From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 17:44:44 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: test_immutable.Test: rewrite to use NoNetworkGrid, now takes 2.7s not 97s

test_immutable.Test: rewrite to use NoNetworkGrid, now takes 2.7s not 97s
remove now-unused ShareManglingMixin
refs #1363

diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index dfcaa100..d68e50af 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -14,11 +14,9 @@ from allmydata.check_results import CheckResults, CheckAndRepairResults, \
      DeepCheckResults, DeepCheckAndRepairResults
 from allmydata.mutable.common import CorruptShareError
 from allmydata.mutable.layout import unpack_header
-from import storage_index_to_dir
 from import MutableShareFile
 from allmydata.util import hashutil, log, fileutil, pollmixin
 from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
-from allmydata.util.consumer import download_to_data
 from allmydata.stats import StatsGathererService
 from allmydata.key_generator import KeyGeneratorService
 import allmydata.test.common_util as testutil
@@ -917,152 +915,6 @@ N8L+bvLd4BU9g6hRS8b59lQ6GNjryx2bUnCVtLcey4Jd
-class ShareManglingMixin(SystemTestMixin):
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Set self.basedir to a temp dir which has the name of the current
-        # test method in its name.
-        self.basedir = self.mktemp()
-        d = defer.maybeDeferred(SystemTestMixin.setUp, self)
-        d.addCallback(lambda x: self.set_up_nodes())
-        def _upload_a_file(ignored):
-            cl0 = self.clients[0]
-            # We need multiple segments to test crypttext hash trees that are
-            # non-trivial (i.e. they have more than just one hash in them).
-            cl0.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS['max_segment_size'] = 12
-            # Tests that need to test servers of happiness using this should
-            # set their own value for happy -- the default (7) breaks stuff.
-            cl0.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS['happy'] = 1
-            d2 = cl0.upload(immutable.upload.Data(TEST_DATA, convergence=""))
-            def _after_upload(u):
-                filecap = u.uri
-                self.n = self.clients[1].create_node_from_uri(filecap)
-                self.uri = uri.CHKFileURI.init_from_string(filecap)
-                return cl0.create_node_from_uri(filecap)
-            d2.addCallback(_after_upload)
-            return d2
-        d.addCallback(_upload_a_file)
-        def _stash_it(filenode):
-            self.filenode = filenode
-        d.addCallback(_stash_it)
-        return d
-    def find_all_shares(self, unused=None):
-        """Locate shares on disk. Returns a dict that maps
-        (clientnum,sharenum) to a string that contains the share container
-        (copied directly from the disk, containing leases etc). You can
-        modify this dict and then call replace_shares() to modify the shares.
-        """
-        shares = {} # k: (i, sharenum), v: data
-        for i, c in enumerate(self.clients):
-            sharedir = c.getServiceNamed("storage").sharedir
-            for (dirp, dirns, fns) in os.walk(sharedir):
-                for fn in fns:
-                    try:
-                        sharenum = int(fn)
-                    except TypeError:
-                        # Whoops, I guess that's not a share file then.
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        data = open(os.path.join(sharedir, dirp, fn), "rb").read()
-                        shares[(i, sharenum)] = data
-        return shares
-    def replace_shares(self, newshares, storage_index):
-        """Replace shares on disk. Takes a dictionary in the same form
-        as find_all_shares() returns."""
-        for i, c in enumerate(self.clients):
-            sharedir = c.getServiceNamed("storage").sharedir
-            for (dirp, dirns, fns) in os.walk(sharedir):
-                for fn in fns:
-                    try:
-                        sharenum = int(fn)
-                    except TypeError:
-                        # Whoops, I guess that's not a share file then.
