from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from foolscap.api import eventually
-from allmydata.interfaces import IMutableFileNode, \
- ICheckable, ICheckResults, NotEnoughSharesError
-from allmydata.util import hashutil, log
+from allmydata.interfaces import IMutableFileNode, ICheckable, ICheckResults, \
+ NotEnoughSharesError, MDMF_VERSION, SDMF_VERSION, IMutableUploadable, \
+ IMutableFileVersion, IWritable
+from allmydata.util import hashutil, log, consumer, deferredutil, mathutil
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
-from allmydata.uri import WriteableSSKFileURI, ReadonlySSKFileURI
+from allmydata.uri import WriteableSSKFileURI, ReadonlySSKFileURI, \
+ WritableMDMFFileURI, ReadonlyMDMFFileURI
from allmydata.monitor import Monitor
from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
-from allmydata.mutable.publish import Publish
-from allmydata.mutable.common import MODE_READ, MODE_WRITE, UnrecoverableFileError, \
+from allmydata.mutable.publish import Publish, MutableData,\
+ TransformingUploadable
+from allmydata.mutable.common import MODE_READ, MODE_WRITE, MODE_CHECK, UnrecoverableFileError, \
ResponseCache, UncoordinatedWriteError
from allmydata.mutable.servermap import ServerMap, ServermapUpdater
from allmydata.mutable.retrieve import Retrieve
self._sharemap = {} # known shares, shnum-to-[nodeids]
self._cache = ResponseCache()
self._most_recent_size = None
+ # filled in after __init__ if we're being created for the first time;
+ # filled in by the servermap updater before publishing, otherwise.
+ # set to this default value in case neither of those things happen,
+ # or in case the servermap can't find any shares to tell us what
+ # to publish as.
+ self._protocol_version = None
# all users of this MutableFileNode go through the serializer. This
# takes advantage of the fact that Deferreds discard the callbacks
# forever without consuming more and more memory.
self._serializer = defer.succeed(None)
+ # Starting with MDMF, we can get these from caps if they're
+ # there. Leave them alone for now; they'll be filled in by my
+ # init_from_cap method if necessary.
+ self._downloader_hints = {}
def __repr__(self):
if hasattr(self, '_uri'):
return "<%s %x %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.is_readonly() and 'RO' or 'RW', self._uri.abbrev())
# verification key, nor things like 'k' or 'N'. If and when someone
# wants to get our contents, we'll pull from shares and fill those
# in.
- assert isinstance(filecap, (ReadonlySSKFileURI, WriteableSSKFileURI))
+ if isinstance(filecap, (WritableMDMFFileURI, ReadonlyMDMFFileURI)):
+ self._protocol_version = MDMF_VERSION
+ elif isinstance(filecap, (ReadonlySSKFileURI, WriteableSSKFileURI)):
+ self._protocol_version = SDMF_VERSION
self._uri = filecap
self._writekey = None
- if isinstance(filecap, WriteableSSKFileURI):
+ if not filecap.is_readonly() and filecap.is_mutable():
self._writekey = self._uri.writekey
self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
# if possible, otherwise by the first peer that Publish talks to.
self._privkey = None
self._encprivkey = None
+ # Starting with MDMF caps, we allowed arbitrary extensions in
+ # caps. If we were initialized with a cap that had extensions,
+ # we want to remember them so we can tell MutableFileVersions
+ # about them.
