+++ /dev/null
-import random, weakref, itertools, time
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IPushProducer, IConsumer
-from foolscap.api import DeadReferenceError, RemoteException, eventually
-from allmydata.util import base32, deferredutil, hashutil, log, mathutil, idlib
-from allmydata.util.assertutil import _assert, precondition
-from allmydata import codec, hashtree, uri
-from allmydata.interfaces import IDownloadTarget, IDownloader, IVerifierURI, \
- IDownloadStatus, IDownloadResults, IValidatedThingProxy, \
- IStorageBroker, NotEnoughSharesError, NoSharesError, NoServersError, \
- UnableToFetchCriticalDownloadDataError
-from allmydata.immutable import layout
-from allmydata.monitor import Monitor
-from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
-class IntegrityCheckReject(Exception):
- pass
-class BadURIExtensionHashValue(IntegrityCheckReject):
- pass
-class BadURIExtension(IntegrityCheckReject):
- pass
-class UnsupportedErasureCodec(BadURIExtension):
- pass
-class BadCrypttextHashValue(IntegrityCheckReject):
- pass
-class BadOrMissingHash(IntegrityCheckReject):
- pass
-class DownloadStopped(Exception):
- pass
-class DownloadResults:
- implements(IDownloadResults)
- def __init__(self):
- self.servers_used = set()
- self.server_problems = {}
- self.servermap = {}
- self.timings = {}
- self.file_size = None
-class DecryptingTarget(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
- implements(IDownloadTarget, IConsumer)
- def __init__(self, target, key, _log_msg_id=None):
- precondition(IDownloadTarget.providedBy(target), target)
- self.target = target
- self._decryptor = AES(key)
- prefix = str(target)
- log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, "allmydata.immutable.download", _log_msg_id, prefix=prefix)
- # methods to satisfy the IConsumer interface
- def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
- if IConsumer.providedBy(self.target):
- self.target.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
- def unregisterProducer(self):
- if IConsumer.providedBy(self.target):
- self.target.unregisterProducer()
- def write(self, ciphertext):
- plaintext = self._decryptor.process(ciphertext)
- self.target.write(plaintext)
- def open(self, size):
- self.target.open(size)
- def close(self):
- self.target.close()
- def finish(self):
- return self.target.finish()
- # The following methods is just to pass through to the next target, and
- # just because that target might be a repairer.DownUpConnector, and just
- # because the current CHKUpload object expects to find the storage index
- # in its Uploadable.
- def set_storageindex(self, storageindex):
- self.target.set_storageindex(storageindex)
- def set_encodingparams(self, encodingparams):
- self.target.set_encodingparams(encodingparams)
-class ValidatedThingObtainer:
- def __init__(self, validatedthingproxies, debugname, log_id):
- self._validatedthingproxies = validatedthingproxies
- self._debugname = debugname
- self._log_id = log_id
- def _bad(self, f, validatedthingproxy):
- f.trap(RemoteException, DeadReferenceError,
- IntegrityCheckReject, layout.LayoutInvalid,
- layout.ShareVersionIncompatible)
- level = log.WEIRD
- if f.check(DeadReferenceError):
- level = log.UNUSUAL
- elif f.check(RemoteException):
- level = log.WEIRD
- else:
- level = log.SCARY
- log.msg(parent=self._log_id, facility="tahoe.immutable.download",
- format="operation %(op)s from validatedthingproxy %(validatedthingproxy)s failed",
- op=self._debugname, validatedthingproxy=str(validatedthingproxy),
- failure=f, level=level, umid="JGXxBA")
- if not self._validatedthingproxies:
- raise UnableToFetchCriticalDownloadDataError("ran out of peers, last error was %s" % (f,))
- # try again with a different one
- d = self._try_the_next_one()
- return d
- def _try_the_next_one(self):
- vtp = self._validatedthingproxies.pop(0)
- # start() obtains, validates, and callsback-with the thing or else
- # errbacks
- d = vtp.start()
- d.addErrback(self._bad, vtp)
- return d
- def start(self):
- return self._try_the_next_one()
-class ValidatedCrypttextHashTreeProxy:
- implements(IValidatedThingProxy)
- """ I am a front-end for a remote crypttext hash tree using a local
- ReadBucketProxy -- I use its get_crypttext_hashes() method and offer the
- Validated Thing protocol (i.e., I have a start() method that fires with
- self once I get a valid one)."""
- def __init__(self, readbucketproxy, crypttext_hash_tree, num_segments,
- fetch_failures=None):
- # fetch_failures is for debugging -- see test_encode.py
- self._readbucketproxy = readbucketproxy
- self._num_segments = num_segments
- self._fetch_failures = fetch_failures
- self._crypttext_hash_tree = crypttext_hash_tree
- def _validate(self, proposal):
- ct_hashes = dict(list(enumerate(proposal)))
- try:
- self._crypttext_hash_tree.set_hashes(ct_hashes)
- except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
- if self._fetch_failures is not None:
- self._fetch_failures["crypttext_hash_tree"] += 1
- raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
- # If we now have enough of the crypttext hash tree to integrity-check
- # *any* segment of ciphertext, then we are done. TODO: It would have
- # better alacrity if we downloaded only part of the crypttext hash
- # tree at a time.
- for segnum in range(self._num_segments):
- if self._crypttext_hash_tree.needed_hashes(segnum):
- raise BadOrMissingHash("not enough hashes to validate segment number %d" % (segnum,))
- return self
- def start(self):
- d = self._readbucketproxy.get_crypttext_hashes()
- d.addCallback(self._validate)
- return d
-class ValidatedExtendedURIProxy:
- implements(IValidatedThingProxy)
- """ I am a front-end for a remote UEB (using a local ReadBucketProxy),
- responsible for retrieving and validating the elements from the UEB."""
- def __init__(self, readbucketproxy, verifycap, fetch_failures=None):
- # fetch_failures is for debugging -- see test_encode.py
- self._fetch_failures = fetch_failures
- self._readbucketproxy = readbucketproxy
- precondition(IVerifierURI.providedBy(verifycap), verifycap)
- self._verifycap = verifycap
- # required
- self.segment_size = None
- self.crypttext_root_hash = None
- self.share_root_hash = None
- # computed
- self.block_size = None
- self.share_size = None
- self.num_segments = None
- self.tail_data_size = None
- self.tail_segment_size = None
- # optional
- self.crypttext_hash = None
- def __str__(self):
- return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._verifycap.to_string())
- def _check_integrity(self, data):
- h = hashutil.uri_extension_hash(data)
- if h != self._verifycap.uri_extension_hash:
- msg = ("The copy of uri_extension we received from %s was bad: wanted %s, got %s" %
- (self._readbucketproxy,
- base32.b2a(self._verifycap.uri_extension_hash),
- base32.b2a(h)))
- if self._fetch_failures is not None:
- self._fetch_failures["uri_extension"] += 1
- raise BadURIExtensionHashValue(msg)
- else:
- return data
- def _parse_and_validate(self, data):
- self.share_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self._verifycap.size,
- self._verifycap.needed_shares)
- d = uri.unpack_extension(data)
- # There are several kinds of things that can be found in a UEB.
- # First, things that we really need to learn from the UEB in order to
- # do this download. Next: things which are optional but not redundant
- # -- if they are present in the UEB they will get used. Next, things
- # that are optional and redundant. These things are required to be
- # consistent: they don't have to be in the UEB, but if they are in
- # the UEB then they will be checked for consistency with the
- # already-known facts, and if they are inconsistent then an exception
- # will be raised. These things aren't actually used -- they are just
- # tested for consistency and ignored. Finally: things which are
- # deprecated -- they ought not be in the UEB at all, and if they are
- # present then a warning will be logged but they are otherwise
- # ignored.
- # First, things that we really need to learn from the UEB:
- # segment_size, crypttext_root_hash, and share_root_hash.
- self.segment_size = d['segment_size']
- self.block_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self.segment_size,
- self._verifycap.needed_shares)
- self.num_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(self._verifycap.size,
- self.segment_size)
- self.tail_data_size = self._verifycap.size % self.segment_size
- if not self.tail_data_size:
- self.tail_data_size = self.segment_size
- # padding for erasure code
- self.tail_segment_size = mathutil.next_multiple(self.tail_data_size,
- self._verifycap.needed_shares)
- # Ciphertext hash tree root is mandatory, so that there is at most
- # one ciphertext that matches this read-cap or verify-cap. The
- # integrity check on the shares is not sufficient to prevent the
- # original encoder from creating some shares of file A and other
- # shares of file B.
- self.crypttext_root_hash = d['crypttext_root_hash']
- self.share_root_hash = d['share_root_hash']
- # Next: things that are optional and not redundant: crypttext_hash
- if d.has_key('crypttext_hash'):
- self.crypttext_hash = d['crypttext_hash']
- if len(self.crypttext_hash) != hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE:
- raise BadURIExtension('crypttext_hash is required to be hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE bytes, not %s bytes' % (len(self.crypttext_hash),))
- # Next: things that are optional, redundant, and required to be
- # consistent: codec_name, codec_params, tail_codec_params,
- # num_segments, size, needed_shares, total_shares
- if d.has_key('codec_name'):
- if d['codec_name'] != "crs":
- raise UnsupportedErasureCodec(d['codec_name'])
- if d.has_key('codec_params'):
- ucpss, ucpns, ucpts = codec.parse_params(d['codec_params'])
- if ucpss != self.segment_size:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: "
- "ucpss: %s != self.segment_size: %s" %
- (ucpss, self.segment_size))
- if ucpns != self._verifycap.needed_shares:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: ucpns: %s != "
- "self._verifycap.needed_shares: %s" %
- (ucpns, self._verifycap.needed_shares))
- if ucpts != self._verifycap.total_shares:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: ucpts: %s != "
- "self._verifycap.total_shares: %s" %
- (ucpts, self._verifycap.total_shares))
- if d.has_key('tail_codec_params'):
- utcpss, utcpns, utcpts = codec.parse_params(d['tail_codec_params'])
- if utcpss != self.tail_segment_size:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: utcpss: %s != "
- "self.tail_segment_size: %s, self._verifycap.size: %s, "
- "self.segment_size: %s, self._verifycap.needed_shares: %s"
- % (utcpss, self.tail_segment_size, self._verifycap.size,
- self.segment_size, self._verifycap.needed_shares))
- if utcpns != self._verifycap.needed_shares:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: utcpns: %s != "
- "self._verifycap.needed_shares: %s" % (utcpns,
- self._verifycap.needed_shares))
- if utcpts != self._verifycap.total_shares:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: utcpts: %s != "
- "self._verifycap.total_shares: %s" % (utcpts,
- self._verifycap.total_shares))
- if d.has_key('num_segments'):
- if d['num_segments'] != self.num_segments:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent num_segments: size: %s, "
- "segment_size: %s, computed_num_segments: %s, "
- "ueb_num_segments: %s" % (self._verifycap.size,
- self.segment_size,
- self.num_segments, d['num_segments']))
- if d.has_key('size'):
- if d['size'] != self._verifycap.size:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent size: URI size: %s, UEB size: %s" %
- (self._verifycap.size, d['size']))
- if d.has_key('needed_shares'):
- if d['needed_shares'] != self._verifycap.needed_shares:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent needed shares: URI needed shares: %s, UEB "
- "needed shares: %s" % (self._verifycap.total_shares,
- d['needed_shares']))
- if d.has_key('total_shares'):
- if d['total_shares'] != self._verifycap.total_shares:
- raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent total shares: URI total shares: %s, UEB "
- "total shares: %s" % (self._verifycap.total_shares,
- d['total_shares']))
- # Finally, things that are deprecated and ignored: plaintext_hash,
- # plaintext_root_hash
- if d.get('plaintext_hash'):
- log.msg("Found plaintext_hash in UEB. This field is deprecated for security reasons "
- "and is no longer used. Ignoring. %s" % (self,))
- if d.get('plaintext_root_hash'):
- log.msg("Found plaintext_root_hash in UEB. This field is deprecated for security "
- "reasons and is no longer used. Ignoring. %s" % (self,))
- return self
- def start(self):
- """Fetch the UEB from bucket, compare its hash to the hash from
- verifycap, then parse it. Returns a deferred which is called back
- with self once the fetch is successful, or is erred back if it
- fails."""