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        pathtosharefile = os.path.join(sharedir, dirp, fn)
-                        os.unlink(pathtosharefile)
-            for ((clientnum, sharenum), newdata) in newshares.iteritems():
-                if clientnum == i:
-                    fullsharedirp=os.path.join(sharedir, storage_index_to_dir(storage_index))
-                    fileutil.make_dirs(fullsharedirp)
-                    wf = open(os.path.join(fullsharedirp, str(sharenum)), "wb")
-                    wf.write(newdata)
-                    wf.close()
-    def _delete_a_share(self, unused=None, sharenum=None):
-        """ Delete one share. """
-        shares = self.find_all_shares()
-        ks = shares.keys()
-        if sharenum is not None:
-            k = [ key for key in shares.keys() if key[1] == sharenum ][0]
-        else:
-            k = random.choice(ks)
-        del shares[k]
-        self.replace_shares(shares, storage_index=self.uri.get_storage_index())
-        return unused
-    def _corrupt_a_share(self, unused, corruptor_func, sharenum):
-        shares = self.find_all_shares()
-        ks = [ key for key in shares.keys() if key[1] == sharenum ]
-        assert ks, (shares.keys(), sharenum)
-        k = ks[0]
-        shares[k] = corruptor_func(shares[k])
-        self.replace_shares(shares, storage_index=self.uri.get_storage_index())
-        return corruptor_func
-    def _corrupt_all_shares(self, unused, corruptor_func):
-        """ All shares on disk will be corrupted by corruptor_func. """
-        shares = self.find_all_shares()
-        for k in shares.keys():
-            self._corrupt_a_share(unused, corruptor_func, k[1])
-        return corruptor_func
-    def _corrupt_a_random_share(self, unused, corruptor_func):
-        """ Exactly one share on disk will be corrupted by corruptor_func. """
-        shares = self.find_all_shares()
-        ks = shares.keys()
-        k = random.choice(ks)
-        self._corrupt_a_share(unused, corruptor_func, k[1])
-        return k[1]
-    def _count_reads(self):
-        sum_of_read_counts = 0
-        for thisclient in self.clients:
-            counters = thisclient.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters']
-            sum_of_read_counts += counters.get('', 0)
-        return sum_of_read_counts
-    def _count_allocates(self):
-        sum_of_allocate_counts = 0
-        for thisclient in self.clients:
-            counters = thisclient.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters']
-            sum_of_allocate_counts += counters.get('storage_server.allocate', 0)
-        return sum_of_allocate_counts
-    def _count_writes(self):
-        sum_of_write_counts = 0
-        for thisclient in self.clients:
-            counters = thisclient.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters']
-            sum_of_write_counts += counters.get('storage_server.write', 0)
-        return sum_of_write_counts
-    def _download_and_check_plaintext(self, unused=None):
-        d = download_to_data(self.n)
-        def _after_download(result):
-            self.failUnlessEqual(result, TEST_DATA)
-        d.addCallback(_after_download)
-        return d
 class ShouldFailMixin:
     def shouldFail(self, expected_failure, which, substring,
                    callable, *args, **kwargs):
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index beb62698..b7aa6f65 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
-from allmydata.test import common
-from allmydata.interfaces import NotEnoughSharesError
-from allmydata.util.consumer import download_to_data
-from allmydata import uri
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.trial import unittest
 import random
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.internet import defer
+import mock
 from foolscap.api import eventually
+from allmydata.test import common
+from allmydata.test.no_network import GridTestMixin
+from allmydata.test.common import TEST_DATA
+from allmydata import uri
 from allmydata.util import log
+from allmydata.util.consumer import download_to_data
+from allmydata.interfaces import NotEnoughSharesError
+from allmydata.immutable.upload import Data
 from allmydata.immutable.downloader import finder
-import mock
 class MockNode(object):
     def __init__(self, check_reneging, check_fetch_failed): = 0
@@ -129,41 +132,76 @@ class TestShareFinder(unittest.TestCase):
         return mocknode.when_finished()
-class Test(common.ShareManglingMixin, common.ShouldFailMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+class Test(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, common.ShouldFailMixin):
+    def startup(self, basedir):
+        self.basedir = basedir
+        self.set_up_grid(num_clients=2, num_servers=5)
+        c1 = self.g.clients[1]
+        # We need multiple segments to test crypttext hash trees that are
+        # non-trivial (i.e. they have more than just one hash in them).
+        c1.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS['max_segment_size'] = 12
+        # Tests that need to test servers of happiness using this should
+        # set their own value for happy -- the default (7) breaks stuff.
