rewrite parts of the Makefile in Add 'build_tahoe' and 'trial' subcommands.
The 'make build' target now runs ' build_tahoe', which figures out
where the target 'supportlib' directory should go, and invokes '
develop' with the appropriate arguments.
The 'make test' target now runs ' trial', which manages sys.path and
runs trial as a subroutine instead of spawning an external process. This
simplifies the case where Twisted was built as a dependent library (and thus
the 'trial' executable is not on PATH). now manages sys.path and PYTHONPATH for its internal subcommands, so
the $(PP) prefix was removed from all Makefile targets that invoke .
For the remaining ones, the ' -q show_pythonpath' subcommand was
added to compute this prefix with python rather than with fragile
shell/Makefile syntax.