s16s BBQQ",
+ 0, # version,
+ 0,
+ self.root_hash,
+ self.salt,
+ 3,
+ 10,
+ len(sharedata),
+ len(sharedata),
+ )
+ post_offset = struct.calcsize(">BQ32s16sBBQQLLLLQQ")
+ signature_offset = post_offset + len(self.verification_key)
+ sharehashes_offset = signature_offset + len(self.signature)
+ blockhashes_offset = sharehashes_offset + len(self.share_hash_chain_s)
+ sharedata_offset = blockhashes_offset + len(self.block_hash_tree_s)
+ encprivkey_offset = sharedata_offset + len(block)
+ eof_offset = encprivkey_offset + len(self.encprivkey)
+ offsets = struct.pack(">LLLLQQ",
+ signature_offset,
+ sharehashes_offset,
+ blockhashes_offset,
+ sharedata_offset,
+ encprivkey_offset,
+ eof_offset)
+ final_share = "".join([prefix,
+ offsets,
+ self.verification_key,
+ self.signature,
+ self.share_hash_chain_s,
+ self.block_hash_tree_s,
+ block,
+ self.encprivkey])
+ self.offsets = {}
+ self.offsets['signature'] = signature_offset
+ self.offsets['share_hash_chain'] = sharehashes_offset
+ self.offsets['block_hash_tree'] = blockhashes_offset
+ self.offsets['share_data'] = sharedata_offset
+ self.offsets['enc_privkey'] = encprivkey_offset
+ self.offsets['EOF'] = eof_offset
+ return final_share
+ def write_sdmf_share_to_server(self,
+ storage_index,
+ empty=False):
+ # Some tests need SDMF shares to verify that we can still
+ # read them. This method writes one, which resembles but is not
+ assert self.rref
+ write = self.ss.remote_slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev
+ share = self.build_test_sdmf_share(empty)
+ testvs = [(0, 1, "eq", "")]
+ tws = {}
+ tws[0] = (testvs, [(0, share)], None)
+ readv = []
+ results = write(storage_index, self.secrets, tws, readv)
+ self.failUnless(results[0])
+ def test_read(self):
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ # Check that every method equals what we expect it to.
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ def _check_block_and_salt((block, salt)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(block, self.block)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(salt, self.salt)
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, i=i:
+ mr.get_block_and_salt(i))
+ d.addCallback(_check_block_and_salt)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_encprivkey())
+ d.addCallback(lambda encprivkey:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.encprivkey, encprivkey))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_blockhashes())
+ d.addCallback(lambda blockhashes:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.block_hash_tree, blockhashes))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_sharehashes())
+ d.addCallback(lambda sharehashes:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.share_hash_chain, sharehashes))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_signature())
+ d.addCallback(lambda signature:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(signature, self.signature))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_verification_key())
+ d.addCallback(lambda verification_key:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(verification_key, self.verification_key))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_seqnum())
+ d.addCallback(lambda seqnum:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(seqnum, 0))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_root_hash())
+ d.addCallback(lambda root_hash:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.root_hash, root_hash))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_seqnum())
+ d.addCallback(lambda seqnum:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(0, seqnum))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_encoding_parameters())
+ def _check_encoding_parameters((k, n, segsize, datalen)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segsize, 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 36)
+ d.addCallback(_check_encoding_parameters)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_checkstring())
+ d.addCallback(lambda checkstring:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(checkstring, checkstring))
+ return d
+ def test_read_with_different_tail_segment_size(self):
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1", tail_segment=True)
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = mr.get_block_and_salt(5)
+ def _check_tail_segment(results):
+ block, salt = results
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(block), 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(block, "a")
+ d.addCallback(_check_tail_segment)
+ return d
+ def test_get_block_with_invalid_segnum(self):
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "test invalid segnum",
+ None,
+ mr.get_block_and_salt, 7))
+ return d
+ def test_get_encoding_parameters_first(self):
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = mr.get_encoding_parameters()
+ def _check_encoding_parameters((k, n, segment_size, datalen)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segment_size, 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 36)
+ d.addCallback(_check_encoding_parameters)
+ return d
+ def test_get_seqnum_first(self):
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = mr.get_seqnum()
+ d.addCallback(lambda seqnum:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(seqnum, 0))
+ return d
+ def test_get_root_hash_first(self):
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = mr.get_root_hash()
+ d.addCallback(lambda root_hash:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(root_hash, self.root_hash))
+ return d
+ def test_get_checkstring_first(self):
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = mr.get_checkstring()
+ d.addCallback(lambda checkstring:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(checkstring, self.checkstring))
+ return d
+ def test_write_read_vectors(self):
+ # When writing for us, the storage server will return to us a
+ # read vector, along with its result. If a write fails because
+ # the test vectors failed, this read vector can help us to
+ # diagnose the problem. This test ensures that the read vector
+ # is working appropriately.
