From: Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan <>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 11:17:35 +0000 (+0530)
Subject: Peer: cosmetic indentation fixes

Peer: cosmetic indentation fixes

diff --git a/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs b/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs
index cfefb11..9f1aa2a 100644
--- a/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs
+++ b/src/FuncTorrent/Peer.hs
@@ -182,22 +182,22 @@ msgLoop pieceStatus file = do
 downloadPiece :: Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ByteString
 downloadPiece h index pieceLength = do
   let chunks = splitNum pieceLength 16384
-  liftM concat $ forM (zip [0..] chunks) (\(i, pLen) -> do
-                                             sendMsg h (RequestMsg index (i*pLen) pLen)
-                                             putStrLn $ "--> " ++ "RequestMsg for Piece "
-                                               ++ show index ++ ", part: " ++ show i ++ " of length: "
-                                               ++ show pLen
-                                             msg <- getMsg h
-                                             case msg of
-                                              PieceMsg index begin block -> do
-                                                putStrLn $ " <-- PieceMsg for Piece: "
-                                                  ++ show index
-                                                  ++ ", offset: "
-                                                  ++ show begin
-                                                return block
-                                              _ -> do
-                                                putStrLn "ignoring irrelevant msg"
-                                                return empty)
+  concat `liftM` forM (zip [0..] chunks) (\(i, pLen) -> do
+                                              sendMsg h (RequestMsg index (i*pLen) pLen)
+                                              putStrLn $ "--> " ++ "RequestMsg for Piece "
+                                                ++ show index ++ ", part: " ++ show i ++ " of length: "
+                                                ++ show pLen
+                                              msg <- getMsg h
+                                              case msg of
+                                                PieceMsg index begin block -> do
+                                                  putStrLn $ " <-- PieceMsg for Piece: "
+                                                    ++ show index
+                                                    ++ ", offset: "
+                                                    ++ show begin
+                                                  return block
+                                                _ -> do
+                                                  putStrLn "ignoring irrelevant msg"
+                                                  return empty)
 verifyHash :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Bool
 verifyHash bs pieceHash =