--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _SCREEN_H
+#define _SCREEN_H
+#define MENU_HEIGHT (50)
+#define MENU_WIDTH (50)
+// so menu height x 2 == meter height (but we still have 20 pixels
+// empty.
+#define METER_HEIGHT (100) // edit default = 60
+#define METER_WIDTH (240)
+#define PANADAPTER_HEIGHT (105)
+#define ZOOMPAN_HEIGHT (50)
+#define SLIDERS_HEIGHT (100)
+#define TOOLBAR_HEIGHT (30)
+#define WATERFALL_HEIGHT (105)
+// define a type and coordinates for various widgets on the screen.
+#define VFO_HEIGHT (100)
+#define VFO_WIDTH (display_width - METER_WIDTH - MENU_WIDTH)
+#define BLACK_R (0.0)
+#define BLACK_G (0.0)
+#define BLACK_B (0.0)
+#define RED_R (1.0)
+#define RED_G (0.0)
+#define RED_B (0.0)
+#define YELLOW_R (1.0)
+#define YELLOW_G (1.0)
+#define YELLOW_B (0.0)
+#define CYAN_R (0.0)
+#define CYAN_G (1.0)
+#define CYAN_B (1.0)
+#define WHITE_R (1.0)
+#define WHITE_G (1.0)
+#define WHITE_B (1.0)
+#define GREEN_R (0.0)
+#define GREEN_G (1.0)
+#define GREEN_B (0.0)
+#define DARK_GREEN_R (0.0)
+#define DARK_GREEN_G (0.65)
+#define DARK_GREEN_B (0.0)
+// font/typeface sizes
+#define VFO_A_RENDER_FONT_SIZE (70)
+// coordinates
+#define MODE_X 70
+#define MODE_Y 80
+#define VFO_A_X 285
+#define VFO_A_Y 95
+#endif // _SCREEN_H
cairo_t *cr;
cr = cairo_create(vfo_surface);
- cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, BLACK_R, BLACK_G, BLACK_B);
cairo_select_font_face(cr, "Cantarell", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,