- d = self._readbucketproxy.get_uri_extension()
- d.addCallback(self._check_integrity)
- d.addCallback(self._parse_and_validate)
- return d
-class ValidatedReadBucketProxy(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
- """I am a front-end for a remote storage bucket, responsible for
- retrieving and validating data from that bucket.
- My get_block() method is used by BlockDownloaders.
- """
- def __init__(self, sharenum, bucket, share_hash_tree, num_blocks,
- block_size, share_size):
- """ share_hash_tree is required to have already been initialized with
- the root hash (the number-0 hash), using the share_root_hash from the
- UEB"""
- precondition(share_hash_tree[0] is not None, share_hash_tree)
- prefix = "%d-%s-%s" % (sharenum, bucket,
- base32.b2a_l(share_hash_tree[0][:8], 60))
- log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self,
- facility="tahoe.immutable.download",
- prefix=prefix)
- self.sharenum = sharenum
- self.bucket = bucket
- self.share_hash_tree = share_hash_tree
- self.num_blocks = num_blocks
- self.block_size = block_size
- self.share_size = share_size
- self.block_hash_tree = hashtree.IncompleteHashTree(self.num_blocks)
- def get_all_sharehashes(self):
- """Retrieve and validate all the share-hash-tree nodes that are
- included in this share, regardless of whether we need them to
- validate the share or not. Each share contains a minimal Merkle tree
- chain, but there is lots of overlap, so usually we'll be using hashes
- from other shares and not reading every single hash from this share.
- The Verifier uses this function to read and validate every single
- hash from this share.
- Call this (and wait for the Deferred it returns to fire) before
- calling get_block() for the first time: this lets us check that the
- share share contains enough hashes to validate its own data, and
- avoids downloading any share hash twice.
- I return a Deferred which errbacks upon failure, probably with
- BadOrMissingHash."""
- d = self.bucket.get_share_hashes()
- def _got_share_hashes(sh):
- sharehashes = dict(sh)
- try:
- self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes(sharehashes)
- except IndexError, le:
- raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
- except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
- raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
- d.addCallback(_got_share_hashes)
- return d
- def get_all_blockhashes(self):
- """Retrieve and validate all the block-hash-tree nodes that are
- included in this share. Each share contains a full Merkle tree, but
- we usually only fetch the minimal subset necessary for any particular
- block. This function fetches everything at once. The Verifier uses
- this function to validate the block hash tree.
- Call this (and wait for the Deferred it returns to fire) after
- calling get_all_sharehashes() and before calling get_block() for the
- first time: this lets us check that the share contains all block
- hashes and avoids downloading them multiple times.
- I return a Deferred which errbacks upon failure, probably with
- BadOrMissingHash.
- """
- # get_block_hashes(anything) currently always returns everything
- needed = list(range(len(self.block_hash_tree)))
- d = self.bucket.get_block_hashes(needed)
- def _got_block_hashes(blockhashes):
- if len(blockhashes) < len(self.block_hash_tree):
- raise BadOrMissingHash()
- bh = dict(enumerate(blockhashes))
- try:
- self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(bh)
- except IndexError, le:
- raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
- except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
- raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
- d.addCallback(_got_block_hashes)
- return d
- def get_all_crypttext_hashes(self, crypttext_hash_tree):
- """Retrieve and validate all the crypttext-hash-tree nodes that are
- in this share. Normally we don't look at these at all: the download
- process fetches them incrementally as needed to validate each segment
- of ciphertext. But this is a convenient place to give the Verifier a
- function to validate all of these at once.
- Call this with a new hashtree object for each share, initialized with
- the crypttext hash tree root. I return a Deferred which errbacks upon
- failure, probably with BadOrMissingHash.
- """
- # get_crypttext_hashes() always returns everything
- d = self.bucket.get_crypttext_hashes()
- def _got_crypttext_hashes(hashes):
- if len(hashes) < len(crypttext_hash_tree):
- raise BadOrMissingHash()
- ct_hashes = dict(enumerate(hashes))
- try:
- crypttext_hash_tree.set_hashes(ct_hashes)
- except IndexError, le:
- raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
- except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
- raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
- d.addCallback(_got_crypttext_hashes)
- return d
- def get_block(self, blocknum):
- # the first time we use this bucket, we need to fetch enough elements
- # of the share hash tree to validate it from our share hash up to the
- # hashroot.
- if self.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(self.sharenum):
- d1 = self.bucket.get_share_hashes()
- else:
- d1 = defer.succeed([])
- # We might need to grab some elements of our block hash tree, to
- # validate the requested block up to the share hash.
- blockhashesneeded = self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum, include_leaf=True)
- # We don't need the root of the block hash tree, as that comes in the
- # share tree.
- blockhashesneeded.discard(0)
- d2 = self.bucket.get_block_hashes(blockhashesneeded)
- if blocknum < self.num_blocks-1:
- thisblocksize = self.block_size
- else:
- thisblocksize = self.share_size % self.block_size
- if thisblocksize == 0:
- thisblocksize = self.block_size
- d3 = self.bucket.get_block_data(blocknum,
- self.block_size, thisblocksize)
- dl = deferredutil.gatherResults([d1, d2, d3])
- dl.addCallback(self._got_data, blocknum)
- return dl
- def _got_data(self, results, blocknum):
- precondition(blocknum < self.num_blocks,
- self, blocknum, self.num_blocks)
- sharehashes, blockhashes, blockdata = results
- try:
- sharehashes = dict(sharehashes)
- except ValueError, le:
- le.args = tuple(le.args + (sharehashes,))
- raise
- blockhashes = dict(enumerate(blockhashes))
- candidate_share_hash = None # in case we log it in the except block below
- blockhash = None # in case we log it in the except block below
- try:
- if self.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(self.sharenum):
- # This will raise exception if the values being passed do not
- # match the root node of self.share_hash_tree.
- try:
- self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes(sharehashes)
- except IndexError, le:
- # Weird -- sharehashes contained index numbers outside of
- # the range that fit into this hash tree.
- raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
- # To validate a block we need the root of the block hash tree,
- # which is also one of the leafs of the share hash tree, and is
- # called "the share hash".
- if not self.block_hash_tree[0]: # empty -- no root node yet
- # Get the share hash from the share hash tree.
- share_hash = self.share_hash_tree.get_leaf(self.sharenum)
- if not share_hash:
- # No root node in block_hash_tree and also the share hash
- # wasn't sent by the server.
- raise hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError
- self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: share_hash})
- if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):
- self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(blockhashes)
- blockhash = hashutil.block_hash(blockdata)
- self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(leaves={blocknum: blockhash})
- #self.log("checking block_hash(shareid=%d, blocknum=%d) len=%d "
- # "%r .. %r: %s" %
- # (self.sharenum, blocknum, len(blockdata),
- # blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:], base32.b2a(blockhash)))
- except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
- # log.WEIRD: indicates undetected disk/network error, or more
- # likely a programming error
- self.log("hash failure in block=%d, shnum=%d on %s" %
- (blocknum, self.sharenum, self.bucket))
- if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):
- self.log(""" failure occurred when checking the block_hash_tree.
- This suggests that either the block data was bad, or that the
- block hashes we received along with it were bad.""")
- else:
- self.log(""" the failure probably occurred when checking the
- share_hash_tree, which suggests that the share hashes we
- received from the remote peer were bad.""")
- self.log(" have candidate_share_hash: %s" % bool(candidate_share_hash))
- self.log(" block length: %d" % len(blockdata))
- self.log(" block hash: %s" % base32.b2a_or_none(blockhash))
- if len(blockdata) < 100:
- self.log(" block data: %r" % (blockdata,))
- else:
- self.log(" block data start/end: %r .. %r" %
- (blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:]))
- self.log(" share hash tree:\n" + self.share_hash_tree.dump())
- self.log(" block hash tree:\n" + self.block_hash_tree.dump())
- lines = []
- for i,h in sorted(sharehashes.items()):
- lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
- self.log(" sharehashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
- lines = []
- for i,h in blockhashes.items():
- lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
- log.msg(" blockhashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
- raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
- # If we made it here, the block is good. If the hash trees didn't
- # like what they saw, they would have raised a BadHashError, causing
- # our caller to see a Failure and thus ignore this block (as well as
- # dropping this bucket).
- return blockdata
-class BlockDownloader(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
- """I am responsible for downloading a single block (from a single bucket)
- for a single segment.
- I am a child of the SegmentDownloader.
- """
- def __init__(self, vbucket, blocknum, parent, results):
- precondition(isinstance(vbucket, ValidatedReadBucketProxy), vbucket)
- prefix = "%s-%d" % (vbucket, blocknum)
- log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, facility="tahoe.immutable.download", prefix=prefix)
- self.vbucket = vbucket
- self.blocknum = blocknum
- self.parent = parent
- self.results = results
- def start(self, segnum):
- self.log("get_block(segnum=%d)" % segnum)
- started = time.time()
- d = self.vbucket.get_block(segnum)
- d.addCallbacks(self._hold_block, self._got_block_error,
- callbackArgs=(started,))
- return d
- def _hold_block(self, data, started):
- if self.results:
- elapsed = time.time() - started
- peerid = self.vbucket.bucket.get_peerid()
- if peerid not in self.results.timings["fetch_per_server"]:
- self.results.timings["fetch_per_server"][peerid] = []
- self.results.timings["fetch_per_server"][peerid].append(elapsed)
- self.log("got block")
- self.parent.hold_block(self.blocknum, data)
- def _got_block_error(self, f):
- f.trap(RemoteException, DeadReferenceError,
- IntegrityCheckReject, layout.LayoutInvalid,
- layout.ShareVersionIncompatible)
- if f.check(RemoteException, DeadReferenceError):
- level = log.UNUSUAL
- else:
- level = log.WEIRD
- self.log("failure to get block", level=level, umid="5Z4uHQ")
- if self.results:
- peerid = self.vbucket.bucket.get_peerid()
- self.results.server_problems[peerid] = str(f)
- self.parent.bucket_failed(self.vbucket)
-class SegmentDownloader:
- """I am responsible for downloading all the blocks for a single segment
- of data.