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt)
+ mw.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey)
+ mw.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree)
+ mw.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain)
+ mw.put_root_hash(self.root_hash)
+ mw.put_signature(self.signature)
+ mw.put_verification_key(self.verification_key)
+ d = mw.finish_publishing()
+ def _then(results):
+ self.failUnless(len(results), 2)
+ result, readv = results
+ self.failUnless(result)
+ self.failIf(readv)
+ self.old_checkstring = mw.get_checkstring()
+ mw.set_checkstring("")
+ d.addCallback(_then)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.finish_publishing())
+ def _then_again(results):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(results), 2)
+ result, readvs = results
+ self.failIf(result)
+ self.failUnlessIn(0, readvs)
+ readv = readvs[0][0]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(readv, self.old_checkstring)
+ d.addCallback(_then_again)
+ # The checkstring remains the same for the rest of the process.
+ return d
+ def test_private_key_after_share_hash_chain(self):
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, i=i:
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain))
+ # Now try to put the private key again.
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "test repeat private key",
+ None,
+ mw.put_encprivkey, self.encprivkey))
+ return d
+ def test_signature_after_verification_key(self):
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ # Put everything up to and including the verification key.
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, i=i:
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_root_hash(self.root_hash))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_signature(self.signature))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_verification_key(self.verification_key))
+ # Now try to put the signature again. This should fail
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "signature after verification",
+ None,
+ mw.put_signature, self.signature))
+ return d
+ def test_uncoordinated_write(self):
+ # Make two mutable writers, both pointing to the same storage
+ # server, both at the same storage index, and try writing to the
+ # same share.
+ mw1 = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ mw2 = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ def _check_success(results):
+ result, readvs = results
+ self.failUnless(result)
+ def _check_failure(results):
+ result, readvs = results
+ self.failIf(result)
+ def _write_share(mw):
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt)
+ mw.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey)
+ mw.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree)
+ mw.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain)
+ mw.put_root_hash(self.root_hash)
+ mw.put_signature(self.signature)
+ mw.put_verification_key(self.verification_key)
+ return mw.finish_publishing()
+ d = _write_share(mw1)
+ d.addCallback(_check_success)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ _write_share(mw2))
+ d.addCallback(_check_failure)
+ return d
+ def test_invalid_salt_size(self):
+ # Salts need to be 16 bytes in size. Writes that attempt to
+ # write more or less than this should be rejected.
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ invalid_salt = "a" * 17 # 17 bytes
+ another_invalid_salt = "b" * 15 # 15 bytes
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "salt too big",
+ None,
+ mw.put_block, self.block, 0, invalid_salt))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "salt too small",
+ None,
+ mw.put_block, self.block, 0,
+ another_invalid_salt))
+ return d
+ def test_write_test_vectors(self):
+ # If we give the write proxy a bogus test vector at
+ # any point during the process, it should fail to write when we
+ # tell it to write.