+ extensions = self._uri.get_extension_params()
+ if extensions:
+ extensions = map(int, extensions)
+ suspected_k, suspected_segsize = extensions
+ self._downloader_hints['k'] = suspected_k
+ self._downloader_hints['segsize'] = suspected_segsize
return self
- def create_with_keys(self, (pubkey, privkey), contents):
+ def create_with_keys(self, (pubkey, privkey), contents,
+ version=SDMF_VERSION):
"""Call this to create a brand-new mutable file. It will create the
shares, find homes for them, and upload the initial contents (created
with the same rules as IClient.create_mutable_file() ). Returns a
self._writekey = hashutil.ssk_writekey_hash(privkey_s)
self._encprivkey = self._encrypt_privkey(self._writekey, privkey_s)
self._fingerprint = hashutil.ssk_pubkey_fingerprint_hash(pubkey_s)
- self._uri = WriteableSSKFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
+ if version == MDMF_VERSION:
+ self._uri = WritableMDMFFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
+ self._protocol_version = version
+ elif version == SDMF_VERSION:
+ self._uri = WriteableSSKFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
+ self._protocol_version = version
self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
initial_contents = self._get_initial_contents(contents)
return self._upload(initial_contents, None)
def _get_initial_contents(self, contents):
+ if contents is None:
+ return MutableData("")
if isinstance(contents, str):
+ return MutableData(contents)
+ if IMutableUploadable.providedBy(contents):
return contents
- if contents is None:
- return ""
assert callable(contents), "%s should be callable, not %s" % \
(contents, type(contents))
return contents(self)
def get_size(self):
return self._most_recent_size
def get_current_size(self):
d = self.get_size_of_best_version()
return d
def _stash_size(self, size):
self._most_recent_size = size
return size
return cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__)
return cmp(self._uri, them._uri)
- def _do_serialized(self, cb, *args, **kwargs):
- # note: to avoid deadlock, this callable is *not* allowed to invoke
- # other serialized methods within this (or any other)
- # MutableFileNode. The callable should be a bound method of this same
- # MFN instance.
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self._serializer.addCallback(lambda ignore: cb(*args, **kwargs))
- # we need to put off d.callback until this Deferred is finished being
- # processed. Otherwise the caller's subsequent activities (like,
- # doing other things with this node) can cause reentrancy problems in
- # the Deferred code itself
- self._serializer.addBoth(lambda res: eventually(d.callback, res))
- # add a log.err just in case something really weird happens, because
- # self._serializer stays around forever, therefore we won't see the
- # usual Unhandled Error in Deferred that would give us a hint.
- self._serializer.addErrback(log.err)
- return d
# ICheckable
- # IMutableFileNode
+ # IFileNode
+ def get_best_readable_version(self):
+ """
+ I return a Deferred that fires with a MutableFileVersion
+ representing the best readable version of the file that I
+ represent
+ """
+ return self.get_readable_version()
+ def get_readable_version(self, servermap=None, version=None):
+ """
+ I return a Deferred that fires with an MutableFileVersion for my
+ version argument, if there is a recoverable file of that version
+ on the grid. If there is no recoverable version, I fire with an
+ UnrecoverableFileError.
+ If a servermap is provided, I look in there for the requested
+ version. If no servermap is provided, I create and update a new
+ one.
+ If no version is provided, then I return a MutableFileVersion
+ representing the best recoverable version of the file.
+ """
+ d = self._get_version_from_servermap(MODE_READ, servermap, version)
+ def _build_version((servermap, their_version)):
+ assert their_version in servermap.recoverable_versions()
+ assert their_version in servermap.make_versionmap()
+ mfv = MutableFileVersion(self,
+ servermap,
+ their_version,
+ self._storage_index,
+ self._storage_broker,
+ self._readkey,
+ history=self._history)
+ assert mfv.is_readonly()
+ mfv.set_downloader_hints(self._downloader_hints)
+ # our caller can use this to download the contents of the
+ # mutable file.
+ return mfv
+ return d.addCallback(_build_version)
+ def _get_version_from_servermap(self,
+ mode,
+ servermap=None,
+ version=None):
+ """
+ I return a Deferred that fires with (servermap, version).
+ This function performs validation and a servermap update. If it
+ returns (servermap, version), the caller can assume that:
+ - servermap was last updated in mode.
+ - version is recoverable, and corresponds to the servermap.
+ If version and servermap are provided to me, I will validate
+ that version exists in the servermap, and that the servermap was
+ updated correctly.
+ If version is not provided, but servermap is, I will validate
+ the servermap and return the best recoverable version that I can
+ find in the servermap.
+ If the version is provided but the servermap isn't, I will
+ obtain a servermap that has been updated in the correct mode and
+ validate that version is found and recoverable.
+ If neither servermap nor version are provided, I will obtain a
+ servermap updated in the correct mode, and return the best
+ recoverable version that I can find in there.
+ """
+ # XXX: wording ^^^^
+ if servermap and servermap.last_update_mode == mode:
+ d = defer.succeed(servermap)
+ else:
+ d = self._get_servermap(mode)
+ def _get_version(servermap, v):
+ if v and v not in servermap.recoverable_versions():
+ v = None
+ elif not v:
+ v = servermap.best_recoverable_version()
+ if not v:
+ raise UnrecoverableFileError("no recoverable versions")
+ return (servermap, v)
+ return d.addCallback(_get_version, version)
def download_best_version(self):
+ """
+ I return a Deferred that fires with the contents of the best
+ version of this mutable file.
