import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import FuncTorrent.Metainfo
+import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Test.Hspec
import Data.ByteString (readFile)
tests :: IO ()
-tests = hspec $ do
- describe "read and interpret a torrent file 1" $ do
- it "valid torrent file" $ do
- fc <- readFile "data/debian-7.8.0-amd64-CD-1.iso.torrent"
- (torrentToMetainfo fc) `shouldNotBe` (Left "parse error")
- it "valid announce list" $ do
- fc <- readFile "data/debian-7.8.0-amd64-CD-1.iso.torrent"
- case torrentToMetainfo fc of
- Left _ -> pending
- Right metainfo -> do
- announceList metainfo `shouldSatisfy` (not . null)
- it "valid piece length" $ do
- fc <- readFile "data/debian-7.8.0-amd64-CD-1.iso.torrent"
- case torrentToMetainfo fc of
- Left _ -> pending
- Right metainfo -> do
- let (Just info') = info metainfo
- pieceLength info' `shouldBe` (524288 :: Integer)
+tests = do
+ fc <- readFile "data/debian-7.8.0-amd64-CD-1.iso.torrent"
+ let minfo = torrentToMetainfo fc
+ putStrLn $ show minfo
+ hspec $ do
+ describe "read and interpret a torrent file 1" $ do
+ it "valid torrent file" $ do
+ (torrentToMetainfo fc) `shouldNotBe` (Left "parse error")
+ it "valid announce list" $ do
+ case torrentToMetainfo fc of
+ Left _ -> pending
+ Right metainfo -> do
+ announceList metainfo `shouldSatisfy` (not . null)
+ it "valid piece length" $ do
+ case torrentToMetainfo fc of
+ Left _ -> pending
+ Right metainfo -> do
+ let (Just info') = info metainfo
+ pieceLength info' `shouldBe` (524288 :: Integer)
+ it "Not a multifile torrent" $ do
+ case torrentToMetainfo fc of
+ Left _ -> pending
+ Right metainfo -> do
+ let (Just i) = info metainfo
+ (length (filemeta i)) `shouldSatisfy` (== 0)
+ describe "read and interpret a multifile torrent file" $ do
+ it "valid multifile torrent file" $ do
+ fc <- readFile "data/multifile.torrent"
+ (torrentToMetainfo fc) `shouldNotBe` (Left "parse error")
+ it "valid multifile torrent with multiple files" $ do
+ fc <- readFile "data/multifile.torrent"
+ case torrentToMetainfo fc of
+ Left _ -> pending
+ Right metainfo -> do
+ let (Just i) = info metainfo
+ (length (filemeta i)) `shouldSatisfy` (> 1)