+ def _check_failure(results):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(results), 2)
+ res, d = results
+ self.failIf(res)
+ def _check_success(results):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(results), 2)
+ res, d = results
+ self.failUnless(results)
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ mw.set_checkstring("this is a lie")
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt)
+ mw.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey)
+ mw.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree)
+ mw.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain)
+ mw.put_root_hash(self.root_hash)
+ mw.put_signature(self.signature)
+ mw.put_verification_key(self.verification_key)
+ d = mw.finish_publishing()
+ d.addCallback(_check_failure)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.set_checkstring(""))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.finish_publishing())
+ d.addCallback(_check_success)
+ return d
+ def serialize_blockhashes(self, blockhashes):
+ return "".join(blockhashes)
+ def serialize_sharehashes(self, sharehashes):
+ ret = "".join([struct.pack(">H32s", i, sharehashes[i])
+ for i in sorted(sharehashes.keys())])
+ return ret
+ def test_write(self):
+ # This translates to a file with 6 6-byte segments, and with 2-byte
+ # blocks.
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ # Test writing some blocks.
+ read = self.ss.remote_slot_readv
+ expected_private_key_offset = struct.calcsize(MDMFHEADER)
+ expected_sharedata_offset = struct.calcsize(MDMFHEADER) + \
+ written_block_size = 2 + len(self.salt)
+ written_block = self.block + self.salt
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt)
+ mw.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey)
+ mw.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree)
+ mw.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain)
+ mw.put_root_hash(self.root_hash)
+ mw.put_signature(self.signature)
+ mw.put_verification_key(self.verification_key)
+ d = mw.finish_publishing()
+ def _check_publish(results):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(results), 2)
+ result, ign = results
+ self.failUnless(result, "publish failed")
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(expected_sharedata_offset + (i * written_block_size), written_block_size)]),
+ {0: [written_block]})
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.encprivkey), 7)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(expected_private_key_offset, 7)]),
+ {0: [self.encprivkey]})
+ expected_block_hash_offset = expected_sharedata_offset + \
+ (6 * written_block_size)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.block_hash_tree_s), 32 * 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(expected_block_hash_offset, 32 * 6)]),
+ {0: [self.block_hash_tree_s]})
+ expected_share_hash_offset = expected_private_key_offset + len(self.encprivkey)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0],[(expected_share_hash_offset, (32 + 2) * 6)]),
+ {0: [self.share_hash_chain_s]})
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(9, 32)]),
+ {0: [self.root_hash]})
+ expected_signature_offset = expected_share_hash_offset + \
+ len(self.share_hash_chain_s)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.signature), 9)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(expected_signature_offset, 9)]),
+ {0: [self.signature]})
+ expected_verification_key_offset = expected_signature_offset + len(self.signature)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.verification_key), 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(expected_verification_key_offset, 6)]),
+ {0: [self.verification_key]})
+ signable = mw.get_signable()
+ verno, seq, roothash, k, n, segsize, datalen = \
+ struct.unpack(">BQ32sBBQQ",
+ signable)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(verno, 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(seq, 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(roothash, self.root_hash)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segsize, 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 36)
+ expected_eof_offset = expected_block_hash_offset + \
+ len(self.block_hash_tree_s)
+ # Check the version number to make sure that it is correct.
+ expected_version_number = struct.pack(">B", 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(0, 1)]),
+ {0: [expected_version_number]})
+ # Check the sequence number to make sure that it is correct
+ expected_sequence_number = struct.pack(">Q", 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(1, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_sequence_number]})
+ # Check that the encoding parameters (k, N, segement size, data
+ # length) are what they should be. These are 3, 10, 6, 36
+ expected_k = struct.pack(">B", 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(41, 1)]),
+ {0: [expected_k]})
+ expected_n = struct.pack(">B", 10)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(42, 1)]),
+ {0: [expected_n]})
+ expected_segment_size = struct.pack(">Q", 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(43, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_segment_size]})
+ expected_data_length = struct.pack(">Q", 36)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(51, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_data_length]})
+ expected_offset = struct.pack(">Q", expected_private_key_offset)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(59, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_offset]})
+ expected_offset = struct.pack(">Q", expected_share_hash_offset)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(67, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_offset]})
+ expected_offset = struct.pack(">Q", expected_signature_offset)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(75, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_offset]})
+ expected_offset = struct.pack(">Q", expected_verification_key_offset)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(83, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_offset]})
+ expected_offset = struct.pack(">Q", expected_verification_key_offset + len(self.verification_key))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(91, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_offset]})
+ expected_offset = struct.pack(">Q", expected_sharedata_offset)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(99, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_offset]})
+ expected_offset = struct.pack(">Q", expected_block_hash_offset)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(107, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_offset]})
+ expected_offset = struct.pack(">Q", expected_eof_offset)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(115, 8)]),
+ {0: [expected_offset]})
+ d.addCallback(_check_publish)
+ return d
+ def _make_new_mw(self, si, share, datalength=36):
+ # This is a file of size 36 bytes. Since it has a segment
+ # size of 6, we know that it has 6 byte segments, which will
+ # be split into blocks of 2 bytes because our FEC k
+ # parameter is 3.