+ """
return self._do_serialized(self._download_best_version)
def _download_best_version(self):
- servermap = ServerMap()
- d = self._try_once_to_download_best_version(servermap, MODE_READ)
- def _maybe_retry(f):
- f.trap(NotEnoughSharesError)
- # the download is worth retrying once. Make sure to use the
- # old servermap, since it is what remembers the bad shares,
- # but use MODE_WRITE to make it look for even more shares.
- # TODO: consider allowing this to retry multiple times.. this
- # approach will let us tolerate about 8 bad shares, I think.
- return self._try_once_to_download_best_version(servermap,
+ """
+ I am the serialized sibling of download_best_version.
+ """
+ d = self.get_best_readable_version()
+ d.addCallback(self._record_size)
+ d.addCallback(lambda version: version.download_to_data())
+ # It is possible that the download will fail because there
+ # aren't enough shares to be had. If so, we will try again after
+ # updating the servermap in MODE_WRITE, which may find more
+ # shares than updating in MODE_READ, as we just did. We can do
+ # this by getting the best mutable version and downloading from
+ # that -- the best mutable version will be a MutableFileVersion
+ # with a servermap that was last updated in MODE_WRITE, as we
+ # want. If this fails, then we give up.
+ def _maybe_retry(failure):
+ failure.trap(NotEnoughSharesError)
+ d = self.get_best_mutable_version()
+ d.addCallback(self._record_size)
+ d.addCallback(lambda version: version.download_to_data())
+ return d
return d
- def _try_once_to_download_best_version(self, servermap, mode):
- d = self._update_servermap(servermap, mode)
- d.addCallback(self._once_updated_download_best_version, servermap)
- return d
- def _once_updated_download_best_version(self, ignored, servermap):
- goal = servermap.best_recoverable_version()
- if not goal:
- raise UnrecoverableFileError("no recoverable versions")
- return self._try_once_to_download_version(servermap, goal)
+ def _record_size(self, mfv):
+ """
+ I record the size of a mutable file version.
+ """
+ self._most_recent_size = mfv.get_size()
+ return mfv
def get_size_of_best_version(self):
- d = self.get_servermap(MODE_READ)
- def _got_servermap(smap):
- ver = smap.best_recoverable_version()
- if not ver:
- raise UnrecoverableFileError("no recoverable version")
- return smap.size_of_version(ver)
- d.addCallback(_got_servermap)
- return d
+ """
+ I return the size of the best version of this mutable file.
+ This is equivalent to calling get_size() on the result of
+ get_best_readable_version().
+ """
+ d = self.get_best_readable_version()
+ return d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.get_size())
+ #################################
+ # IMutableFileNode
+ def get_best_mutable_version(self, servermap=None):
+ """
+ I return a Deferred that fires with a MutableFileVersion
+ representing the best readable version of the file that I
+ represent. I am like get_best_readable_version, except that I
+ will try to make a writable version if I can.
+ """
+ return self.get_mutable_version(servermap=servermap)
+ def get_mutable_version(self, servermap=None, version=None):
+ """
+ I return a version of this mutable file. I return a Deferred
+ that fires with a MutableFileVersion
+ If version is provided, the Deferred will fire with a
+ MutableFileVersion initailized with that version. Otherwise, it
+ will fire with the best version that I can recover.
+ If servermap is provided, I will use that to find versions
+ instead of performing my own servermap update.
+ """
+ if self.is_readonly():
+ return self.get_readable_version(servermap=servermap,
+ version=version)
+ # get_mutable_version => write intent, so we require that the
+ # servermap is updated in MODE_WRITE
+ d = self._get_version_from_servermap(MODE_WRITE, servermap, version)
+ def _build_version((servermap, smap_version)):
+ # these should have been set by the servermap update.
+ assert self._secret_holder
+ assert self._writekey
+ mfv = MutableFileVersion(self,
+ servermap,
+ smap_version,
+ self._storage_index,
+ self._storage_broker,
+ self._readkey,
+ self._writekey,
+ self._secret_holder,
+ history=self._history)
+ assert not mfv.is_readonly()
+ mfv.set_downloader_hints(self._downloader_hints)
+ return mfv
+ return d.addCallback(_build_version)
+ # XXX: I'm uncomfortable with the difference between upload and
+ # overwrite, which, FWICT, is basically that you don't have to
+ # do a servermap update before you overwrite. We split them up
+ # that way anyway, so I guess there's no real difficulty in
+ # offering both ways to callers, but it also makes the
+ # public-facing API cluttery, and makes it hard to discern the
+ # right way of doing things.
