** Dependency Updates
- - foolscap 0.6.0
+ - foolscap 0.6.1
+ - Debian package dependencies now specify python-twisted-conch
+ - setuptools_darcs is bundled rather than being an external dependency
* Release 1.8.1 (2010-10-28)
# O(N**2) CPU for transferring large mutable files
# of size N.
# foolscap < 0.6 is incompatible with Twisted 10.2.0.
- "foolscap[secure_connections] >= 0.6.0",
+ # foolscap 0.6.1 quiets a DeprecationWarning.
+ "foolscap[secure_connections] >= 0.6.1",
"Nevow >= 0.6.0",
# Needed for SFTP. pyasn1 is needed by twisted.conch in Twisted >= 9.0.