- I am a child of the CiphertextDownloader.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, segmentnumber, needed_shares, results):
- self.parent = parent
- self.segmentnumber = segmentnumber
- self.needed_blocks = needed_shares
- self.blocks = {} # k: blocknum, v: data
- self.results = results
- self._log_number = self.parent.log("starting segment %d" %
- segmentnumber)
- def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if "parent" not in kwargs:
- kwargs["parent"] = self._log_number
- return self.parent.log(*args, **kwargs)
- def start(self):
- return self._download()
- def _download(self):
- d = self._try()
- def _done(res):
- if len(self.blocks) >= self.needed_blocks:
- # we only need self.needed_blocks blocks
- # we want to get the smallest blockids, because they are
- # more likely to be fast "primary blocks"
- blockids = sorted(self.blocks.keys())[:self.needed_blocks]
- blocks = []
- for blocknum in blockids:
- blocks.append(self.blocks[blocknum])
- return (blocks, blockids)
- else:
- return self._download()
- d.addCallback(_done)
- return d
- def _try(self):
- # fill our set of active buckets, maybe raising NotEnoughSharesError
- active_buckets = self.parent._activate_enough_buckets()
- # Now we have enough buckets, in self.parent.active_buckets.
- # in test cases, bd.start might mutate active_buckets right away, so
- # we need to put off calling start() until we've iterated all the way
- # through it.
- downloaders = []
- for blocknum, vbucket in active_buckets.iteritems():
- assert isinstance(vbucket, ValidatedReadBucketProxy), vbucket
- bd = BlockDownloader(vbucket, blocknum, self, self.results)
- downloaders.append(bd)
- if self.results:
- self.results.servers_used.add(vbucket.bucket.get_peerid())
- l = [bd.start(self.segmentnumber) for bd in downloaders]
- return defer.DeferredList(l, fireOnOneErrback=True)
- def hold_block(self, blocknum, data):
- self.blocks[blocknum] = data
- def bucket_failed(self, vbucket):
- self.parent.bucket_failed(vbucket)
-class DownloadStatus:
- implements(IDownloadStatus)
- statusid_counter = itertools.count(0)
- def __init__(self):
- self.storage_index = None
- self.size = None
- self.helper = False
- self.status = "Not started"
- self.progress = 0.0
- self.paused = False
- self.stopped = False
- self.active = True
- self.results = None
- self.counter = self.statusid_counter.next()
- self.started = time.time()
- def get_started(self):
- return self.started
- def get_storage_index(self):
- return self.storage_index
- def get_size(self):
- return self.size
- def using_helper(self):
- return self.helper
- def get_status(self):
- status = self.status
- if self.paused:
- status += " (output paused)"
- if self.stopped:
- status += " (output stopped)"
- return status
- def get_progress(self):
- return self.progress
- def get_active(self):
- return self.active
- def get_results(self):
- return self.results
- def get_counter(self):
- return self.counter
- def set_storage_index(self, si):
- self.storage_index = si
- def set_size(self, size):
- self.size = size
- def set_helper(self, helper):
- self.helper = helper
- def set_status(self, status):
- self.status = status
- def set_paused(self, paused):
- self.paused = paused
- def set_stopped(self, stopped):
- self.stopped = stopped
- def set_progress(self, value):
- self.progress = value
- def set_active(self, value):
- self.active = value
- def set_results(self, value):
- self.results = value
-class CiphertextDownloader(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
- """ I download shares, check their integrity, then decode them, check the
- integrity of the resulting ciphertext, then and write it to my target.
- Before I send any new request to a server, I always ask the 'monitor'
- object that was passed into my constructor whether this task has been
- cancelled (by invoking its raise_if_cancelled() method)."""
- implements(IPushProducer)
- _status = None
- def __init__(self, storage_broker, v, target, monitor):
- precondition(IStorageBroker.providedBy(storage_broker), storage_broker)
- precondition(IVerifierURI.providedBy(v), v)
- precondition(IDownloadTarget.providedBy(target), target)
- self._storage_broker = storage_broker
- self._verifycap = v
- self._storage_index = v.get_storage_index()
- self._uri_extension_hash = v.uri_extension_hash
- prefix=base32.b2a_l(self._storage_index[:8], 60)
- log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, facility="tahoe.immutable.download", prefix=prefix)
- self._started = time.time()
- self._status = s = DownloadStatus()
- s.set_status("Starting")
- s.set_storage_index(self._storage_index)
- s.set_size(self._verifycap.size)
- s.set_helper(False)
- s.set_active(True)
- self._results = DownloadResults()
- s.set_results(self._results)
- self._results.file_size = self._verifycap.size
- self._results.timings["servers_peer_selection"] = {}
- self._results.timings["fetch_per_server"] = {}
- self._results.timings["cumulative_fetch"] = 0.0
- self._results.timings["cumulative_decode"] = 0.0
- self._results.timings["cumulative_decrypt"] = 0.0
- self._results.timings["paused"] = 0.0
- self._paused = False
- self._stopped = False
- if IConsumer.providedBy(target):
- target.registerProducer(self, True)
- self._target = target
- # Repairer (uploader) needs the storageindex.
- self._target.set_storageindex(self._storage_index)
- self._monitor = monitor
- self._opened = False
- self.active_buckets = {} # k: shnum, v: bucket
- self._share_buckets = {} # k: sharenum, v: list of buckets
- # _download_all_segments() will set this to:
- # self._share_vbuckets = {} # k: shnum, v: set of ValidatedBuckets
- self._share_vbuckets = None
- self._fetch_failures = {"uri_extension": 0, "crypttext_hash_tree": 0, }
- self._ciphertext_hasher = hashutil.crypttext_hasher()
- self._bytes_done = 0
- self._status.set_progress(float(self._bytes_done)/self._verifycap.size)
- # _got_uri_extension() will create the following:
- # self._crypttext_hash_tree
- # self._share_hash_tree
- # self._current_segnum = 0
- # self._vup # ValidatedExtendedURIProxy
- # _get_all_shareholders() will create the following:
- # self._total_queries
- # self._responses_received = 0
- # self._queries_failed = 0
- # This is solely for the use of unit tests. It will be triggered when
- # we start downloading shares.
- self._stage_4_d = defer.Deferred()
- def pauseProducing(self):
- if self._paused:
- return
- self._paused = defer.Deferred()
- self._paused_at = time.time()
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_paused(True)
- def resumeProducing(self):
- if self._paused:
- paused_for = time.time() - self._paused_at
- self._results.timings['paused'] += paused_for
- p = self._paused
- self._paused = None
- eventually(p.callback, None)
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_paused(False)
- def stopProducing(self):
- self.log("Download.stopProducing")
- self._stopped = True
- self.resumeProducing()
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_stopped(True)
- self._status.set_active(False)
- def start(self):
- self.log("starting download")
- # first step: who should we download from?
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._get_all_shareholders)
- d.addBoth(self._got_all_shareholders)
- # now get the uri_extension block from somebody and integrity check
- # it and parse and validate its contents
- d.addCallback(self._obtain_uri_extension)
- d.addCallback(self._get_crypttext_hash_tree)
- # once we know that, we can download blocks from everybody
- d.addCallback(self._download_all_segments)
- def _finished(res):
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_status("Finished")
- self._status.set_active(False)
- self._status.set_paused(False)
- if IConsumer.providedBy(self._target):
- self._target.unregisterProducer()
- return res
- d.addBoth(_finished)
- def _failed(why):
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_status("Failed")
- self._status.set_active(False)
- if why.check(DownloadStopped):
- # DownloadStopped just means the consumer aborted the
- # download; not so scary.
- self.log("download stopped", level=log.UNUSUAL)
- else:
- # This is really unusual, and deserves maximum forensics.
- self.log("download failed!", failure=why, level=log.SCARY,
- umid="lp1vaQ")
- return why
- d.addErrback(_failed)
- d.addCallback(self._done)
- return d
- def _get_all_shareholders(self):
- """ Once the number of buckets that I know about is >= K then I
- callback the Deferred that I return.
- If all of the get_buckets deferreds have fired (whether callback
- or errback) and I still don't have enough buckets then I'll also
- callback -- not errback -- the Deferred that I return.
- """
- wait_for_enough_buckets_d = defer.Deferred()
- self._wait_for_enough_buckets_d = wait_for_enough_buckets_d
- sb = self._storage_broker
- servers = sb.get_servers_for_index(self._storage_index)
- if not servers:
- raise NoServersError("broker gave us no servers!")
- self._total_queries = len(servers)
- self._responses_received = 0
- self._queries_failed = 0
- for (peerid,ss) in servers:
- self.log(format="sending DYHB to [%(peerid)s]",
- peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid),
- level=log.NOISY, umid="rT03hg")
- d = ss.callRemote("get_buckets", self._storage_index)
- d.addCallbacks(self._got_response, self._got_error,
- callbackArgs=(peerid,))
- d.addBoth(self._check_got_all_responses)
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_status("Locating Shares (%d/%d)" %
- (self._responses_received,
- self._total_queries))
- return wait_for_enough_buckets_d
- def _check_got_all_responses(self, ignored=None):
- assert (self._responses_received+self._queries_failed) <= self._total_queries
- if self._wait_for_enough_buckets_d and (self._responses_received+self._queries_failed) == self._total_queries:
- reactor.callLater(0, self._wait_for_enough_buckets_d.callback, False)
- self._wait_for_enough_buckets_d = None
- def _got_response(self, buckets, peerid):
- # Note that this can continue to receive responses after _wait_for_enough_buckets_d
- # has fired.
- self._responses_received += 1
- self.log(format="got results from [%(peerid)s]: shnums %(shnums)s",
- peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid),
- shnums=sorted(buckets.keys()),
- level=log.NOISY, umid="o4uwFg")
- if self._results:
- elapsed = time.time() - self._started
- self._results.timings["servers_peer_selection"][peerid] = elapsed
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_status("Locating Shares (%d/%d)" %
- (self._responses_received,
- self._total_queries))
- for sharenum, bucket in buckets.iteritems():
- b = layout.ReadBucketProxy(bucket, peerid, self._storage_index)
- self.add_share_bucket(sharenum, b)
- # If we just got enough buckets for the first time, then fire the
- # deferred. Then remove it from self so that we don't fire it
- # again.