+ # In general, we leave it to callers to ensure that they aren't
+ # going to cause UncoordinatedWriteErrors when working with
+ # MutableFileVersions. We know that the next three operations
+ # (upload, overwrite, and modify) will all operate on the same
+ # version, so we say that only one of them can be going on at once,
+ # and serialize them to ensure that that actually happens, since as
+ # the caller in this situation it is our job to do that.
def overwrite(self, new_contents):
+ """
+ I overwrite the contents of the best recoverable version of this
+ mutable file with new_contents. This is equivalent to calling
+ overwrite on the result of get_best_mutable_version with
+ new_contents as an argument. I return a Deferred that eventually
+ fires with the results of my replacement process.
+ """
+ # TODO: Update downloader hints.
return self._do_serialized(self._overwrite, new_contents)
def _overwrite(self, new_contents):
+ """
+ I am the serialized sibling of overwrite.
+ """
+ d = self.get_best_mutable_version()
+ d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.overwrite(new_contents))
+ d.addCallback(self._did_upload, new_contents.get_size())
+ return d
+ def upload(self, new_contents, servermap):
+ """
+ I overwrite the contents of the best recoverable version of this
+ mutable file with new_contents, using servermap instead of
+ creating/updating our own servermap. I return a Deferred that
+ fires with the results of my upload.
+ """
+ # TODO: Update downloader hints
+ return self._do_serialized(self._upload, new_contents, servermap)
+ def modify(self, modifier, backoffer=None):
+ """
+ I modify the contents of the best recoverable version of this
+ mutable file with the modifier. This is equivalent to calling
+ modify on the result of get_best_mutable_version. I return a
+ Deferred that eventually fires with an UploadResults instance
+ describing this process.
+ """
+ # TODO: Update downloader hints.
+ return self._do_serialized(self._modify, modifier, backoffer)
+ def _modify(self, modifier, backoffer):
+ """
+ I am the serialized sibling of modify.
+ """
+ d = self.get_best_mutable_version()
+ d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.modify(modifier, backoffer))
+ return d
+ def download_version(self, servermap, version, fetch_privkey=False):
+ """
+ Download the specified version of this mutable file. I return a
+ Deferred that fires with the contents of the specified version
+ as a bytestring, or errbacks if the file is not recoverable.
+ """
+ d = self.get_readable_version(servermap, version)
+ return d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.download_to_data(fetch_privkey))
+ def get_servermap(self, mode):
+ """
+ I return a servermap that has been updated in mode.
+ mode should be one of MODE_READ, MODE_WRITE, MODE_CHECK or
+ MODE_ANYTHING. See for more on what these mean.
+ """
+ return self._do_serialized(self._get_servermap, mode)
+ def _get_servermap(self, mode):
+ """
+ I am a serialized twin to get_servermap.
+ """
servermap = ServerMap()
- d = self._update_servermap(servermap, mode=MODE_WRITE)
- d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self._upload(new_contents, servermap))
+ d = self._update_servermap(servermap, mode)
+ # The servermap will tell us about the most recent size of the
+ # file, so we may as well set that so that callers might get
+ # more data about us.
+ if not self._most_recent_size:
+ d.addCallback(self._get_size_from_servermap)
+ return d
+ def _get_size_from_servermap(self, servermap):
+ """
+ I extract the size of the best version of this file and record
+ it in self._most_recent_size. I return the servermap that I was
+ given.
+ """
+ if servermap.recoverable_versions():
+ v = servermap.best_recoverable_version()
+ size = v[4] # verinfo[4] == size
+ self._most_recent_size = size
+ return servermap
+ def _update_servermap(self, servermap, mode):
+ u = ServermapUpdater(self, self._storage_broker, Monitor(), servermap,
+ mode)
+ if self._history:
+ self._history.notify_mapupdate(u.get_status())
+ return u.update()
+ #def set_version(self, version):
+ # I can be set in two ways:
+ # 1. When the node is created.
+ # 2. (for an existing share) when the Servermap is updated
+ # before I am read.