+ mw = MDMFSlotWriteProxy(share, self.rref, si, self.secrets, 0, 3, 10,
+ 6, datalength)
+ return mw
+ def test_write_rejected_with_too_many_blocks(self):
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si0", 0)
+ # Try writing too many blocks. We should not be able to write
+ # more than 6
+ # blocks into each share.
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, i=i:
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "too many blocks",
+ None,
+ mw.put_block, self.block, 7, self.salt))
+ return d
+ def test_write_rejected_with_invalid_salt(self):
+ # Try writing an invalid salt. Salts are 16 bytes -- any more or
+ # less should cause an error.
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ bad_salt = "a" * 17 # 17 bytes
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "test_invalid_salt",
+ None, mw.put_block, self.block, 7, bad_salt))
+ return d
+ def test_write_rejected_with_invalid_root_hash(self):
+ # Try writing an invalid root hash. This should be SHA256d, and
+ # 32 bytes long as a result.
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si2", 0)
+ # 17 bytes != 32 bytes
+ invalid_root_hash = "a" * 17
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ # Before this test can work, we need to put some blocks + salts,
+ # a block hash tree, and a share hash tree. Otherwise, we'll see
+ # failures that match what we are looking for, but are caused by
+ # the constraints imposed on operation ordering.
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, i=i:
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "invalid root hash",
+ None, mw.put_root_hash, invalid_root_hash))
+ return d
+ def test_write_rejected_with_invalid_blocksize(self):
+ # The blocksize implied by the writer that we get from
+ # _make_new_mw is 2bytes -- any more or any less than this
+ # should be cause for failure, unless it is the tail segment, in
+ # which case it may not be failure.
+ invalid_block = "a"
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si3", 0, 33) # implies a tail segment with
+ # one byte blocks
+ # 1 bytes != 2 bytes
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, invalid_block=invalid_block:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "test blocksize too small",
+ None, mw.put_block, invalid_block, 0,
+ self.salt))
+ invalid_block = invalid_block * 3
+ # 3 bytes != 2 bytes
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "test blocksize too large",
+ None,
+ mw.put_block, invalid_block, 0, self.salt))
+ for i in xrange(5):
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, i=i:
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt))
+ # Try to put an invalid tail segment
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "test invalid tail segment",
+ None,
+ mw.put_block, self.block, 5, self.salt))
+ valid_block = "a"
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_block(valid_block, 5, self.salt))
+ return d
+ def test_write_enforces_order_constraints(self):
+ # We require that the MDMFSlotWriteProxy be interacted with in a
+ # specific way.
+ # That way is:
+ # 0: __init__
+ # 1: write blocks and salts
+ # 2: Write the encrypted private key
+ # 3: Write the block hashes
+ # 4: Write the share hashes
+ # 5: Write the root hash and salt hash
+ # 6: Write the signature and verification key
+ # 7: Write the file.
+ #
+ # Some of these can be performed out-of-order, and some can't.
+ # The dependencies that I want to test here are:
+ # - Private key before block hashes
+ # - share hashes and block hashes before root hash
+ # - root hash before signature
+ # - signature before verification key
+ mw0 = self._make_new_mw("si0", 0)
+ # Write some shares
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, i=i:
+ mw0.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt))
+ # Try to write the share hash chain without writing the
+ # encrypted private key
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "share hash chain before "
+ "private key",
+ None,
+ mw0.put_sharehashes, self.share_hash_chain))
+ # Write the private key.
