) where
import Control.Monad.State
-import Data.Bits (shiftR, (.&.))
+import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import Data.Digest.Adler32 (adler32, adler32Update)
+import Data.Digest.Adler32 (adler32)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD4 as MD4
M.lookup (blockSig blk) f0MD4Table
case matches of
Just idxs -> do
- modify (`adler32Update` blk)
+ -- modify (`adler32Update` blk)
+ put $ rollingChecksum (fromIntegral startIdx) (fromIntegral endIdx) fnew
is <- go (endIdx + 1) blks
return $ RBlk (head idxs) : is
Nothing -> do
- let c = BL.head blk
- modify (`adler32Update` BL.singleton c)
+ let c = BL.head blk
+ c' = BL.head blk -- FIX (should have been blks)
+ -- modify (`adler32Update` BL.singleton c)
+ put $ rollingChecksumUpdate adlerSum c c' startIdx endIdx
is <- go (startIdx + 1) (BL.tail (blk `mappend` blks))
return $ RChar c : is
f0AdlerTable = toAdlerMap f0sigs
RChar w -> BL.singleton w `mappend` go f0blocks insts
rollingChecksum :: Int -> Int -> BL.ByteString -> Word32
-rollingChecksum strtIdx lenBS bs = a `mod` m + ((fromIntegral b) `mod` m) * m
+rollingChecksum strtIdx endIdx bs = a `mod` m + ((fromIntegral b) `mod` m) `shiftL` mb
where a = BL.foldl (\acc x -> acc + (fromIntegral x)) 0 bs'
b = BL.foldl (\acc x -> acc + x) 0 (BL.pack wbs')
- bs' = BL.take (fromIntegral lenBS) $ BL.drop (fromIntegral strtIdx) bs
+ bs' = BL.take (fromIntegral (endIdx - strtIdx + 1)) bs
m = 2^16
- wbs' = BL.zipWith (*) (BL.pack (reverse (map fromIntegral [1..(lenBS - strtIdx + 1)]))) bs'
+ mb = 16
+ wbs' = BL.zipWith (*) (BL.pack (reverse (map fromIntegral [1..(endIdx - strtIdx + 1)]))) bs'
+checksum :: Int -> Int -> BL.ByteString -> Word32
+checksum strtIdx endIdx bs = a `mod` m + ((fromIntegral b) `mod` m) `shiftL` mb
+ where buffer = map fromIntegral $ take (endIdx - strtIdx) $ drop strtIdx $ BL.unpack bs
+ indices = map fromIntegral [1..(endIdx - strtIdx + 1)]
+ a = sum buffer
+ b = sum $ zipWith (*) (reverse indices) buffer
+ m = 2^size
+ size = 16
-- given the checksum of bytes from index: startIdx to endIdx, find
-- the checksum for the block from (startIdx + 1 .. endIdx + 1)