+ # assert version in (MDMF_VERSION, SDMF_VERSION)
+ # self._protocol_version = version
+ def get_version(self):
+ return self._protocol_version
+ def _do_serialized(self, cb, *args, **kwargs):
+ # note: to avoid deadlock, this callable is *not* allowed to invoke
+ # other serialized methods within this (or any other)
+ # MutableFileNode. The callable should be a bound method of this same
+ # MFN instance.
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ self._serializer.addCallback(lambda ignore: cb(*args, **kwargs))
+ # we need to put off d.callback until this Deferred is finished being
+ # processed. Otherwise the caller's subsequent activities (like,
+ # doing other things with this node) can cause reentrancy problems in
+ # the Deferred code itself
+ self._serializer.addBoth(lambda res: eventually(d.callback, res))
+ # add a log.err just in case something really weird happens, because
+ # self._serializer stays around forever, therefore we won't see the
+ # usual Unhandled Error in Deferred that would give us a hint.
+ self._serializer.addErrback(log.err)
+ return d
+ def _upload(self, new_contents, servermap):
+ """
+ A MutableFileNode still has to have some way of getting
+ published initially, which is what I am here for. After that,
+ all publishing, updating, modifying and so on happens through
+ MutableFileVersions.
+ """
+ assert self._pubkey, "update_servermap must be called before publish"
+ # Define IPublishInvoker with a set_downloader_hints method?
+ # Then have the publisher call that method when it's done publishing?
+ p = Publish(self, self._storage_broker, servermap)
+ if self._history:
+ self._history.notify_publish(p.get_status(),
+ new_contents.get_size())
+ d = p.publish(new_contents)
+ d.addCallback(self._did_upload, new_contents.get_size())
return d
+ def set_downloader_hints(self, hints):
+ self._downloader_hints = hints
+ extensions = hints.values()
+ self._uri.set_extension_params(extensions)
+ def _did_upload(self, res, size):
+ self._most_recent_size = size
+ return res
+class MutableFileVersion:
+ """
+ I represent a specific version (most likely the best version) of a
+ mutable file.
+ Since I implement IReadable, instances which hold a
+ reference to an instance of me are guaranteed the ability (absent
+ connection difficulties or unrecoverable versions) to read the file
+ that I represent. Depending on whether I was initialized with a
+ write capability or not, I may also provide callers the ability to
+ overwrite or modify the contents of the mutable file that I
+ reference.
+ """
+ implements(IMutableFileVersion, IWritable)
+ def __init__(self,
+ node,
+ servermap,
+ version,
+ storage_index,
+ storage_broker,
+ readcap,
+ writekey=None,
+ write_secrets=None,
+ history=None):
+ self._node = node
+ self._servermap = servermap
+ self._version = version
+ self._storage_index = storage_index
+ self._write_secrets = write_secrets
+ self._history = history
+ self._storage_broker = storage_broker
+ #assert isinstance(readcap, IURI)
+ self._readcap = readcap
+ self._writekey = writekey
+ self._serializer = defer.succeed(None)
+ def get_sequence_number(self):
+ """
+ Get the sequence number of the mutable version that I represent.
+ """
+ return self._version[0] # verinfo[0] == the sequence number
+ # TODO: Terminology?
+ def get_writekey(self):
+ """
+ I return a writekey or None if I don't have a writekey.
+ """
+ return self._writekey
+ def set_downloader_hints(self, hints):
+ """
+ I set the downloader hints.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(hints, dict)
+ self._downloader_hints = hints
+ def get_downloader_hints(self):
+ """
+ I return the downloader hints.
+ """
+ return self._downloader_hints
+ def overwrite(self, new_contents):
+ """
+ I overwrite the contents of this mutable file version with the
+ data in new_contents.
+ """
+ assert not self.is_readonly()
+ return self._do_serialized(self._overwrite, new_contents)
+ def _overwrite(self, new_contents):
+ assert IMutableUploadable.providedBy(new_contents)
+ assert self._servermap.last_update_mode == MODE_WRITE
+ return self._upload(new_contents)
def modify(self, modifier, backoffer=None):
"""I use a modifier callback to apply a change to the mutable file.
I implement the following pseudocode::
backoffer should not invoke any methods on this MutableFileNode
instance, and it needs to be highly conscious of deadlock issues.