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw0.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey))
+ # Now write the block hashes and try again
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw0.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree))
+ # We haven't yet put the root hash on the share, so we shouldn't
+ # be able to sign it.
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "signature before root hash",
+ None, mw0.put_signature, self.signature))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.failUnlessRaises(LayoutInvalid, mw0.get_signable))
+ # ..and, since that fails, we also shouldn't be able to put the
+ # verification key.
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "key before signature",
+ None, mw0.put_verification_key,
+ self.verification_key))
+ # Now write the share hashes.
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw0.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain))
+ # We should be able to write the root hash now too
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw0.put_root_hash(self.root_hash))
+ # We should still be unable to put the verification key
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "key before signature",
+ None, mw0.put_verification_key,
+ self.verification_key))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw0.put_signature(self.signature))
+ # We shouldn't be able to write the offsets to the remote server
+ # until the offset table is finished; IOW, until we have written
+ # the verification key.
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "offsets before verification key",
+ None,
+ mw0.finish_publishing))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw0.put_verification_key(self.verification_key))
+ return d
+ def test_end_to_end(self):
+ mw = self._make_new_mw("si1", 0)
+ # Write a share using the mutable writer, and make sure that the
+ # reader knows how to read everything back to us.
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, i=i:
+ mw.put_block(self.block, i, self.salt))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_root_hash(self.root_hash))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_signature(self.signature))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.put_verification_key(self.verification_key))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mw.finish_publishing())
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ def _check_block_and_salt((block, salt)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(block, self.block)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(salt, self.salt)
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored, i=i:
+ mr.get_block_and_salt(i))
+ d.addCallback(_check_block_and_salt)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_encprivkey())
+ d.addCallback(lambda encprivkey:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.encprivkey, encprivkey))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_blockhashes())
+ d.addCallback(lambda blockhashes:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.block_hash_tree, blockhashes))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_sharehashes())
+ d.addCallback(lambda sharehashes:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.share_hash_chain, sharehashes))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_signature())
+ d.addCallback(lambda signature:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(signature, self.signature))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_verification_key())
+ d.addCallback(lambda verification_key:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(verification_key, self.verification_key))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_seqnum())
+ d.addCallback(lambda seqnum:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(seqnum, 0))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_root_hash())
+ d.addCallback(lambda root_hash:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.root_hash, root_hash))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_encoding_parameters())
+ def _check_encoding_parameters((k, n, segsize, datalen)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segsize, 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 36)
+ d.addCallback(_check_encoding_parameters)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_checkstring())
+ d.addCallback(lambda checkstring:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(checkstring, mw.get_checkstring()))
+ return d
+ def test_is_sdmf(self):
+ # The MDMFSlotReadProxy should also know how to read SDMF files,
+ # since it will encounter them on the grid. Callers use the
+ # is_sdmf method to test this.
+ self.write_sdmf_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = mr.is_sdmf()
+ d.addCallback(lambda issdmf:
+ self.failUnless(issdmf))
+ return d
+ def test_reads_sdmf(self):
+ # The slot read proxy should, naturally, know how to tell us
+ # about data in the SDMF format
+ self.write_sdmf_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.is_sdmf())
+ d.addCallback(lambda issdmf:
+ self.failUnless(issdmf))
+ # What do we need to read?
+ # - The sharedata
+ # - The salt
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_block_and_salt(0))
+ def _check_block_and_salt(results):
+ block, salt = results
+ # Our original file is 36 bytes long. Then each share is 12
+ # bytes in size. The share is composed entirely of the
+ # letter a. self.block contains 2 as, so 6 * self.block is
+ # what we are looking for.
