From: Daira Hopwood <>
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 06:22:18 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Rename 'buckets' to 'sharesets' on storage status page.

Rename 'buckets' to 'sharesets' on storage status page.

Signed-off-by: David-Sarah Hopwood <>

diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index c6f1f395..84c9fcac 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -2797,7 +2797,7 @@ class BucketCounterTest(unittest.TestCase, CrawlerTestMixin, ReallyEqualMixin):
         s = remove_tags(html)
         self.failUnlessIn("Accepting new shares: Yes", s)
         self.failUnlessIn("Reserved space: - 0 B (0)", s)
-        self.failUnlessIn("Total buckets: Not computed yet", s)
+        self.failUnlessIn("Total sharesets: Not computed yet", s)
         self.failUnlessIn("Next crawl in", s)
         def _after_first_prefix(prefix):
@@ -2824,7 +2824,7 @@ class BucketCounterTest(unittest.TestCase, CrawlerTestMixin, ReallyEqualMixin):
         def _after_yield(ign):
             html = w.renderSynchronously()
             s = remove_tags(html)
-            self.failUnlessIn("Total buckets: 0 (the number of", s)
+            self.failUnlessIn("Total sharesets: 0 (the number of", s)
             self.failUnless("Next crawl in 59 minutes" in s or "Next crawl in 60 minutes" in s, s)
         return d
@@ -3035,9 +3035,9 @@ class AccountingCrawlerTest(unittest.TestCase, CrawlerTestMixin, WebRenderingMix
         def _check_html_in_cycle(html):
             s = remove_tags(html)
             self.failUnlessIn("So far, this cycle has examined "
-                              "1 shares in 1 buckets (0 mutable / 1 immutable) ", s)
+                              "1 shares in 1 sharesets (0 mutable / 1 immutable) ", s)
             self.failUnlessIn("and has recovered: "
-                              "0 shares, 0 buckets (0 mutable / 0 immutable), "
+                              "0 shares, 0 sharesets (0 mutable / 0 immutable), "
                               "0 B (0 B / 0 B)", s)
             return ac.set_hook('after_cycle')
@@ -3086,9 +3086,9 @@ class AccountingCrawlerTest(unittest.TestCase, CrawlerTestMixin, WebRenderingMix
         d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.render1(webstatus))
         def _check_html_after_cycle(html):
             s = remove_tags(html)
-            self.failUnlessIn("recovered: 0 shares, 0 buckets "
+            self.failUnlessIn("recovered: 0 shares, 0 sharesets "
                               "(0 mutable / 0 immutable), 0 B (0 B / 0 B) ", s)
-            self.failUnlessIn("and saw a total of 4 shares, 4 buckets "
+            self.failUnlessIn("and saw a total of 4 shares, 4 sharesets "
                               "(2 mutable / 2 immutable),", s)
             self.failUnlessIn("but expiration was not enabled", s)
@@ -3173,10 +3173,10 @@ class AccountingCrawlerTest(unittest.TestCase, CrawlerTestMixin, WebRenderingMix
             # all. This part of the test depends upon the SIs landing right
             # where they do now.
             self.failUnlessIn("The remainder of this cycle is expected to "
-                              "recover: 4 shares, 4 buckets", s)
+                              "recover: 4 shares, 4 sharesets", s)
             self.failUnlessIn("The whole cycle is expected to examine "
-                              "5 shares in 5 buckets and to recover: "
-                              "5 shares, 5 buckets", s)
+                              "5 shares in 5 sharesets and to recover: "
+                              "5 shares, 5 sharesets", s)
             return ac.set_hook('after_cycle')
@@ -3216,7 +3216,7 @@ class AccountingCrawlerTest(unittest.TestCase, CrawlerTestMixin, WebRenderingMix
             s = remove_tags(html)
             self.failUnlessIn("Expiration Enabled: expired leases will be removed", s)
             self.failUnlessIn("Leases created or last renewed more than 33 minutes ago will be considered expired.", s)
-            self.failUnlessIn(" recovered: 2 shares, 2 buckets (1 mutable / 1 immutable), ", s)