- if self._wait_for_enough_buckets_d and len(self._share_buckets) >= self._verifycap.needed_shares:
- reactor.callLater(0, self._wait_for_enough_buckets_d.callback, True)
- self._wait_for_enough_buckets_d = None
- if self._share_vbuckets is not None:
- vbucket = ValidatedReadBucketProxy(sharenum, b, self._share_hash_tree, self._vup.num_segments, self._vup.block_size, self._vup.share_size)
- self._share_vbuckets.setdefault(sharenum, set()).add(vbucket)
- if self._results:
- if peerid not in self._results.servermap:
- self._results.servermap[peerid] = set()
- self._results.servermap[peerid].add(sharenum)
- def add_share_bucket(self, sharenum, bucket):
- # this is split out for the benefit of test_encode.py
- self._share_buckets.setdefault(sharenum, []).append(bucket)
- def _got_error(self, f):
- self._queries_failed += 1
- level = log.WEIRD
- if f.check(DeadReferenceError):
- level = log.UNUSUAL
- self.log("Error during get_buckets", failure=f, level=level,
- umid="3uuBUQ")
- def bucket_failed(self, vbucket):
- shnum = vbucket.sharenum
- del self.active_buckets[shnum]
- s = self._share_vbuckets[shnum]
- # s is a set of ValidatedReadBucketProxy instances
- s.remove(vbucket)
- # ... which might now be empty
- if not s:
- # there are no more buckets which can provide this share, so
- # remove the key. This may prompt us to use a different share.
- del self._share_vbuckets[shnum]
- def _got_all_shareholders(self, res):
- if self._results:
- now = time.time()
- self._results.timings["peer_selection"] = now - self._started
- if len(self._share_buckets) < self._verifycap.needed_shares:
- msg = "Failed to get enough shareholders: have %d, need %d" \
- % (len(self._share_buckets), self._verifycap.needed_shares)
- if self._share_buckets:
- raise NotEnoughSharesError(msg)
- else:
- raise NoSharesError(msg)
- #for s in self._share_vbuckets.values():
- # for vb in s:
- # assert isinstance(vb, ValidatedReadBucketProxy), \
- # "vb is %s but should be a ValidatedReadBucketProxy" % (vb,)
- def _obtain_uri_extension(self, ignored):
- # all shareholders are supposed to have a copy of uri_extension, and
- # all are supposed to be identical. We compute the hash of the data
- # that comes back, and compare it against the version in our URI. If
- # they don't match, ignore their data and try someone else.
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_status("Obtaining URI Extension")
- uri_extension_fetch_started = time.time()
- vups = []
- for sharenum, buckets in self._share_buckets.iteritems():
- for bucket in buckets:
- vups.append(ValidatedExtendedURIProxy(bucket, self._verifycap, self._fetch_failures))
- vto = ValidatedThingObtainer(vups, debugname="vups", log_id=self._parentmsgid)
- d = vto.start()
- def _got_uri_extension(vup):
- precondition(isinstance(vup, ValidatedExtendedURIProxy), vup)
- if self._results:
- elapsed = time.time() - uri_extension_fetch_started
- self._results.timings["uri_extension"] = elapsed
- self._vup = vup
- self._codec = codec.CRSDecoder()
- self._codec.set_params(self._vup.segment_size, self._verifycap.needed_shares, self._verifycap.total_shares)
- self._tail_codec = codec.CRSDecoder()
- self._tail_codec.set_params(self._vup.tail_segment_size, self._verifycap.needed_shares, self._verifycap.total_shares)
- self._current_segnum = 0
- self._share_hash_tree = hashtree.IncompleteHashTree(self._verifycap.total_shares)
- self._share_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: vup.share_root_hash})
- self._crypttext_hash_tree = hashtree.IncompleteHashTree(self._vup.num_segments)
- self._crypttext_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: self._vup.crypttext_root_hash})
- # Repairer (uploader) needs the encodingparams.
- self._target.set_encodingparams((
- self._verifycap.needed_shares,
- 0, # see ticket #778 for why this is
- self._verifycap.total_shares,
- self._vup.segment_size
- ))
- d.addCallback(_got_uri_extension)
- return d
- def _get_crypttext_hash_tree(self, res):
- vchtps = []
- for sharenum, buckets in self._share_buckets.iteritems():
- for bucket in buckets:
- vchtp = ValidatedCrypttextHashTreeProxy(bucket, self._crypttext_hash_tree, self._vup.num_segments, self._fetch_failures)
- vchtps.append(vchtp)
- _get_crypttext_hash_tree_started = time.time()
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_status("Retrieving crypttext hash tree")
- vto = ValidatedThingObtainer(vchtps, debugname="vchtps",
- log_id=self._parentmsgid)
- d = vto.start()
- def _got_crypttext_hash_tree(res):
- # Good -- the self._crypttext_hash_tree that we passed to vchtp
- # is now populated with hashes.
- if self._results:
- elapsed = time.time() - _get_crypttext_hash_tree_started
- self._results.timings["hashtrees"] = elapsed
- d.addCallback(_got_crypttext_hash_tree)
- return d
- def _activate_enough_buckets(self):
- """either return a mapping from shnum to a ValidatedReadBucketProxy
- that can provide data for that share, or raise NotEnoughSharesError"""
- while len(self.active_buckets) < self._verifycap.needed_shares:
- # need some more
- handled_shnums = set(self.active_buckets.keys())
- available_shnums = set(self._share_vbuckets.keys())
- potential_shnums = list(available_shnums - handled_shnums)
- if len(potential_shnums) < (self._verifycap.needed_shares
- - len(self.active_buckets)):
- have = len(potential_shnums) + len(self.active_buckets)
- msg = "Unable to activate enough shares: have %d, need %d" \
- % (have, self._verifycap.needed_shares)
- if have:
- raise NotEnoughSharesError(msg)
- else:
- raise NoSharesError(msg)
- # For the next share, choose a primary share if available, else a
- # randomly chosen secondary share.
- potential_shnums.sort()
- if potential_shnums[0] < self._verifycap.needed_shares:
- shnum = potential_shnums[0]
- else:
- shnum = random.choice(potential_shnums)
- # and a random bucket that will provide it
- validated_bucket = random.choice(list(self._share_vbuckets[shnum]))
- self.active_buckets[shnum] = validated_bucket
- return self.active_buckets
- def _download_all_segments(self, res):
- # From now on if new buckets are received then I will notice that
- # self._share_vbuckets is not None and generate a vbucket for that new
- # bucket and add it in to _share_vbuckets. (We had to wait because we
- # didn't have self._vup and self._share_hash_tree earlier. We didn't
- # need validated buckets until now -- now that we are ready to download
- # shares.)
- self._share_vbuckets = {}
- for sharenum, buckets in self._share_buckets.iteritems():
- for bucket in buckets:
- vbucket = ValidatedReadBucketProxy(sharenum, bucket, self._share_hash_tree, self._vup.num_segments, self._vup.block_size, self._vup.share_size)
- self._share_vbuckets.setdefault(sharenum, set()).add(vbucket)
- # after the above code, self._share_vbuckets contains enough
- # buckets to complete the download, and some extra ones to
- # tolerate some buckets dropping out or having
- # errors. self._share_vbuckets is a dictionary that maps from
- # shnum to a set of ValidatedBuckets, which themselves are
- # wrappers around RIBucketReader references.
- self.active_buckets = {} # k: shnum, v: ValidatedReadBucketProxy instance
- self._started_fetching = time.time()
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- for segnum in range(self._vup.num_segments):
- d.addCallback(self._download_segment, segnum)
- # this pause, at the end of write, prevents pre-fetch from
- # happening until the consumer is ready for more data.
- d.addCallback(self._check_for_pause)
- self._stage_4_d.callback(None)
- return d
- def _check_for_pause(self, res):
- if self._paused:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self._paused.addCallback(lambda ignored: d.callback(res))
- return d
- if self._stopped:
- raise DownloadStopped("our Consumer called stopProducing()")
- self._monitor.raise_if_cancelled()
- return res
- def _download_segment(self, res, segnum):
- if self._status:
- self._status.set_status("Downloading segment %d of %d" %
- (segnum+1, self._vup.num_segments))
- self.log("downloading seg#%d of %d (%d%%)"
- % (segnum, self._vup.num_segments,
- 100.0 * segnum / self._vup.num_segments))
- # memory footprint: when the SegmentDownloader finishes pulling down
- # all shares, we have 1*segment_size of usage.
- segmentdler = SegmentDownloader(self, segnum,
- self._verifycap.needed_shares,
- self._results)
- started = time.time()
- d = segmentdler.start()
- def _finished_fetching(res):
- elapsed = time.time() - started
- self._results.timings["cumulative_fetch"] += elapsed
- return res
- if self._results:
- d.addCallback(_finished_fetching)
- # pause before using more memory
- d.addCallback(self._check_for_pause)
- # while the codec does its job, we hit 2*segment_size
- def _started_decode(res):
- self._started_decode = time.time()
- return res
- if self._results:
- d.addCallback(_started_decode)
- if segnum + 1 == self._vup.num_segments:
- codec = self._tail_codec
- else:
- codec = self._codec
- d.addCallback(lambda (shares, shareids): codec.decode(shares, shareids))
- # once the codec is done, we drop back to 1*segment_size, because
- # 'shares' goes out of scope. The memory usage is all in the
- # plaintext now, spread out into a bunch of tiny buffers.
- def _finished_decode(res):
- elapsed = time.time() - self._started_decode
- self._results.timings["cumulative_decode"] += elapsed
- return res
- if self._results:
- d.addCallback(_finished_decode)
- # pause/check-for-stop just before writing, to honor stopProducing
- d.addCallback(self._check_for_pause)
- d.addCallback(self._got_segment)
- return d
- def _got_segment(self, buffers):
- precondition(self._crypttext_hash_tree)
- started_decrypt = time.time()
- self._status.set_progress(float(self._current_segnum)/self._verifycap.size)
- if self._current_segnum + 1 == self._vup.num_segments:
- # This is the last segment.
- # Trim off any padding added by the upload side. We never send
- # empty segments. If the data was an exact multiple of the
- # segment size, the last segment will be full.
- tail_buf_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self._vup.tail_segment_size, self._verifycap.needed_shares)
- num_buffers_used = mathutil.div_ceil(self._vup.tail_data_size, tail_buf_size)
- # Remove buffers which don't contain any part of the tail.
- del buffers[num_buffers_used:]
- # Remove the past-the-tail-part of the last buffer.
- tail_in_last_buf = self._vup.tail_data_size % tail_buf_size
- if tail_in_last_buf == 0:
- tail_in_last_buf = tail_buf_size
- buffers[-1] = buffers[-1][:tail_in_last_buf]
- # First compute the hash of this segment and check that it fits.
- ch = hashutil.crypttext_segment_hasher()
- for buffer in buffers:
- self._ciphertext_hasher.update(buffer)
- ch.update(buffer)
- self._crypttext_hash_tree.set_hashes(leaves={self._current_segnum: ch.digest()})
- # Then write this segment to the target.