+ self.failUnlessEqual(block, self.block * 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(salt, self.salt)
+ d.addCallback(_check_block_and_salt)
+ # - The blockhashes
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_blockhashes())
+ d.addCallback(lambda blockhashes:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.block_hash_tree,
+ blockhashes,
+ blockhashes))
+ # - The sharehashes
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_sharehashes())
+ d.addCallback(lambda sharehashes:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.share_hash_chain,
+ sharehashes))
+ # - The keys
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_encprivkey())
+ d.addCallback(lambda encprivkey:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(encprivkey, self.encprivkey, encprivkey))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_verification_key())
+ d.addCallback(lambda verification_key:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(verification_key,
+ self.verification_key,
+ verification_key))
+ # - The signature
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_signature())
+ d.addCallback(lambda signature:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(signature, self.signature, signature))
+ # - The sequence number
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_seqnum())
+ d.addCallback(lambda seqnum:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(seqnum, 0, seqnum))
+ # - The root hash
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_root_hash())
+ d.addCallback(lambda root_hash:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(root_hash, self.root_hash, root_hash))
+ return d
+ def test_only_reads_one_segment_sdmf(self):
+ # SDMF shares have only one segment, so it doesn't make sense to
+ # read more segments than that. The reader should know this and
+ # complain if we try to do that.
+ self.write_sdmf_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.is_sdmf())
+ d.addCallback(lambda issdmf:
+ self.failUnless(issdmf))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "test bad segment",
+ None,
+ mr.get_block_and_salt, 1))
+ return d
+ def test_read_with_prefetched_mdmf_data(self):
+ # The MDMFSlotReadProxy will prefill certain fields if you pass
+ # it data that you have already fetched. This is useful for
+ # cases like the Servermap, which prefetches ~2kb of data while
+ # finding out which shares are on the remote peer so that it
+ # doesn't waste round trips.
+ mdmf_data = self.build_test_mdmf_share()
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1")
+ def _make_mr(ignored, length):
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0, mdmf_data[:length])
+ return mr
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ # This should be enough to fill in both the encoding parameters
+ # and the table of offsets, which will complete the version
+ # information tuple.
+ d.addCallback(_make_mr, 123)
+ d.addCallback(lambda mr:
+ mr.get_verinfo())
+ def _check_verinfo(verinfo):
+ self.failUnless(verinfo)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(verinfo), 9)
+ (seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ salt_hash,
+ segsize,
+ datalen,
+ k,
+ n,
+ prefix,
+ offsets) = verinfo
+ self.failUnlessEqual(seqnum, 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(root_hash, self.root_hash)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segsize, 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 36)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ expected_prefix = struct.pack(MDMFSIGNABLEHEADER,
+ 1,
+ seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ k,
+ n,
+ segsize,
+ datalen)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(expected_prefix, prefix)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.rref.read_count, 0)
+ d.addCallback(_check_verinfo)
+ # This is not enough data to read a block and a share, so the
+ # wrapper should attempt to read this from the remote server.
+ d.addCallback(_make_mr, 123)
+ d.addCallback(lambda mr:
+ mr.get_block_and_salt(0))
+ def _check_block_and_salt((block, salt)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(block, self.block)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(salt, self.salt)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.rref.read_count, 1)
+ # This should be enough data to read one block.
+ d.addCallback(lambda mr:
+ mr.get_block_and_salt(0))
+ d.addCallback(_check_block_and_salt)
+ return d
+ def test_read_with_prefetched_sdmf_data(self):
+ sdmf_data = self.build_test_sdmf_share()
+ self.write_sdmf_share_to_server("si1")
+ def _make_mr(ignored, length):
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0, sdmf_data[:length])
+ return mr
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ # This should be enough to get us the encoding parameters,
+ # offset table, and everything else we need to build a verinfo
+ # string.
+ d.addCallback(_make_mr, 123)
+ d.addCallback(lambda mr:
+ mr.get_verinfo())
+ def _check_verinfo(verinfo):
+ self.failUnless(verinfo)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(verinfo), 9)
+ (seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ salt,
+ segsize,
+ datalen,
+ k,
+ n,
+ prefix,
+ offsets) = verinfo
+ self.failUnlessEqual(seqnum, 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(root_hash, self.root_hash)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(salt, self.salt)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segsize, 36)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 36)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ expected_prefix = struct.pack(SIGNED_PREFIX,
+ 0,
+ seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ salt,
+ k,
+ n,
+ segsize,
+ datalen)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(expected_prefix, prefix)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.rref.read_count, 0)
+ d.addCallback(_check_verinfo)
+ # This shouldn't be enough to read any share data.
