(setq erc-autojoin-channels-alist
'((".*\\.freenode.net" "#tahoe-lafs")
(".*\\.oftc.net" "#LeastAuthority")
- (".*\\.mozilla.org" "#rust-beginners")
+ ;; (".*\\.mozilla.org" "#rust-beginners")
;; check channels
"Connect to IRC."
(when (y-or-n-p "Do you want to start IRC? ")
- (erc-tls :server "irc.mozilla.org" :port 6697 :nick "rkrishnan" :full-name "Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan")
+ ;; (erc-tls :server "irc.mozilla.org" :port 6697 :nick "rkrishnan" :full-name "Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan")
(erc-tls :server "irc.freenode.net" :port 6697 :nick "rkrishnan" :full-name "Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan")
(erc-tls :server "irc.oftc.net" :port 6697 :nick "rkrishnan" :full-name "Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan")))
;; switch to ERC with Ctrl+c e
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") 'start-erc) ;; ERC
-;; haskell mode
-(setenv "PATH" (concat "~/.cabal/bin:" (getenv "PATH")))
-(add-to-list 'exec-path "~/.cabal/bin")
-(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode)
-;; haskell mode
-(require 'haskell-process)
-(require 'haskell-interactive-mode)
-(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'interactive-haskell-mode)
- '(haskell-process-suggest-remove-import-lines t)
- '(haskell-process-auto-import-loaded-modules t)
- '(haskell-process-log t)
- '(haskell-process-type 'stack-ghci))
-(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-l") 'haskell-process-load-or-reload)
-(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-`") 'haskell-interactive-bring)
-(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-t") 'haskell-process-do-type)
-(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-i") 'haskell-process-do-info)
-(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'haskell-process-cabal-build)
-(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'haskell-interactive-mode-clear)
-(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c c") 'haskell-process-cabal)
-(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "SPC") 'haskell-mode-contextual-space)
-;; ghc-mod
-(autoload 'ghc-init "ghc" nil t)
-(autoload 'ghc-debug "ghc" nil t)
-(setq ghc-debug t)
-(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook (lambda () (ghc-init)))
+;; Haskell intero mode
+(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'intero-mode)
;; ido
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)