From: Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 10:57:57 +0000 (+0530)
Subject: Peer: rename identifiers that are shadowing already defined identifiers

Peer: rename identifiers that are shadowing already defined identifiers

diff --git a/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs b/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs
index b4ed107..c6629a4 100644
--- a/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs
+++ b/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs
@@ -82,27 +82,27 @@ connectToPeer (Peer _ ip port) = do
   return h
 doHandshake :: Bool -> Handle -> Peer -> ByteString -> String -> IO ()
-doHandshake True h peer infoHash peerid = do
-  let hs = genHandshakeMsg infoHash peerid
+doHandshake True h p infohash peerid = do
+  let hs = genHandshakeMsg infohash peerid
   hPut h hs
-  putStrLn $ "--> handhake to peer: " ++ show peer
+  putStrLn $ "--> handhake to peer: " ++ show p
   _ <- hGet h (length (unpack hs))
-  putStrLn $ "<-- handshake from peer: " ++ show peer
+  putStrLn $ "<-- handshake from peer: " ++ show p
   return ()
-doHandshake False h peer infoHash peerid = do
-  let hs = genHandshakeMsg infoHash peerid
+doHandshake False h p infohash peerid = do
+  let hs = genHandshakeMsg infohash peerid
   putStrLn "waiting for a handshake"
   hsMsg <- hGet h (length (unpack hs))
-  putStrLn $ "<-- handshake from peer: " ++ show peer
+  putStrLn $ "<-- handshake from peer: " ++ show p
   let rxInfoHash = take 20 $ drop 28 hsMsg
-  if rxInfoHash /= infoHash
+  if rxInfoHash /= infohash
     then do
     putStrLn "infoHashes does not match"
     hClose h
     return ()
     else do
     _ <- hPut h hs
-    putStrLn $ "--> handhake to peer: " ++ show peer
+    putStrLn $ "--> handhake to peer: " ++ show p
     return ()
 bitfieldToList :: [Word8] -> [Integer]
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ msgLoop pieceStatus file = do
     PState { meInterested = False, heChoking = True } -> do
       liftIO $ sendMsg h InterestedMsg
       gets peer >>= (\p -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "--> InterestedMsg to peer: " ++ show p)
-      modify (\st -> st { meInterested = True })
+      modify (\st' -> st' { meInterested = True })
       msgLoop pieceStatus file
     PState { meInterested = True, heChoking = False } ->
       case pickPiece pieceStatus of
@@ -197,16 +197,16 @@ msgLoop pieceStatus file = do
           -- download each of the piece in order
           msgLoop pieceStatus' file
         UnChokeMsg -> do
-          modify (\st -> st {heChoking = False })
+          modify (\st' -> st' {heChoking = False })
           msgLoop pieceStatus file
         ChokeMsg -> do
-          modify (\st -> st {heChoking = True })
+          modify (\st' -> st' {heChoking = True })
           msgLoop pieceStatus file
         InterestedMsg -> do
-          modify (\st -> st {heInterested = True})
+          modify (\st' -> st' {heInterested = True})
           msgLoop pieceStatus file
         NotInterestedMsg -> do
-          modify (\st -> st {heInterested = False})
+          modify (\st' -> st' {heInterested = False})
           msgLoop pieceStatus file
         CancelMsg _ _ _ -> -- check if valid index, begin, length
           msgLoop pieceStatus file