+ d.addCallback(_make_mr, 123)
+ d.addCallback(lambda mr:
+ mr.get_block_and_salt(0))
+ def _check_block_and_salt((block, salt)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(block, self.block * 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(salt, self.salt)
+ # TODO: Fix the read routine so that it reads only the data
+ # that it has cached if it can't read all of it.
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.rref.read_count, 2)
+ # This should be enough to read share data.
+ d.addCallback(_make_mr, self.offsets['share_data'])
+ d.addCallback(lambda mr:
+ mr.get_block_and_salt(0))
+ d.addCallback(_check_block_and_salt)
+ return d
+ def test_read_with_empty_mdmf_file(self):
+ # Some tests upload a file with no contents to test things
+ # unrelated to the actual handling of the content of the file.
+ # The reader should behave intelligently in these cases.
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1", empty=True)
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ # We should be able to get the encoding parameters, and they
+ # should be correct.
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_encoding_parameters())
+ def _check_encoding_parameters(params):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(params), 4)
+ k, n, segsize, datalen = params
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segsize, 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 0)
+ d.addCallback(_check_encoding_parameters)
+ # We should not be able to fetch a block, since there are no
+ # blocks to fetch
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "get block on empty file",
+ None,
+ mr.get_block_and_salt, 0))
+ return d
+ def test_read_with_empty_sdmf_file(self):
+ self.write_sdmf_share_to_server("si1", empty=True)
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ # We should be able to get the encoding parameters, and they
+ # should be correct
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_encoding_parameters())
+ def _check_encoding_parameters(params):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(params), 4)
+ k, n, segsize, datalen = params
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segsize, 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 0)
+ d.addCallback(_check_encoding_parameters)
+ # It does not make sense to get a block in this format, so we
+ # should not be able to.
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldFail(LayoutInvalid, "get block on an empty file",
+ None,
+ mr.get_block_and_salt, 0))
+ return d
+ def test_verinfo_with_sdmf_file(self):
+ self.write_sdmf_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ # We should be able to get the version information.
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_verinfo())
+ def _check_verinfo(verinfo):
+ self.failUnless(verinfo)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(verinfo), 9)
+ (seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ salt,
+ segsize,
+ datalen,
+ k,
+ n,
+ prefix,
+ offsets) = verinfo
+ self.failUnlessEqual(seqnum, 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(root_hash, self.root_hash)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(salt, self.salt)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segsize, 36)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 36)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ expected_prefix = struct.pack(">BQ32s16s BBQQ",
+ 0,
+ seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ salt,
+ k,
+ n,
+ segsize,
+ datalen)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(prefix, expected_prefix)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(offsets, self.offsets)
+ d.addCallback(_check_verinfo)
+ return d
+ def test_verinfo_with_mdmf_file(self):
+ self.write_test_share_to_server("si1")
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ mr.get_verinfo())
+ def _check_verinfo(verinfo):
+ self.failUnless(verinfo)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(verinfo), 9)
+ (seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ IV,
+ segsize,
+ datalen,
+ k,
+ n,
+ prefix,
+ offsets) = verinfo
+ self.failUnlessEqual(seqnum, 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(root_hash, self.root_hash)
+ self.failIf(IV)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(segsize, 6)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(datalen, 36)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(k, 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(n, 10)
+ expected_prefix = struct.pack(">BQ32s BBQQ",
+ 1,
+ seqnum,
+ root_hash,
+ k,
+ n,
+ segsize,
+ datalen)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(prefix, expected_prefix)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(offsets, self.offsets)
+ d.addCallback(_check_verinfo)
+ return d
+ def test_reader_queue(self):
+ self.write_test_share_to_server('si1')
+ mr = MDMFSlotReadProxy(self.rref, "si1", 0)
+ d1 = mr.get_block_and_salt(0, queue=True)
+ d2 = mr.get_blockhashes(queue=True)
+ d3 = mr.get_sharehashes(queue=True)
+ d4 = mr.get_signature(queue=True)
+ d5 = mr.get_verification_key(queue=True)
+ dl = defer.DeferredList([d1, d2, d3, d4, d5])
+ mr.flush()
+ def _print(results):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(results), 5)
+ # We have one read for version information and offsets, and
+ # one for everything else.