- if not self._opened:
- self._opened = True
- self._target.open(self._verifycap.size)
- for buffer in buffers:
- self._target.write(buffer)
- self._bytes_done += len(buffer)
- self._status.set_progress(float(self._bytes_done)/self._verifycap.size)
- self._current_segnum += 1
- if self._results:
- elapsed = time.time() - started_decrypt
- self._results.timings["cumulative_decrypt"] += elapsed
- def _done(self, res):
- self.log("download done")
- if self._results:
- now = time.time()
- self._results.timings["total"] = now - self._started
- self._results.timings["segments"] = now - self._started_fetching
- if self._vup.crypttext_hash:
- _assert(self._vup.crypttext_hash == self._ciphertext_hasher.digest(),
- "bad crypttext_hash: computed=%s, expected=%s" %
- (base32.b2a(self._ciphertext_hasher.digest()),
- base32.b2a(self._vup.crypttext_hash)))
- _assert(self._bytes_done == self._verifycap.size, self._bytes_done, self._verifycap.size)
- self._status.set_progress(1)
- self._target.close()
- return self._target.finish()
- def get_download_status(self):
- return self._status
-class ConsumerAdapter:
- implements(IDownloadTarget, IConsumer)
- def __init__(self, consumer):
- self._consumer = consumer
- def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
- self._consumer.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
- def unregisterProducer(self):
- self._consumer.unregisterProducer()
- def open(self, size):
- pass
- def write(self, data):
- self._consumer.write(data)
- def close(self):
- pass
- def fail(self, why):
- pass
- def register_canceller(self, cb):
- pass
- def finish(self):
- return self._consumer
- # The following methods are just because the target might be a
- # repairer.DownUpConnector, and just because the current CHKUpload object
- # expects to find the storage index and encoding parameters in its
- # Uploadable.
- def set_storageindex(self, storageindex):
- pass
- def set_encodingparams(self, encodingparams):
- pass
-class Downloader:
- """I am a service that allows file downloading.
- """
- # TODO: in fact, this service only downloads immutable files (URI:CHK:).
- # It is scheduled to go away, to be replaced by filenode.download()
- implements(IDownloader)
- def __init__(self, storage_broker, stats_provider):
- self.storage_broker = storage_broker
- self.stats_provider = stats_provider
- self._all_downloads = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() # for debugging
- def download(self, u, t, _log_msg_id=None, monitor=None, history=None):
- assert isinstance(u, uri.CHKFileURI)
- t = IDownloadTarget(t)
- assert t.write
- assert t.close
- if self.stats_provider:
- # these counters are meant for network traffic, and don't
- # include LIT files
- self.stats_provider.count('downloader.files_downloaded', 1)
- self.stats_provider.count('downloader.bytes_downloaded', u.get_size())
- target = DecryptingTarget(t, u.key, _log_msg_id=_log_msg_id)
- if not monitor:
- monitor=Monitor()
- dl = CiphertextDownloader(self.storage_broker,
- u.get_verify_cap(), target,
- monitor=monitor)
- self._all_downloads[dl] = None
- if history:
- history.add_download(dl.get_download_status())
- d = dl.start()
- return d
--- /dev/null
+class BadSegmentNumberError(Exception):
+ pass
+class WrongSegmentError(Exception):
+ pass
+class BadCiphertextHashError(Exception):
+ pass
+class DownloadStopped(Exception):
+ pass
--- /dev/null
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from foolscap.api import eventually
+from allmydata.interfaces import NotEnoughSharesError, NoSharesError
+from allmydata.util import log
+from allmydata.util.dictutil import DictOfSets
+ BADSEGNUM, BadSegmentNumberError
+class SegmentFetcher:
+ """I am responsible for acquiring blocks for a single segment. I will use
+ the Share instances passed to my add_shares() method to locate, retrieve,
+ and validate those blocks. I expect my parent node to call my
+ no_more_shares() method when there are no more shares available. I will
+ call my parent's want_more_shares() method when I want more: I expect to
+ see at least one call to add_shares or no_more_shares afterwards.
+ When I have enough validated blocks, I will call my parent's
+ process_blocks() method with a dictionary that maps shnum to blockdata.
+ If I am unable to provide enough blocks, I will call my parent's
+ fetch_failed() method with (self, f). After either of these events, I
+ will shut down and do no further work. My parent can also call my stop()
+ method to have me shut down early."""
+ def __init__(self, node, segnum, k):
+ self._node = node # _Node
+ self.segnum = segnum
+ self._k = k
+ self._shares = {} # maps non-dead Share instance to a state, one of
+ # State transition map is:
+ # AVAILABLE -(send-read)-> PENDING
+ # PENDING -(timer)-> OVERDUE
+ # If a share becomes DEAD, it is removed from the
+ # dict. If it becomes BADSEGNUM, the whole fetch is
+ # terminated.
+ self._share_observers = {} # maps Share to EventStreamObserver for
+ # active ones
+ self._shnums = DictOfSets() # maps shnum to the shares that provide it
+ self._blocks = {} # maps shnum to validated block data
+ self._no_more_shares = False
+ self._bad_segnum = False
+ self._last_failure = None
+ self._running = True
+ def stop(self):
+ log.msg("SegmentFetcher(%s).stop" % self._node._si_prefix,
+ level=log.NOISY, umid="LWyqpg")
+ self._cancel_all_requests()
+ self._running = False
+ self._shares.clear() # let GC work # ??? XXX
+ # called by our parent _Node
+ def add_shares(self, shares):
+ # called when ShareFinder locates a new share, and when a non-initial
+ # segment fetch is started and we already know about shares from the
+ # previous segment
+ for s in shares:
+ self._shares[s] = AVAILABLE
+ self._shnums.add(s._shnum, s)
+ eventually(self.loop)
+ def no_more_shares(self):
+ # ShareFinder tells us it's reached the end of its list
+ self._no_more_shares = True
+ eventually(self.loop)
+ # internal methods
+ def _count_shnums(self, *states):
+ """shnums for which at least one state is in the following list"""
+ shnums = []
+ for shnum,shares in self._shnums.iteritems():
+ matches = [s for s in shares if self._shares.get(s) in states]
+ if matches:
+ shnums.append(shnum)
+ return len(shnums)
+ def loop(self):
+ try:
+ # if any exception occurs here, kill the download
+ self._do_loop()
+ except BaseException:
+ self._node.fetch_failed(self, Failure())
+ raise
+ def _do_loop(self):
+ k = self._k
+ if not self._running:
+ return
+ if self._bad_segnum:
+ # oops, we were asking for a segment number beyond the end of the
+ # file. This is an error.
+ self.stop()
+ e = BadSegmentNumberError("segnum=%d, numsegs=%d" %
+ (self.segnum, self._node.num_segments))
+ f = Failure(e)
+ self._node.fetch_failed(self, f)
+ return
+ # are we done?
+ if self._count_shnums(COMPLETE) >= k:
+ # yay!
+ self.stop()
+ self._node.process_blocks(self.segnum, self._blocks)
+ return
+ # we may have exhausted everything
+ if (self._no_more_shares and
+ self._count_shnums(AVAILABLE, PENDING, OVERDUE, COMPLETE) < k):
+ # no more new shares are coming, and the remaining hopeful shares
+ # aren't going to be enough. boo!
+ log.msg("share states: %r" % (self._shares,),
+ level=log.NOISY, umid="0ThykQ")
+ if self._count_shnums(AVAILABLE, PENDING, OVERDUE, COMPLETE) == 0:
+ format = ("no shares (need %(k)d)."
+ " Last failure: %(last_failure)s")
+ args = { "k": k,
+ "last_failure": self._last_failure }
+ error = NoSharesError
+ else:
+ format = ("ran out of shares: %(complete)d complete,"
+ " %(pending)d pending, %(overdue)d overdue,"
+ " %(unused)d unused, need %(k)d."
+ " Last failure: %(last_failure)s")
+ args = {"complete": self._count_shnums(COMPLETE),
+ "pending": self._count_shnums(PENDING),
+ "overdue": self._count_shnums(OVERDUE),
+ # 'unused' should be zero
+ "unused": self._count_shnums(AVAILABLE),
+ "k": k,
+ "last_failure": self._last_failure,
+ }
+ error = NotEnoughSharesError
+ log.msg(format=format, level=log.UNUSUAL, umid="1DsnTg", **args)
+ e = error(format % args)
+ f = Failure(e)
+ self.stop()
+ self._node.fetch_failed(self, f)
+ return
+ # nope, not done. Are we "block-hungry" (i.e. do we want to send out
+ # more read requests, or do we think we have enough in flight
+ # already?)
+ while self._count_shnums(PENDING, COMPLETE) < k:
+ # we're hungry.. are there any unused shares?
+ sent = self._send_new_request()
+ if not sent:
+ break
+ # ok, now are we "share-hungry" (i.e. do we have enough known shares
+ # to make us happy, or should we ask the ShareFinder to get us more?)
+ if self._count_shnums(AVAILABLE, PENDING, COMPLETE) < k:
+ # we're hungry for more shares
+ self._node.want_more_shares()
+ # that will trigger the ShareFinder to keep looking
+ def _find_one(self, shares, state):
+ # TODO could choose fastest
+ for s in shares:
+ if self._shares[s] == state:
+ return s
+ # can never get here, caller has assert in case of code bug
+ def _send_new_request(self):
+ for shnum,shares in sorted(self._shnums.iteritems()):
+ states = [self._shares[s] for s in shares]
+ if COMPLETE in states or PENDING in states:
+ # don't send redundant requests
+ continue
+ if AVAILABLE not in states:
+ # no candidates for this shnum, move on
+ continue
+ # here's a candidate. Send a request.
+ s = self._find_one(shares, AVAILABLE)
+ assert s
+ self._shares[s] = PENDING
+ self._share_observers[s] = o = s.get_block(self.segnum)
+ o.subscribe(self._block_request_activity, share=s, shnum=shnum)
+ # TODO: build up a list of candidates, then walk through the
+ # list, sending requests to the most desireable servers,
+ # re-checking our block-hunger each time. For non-initial segment
+ # fetches, this would let us stick with faster servers.
+ return True
+ # nothing was sent: don't call us again until you have more shares to
+ # work with, or one of the existing shares has been declared OVERDUE
+ return False
+ def _cancel_all_requests(self):
+ for o in self._share_observers.values():
+ o.cancel()
+ self._share_observers = {}
+ def _block_request_activity(self, share, shnum, state, block=None, f=None):
+ # called by Shares, in response to our s.send_request() calls.
+ if not self._running:
+ return
+ log.msg("SegmentFetcher(%s)._block_request_activity:"
+ " Share(sh%d-on-%s) -> %s" %
+ (self._node._si_prefix, shnum, share._peerid_s, state),
+ level=log.NOISY, umid="vilNWA")
+ self._share_observers.pop(share, None)
+ if state is COMPLETE:
+ # 'block' is fully validated
+ self._shares[share] = COMPLETE
+ self._blocks[shnum] = block
+ elif state is OVERDUE:
+ self._shares[share] = OVERDUE
+ # OVERDUE is not terminal: it will eventually transition to
+ elif state is CORRUPT:
+ self._shares[share] = CORRUPT
+ elif state is DEAD:
+ del self._shares[share]
+ self._shnums[shnum].remove(share)
+ self._last_failure = f
+ elif state is BADSEGNUM:
+ self._shares[share] = BADSEGNUM # ???
