+ <p>or the latest beta release, v1.8.0β:</p>
+ <pre><a
+ href="http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/releases/tahoe-lafs-ticket798-1.8.0b.zip">http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/releases/tahoe-lafs-ticket798-1.8.0b.zip</a></pre>
<h2>Set Up Tahoe-LAFS</h2>
<p>Unpack the zip file and cd into the top-level directory.</p>
<p>Optionally run <cite>python setup.py test</cite> to verify that it passes all of its self-tests.</p>
- <p>Run <cite>bin/tahoe --version</cite> to verify that the executable tool prints out the right version number.</p>
+ <p>Run <cite>bin/tahoe --version</cite> (on Windows, <cite>bin\tahoe --version</cite>) to verify that the executable tool prints out the right version number.</p>
<h2>Run Tahoe-LAFS</h2>