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.rref.read_count, 2)
+ block, salt = results[0][1] # results[0] is a boolean that says
+ # whether or not the operation
+ # worked.
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.block, block)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.salt, salt)
+ blockhashes = results[1][1]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.block_hash_tree, blockhashes)
+ sharehashes = results[2][1]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.share_hash_chain, sharehashes)
+ signature = results[3][1]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.signature, signature)
+ verification_key = results[4][1]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.verification_key, verification_key)
+ dl.addCallback(_print)
+ return dl
+ def test_sdmf_writer(self):
+ # Go through the motions of writing an SDMF share to the storage
+ # server. Then read the storage server to see that the share got
+ # written in the way that we think it should have.
+ # We do this first so that the necessary instance variables get
+ # set the way we want them for the tests below.
+ data = self.build_test_sdmf_share()
+ sdmfr = SDMFSlotWriteProxy(0,
+ self.rref,
+ "si1",
+ self.secrets,
+ 0, 3, 10, 36, 36)
+ # Put the block and salt.
+ sdmfr.put_block(self.blockdata, 0, self.salt)
+ # Put the encprivkey
+ sdmfr.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey)
+ # Put the block and share hash chains
+ sdmfr.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree)
+ sdmfr.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain)
+ sdmfr.put_root_hash(self.root_hash)
+ # Put the signature
+ sdmfr.put_signature(self.signature)
+ # Put the verification key
+ sdmfr.put_verification_key(self.verification_key)
+ # Now check to make sure that nothing has been written yet.
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.rref.write_count, 0)
+ # Now finish publishing
+ d = sdmfr.finish_publishing()
+ def _then(ignored):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.rref.write_count, 1)
+ read = self.ss.remote_slot_readv
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(0, len(data))]),
+ {0: [data]})
+ d.addCallback(_then)
+ return d
+ def test_sdmf_writer_preexisting_share(self):
+ data = self.build_test_sdmf_share()
+ self.write_sdmf_share_to_server("si1")
+ # Now there is a share on the storage server. To successfully
+ # write, we need to set the checkstring correctly. When we
+ # don't, no write should occur.
+ sdmfw = SDMFSlotWriteProxy(0,
+ self.rref,
+ "si1",
+ self.secrets,
+ 1, 3, 10, 36, 36)
+ sdmfw.put_block(self.blockdata, 0, self.salt)
+ # Put the encprivkey
+ sdmfw.put_encprivkey(self.encprivkey)
+ # Put the block and share hash chains
+ sdmfw.put_blockhashes(self.block_hash_tree)
+ sdmfw.put_sharehashes(self.share_hash_chain)
+ # Put the root hash
+ sdmfw.put_root_hash(self.root_hash)
+ # Put the signature
+ sdmfw.put_signature(self.signature)
+ # Put the verification key
+ sdmfw.put_verification_key(self.verification_key)
+ # We shouldn't have a checkstring yet
+ self.failUnlessEqual(sdmfw.get_checkstring(), "")
+ d = sdmfw.finish_publishing()
+ def _then(results):
+ self.failIf(results[0])
+ # this is the correct checkstring
+ self._expected_checkstring = results[1][0][0]
+ return self._expected_checkstring
+ d.addCallback(_then)
+ d.addCallback(sdmfw.set_checkstring)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ sdmfw.get_checkstring())
+ d.addCallback(lambda checkstring:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(checkstring, self._expected_checkstring))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ sdmfw.finish_publishing())
+ def _then_again(results):
+ self.failUnless(results[0])
+ read = self.ss.remote_slot_readv
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(1, 8)]),
+ {0: [struct.pack(">Q", 1)]})
+ self.failUnlessEqual(read("si1", [0], [(9, len(data) - 9)]),
+ {0: [data[9:]]})
+ d.addCallback(_then_again)
+ return d
class Stats(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):