"%s was supposed to Error(404), not get '%s'" %
(which, res))
- def shouldHTTPError(self, res, which, code=None, substring=None,
+ def _shouldHTTPError(self, res, which, code=None, substring=None,
if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
res.trap(error.Error)"%s was supposed to Error(%s), not get '%s'" %
(which, code, res))
- def shouldHTTPError2(self, which,
- code=None, substring=None, response_substring=None,
- callable=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ def shouldHTTPError(self, which,
+ code=None, substring=None, response_substring=None,
+ callable=None, *args, **kwargs):
assert substring is None or isinstance(substring, str)
assert callable
d = defer.maybeDeferred(callable, *args, **kwargs)
- d.addBoth(self.shouldHTTPError, which,
+ d.addBoth(self._shouldHTTPError, which,
code, substring, response_substring)
return d
return d
def test_GET_FILEURL_badtype(self):
- d = self.shouldHTTPError2("GET t=bogus", 400, "Bad Request",
- "bad t=bogus",
- self.GET,
- self.public_url + "/foo/bar.txt?t=bogus")
+ d = self.shouldHTTPError("GET t=bogus", 400, "Bad Request",
+ "bad t=bogus",
+ self.GET,
+ self.public_url + "/foo/bar.txt?t=bogus")
return d
def test_GET_FILEURL_uri_missing(self):
return d
def test_GET_DIRURL_badtype(self):
- d = self.shouldHTTPError2("test_GET_DIRURL_badtype",
- 400, "Bad Request",
- "bad t=bogus",
- self.GET,
- self.public_url + "/foo?t=bogus")
+ d = self.shouldHTTPError("test_GET_DIRURL_badtype",
+ 400, "Bad Request",
+ "bad t=bogus",
+ self.GET,
+ self.public_url + "/foo?t=bogus")
return d
def test_GET_DIRURL_json(self):
return d
def test_POST_noparent_bad(self):
- d = self.shouldHTTPError2("POST /uri?t=bogus", 400, "Bad Request",
- "/uri accepts only PUT, PUT?t=mkdir, "
- "POST?t=upload, and POST?t=mkdir",
- self.POST, "/uri?t=bogus")
+ d = self.shouldHTTPError("POST /uri?t=bogus", 400, "Bad Request",
+ "/uri accepts only PUT, PUT?t=mkdir, "
+ "POST?t=upload, and POST?t=mkdir",
+ self.POST, "/uri?t=bogus")
return d
def test_welcome_page_mkdir_button(self):
def test_GET_URI_URL_missing(self):
base = "/uri/%s" % self._bad_file_uri
- d = self.GET(base)
- d.addBoth(self.shouldHTTPError, "test_GET_URI_URL_missing",
- http.GONE, response_substring="NotEnoughSharesError")
+ d = self.shouldHTTPError("test_GET_URI_URL_missing",
+ http.GONE, None, "NotEnoughSharesError",
+ self.GET, base)
# TODO: how can we exercise both sides of
# here? we must arrange for a download to fail after
# has been called, and then inspect the response to see that it is
def test_bad_method(self):
url = self.webish_url + self.public_url + "/foo/bar.txt"
- d = self.shouldHTTPError2("test_bad_method",
- 501, "Not Implemented",
- "I don't know how to treat a BOGUS request.",
- client.getPage, url, method="BOGUS")
+ d = self.shouldHTTPError("test_bad_method",
+ 501, "Not Implemented",
+ "I don't know how to treat a BOGUS request.",
+ client.getPage, url, method="BOGUS")
return d
def test_short_url(self):
url = self.webish_url + "/uri"
- d = self.shouldHTTPError2("test_short_url", 501, "Not Implemented",
- "I don't know how to treat a DELETE request.",
- client.getPage, url, method="DELETE")
+ d = self.shouldHTTPError("test_short_url", 501, "Not Implemented",
+ "I don't know how to treat a DELETE request.",
+ client.getPage, url, method="DELETE")
return d
def test_ophandle_bad(self):
url = self.webish_url + "/operations/bogus?t=status"
- d = self.shouldHTTPError2("test_ophandle_bad", 404, "404 Not Found",
- "unknown/expired handle 'bogus'",
- client.getPage, url)
+ d = self.shouldHTTPError("test_ophandle_bad", 404, "404 Not Found",
+ "unknown/expired handle 'bogus'",
+ client.getPage, url)
return d
def test_ophandle_cancel(self):
return d
d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
- self.shouldHTTPError2("test_ophandle_cancel",
- 404, "404 Not Found",
- "unknown/expired handle '128'",
- self.GET,
- "/operations/128?t=status&output=JSON"))
+ self.shouldHTTPError("test_ophandle_cancel",
+ 404, "404 Not Found",
+ "unknown/expired handle '128'",
+ self.GET,
+ "/operations/128?t=status&output=JSON"))
return d
def test_ophandle_retainfor(self):
# the retain-for=0 will cause the handle to be expired very soon
d.addCallback(self.stall, 2.0)
d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
- self.shouldHTTPError2("test_ophandle_retainfor",
- 404, "404 Not Found",
- "unknown/expired handle '129'",
- self.GET,
- "/operations/129?t=status&output=JSON"))
+ self.shouldHTTPError("test_ophandle_retainfor",
+ 404, "404 Not Found",
+ "unknown/expired handle '129'",
+ self.GET,
+ "/operations/129?t=status&output=JSON"))
return d
def test_ophandle_release_after_complete(self):
# the release-after-complete=true will cause the handle to be expired
d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
- self.shouldHTTPError2("test_ophandle_release_after_complete",
- 404, "404 Not Found",
- "unknown/expired handle '130'",
- self.GET,
- "/operations/130?t=status&output=JSON"))
+ self.shouldHTTPError("test_ophandle_release_after_complete",
+ 404, "404 Not Found",
+ "unknown/expired handle '130'",
+ self.GET,
+ "/operations/130?t=status&output=JSON"))
return d
def test_incident(self):