+ self._bad_segnum = True
+ eventually(self.loop)
--- /dev/null
+import time
+now = time.time
+from foolscap.api import eventually
+from allmydata.util import base32, log, idlib
+from share import Share, CommonShare
+def incidentally(res, f, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Add me to a Deferred chain like this:
+ d.addBoth(incidentally, func, arg)
+ and I'll behave as if you'd added the following function:
+ def _(res):
+ func(arg)
+ return res
+ This is useful if you want to execute an expression when the Deferred
+ fires, but don't care about its value.
+ """
+ f(*args, **kwargs)
+ return res
+class RequestToken:
+ def __init__(self, peerid):
+ self.peerid = peerid
+class ShareFinder:
+ def __init__(self, storage_broker, verifycap, node, download_status,
+ logparent=None, max_outstanding_requests=10):
+ self.running = True # stopped by Share.stop, from Terminator
+ self.verifycap = verifycap
+ self._started = False
+ self._storage_broker = storage_broker
+ self.share_consumer = self.node = node
+ self.max_outstanding_requests = max_outstanding_requests
+ self._hungry = False
+ self._commonshares = {} # shnum to CommonShare instance
+ self.undelivered_shares = []
+ self.pending_requests = set()
+ self._storage_index = verifycap.storage_index
+ self._si_prefix = base32.b2a_l(self._storage_index[:8], 60)
+ self._node_logparent = logparent
+ self._download_status = download_status
+ self._lp = log.msg(format="ShareFinder[si=%(si)s] starting",
+ si=self._si_prefix,
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=logparent, umid="2xjj2A")
+ def start_finding_servers(self):
+ # don't get servers until somebody uses us: creating the
+ # ImmutableFileNode should not cause work to happen yet. Test case is
+ # test_dirnode, which creates us with storage_broker=None
+ if not self._started:
+ si = self.verifycap.storage_index
+ s = self._storage_broker.get_servers_for_index(si)
+ self._servers = iter(s)
+ self._started = True
+ def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if "parent" not in kwargs:
+ kwargs["parent"] = self._lp
+ return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)
+ def stop(self):
+ self.running = False
+ # called by our parent CiphertextDownloader
+ def hungry(self):
+ self.log(format="ShareFinder[si=%(si)s] hungry",
+ si=self._si_prefix, level=log.NOISY, umid="NywYaQ")
+ self.start_finding_servers()
+ self._hungry = True
+ eventually(self.loop)
+ # internal methods
+ def loop(self):
+ undelivered_s = ",".join(["sh%d@%s" %
+ (s._shnum, idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(s._peerid))
+ for s in self.undelivered_shares])
+ pending_s = ",".join([idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(rt.peerid)
+ for rt in self.pending_requests]) # sort?
+ self.log(format="ShareFinder loop: running=%(running)s"
+ " hungry=%(hungry)s, undelivered=%(undelivered)s,"
+ " pending=%(pending)s",
+ running=self.running, hungry=self._hungry,
+ undelivered=undelivered_s, pending=pending_s,
+ level=log.NOISY, umid="kRtS4Q")
+ if not self.running:
+ return
+ if not self._hungry:
+ return
+ if self.undelivered_shares:
+ sh = self.undelivered_shares.pop(0)
+ # they will call hungry() again if they want more
+ self._hungry = False
+ self.log(format="delivering Share(shnum=%(shnum)d, server=%(peerid)s)",
+ shnum=sh._shnum, peerid=sh._peerid_s,
+ level=log.NOISY, umid="2n1qQw")
+ eventually(self.share_consumer.got_shares, [sh])
+ return
+ if len(self.pending_requests) >= self.max_outstanding_requests:
+ # cannot send more requests, must wait for some to retire
+ return
+ server = None
+ try:
+ if self._servers:
+ server = self._servers.next()
+ except StopIteration:
+ self._servers = None
+ if server:
+ self.send_request(server)
+ # we loop again to get parallel queries. The check above will
+ # prevent us from looping forever.
+ eventually(self.loop)
+ return
+ if self.pending_requests:
+ # no server, but there are still requests in flight: maybe one of
+ # them will make progress
+ return
+ self.log(format="ShareFinder.loop: no_more_shares, ever",
+ level=log.UNUSUAL, umid="XjQlzg")
+ # we've run out of servers (so we can't send any more requests), and
+ # we have nothing in flight. No further progress can be made. They
+ # are destined to remain hungry.
+ self.share_consumer.no_more_shares()
+ def send_request(self, server):
+ peerid, rref = server
+ req = RequestToken(peerid)
+ self.pending_requests.add(req)
+ lp = self.log(format="sending DYHB to [%(peerid)s]",
+ peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid),
+ level=log.NOISY, umid="Io7pyg")
+ d_ev = self._download_status.add_dyhb_sent(peerid, now())
+ d = rref.callRemote("get_buckets", self._storage_index)
+ d.addBoth(incidentally, self.pending_requests.discard, req)
+ d.addCallbacks(self._got_response, self._got_error,
+ callbackArgs=(rref.version, peerid, req, d_ev, lp),
+ errbackArgs=(peerid, req, d_ev, lp))
+ d.addErrback(log.err, format="error in send_request",
+ level=log.WEIRD, parent=lp, umid="rpdV0w")
+ d.addCallback(incidentally, eventually, self.loop)
+ def _got_response(self, buckets, server_version, peerid, req, d_ev, lp):
+ shnums = sorted([shnum for shnum in buckets])
+ d_ev.finished(shnums, now())
+ if buckets:
+ shnums_s = ",".join([str(shnum) for shnum in shnums])
+ self.log(format="got shnums [%(shnums)s] from [%(peerid)s]",
+ shnums=shnums_s, peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=lp, umid="0fcEZw")
+ else:
+ self.log(format="no shares from [%(peerid)s]",
+ peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=lp, umid="U7d4JA")
+ if self.node.num_segments is None:
+ best_numsegs = self.node.guessed_num_segments
+ else:
+ best_numsegs = self.node.num_segments
+ for shnum, bucket in buckets.iteritems():
+ self._create_share(best_numsegs, shnum, bucket, server_version,
+ peerid)
+ def _create_share(self, best_numsegs, shnum, bucket, server_version,
+ peerid):
+ if shnum in self._commonshares:
+ cs = self._commonshares[shnum]
+ else:
+ cs = CommonShare(best_numsegs, self._si_prefix, shnum,
+ self._node_logparent)
+ # Share._get_satisfaction is responsible for updating
+ # CommonShare.set_numsegs after we know the UEB. Alternatives:
+ # 1: d = self.node.get_num_segments()
+ # d.addCallback(cs.got_numsegs)
+ # the problem is that the OneShotObserverList I was using
+ # inserts an eventual-send between _get_satisfaction's
+ # _satisfy_UEB and _satisfy_block_hash_tree, and the
+ # CommonShare didn't get the num_segs message before
+ # being asked to set block hash values. To resolve this
+ # would require an immediate ObserverList instead of
+ # an eventual-send -based one
+ # 2: break _get_satisfaction into Deferred-attached pieces.
+ # Yuck.
+ self._commonshares[shnum] = cs
+ s = Share(bucket, server_version, self.verifycap, cs, self.node,
+ self._download_status, peerid, shnum,
+ self._node_logparent)
+ self.undelivered_shares.append(s)
+ def _got_error(self, f, peerid, req, d_ev, lp):
+ d_ev.finished("error", now())
+ self.log(format="got error from [%(peerid)s]",
+ peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid), failure=f,
+ level=log.UNUSUAL, parent=lp, umid="zUKdCw")
--- /dev/null
+import time
+now = time.time
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from foolscap.api import eventually
+from allmydata import uri
+from allmydata.codec import CRSDecoder
+from allmydata.util import base32, log, hashutil, mathutil, observer
+from allmydata.interfaces import DEFAULT_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE
+from allmydata.hashtree import IncompleteHashTree, BadHashError, \
+ NotEnoughHashesError
+# local imports
+from finder import ShareFinder
+from fetcher import SegmentFetcher
+from segmentation import Segmentation
+from common import BadCiphertextHashError
+class Cancel:
+ def __init__(self, f):
+ self._f = f
+ self.cancelled = False
+ def cancel(self):
+ if not self.cancelled:
+ self.cancelled = True
+ self._f(self)
+class DownloadNode:
+ """Internal class which manages downloads and holds state. External
+ callers use CiphertextFileNode instead."""
+ # Share._node points to me
+ def __init__(self, verifycap, storage_broker, secret_holder,
+ terminator, history, download_status):
+ assert isinstance(verifycap, uri.CHKFileVerifierURI)
+ self._verifycap = verifycap
+ self._storage_broker = storage_broker
+ self._si_prefix = base32.b2a_l(verifycap.storage_index[:8], 60)
+ self.running = True
+ if terminator:
+ terminator.register(self) # calls self.stop() at stopService()
+ # the rules are:
+ # 1: Only send network requests if you're active (self.running is True)
+ # 2: Use TimerService, not reactor.callLater
+ # 3: You can do eventual-sends any time.
+ # These rules should mean that once
+ # stopService()+flushEventualQueue() fires, everything will be done.
+ self._secret_holder = secret_holder
+ self._history = history
+ self._download_status = download_status
+ k, N = self._verifycap.needed_shares, self._verifycap.total_shares
+ self.share_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(N)
+ # we guess the segment size, so Segmentation can pull non-initial
+ # segments in a single roundtrip. This populates
+ # .guessed_segment_size, .guessed_num_segments, and
+ # .ciphertext_hash_tree (with a dummy, to let us guess which hashes
+ # we'll need)
+ self._build_guessed_tables(DEFAULT_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE)
+ # filled in when we parse a valid UEB
+ self.have_UEB = False
+ self.segment_size = None
+ self.tail_segment_size = None
+ self.tail_segment_padded = None
+ self.num_segments = None
+ self.block_size = None
+ self.tail_block_size = None
+ # things to track callers that want data
+ # _segment_requests can have duplicates
+ self._segment_requests = [] # (segnum, d, cancel_handle)
+ self._active_segment = None # a SegmentFetcher, with .segnum
+ self._segsize_observers = observer.OneShotObserverList()
+ # we create one top-level logparent for this _Node, and another one
+ # for each read() call. Segmentation and get_segment() messages are
+ # associated with the read() call, everything else is tied to the
+ # _Node's log entry.
