def _new_peer(self, pburl):
if pburl in self.reconnectors:
+ # TODO: rather than using the TubID as a nodeid, we should use
+ # something else. The thing that requires the least additional
+ # mappings is to use the foolscap "identifier" (the last component of
+ # the pburl), since these are unguessable. Before we can do that,
+ # though, we need a way to conveniently make these identifiers
+ # persist from one run of the client program to the next. Also, using
+ # the foolscap identifier would mean that anyone who knows the name
+ # of the node also has all the secrets they need to contact and use
+ # them, which may or may not be what we want.
m = re.match(r'pb://(\w+)@', pburl)
assert m
nodeid = idlib.a2b(