This initiates a recursive walk of all files and directories reachable from
the target, performing a check on each one just like t=check. For each
unique object (duplicates are skipped), a single line of JSON is emitted to
- the HTTP response channel. When the walk is complete, a final line of JSON
- is emitted which contains the accumulated file-size/count "deep-stats" data.
+ the HTTP response channel (or an error indication, see below). When the walk
+ is complete, a final line of JSON is emitted which contains the accumulated
+ file-size/count "deep-stats" data.
This command takes the same arguments as t=start-deep-check.
The last unit in the stream will have a type of "stats", and will contain
the keys described in the "start-deep-stats" operation, below.
+ If any errors occur during the traversal (specifically if a directory is
+ unrecoverable, such that further traversal is not possible), an error
+ indication is written to the response body, instead of the usual line of
+ JSON. This error indication line will begin with the string "ERROR:" (in all
+ caps), and contain a summary of the error on the rest of the line. The
+ remaining lines of the response body will be a python exception. The client
+ application should look for the ERROR: and stop processing JSON as soon as
+ it is seen. Note that neither a file being unrecoverable nor a directory
+ merely being unhealthy will cause traversal to stop. The line just before
+ the ERROR: will describe the directory that was untraversable, since the
+ unit is emitted to the HTTP response body before the child is traversed.
POST $URL?t=check&repair=true
This triggers a recursive walk of all files and directories, performing a
t=check&repair=true on each one. For each unique object (duplicates are
- skipped), a single line of JSON is emitted to the HTTP response channel.
- When the walk is complete, a final line of JSON is emitted which contains
- the accumulated file-size/count "deep-stats" data.
+ skipped), a single line of JSON is emitted to the HTTP response channel (or
+ an error indication). When the walk is complete, a final line of JSON is
+ emitted which contains the accumulated file-size/count "deep-stats" data.
This emits the same data as t=stream-deep-check (without the repair=true),
except that the "check-results" field is replaced with a
receiving client is expected to calculate those values itself from the
stream of per-object check-and-repair-results.
+ Note that the "ERROR:" indication will only be emitted if traversal stops,
+ which will only occur if an unrecoverable directory is encountered. If a
+ file or directory repair fails, the traversal will continue, and the repair
+ failure will be indicated in the JSON data (in the "repair-successful" key).
POST $DIRURL?t=start-manifest (must add &ophandle=XYZ)
This operation generates a "manfest" of the given directory tree, mostly
This operation performs a recursive walk of all files and directories
reachable from the given starting point. For each such unique object
(duplicates are skipped), a single line of JSON is emitted to the HTTP
- response channel. When the walk is complete, a final line of JSON is emitted
- which contains the accumulated file-size/count "deep-stats" data.
+ response channel (or an error indication, see below). When the walk is
+ complete, a final line of JSON is emitted which contains the accumulated
+ file-size/count "deep-stats" data.
A CLI tool can split the response stream on newlines into "response units",
and parse each response unit as JSON. Each such parsed unit will be a
The last unit in the stream will have a type of "stats", and will contain
the keys described in the "start-deep-stats" operation, below.
+ If any errors occur during the traversal (specifically if a directory is
+ unrecoverable, such that further traversal is not possible), an error
+ indication is written to the response body, instead of the usual line of
+ JSON. This error indication line will begin with the string "ERROR:" (in all
+ caps), and contain a summary of the error on the rest of the line. The
+ remaining lines of the response body will be a python exception. The client
+ application should look for the ERROR: and stop processing JSON as soon as
+ it is seen. The line just before the ERROR: will describe the directory that
+ was untraversable, since the manifest entry is emitted to the HTTP response
+ body before the child is traversed.
== Other Useful Pages ==
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import threads # CLI tests use deferToThread
from allmydata.immutable import upload
+from allmydata.mutable.common import UnrecoverableFileError
from allmydata.util import idlib
from allmydata.util import base32
from allmydata.scripts import runner
from allmydata.monitor import Monitor, OperationCancelledError
from twisted.web.client import getPage
-from allmydata.test.common import ErrorMixin, _corrupt_mutable_share_data
+from allmydata.test.common import ErrorMixin, _corrupt_mutable_share_data, \
+ ShouldFailMixin
from allmydata.test.common_util import StallMixin
from allmydata.test.no_network import GridTestMixin
return d
-class DeepCheckBase(GridTestMixin, ErrorMixin, StallMixin):
+class DeepCheckBase(GridTestMixin, ErrorMixin, StallMixin, ShouldFailMixin):
def web_json(self, n, **kwargs):
kwargs["output"] = "json"
d = self.set_up_damaged_tree()
+ d.addCallback(self.do_deepcheck_broken)
# large-missing-shares
# large-corrupt-shares
# large-unrecoverable
+ # broken
+ # large1-good
+ # subdir-good
+ # large2-good
+ # subdir-unrecoverable