+ lp = log.msg(format="Immutable _Node(%(si)s) created: size=%(size)d,"
+ " guessed_segsize=%(guessed_segsize)d,"
+ " guessed_numsegs=%(guessed_numsegs)d",
+ si=self._si_prefix, size=verifycap.size,
+ guessed_segsize=self.guessed_segment_size,
+ guessed_numsegs=self.guessed_num_segments,
+ level=log.OPERATIONAL, umid="uJ0zAQ")
+ self._lp = lp
+ self._sharefinder = ShareFinder(storage_broker, verifycap, self,
+ self._download_status, lp)
+ self._shares = set()
+ def _build_guessed_tables(self, max_segment_size):
+ size = min(self._verifycap.size, max_segment_size)
+ s = mathutil.next_multiple(size, self._verifycap.needed_shares)
+ self.guessed_segment_size = s
+ r = self._calculate_sizes(self.guessed_segment_size)
+ self.guessed_num_segments = r["num_segments"]
+ # as with CommonShare, our ciphertext_hash_tree is a stub until we
+ # get the real num_segments
+ self.ciphertext_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(self.guessed_num_segments)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Imm_Node(%s)" % (self._si_prefix,)
+ def stop(self):
+ # called by the Terminator at shutdown, mostly for tests
+ if self._active_segment:
+ self._active_segment.stop()
+ self._active_segment = None
+ self._sharefinder.stop()
+ # things called by outside callers, via CiphertextFileNode. get_segment()
+ # may also be called by Segmentation.
+ def read(self, consumer, offset=0, size=None, read_ev=None):
+ """I am the main entry point, from which FileNode.read() can get
+ data. I feed the consumer with the desired range of ciphertext. I
+ return a Deferred that fires (with the consumer) when the read is
+ finished.
+ Note that there is no notion of a 'file pointer': each call to read()
+ uses an independent offset= value."""
+ # for concurrent operations: each gets its own Segmentation manager
+ if size is None:
+ size = self._verifycap.size
+ # clip size so offset+size does not go past EOF
+ size = min(size, self._verifycap.size-offset)
+ if read_ev is None:
+ read_ev = self._download_status.add_read_event(offset, size, now())
+ lp = log.msg(format="imm Node(%(si)s).read(%(offset)d, %(size)d)",
+ si=base32.b2a(self._verifycap.storage_index)[:8],
+ offset=offset, size=size,
+ level=log.OPERATIONAL, parent=self._lp, umid="l3j3Ww")
+ if self._history:
+ sp = self._history.stats_provider
+ sp.count("downloader.files_downloaded", 1) # really read() calls
+ sp.count("downloader.bytes_downloaded", size)
+ s = Segmentation(self, offset, size, consumer, read_ev, lp)
+ # this raises an interesting question: what segments to fetch? if
+ # offset=0, always fetch the first segment, and then allow
+ # Segmentation to be responsible for pulling the subsequent ones if
+ # the first wasn't large enough. If offset>0, we're going to need an
+ # extra roundtrip to get the UEB (and therefore the segment size)
+ # before we can figure out which segment to get. TODO: allow the
+ # offset-table-guessing code (which starts by guessing the segsize)
+ # to assist the offset>0 process.
+ d = s.start()
+ def _done(res):
+ read_ev.finished(now())
+ return res
+ d.addBoth(_done)
+ return d
+ def get_segment(self, segnum, logparent=None):
+ """Begin downloading a segment. I return a tuple (d, c): 'd' is a
+ Deferred that fires with (offset,data) when the desired segment is
+ available, and c is an object on which c.cancel() can be called to
+ disavow interest in the segment (after which 'd' will never fire).
+ You probably need to know the segment size before calling this,
+ unless you want the first few bytes of the file. If you ask for a
+ segment number which turns out to be too large, the Deferred will
+ errback with BadSegmentNumberError.
+ The Deferred fires with the offset of the first byte of the data
+ segment, so that you can call get_segment() before knowing the
+ segment size, and still know which data you received.
+ The Deferred can also errback with other fatal problems, such as
+ NotEnoughSharesError, NoSharesError, or BadCiphertextHashError.
+ """
+ log.msg(format="imm Node(%(si)s).get_segment(%(segnum)d)",
+ si=base32.b2a(self._verifycap.storage_index)[:8],
+ segnum=segnum,
+ level=log.OPERATIONAL, parent=logparent, umid="UKFjDQ")
+ self._download_status.add_segment_request(segnum, now())
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ c = Cancel(self._cancel_request)
+ self._segment_requests.append( (segnum, d, c) )
+ self._start_new_segment()
+ return (d, c)
+ def get_segsize(self):
+ """Return a Deferred that fires when we know the real segment size."""
+ if self.segment_size:
+ return defer.succeed(self.segment_size)
+ # TODO: this downloads (and discards) the first segment of the file.
+ # We could make this more efficient by writing
+ # fetcher.SegmentSizeFetcher, with the job of finding a single valid
+ # share and extracting the UEB. We'd add Share.get_UEB() to request
+ # just the UEB.
+ (d,c) = self.get_segment(0)
+ # this ensures that an error during get_segment() will errback the
+ # caller, so Repair won't wait forever on completely missing files
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self._segsize_observers.when_fired())
+ return d
+ # things called by the Segmentation object used to transform
+ # arbitrary-sized read() calls into quantized segment fetches
+ def _start_new_segment(self):
+ if self._active_segment is None and self._segment_requests:
+ segnum = self._segment_requests[0][0]
+ k = self._verifycap.needed_shares
+ log.msg(format="%(node)s._start_new_segment: segnum=%(segnum)d",
+ node=repr(self), segnum=segnum,
+ level=log.NOISY, umid="wAlnHQ")
+ self._active_segment = fetcher = SegmentFetcher(self, segnum, k)
+ active_shares = [s for s in self._shares if s.is_alive()]
+ fetcher.add_shares(active_shares) # this triggers the loop
+ # called by our child ShareFinder
+ def got_shares(self, shares):
+ self._shares.update(shares)
+ if self._active_segment:
+ self._active_segment.add_shares(shares)
+ def no_more_shares(self):
+ self._no_more_shares = True
+ if self._active_segment:
+ self._active_segment.no_more_shares()
+ # things called by our Share instances
+ def validate_and_store_UEB(self, UEB_s):
+ log.msg("validate_and_store_UEB",
+ level=log.OPERATIONAL, parent=self._lp, umid="7sTrPw")
+ h = hashutil.uri_extension_hash(UEB_s)
+ if h != self._verifycap.uri_extension_hash:
+ raise BadHashError
+ UEB_dict = uri.unpack_extension(UEB_s)
+ self._parse_and_store_UEB(UEB_dict) # sets self._stuff
+ # TODO: a malformed (but authentic) UEB could throw an assertion in
+ # _parse_and_store_UEB, and we should abandon the download.
+ self.have_UEB = True
+ def _parse_and_store_UEB(self, d):
+ # Note: the UEB contains needed_shares and total_shares. These are
+ # redundant and inferior (the filecap contains the authoritative
+ # values). However, because it is possible to encode the same file in
+ # multiple ways, and the encoders might choose (poorly) to use the
+ # same key for both (therefore getting the same SI), we might
+ # encounter shares for both types. The UEB hashes will be different,
+ # however, and we'll disregard the "other" encoding's shares as
+ # corrupted.
+ # therefore, we ignore d['total_shares'] and d['needed_shares'].
+ log.msg(format="UEB=%(ueb)s, vcap=%(vcap)s",
+ ueb=repr(d), vcap=self._verifycap.to_string(),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="cVqZnA")
+ k, N = self._verifycap.needed_shares, self._verifycap.total_shares
+ self.segment_size = d['segment_size']
+ self._segsize_observers.fire(self.segment_size)
+ r = self._calculate_sizes(self.segment_size)
+ self.tail_segment_size = r["tail_segment_size"]
+ self.tail_segment_padded = r["tail_segment_padded"]
+ self.num_segments = r["num_segments"]
+ self.block_size = r["block_size"]
+ self.tail_block_size = r["tail_block_size"]
+ log.msg("actual sizes: %s" % (r,),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="PY6P5Q")
+ if (self.segment_size == self.guessed_segment_size
+ and self.num_segments == self.guessed_num_segments):
+ log.msg("my guess was right!",
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="x340Ow")
+ else:
+ log.msg("my guess was wrong! Extra round trips for me.",
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="tb7RJw")
+ # zfec.Decode() instantiation is fast, but still, let's use the same
+ # codec instance for all but the last segment. 3-of-10 takes 15us on
+ # my laptop, 25-of-100 is 900us, 3-of-255 is 97us, 25-of-255 is
+ # 2.5ms, worst-case 254-of-255 is 9.3ms
+ self._codec = CRSDecoder()
+ self._codec.set_params(self.segment_size, k, N)
+ # Ciphertext hash tree root is mandatory, so that there is at most
+ # one ciphertext that matches this read-cap or verify-cap. The
+ # integrity check on the shares is not sufficient to prevent the
+ # original encoder from creating some shares of file A and other
+ # shares of file B. self.ciphertext_hash_tree was a guess before:
+ # this is where we create it for real.
+ self.ciphertext_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(self.num_segments)
+ self.ciphertext_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: d['crypttext_root_hash']})
+ self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: d['share_root_hash']})
+ # Our job is a fast download, not verification, so we ignore any
+ # redundant fields. The Verifier uses a different code path which
+ # does not ignore them.
+ def _calculate_sizes(self, segment_size):
+ # segments of ciphertext
+ size = self._verifycap.size
+ k = self._verifycap.needed_shares
+ # this assert matches the one in encode.py:127 inside
+ # Encoded._got_all_encoding_parameters, where the UEB is constructed
+ assert segment_size % k == 0
+ # the last segment is usually short. We don't store a whole segsize,
+ # but we do pad the segment up to a multiple of k, because the
+ # encoder requires that.
+ tail_segment_size = size % segment_size
+ if tail_segment_size == 0:
+ tail_segment_size = segment_size
+ padded = mathutil.next_multiple(tail_segment_size, k)
+ tail_segment_padded = padded
+ num_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(size, segment_size)
+ # each segment is turned into N blocks. All but the last are of size
+ # block_size, and the last is of size tail_block_size
+ block_size = segment_size / k
+ tail_block_size = tail_segment_padded / k
+ return { "tail_segment_size": tail_segment_size,
+ "tail_segment_padded": tail_segment_padded,
+ "num_segments": num_segments,
+ "block_size": block_size,
+ "tail_block_size": tail_block_size,
+ }
+ def process_share_hashes(self, share_hashes):
+ for hashnum in share_hashes:
+ if hashnum >= len(self.share_hash_tree):
+ # "BadHashError" is normally for e.g. a corrupt block. We
+ # sort of abuse it here to mean a badly numbered hash (which
+ # indicates corruption in the number bytes, rather than in
+ # the data bytes).