+        c1.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS['happy'] = 1
+        d = c1.upload(Data(TEST_DATA, convergence=""))
+        def _after_upload(ur):
+            self.uri = ur.uri
+            self.filenode = self.g.clients[0].create_node_from_uri(ur.uri)
+            return self.uri
+        d.addCallback(_after_upload)
+        return d
+    def _stash_shares(self, shares):
+        self.shares = shares
+    def _download_and_check_plaintext(self, ign=None):
+        num_reads = self._count_reads()
+        d = download_to_data(self.filenode)
+        def _after_download(result):
+            self.failUnlessEqual(result, TEST_DATA)
+            return self._count_reads() - num_reads
+        d.addCallback(_after_download)
+        return d
+    def _shuffled(self, num_shnums):
+        shnums = range(10)
+        random.shuffle(shnums)
+        return shnums[:num_shnums]
+    def _count_reads(self):
+        return sum([s.stats_provider.get_stats() ['counters'].get('', 0)
+                    for s in self.g.servers_by_number.values()])
+    def _count_allocates(self):
+        return sum([s.stats_provider.get_stats() ['counters'].get('storage_server.allocate', 0)
+                    for s in self.g.servers_by_number.values()])
+    def _count_writes(self):
+        return sum([s.stats_provider.get_stats() ['counters'].get('storage_server.write', 0)
+                    for s in self.g.servers_by_number.values()])
     def test_test_code(self):
         # The following process of stashing the shares, running
         # replace_shares, and asserting that the new set of shares equals the
         # old is more to test this test code than to test the Tahoe code...
-        d = defer.succeed(None)
-        d.addCallback(self.find_all_shares)
-        stash = [None]
-        def _stash_it(res):
-            stash[0] = res
-            return res
-        d.addCallback(_stash_it)
+        d = self.startup("immutable/Test/code")
+        d.addCallback(self.copy_shares)
+        d.addCallback(self._stash_shares)
+        d.addCallback(self._download_and_check_plaintext)
         # The following process of deleting 8 of the shares and asserting
         # that you can't download it is more to test this test code than to
         # test the Tahoe code...
-        def _then_delete_8(unused=None):
-            self.replace_shares(stash[0], storage_index=self.uri.get_storage_index())
-            for i in range(8):
-                self._delete_a_share()
+        def _then_delete_8(ign):
+            self.restore_all_shares(self.shares)
+            self.delete_shares_numbered(self.uri, range(8))
-        def _then_download(unused=None):
-            d2 = download_to_data(self.n)
-            def _after_download_callb(result):
-       # should have gotten an errback instead
-                return result
-            def _after_download_errb(failure):
-                failure.trap(NotEnoughSharesError)
-                return None # success!
-            d2.addCallbacks(_after_download_callb, _after_download_errb)
-            return d2
-        d.addCallback(_then_download)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.shouldFail(NotEnoughSharesError, "download-2",
+                                      "ran out of shares",
+                                      download_to_data, self.filenode))
         return d
     def test_download(self):
@@ -171,55 +209,49 @@ class Test(common.ShareManglingMixin, common.ShouldFailMixin, unittest.TestCase)
         tested by test code in other modules, but this module is also going
         to test some more specific things about immutable download.)
-        d = defer.succeed(None)
-        before_download_reads = self._count_reads()
-        def _after_download(unused=None):
-            after_download_reads = self._count_reads()
-            #print before_download_reads, after_download_reads
-            self.failIf(after_download_reads-before_download_reads > 41,
-                        (after_download_reads, before_download_reads))
+        d = self.startup("immutable/Test/download")
+        def _after_download(ign):
+            num_reads = self._count_reads()
+            #print num_reads
+            self.failIf(num_reads > 41, num_reads)
         return d
     def test_download_from_only_3_remaining_shares(self):
         """ Test download after 7 random shares (of the 10) have been
-        d = defer.succeed(None)
-        def _then_delete_7(unused=None):
-            for i in range(7):
-                self._delete_a_share()
-        before_download_reads = self._count_reads()
-        d.addCallback(_then_delete_7)
-        def _after_download(unused=None):
-            after_download_reads = self._count_reads()
-            #print before_download_reads, after_download_reads
-            self.failIf(after_download_reads-before_download_reads > 41, (after_download_reads, before_download_reads))
+        d = self.startup("immutable/Test/download_from_only_3_remaining_shares")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.delete_shares_numbered(self.uri, range(7)))
+        def _after_download(num_reads):
+            #print num_reads
+            self.failIf(num_reads > 41, num_reads)
         return d
     def test_download_from_only_3_shares_with_good_crypttext_hash(self):
         """ Test download after 7 random shares (of the 10) have had their
         crypttext hash tree corrupted."""