+ assert not self.is_readonly()
return self._do_serialized(self._modify, modifier, backoffer)
def _modify(self, modifier, backoffer):
- servermap = ServerMap()
if backoffer is None:
backoffer = BackoffAgent().delay
- return self._modify_and_retry(servermap, modifier, backoffer, True)
- def _modify_and_retry(self, servermap, modifier, backoffer, first_time):
- d = self._modify_once(servermap, modifier, first_time)
+ return self._modify_and_retry(modifier, backoffer, True)
+ def _modify_and_retry(self, modifier, backoffer, first_time):
+ """
+ I try to apply modifier to the contents of this version of the
+ mutable file. If I succeed, I return an UploadResults instance
+ describing my success. If I fail, I try again after waiting for
+ a little bit.
+ """
+ log.msg("doing modify")
+ if first_time:
+ d = self._update_servermap()
+ else:
+ # We ran into trouble; do MODE_CHECK so we're a little more
+ # careful on subsequent tries.
+ d = self._update_servermap(mode=MODE_CHECK)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self._modify_once(modifier, first_time))
def _retry(f):
+ # Uh oh, it broke. We're allowed to trust the servermap for our
+ # first try, but after that we need to update it. It's
+ # possible that we've failed due to a race with another
+ # uploader, and if the race is to converge correctly, we
+ # need to know about that upload.
d2 = defer.maybeDeferred(backoffer, self, f)
d2.addCallback(lambda ignored:
- self._modify_and_retry(servermap, modifier,
+ self._modify_and_retry(modifier,
backoffer, False))
return d2
return d
- def _modify_once(self, servermap, modifier, first_time):
- d = self._update_servermap(servermap, MODE_WRITE)
- d.addCallback(self._once_updated_download_best_version, servermap)
+ def _modify_once(self, modifier, first_time):
+ """
+ I attempt to apply a modifier to the contents of the mutable
+ file.
+ """
+ assert self._servermap.last_update_mode != MODE_READ
+ # download_to_data is serialized, so we have to call this to
+ # avoid deadlock.
+ d = self._try_to_download_data()
def _apply(old_contents):
- new_contents = modifier(old_contents, servermap, first_time)
+ new_contents = modifier(old_contents, self._servermap, first_time)
+ precondition((isinstance(new_contents, str) or
+ new_contents is None),
+ "Modifier function must return a string "
+ "or None")
if new_contents is None or new_contents == old_contents:
+ log.msg("no changes")
# no changes need to be made
if first_time:
# recovery when it observes UCWE, we need to do a second
# publish. See #551 for details. We'll basically loop until
# we managed an uncontested publish.
- new_contents = old_contents
- precondition(isinstance(new_contents, str),
- "Modifier function must return a string or None")
- return self._upload(new_contents, servermap)
+ old_uploadable = MutableData(old_contents)
+ new_contents = old_uploadable
+ else:
+ new_contents = MutableData(new_contents)
+ return self._upload(new_contents)
return d
- def get_servermap(self, mode):
- return self._do_serialized(self._get_servermap, mode)
- def _get_servermap(self, mode):
- servermap = ServerMap()
- return self._update_servermap(servermap, mode)
- def _update_servermap(self, servermap, mode):
- u = ServermapUpdater(self, self._storage_broker, Monitor(), servermap,
- mode)
- if self._history:
- self._history.notify_mapupdate(u.get_status())
- return u.update()
- def download_version(self, servermap, version, fetch_privkey=False):
- return self._do_serialized(self._try_once_to_download_version,
- servermap, version, fetch_privkey)
- def _try_once_to_download_version(self, servermap, version,
- fetch_privkey=False):
- r = Retrieve(self, servermap, version, fetch_privkey)
+ def is_readonly(self):
+ """
+ I return True if this MutableFileVersion provides no write
+ access to the file that it encapsulates, and False if it
+ provides the ability to modify the file.
+ """
+ return self._writekey is None
+ def is_mutable(self):
+ """
+ I return True, since mutable files are always mutable by
+ somebody.
+ """
+ return True
+ def get_storage_index(self):
+ """
+ I return the storage index of the reference that I encapsulate.
+ """
+ return self._storage_index
+ def get_size(self):
+ """
+ I return the length, in bytes, of this readable object.
+ """
+ return self._servermap.size_of_version(self._version)
+ def download_to_data(self, fetch_privkey=False):
+ """
+ I return a Deferred that fires with the contents of this
+ readable object as a byte string.