+            self.failUnlessIn(" recovered: 2 shares, 2 sharesets (1 mutable / 1 immutable), ", s)
         d.addBoth(self._wait_for_yield, ac)
         return d
@@ -3293,10 +3293,10 @@ class AccountingCrawlerTest(unittest.TestCase, CrawlerTestMixin, WebRenderingMix
             # all. This part of the test depends upon the SIs landing right
             # where they do now.
             self.failUnlessIn("The remainder of this cycle is expected to "
-                              "recover: 4 shares, 4 buckets", s)
+                              "recover: 4 shares, 4 sharesets", s)
             self.failUnlessIn("The whole cycle is expected to examine "
-                              "5 shares in 5 buckets and to recover: "
-                              "5 shares, 5 buckets", s)
+                              "5 shares in 5 sharesets and to recover: "
+                              "5 shares, 5 sharesets", s)
             return ac.set_hook('after_cycle')
@@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@ class AccountingCrawlerTest(unittest.TestCase, CrawlerTestMixin, WebRenderingMix
             date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d (%d-%b-%Y) UTC", time.gmtime(then))
             substr = "Leases created or last renewed before %s will be considered expired." % date
             self.failUnlessIn(substr, s)
-            self.failUnlessIn(" recovered: 2 shares, 2 buckets (1 mutable / 1 immutable), ", s)
+            self.failUnlessIn(" recovered: 2 shares, 2 sharesets (1 mutable / 1 immutable), ", s)
         d.addBoth(self._wait_for_yield, ac)
         return d
diff --git a/src/allmydata/web/ b/src/allmydata/web/
index 656090f3..19d40e18 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/web/
+++ b/src/allmydata/web/
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class StorageStatus(rend.Page):
             if d is None:
                 return "?"
             return "%d" % d
-        return "%s shares, %s buckets (%s mutable / %s immutable), %s (%s / %s)" % \
+        return "%s shares, %s sharesets (%s mutable / %s immutable), %s (%s / %s)" % \
                (maybe(sr["%s-shares" % a]),
                 maybe(sr["%s-buckets" % a]),
                 maybe(sr["%s-buckets-mutable" % a]),
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class StorageStatus(rend.Page):
             if d is None:
                 return "?"
             return "%d" % d
-        add("So far, this cycle has examined %d shares in %d buckets"
+        add("So far, this cycle has examined %d shares in %d sharesets"
             % (sr["examined-shares"], sr["examined-buckets"]),
             " (%d mutable / %d immutable)"
             % (sr["examined-buckets-mutable"], sr["examined-buckets-immutable"]),
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class StorageStatus(rend.Page):
         if so_far["expiration-enabled"]:
             add("The remainder of this cycle is expected to recover: ",
                 self.format_recovered(esr, "actual"))
-            add("The whole cycle is expected to examine %s shares in %s buckets"
+            add("The whole cycle is expected to examine %s shares in %s sharesets"
                 % (maybe(ecr["examined-shares"]), maybe(ecr["examined-buckets"])))
             add("and to recover: ", self.format_recovered(ecr, "actual"))
diff --git a/src/allmydata/web/storage_status.xhtml b/src/allmydata/web/storage_status.xhtml
index d97daf9a..9c218b5f 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/web/storage_status.xhtml
+++ b/src/allmydata/web/storage_status.xhtml
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     <li>Server Nodeid: <span class="nodeid mine data-chars" n:render="string" n:data="nodeid" /></li>
     <li n:data="stats">Accepting new shares:
      <span n:render="bool" n:data="accepting_immutable_shares" /></li>
-    <li>Total buckets:
+    <li>Total sharesets:
        <span n:render="string" n:data="last_complete_bucket_count" />
        (the number of files and directories for which this server is holding
         a share)