-        d = defer.succeed(None)
-        def _then_corrupt_7(unused=None):
-            shnums = range(10)
-            random.shuffle(shnums)
-            for i in shnums[:7]:
-                self._corrupt_a_share(None, common._corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes_to_truncate_crypttext_hashes, i)
-        #before_download_reads = self._count_reads()
-        d.addCallback(_then_corrupt_7)
+        d = self.startup("download_from_only_3_shares_with_good_crypttext_hash")
+        def _corrupt_7(ign):
+            c = common._corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes_to_truncate_crypttext_hashes
+            self.corrupt_shares_numbered(self.uri, self._shuffled(7), c)
+        d.addCallback(_corrupt_7)
         return d
     def test_download_abort_if_too_many_missing_shares(self):
         """ Test that download gives up quickly when it realizes there aren't
         enough shares out there."""
-        for i in range(8):
-            self._delete_a_share()
-        d = self.shouldFail(NotEnoughSharesError, "delete 8", None,
-                            download_to_data, self.n)
+        d = self.startup("download_abort_if_too_many_missing_shares")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.delete_shares_numbered(self.uri, range(8)))
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.shouldFail(NotEnoughSharesError, "delete 8",
+                                      "Last failure: None",
+                                      download_to_data, self.filenode))
         # the new downloader pipelines a bunch of read requests in parallel,
         # so don't bother asserting anything about the number of reads
         return d
@@ -229,39 +261,30 @@ class Test(common.ShareManglingMixin, common.ShouldFailMixin, unittest.TestCase)
         enough uncorrupted shares out there. It should be able to tell
         because the corruption occurs in the sharedata version number, which
         it checks first."""
-        d = defer.succeed(None)
-        def _then_corrupt_8(unused=None):
-            shnums = range(10)
-            random.shuffle(shnums)
-            for shnum in shnums[:8]:
-                self._corrupt_a_share(None, common._corrupt_sharedata_version_number, shnum)
-        d.addCallback(_then_corrupt_8)
-        before_download_reads = self._count_reads()
-        def _attempt_to_download(unused=None):
-            d2 = download_to_data(self.n)
-            def _callb(res):
-      "Should have gotten an error from attempt to download, not %r" % (res,))
-            def _errb(f):
-                self.failUnless(f.check(NotEnoughSharesError))
-            d2.addCallbacks(_callb, _errb)
+        d = self.startup("download_abort_if_too_many_corrupted_shares")
+        def _corrupt_8(ign):
+            c = common._corrupt_sharedata_version_number
+            self.corrupt_shares_numbered(self.uri, self._shuffled(8), c)
+        d.addCallback(_corrupt_8)
+        def _try_download(ign):
+            start_reads = self._count_reads()
+            d2 = self.shouldFail(NotEnoughSharesError, "corrupt 8",
+                                 "LayoutInvalid",
+                                 download_to_data, self.filenode)
+            def _check_numreads(ign):
+                num_reads = self._count_reads() - start_reads
+                #print num_reads
+                # To pass this test, you are required to give up before
+                # reading all of the share data. Actually, we could give up
+                # sooner than 45 reads, but currently our download code does
+                # 45 reads. This test then serves as a "performance
+                # regression detector" -- if you change download code so that
+                # it takes *more* reads, then this test will fail.
+                self.failIf(num_reads > 45, num_reads)
+            d2.addCallback(_check_numreads)
             return d2
-        d.addCallback(_attempt_to_download)
-        def _after_attempt(unused=None):
-            after_download_reads = self._count_reads()
-            #print before_download_reads, after_download_reads
-            # To pass this test, you are required to give up before reading
-            # all of the share data. Actually, we could give up sooner than
-            # 45 reads, but currently our download code does 45 reads. This
-            # test then serves as a "performance regression detector" -- if
-            # you change download code so that it takes *more* reads, then
-            # this test will fail.
-            self.failIf(after_download_reads-before_download_reads > 45,
-                        (after_download_reads, before_download_reads))
-        d.addCallback(_after_attempt)
+        d.addCallback(_try_download)
         return d