+ """
+ c = consumer.MemoryConsumer()
+ d =, fetch_privkey=fetch_privkey)
+ d.addCallback(lambda mc: "".join(mc.chunks))
+ return d
+ def _try_to_download_data(self):
+ """
+ I am an unserialized cousin of download_to_data; I am called
+ from the children of modify() to download the data associated
+ with this mutable version.
+ """
+ c = consumer.MemoryConsumer()
+ # modify will almost certainly write, so we need the privkey.
+ d = self._read(c, fetch_privkey=True)
+ d.addCallback(lambda mc: "".join(mc.chunks))
+ return d
+ def read(self, consumer, offset=0, size=None, fetch_privkey=False):
+ """
+ I read a portion (possibly all) of the mutable file that I
+ reference into consumer.
+ """
+ return self._do_serialized(self._read, consumer, offset, size,
+ fetch_privkey)
+ def _read(self, consumer, offset=0, size=None, fetch_privkey=False):
+ """
+ I am the serialized companion of read.
+ """
+ r = Retrieve(self._node, self._servermap, self._version, fetch_privkey)
if self._history:
- d =
- d.addCallback(self._downloaded_version)
+ d =, offset, size)
return d
- def _downloaded_version(self, data):
- self._most_recent_size = len(data)
- return data
- def upload(self, new_contents, servermap):
- return self._do_serialized(self._upload, new_contents, servermap)
- def _upload(self, new_contents, servermap):
- assert self._pubkey, "update_servermap must be called before publish"
- p = Publish(self, self._storage_broker, servermap)
+ def _do_serialized(self, cb, *args, **kwargs):
+ # note: to avoid deadlock, this callable is *not* allowed to invoke
+ # other serialized methods within this (or any other)
+ # MutableFileNode. The callable should be a bound method of this same
+ # MFN instance.
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ self._serializer.addCallback(lambda ignore: cb(*args, **kwargs))
+ # we need to put off d.callback until this Deferred is finished being
+ # processed. Otherwise the caller's subsequent activities (like,
+ # doing other things with this node) can cause reentrancy problems in
+ # the Deferred code itself
+ self._serializer.addBoth(lambda res: eventually(d.callback, res))
+ # add a log.err just in case something really weird happens, because
+ # self._serializer stays around forever, therefore we won't see the
+ # usual Unhandled Error in Deferred that would give us a hint.
+ self._serializer.addErrback(log.err)
+ return d
+ def _upload(self, new_contents):
+ #assert self._pubkey, "update_servermap must be called before publish"
+ p = Publish(self._node, self._storage_broker, self._servermap)
if self._history:
- self._history.notify_publish(p.get_status(), len(new_contents))
+ self._history.notify_publish(p.get_status(),
+ new_contents.get_size())
d = p.publish(new_contents)
- d.addCallback(self._did_upload, len(new_contents))
+ d.addCallback(self._did_upload, new_contents.get_size())
return d
def _did_upload(self, res, size):
self._most_recent_size = size
return res
+ def update(self, data, offset):
+ """
+ Do an update of this mutable file version by inserting data at
+ offset within the file. If offset is the EOF, this is an append
+ operation. I return a Deferred that fires with the results of
+ the update operation when it has completed.
+ In cases where update does not append any data, or where it does
+ not append so many blocks that the block count crosses a
+ power-of-two boundary, this operation will use roughly
+ O(data.get_size()) memory/bandwidth/CPU to perform the update.
+ Otherwise, it must download, re-encode, and upload the entire
+ file again, which will use O(filesize) resources.
+ """
+ return self._do_serialized(self._update, data, offset)
+ def _update(self, data, offset):
+ """
+ I update the mutable file version represented by this particular
+ IMutableVersion by inserting the data in data at the offset
+ offset. I return a Deferred that fires when this has been
+ completed.
+ """
+ new_size = data.get_size() + offset
+ old_size = self.get_size()
+ segment_size = self._version[3]
+ num_old_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(old_size,
+ segment_size)
+ num_new_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(new_size,
+ segment_size)
+ log.msg("got %d old segments, %d new segments" % \
+ (num_old_segments, num_new_segments))
+ # We do a whole file re-encode if the file is an SDMF file.
+ if self._version[2]: # version[2] == SDMF salt, which MDMF lacks
+ log.msg("doing re-encode instead of in-place update")
+ return self._do_modify_update(data, offset)
+ # Otherwise, we can replace just the parts that are changing.