+ # large3-good
self.nodes = {}
d.addCallback(self.create_mangled, "large-missing-shares")
d.addCallback(self.create_mangled, "large-corrupt-shares")
d.addCallback(self.create_mangled, "large-unrecoverable")
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored: c0.create_empty_dirnode())
+ d.addCallback(self._stash_node, "broken")
+ large1 = upload.Data("Lots of data\n" * 1000 + "large1" + "\n", None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.nodes["broken"].add_file(u"large1", large1))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.nodes["broken"].create_empty_directory(u"subdir-good"))
+ large2 = upload.Data("Lots of data\n" * 1000 + "large2" + "\n", None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda subdir: subdir.add_file(u"large2-good", large2))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.nodes["broken"].create_empty_directory(u"subdir-unrecoverable"))
+ d.addCallback(self._stash_node, "subdir-unrecoverable")
+ large3 = upload.Data("Lots of data\n" * 1000 + "large3" + "\n", None)
+ d.addCallback(lambda subdir: subdir.add_file(u"large3-good", large3))
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self._delete_most_shares(self.nodes["broken"]))
return d
+ def _stash_node(self, node, name):
+ self.nodes[name] = node
+ return node
def create_mangled(self, ignored, name):
nodetype, mangletype = name.split("-", 1)
small = upload.Data("Small enough for a LIT", None)
d = self.root.add_file(unicode(name), small)
- def _stash_node(node):
- self.nodes[name] = node
- return node
- d.addCallback(_stash_node)
+ d.addCallback(self._stash_node, name)
if mangletype == "good":
return d
+ def do_deepcheck_broken(self, ignored):
+ # deep-check on the broken directory should fail, because of the
+ # untraversable subdir
+ def _do_deep_check():
+ return self.nodes["broken"].start_deep_check().when_done()
+ d = self.shouldFail(UnrecoverableFileError, "do_deep_check",
+ "no recoverable versions",
+ _do_deep_check)
+ return d
def json_is_healthy(self, data, where):
r = data["results"]
self.failUnless(r["healthy"], where)
from allmydata.interfaces import IURI, INewDirectoryURI, \
IReadonlyNewDirectoryURI, IFileURI, IMutableFileURI, IMutableFileNode
from allmydata.mutable import servermap, publish, retrieve
-from allmydata.mutable.common import UnrecoverableFileError
import common_util as testutil
from allmydata.test.no_network import GridTestMixin
d.addCallback(lambda ign:
- range(10)))
+ range(1, 10)))
- ## argh! how should a streaming-JSON API indicate fatal error?
- ## answer: emit ERROR: instead of a JSON string
- #d.addCallback(lambda ign:
- # self.shouldFail(UnrecoverableFileError, 'check-subdir',
- # "no recoverable versions",
- # self.CHECK, "ignored",
- # "root", "t=stream-deep-check"))
+ # root
+ # root/good
+ # root/small
+ # root/sick
+ # root/subdir [unrecoverable]
+ # root/subdir/grandchild
+ # how should a streaming-JSON API indicate fatal error?
+ # answer: emit ERROR: instead of a JSON string
+ d.addCallback(self.CHECK, "root", "t=stream-manifest")
+ def _check_broken_manifest(res):
+ lines = res.splitlines()
+ error_lines = [i
+ for (i,line) in enumerate(lines)
+ if line.startswith("ERROR:")]
+ if not error_lines:
+"no ERROR: in output: %s" % (res,))
+ first_error = error_lines[0]
+ error_line = lines[first_error]
+ error_msg = lines[first_error+1:]
+ error_msg_s = "\n".join(error_msg) + "\n"
+ self.failUnlessIn("ERROR: UnrecoverableFileError", error_line)
+ self.failUnlessIn("no recoverable versions", error_line)
+ self.failUnless(len(error_msg) > 2, error_msg_s) # some traceback
+ units = [simplejson.loads(line) for line in lines[:first_error]]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(units), 5) # includes subdir
+ last_unit = units[-1]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(last_unit["path"], ["subdir"])
+ d.addCallback(_check_broken_manifest)
+ d.addCallback(self.CHECK, "root", "t=stream-deep-check")
+ def _check_broken_deepcheck(res):
+ lines = res.splitlines()
+ error_lines = [i
+ for (i,line) in enumerate(lines)
+ if line.startswith("ERROR:")]
+ if not error_lines:
+"no ERROR: in output: %s" % (res,))
+ first_error = error_lines[0]
+ error_line = lines[first_error]
+ error_msg = lines[first_error+1:]
+ error_msg_s = "\n".join(error_msg) + "\n"
+ self.failUnlessIn("ERROR: UnrecoverableFileError", error_line)
+ self.failUnlessIn("no recoverable versions", error_line)
+ self.failUnless(len(error_msg) > 2, error_msg_s) # some traceback
+ units = [simplejson.loads(line) for line in lines[:first_error]]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(units), 5) # includes subdir
+ last_unit = units[-1]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(last_unit["path"], ["subdir"])
+ r = last_unit["check-results"]["results"]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-recoverable-versions"], 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-shares-good"], 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(r["recoverable"], False)
+ d.addCallback(_check_broken_deepcheck)
return d
return "Operation Cancelled"
+ def _error(f):
+ # signal the error as a non-JSON "ERROR:" line, plus exception
+ msg = "ERROR: %s\n" % repr(f.value)
+ msg += str(f)
+ return msg
+ d.addErrback(_error)
return d
def _POST_start_manifest(self, ctx):
return "Operation Cancelled"
+ def _error(f):
+ # signal the error as a non-JSON "ERROR:" line, plus exception
+ msg = "ERROR: %s\n" % repr(f.value)
+ msg += str(f)
+ return msg
+ d.addErrback(_error)
return d
def _POST_set_children(self, req):