+ log.msg("updating in place")
+ d = self._do_update_update(data, offset)
+ d.addCallback(self._decode_and_decrypt_segments, data, offset)
+ d.addCallback(self._build_uploadable_and_finish, data, offset)
+ return d
+ def _do_modify_update(self, data, offset):
+ """
+ I perform a file update by modifying the contents of the file
+ after downloading it, then reuploading it. I am less efficient
+ than _do_update_update, but am necessary for certain updates.
+ """
+ def m(old, servermap, first_time):
+ start = offset
+ rest = offset + data.get_size()
+ new = old[:start]
+ new += "".join(
+ new += old[rest:]
+ return new
+ return self._modify(m, None)
+ def _do_update_update(self, data, offset):
+ """
+ I start the Servermap update that gets us the data we need to
+ continue the update process. I return a Deferred that fires when
+ the servermap update is done.
+ """
+ assert IMutableUploadable.providedBy(data)
+ assert self.is_mutable()
+ # offset == self.get_size() is valid and means that we are
+ # appending data to the file.
+ assert offset <= self.get_size()
+ segsize = self._version[3]
+ # We'll need the segment that the data starts in, regardless of
+ # what we'll do later.
+ start_segment = offset // segsize
+ # We only need the end segment if the data we append does not go
+ # beyond the current end-of-file.
+ end_segment = start_segment
+ if offset + data.get_size() < self.get_size():
+ end_data = offset + data.get_size()
+ end_segment = end_data // segsize
+ self._start_segment = start_segment
+ self._end_segment = end_segment
+ # Now ask for the servermap to be updated in MODE_WRITE with
+ # this update range.
+ return self._update_servermap(update_range=(start_segment,
+ end_segment))
+ def _decode_and_decrypt_segments(self, ignored, data, offset):
+ """
+ After the servermap update, I take the encrypted and encoded
+ data that the servermap fetched while doing its update and
+ transform it into decoded-and-decrypted plaintext that can be
+ used by the new uploadable. I return a Deferred that fires with
+ the segments.
+ """
+ r = Retrieve(self._node, self._servermap, self._version)
+ # decode: takes in our blocks and salts from the servermap,
+ # returns a Deferred that fires with the corresponding plaintext
+ # segments. Does not download -- simply takes advantage of
+ # existing infrastructure within the Retrieve class to avoid
+ # duplicating code.
+ sm = self._servermap
+ # XXX: If the methods in the servermap don't work as
+ # abstractions, you should rewrite them instead of going around
+ # them.
+ update_data = sm.update_data
+ start_segments = {} # shnum -> start segment
+ end_segments = {} # shnum -> end segment
+ blockhashes = {} # shnum -> blockhash tree
+ for (shnum, data) in update_data.iteritems():
+ data = [d[1] for d in data if d[0] == self._version]
+ # Every data entry in our list should now be share shnum for
+ # a particular version of the mutable file, so all of the
+ # entries should be identical.
+ datum = data[0]
+ assert filter(lambda x: x != datum, data) == []
+ blockhashes[shnum] = datum[0]
+ start_segments[shnum] = datum[1]
+ end_segments[shnum] = datum[2]
+ d1 = r.decode(start_segments, self._start_segment)
+ d2 = r.decode(end_segments, self._end_segment)
+ d3 = defer.succeed(blockhashes)
+ return deferredutil.gatherResults([d1, d2, d3])
+ def _build_uploadable_and_finish(self, segments_and_bht, data, offset):
+ """
+ After the process has the plaintext segments, I build the
+ TransformingUploadable that the publisher will eventually
+ re-upload to the grid. I then invoke the publisher with that
+ uploadable, and return a Deferred when the publish operation has
+ completed without issue.
+ """
+ u = TransformingUploadable(data, offset,
+ self._version[3],
+ segments_and_bht[0],
+ segments_and_bht[1])
+ p = Publish(self._node, self._storage_broker, self._servermap)
+ return p.update(u, offset, segments_and_bht[2], self._version)
+ def _update_servermap(self, mode=MODE_WRITE, update_range=None):
+ """
+ I update the servermap. I return a Deferred that fires when the
+ servermap update is done.
+ """
+ if update_range:
+ u = ServermapUpdater(self._node, self._storage_broker, Monitor(),
+ self._servermap,
+ mode=mode,
+ update_range=update_range)
+ else:
+ u = ServermapUpdater(self._node, self._storage_broker, Monitor(),
+ self._servermap,
+ mode=mode)
+ return u.update()