+ raise BadHashError("hashnum %d doesn't fit in hashtree(%d)"
+ % (hashnum, len(self.share_hash_tree)))
+ self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes(share_hashes)
+ def get_needed_ciphertext_hashes(self, segnum):
+ cht = self.ciphertext_hash_tree
+ return cht.needed_hashes(segnum, include_leaf=True)
+ def process_ciphertext_hashes(self, hashes):
+ assert self.num_segments is not None
+ # this may raise BadHashError or NotEnoughHashesError
+ self.ciphertext_hash_tree.set_hashes(hashes)
+ # called by our child SegmentFetcher
+ def want_more_shares(self):
+ self._sharefinder.hungry()
+ def fetch_failed(self, sf, f):
+ assert sf is self._active_segment
+ self._active_segment = None
+ # deliver error upwards
+ for (d,c) in self._extract_requests(sf.segnum):
+ eventually(self._deliver, d, c, f)
+ def process_blocks(self, segnum, blocks):
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._decode_blocks, segnum, blocks)
+ d.addCallback(self._check_ciphertext_hash, segnum)
+ def _deliver(result):
+ ds = self._download_status
+ if isinstance(result, Failure):
+ ds.add_segment_error(segnum, now())
+ else:
+ (offset, segment, decodetime) = result
+ ds.add_segment_delivery(segnum, now(),
+ offset, len(segment), decodetime)
+ log.msg(format="delivering segment(%(segnum)d)",
+ segnum=segnum,
+ level=log.OPERATIONAL, parent=self._lp,
+ umid="j60Ojg")
+ for (d,c) in self._extract_requests(segnum):
+ eventually(self._deliver, d, c, result)
+ self._active_segment = None
+ self._start_new_segment()
+ d.addBoth(_deliver)
+ d.addErrback(lambda f:
+ log.err("unhandled error during process_blocks",
+ failure=f, level=log.WEIRD,
+ parent=self._lp, umid="MkEsCg"))
+ def _decode_blocks(self, segnum, blocks):
+ tail = (segnum == self.num_segments-1)
+ codec = self._codec
+ block_size = self.block_size
+ decoded_size = self.segment_size
+ if tail:
+ # account for the padding in the last segment
+ codec = CRSDecoder()
+ k, N = self._verifycap.needed_shares, self._verifycap.total_shares
+ codec.set_params(self.tail_segment_padded, k, N)
+ block_size = self.tail_block_size
+ decoded_size = self.tail_segment_padded
+ shares = []
+ shareids = []
+ for (shareid, share) in blocks.iteritems():
+ assert len(share) == block_size
+ shareids.append(shareid)
+ shares.append(share)
+ del blocks
+ start = now()
+ d = codec.decode(shares, shareids) # segment
+ del shares
+ def _process(buffers):
+ decodetime = now() - start
+ segment = "".join(buffers)
+ assert len(segment) == decoded_size
+ del buffers
+ if tail:
+ segment = segment[:self.tail_segment_size]
+ return (segment, decodetime)
+ d.addCallback(_process)
+ return d
+ def _check_ciphertext_hash(self, (segment, decodetime), segnum):
+ assert self._active_segment.segnum == segnum
+ assert self.segment_size is not None
+ offset = segnum * self.segment_size
+ h = hashutil.crypttext_segment_hash(segment)
+ try:
+ self.ciphertext_hash_tree.set_hashes(leaves={segnum: h})
+ return (offset, segment, decodetime)
+ except (BadHashError, NotEnoughHashesError):
+ format = ("hash failure in ciphertext_hash_tree:"
+ " segnum=%(segnum)d, SI=%(si)s")
+ log.msg(format=format, segnum=segnum, si=self._si_prefix,
+ failure=Failure(),
+ level=log.WEIRD, parent=self._lp, umid="MTwNnw")
+ # this is especially weird, because we made it past the share
+ # hash tree. It implies that we're using the wrong encoding, or
+ # that the uploader deliberately constructed a bad UEB.
+ msg = format % {"segnum": segnum, "si": self._si_prefix}
+ raise BadCiphertextHashError(msg)
+ def _deliver(self, d, c, result):
+ # this method exists to handle cancel() that occurs between
+ # _got_segment and _deliver
+ if not c.cancelled:
+ d.callback(result) # might actually be an errback
+ def _extract_requests(self, segnum):
+ """Remove matching requests and return their (d,c) tuples so that the
+ caller can retire them."""
+ retire = [(d,c) for (segnum0, d, c) in self._segment_requests
+ if segnum0 == segnum]
+ self._segment_requests = [t for t in self._segment_requests
+ if t[0] != segnum]
+ return retire
+ def _cancel_request(self, c):
+ self._segment_requests = [t for t in self._segment_requests
+ if t[2] != c]
+ segnums = [segnum for (segnum,d,c) in self._segment_requests]
+ if self._active_segment.segnum not in segnums:
+ self._active_segment.stop()
+ self._active_segment = None
+ self._start_new_segment()
--- /dev/null
+import time
+now = time.time
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IPushProducer
+from foolscap.api import eventually
+from allmydata.util import log
+from allmydata.util.spans import overlap
+from common import BadSegmentNumberError, WrongSegmentError, DownloadStopped
+class Segmentation:
+ """I am responsible for a single offset+size read of the file. I handle
+ segmentation: I figure out which segments are necessary, request them
+ (from my CiphertextDownloader) in order, and trim the segments down to
+ match the offset+size span. I use the Producer/Consumer interface to only
+ request one segment at a time.
+ """
+ implements(IPushProducer)
+ def __init__(self, node, offset, size, consumer, read_ev, logparent=None):
+ self._node = node
+ self._hungry = True
+ self._active_segnum = None
+ self._cancel_segment_request = None
+ # these are updated as we deliver data. At any given time, we still
+ # want to download file[offset:offset+size]
+ self._offset = offset
+ self._size = size
+ assert offset+size <= node._verifycap.size
+ self._consumer = consumer
+ self._read_ev = read_ev
+ self._start_pause = None
+ self._lp = logparent
+ def start(self):
+ self._alive = True
+ self._deferred = defer.Deferred()
+ self._consumer.registerProducer(self, True)
+ self._maybe_fetch_next()
+ return self._deferred
+ def _maybe_fetch_next(self):
+ if not self._alive or not self._hungry:
+ return
+ if self._active_segnum is not None:
+ return
+ self._fetch_next()
+ def _fetch_next(self):
+ if self._size == 0:
+ # done!
+ self._alive = False
+ self._hungry = False
+ self._consumer.unregisterProducer()
+ self._deferred.callback(self._consumer)
+ return
+ n = self._node
+ have_actual_segment_size = n.segment_size is not None
+ guess_s = ""
+ if not have_actual_segment_size:
+ guess_s = "probably "
+ segment_size = n.segment_size or n.guessed_segment_size
+ if self._offset == 0:
+ # great! we want segment0 for sure
+ wanted_segnum = 0
+ else:
+ # this might be a guess
+ wanted_segnum = self._offset // segment_size
+ log.msg(format="_fetch_next(offset=%(offset)d) %(guess)swants segnum=%(segnum)d",
+ offset=self._offset, guess=guess_s, segnum=wanted_segnum,
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="5WfN0w")
+ self._active_segnum = wanted_segnum
+ d,c = n.get_segment(wanted_segnum, self._lp)
+ self._cancel_segment_request = c
+ d.addBoth(self._request_retired)
+ d.addCallback(self._got_segment, wanted_segnum)
+ if not have_actual_segment_size:
+ # we can retry once
+ d.addErrback(self._retry_bad_segment)
+ d.addErrback(self._error)
+ def _request_retired(self, res):
+ self._active_segnum = None
+ self._cancel_segment_request = None
+ return res
+ def _got_segment(self, (segment_start,segment,decodetime), wanted_segnum):
+ self._cancel_segment_request = None
+ # we got file[segment_start:segment_start+len(segment)]
+ # we want file[self._offset:self._offset+self._size]
+ log.msg(format="Segmentation got data:"
+ " want [%(wantstart)d-%(wantend)d),"
+ " given [%(segstart)d-%(segend)d), for segnum=%(segnum)d",
+ wantstart=self._offset, wantend=self._offset+self._size,
+ segstart=segment_start, segend=segment_start+len(segment),
+ segnum=wanted_segnum,
+ level=log.OPERATIONAL, parent=self._lp, umid="32dHcg")
+ o = overlap(segment_start, len(segment), self._offset, self._size)
+ # the overlap is file[o[0]:o[0]+o[1]]
+ if not o or o[0] != self._offset:
+ # we didn't get the first byte, so we can't use this segment
+ log.msg("Segmentation handed wrong data:"
+ " want [%d-%d), given [%d-%d), for segnum=%d,"
+ " for si=%s"
+ % (self._offset, self._offset+self._size,
+ segment_start, segment_start+len(segment),
+ wanted_segnum, self._node._si_prefix),
+ level=log.UNUSUAL, parent=self._lp, umid="STlIiA")
+ # we may retry if the segnum we asked was based on a guess
+ raise WrongSegmentError("I was given the wrong data.")
+ offset_in_segment = self._offset - segment_start
+ desired_data = segment[offset_in_segment:offset_in_segment+o[1]]
+ self._offset += len(desired_data)
+ self._size -= len(desired_data)
+ self._consumer.write(desired_data)
+ # the consumer might call our .pauseProducing() inside that write()
+ # call, setting self._hungry=False
+ self._read_ev.update(len(desired_data), 0, 0)
+ self._maybe_fetch_next()
+ def _retry_bad_segment(self, f):
+ f.trap(WrongSegmentError, BadSegmentNumberError)
+ # we guessed the segnum wrong: either one that doesn't overlap with
+ # the start of our desired region, or one that's beyond the end of
+ # the world. Now that we have the right information, we're allowed to
+ # retry once.
+ assert self._node.segment_size is not None
+ return self._maybe_fetch_next()
+ def _error(self, f):
+ log.msg("Error in Segmentation", failure=f,
+ level=log.WEIRD, parent=self._lp, umid="EYlXBg")
+ self._alive = False
+ self._hungry = False
+ self._consumer.unregisterProducer()
+ self._deferred.errback(f)
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ self._hungry = False
+ self._alive = False
+ # cancel any outstanding segment request
+ if self._cancel_segment_request:
+ self._cancel_segment_request.cancel()
+ self._cancel_segment_request = None
+ e = DownloadStopped("our Consumer called stopProducing()")
+ self._deferred.errback(e)
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ self._hungry = False
+ self._start_pause = now()
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ self._hungry = True
+ eventually(self._maybe_fetch_next)
+ if self._start_pause is not None:
+ paused = now() - self._start_pause
+ self._read_ev.update(0, 0, paused)
+ self._start_pause = None
--- /dev/null
+import struct
+import time
+now = time.time
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from foolscap.api import eventually
+from allmydata.util import base32, log, hashutil, mathutil
+from allmydata.util.spans import Spans, DataSpans
+from allmydata.interfaces import HASH_SIZE
+from allmydata.hashtree import IncompleteHashTree, BadHashError, \
+ NotEnoughHashesError
+from allmydata.immutable.layout import make_write_bucket_proxy
+from allmydata.util.observer import EventStreamObserver
+class LayoutInvalid(Exception):
+ pass
+class DataUnavailable(Exception):
+ pass
+class Share:
+ """I represent a single instance of a single share (e.g. I reference the
+ shnum2 for share SI=abcde on server xy12t, not the one on server ab45q).
+ I am associated with a CommonShare that remembers data that is held in
+ common among e.g. SI=abcde/shnum2 across all servers. I am also
+ associated with a CiphertextFileNode for e.g. SI=abcde (all shares, all
+ servers).
+ """
+ # this is a specific implementation of IShare for tahoe's native storage
+ # servers. A different backend would use a different class.
+ def __init__(self, rref, server_version, verifycap, commonshare, node,
+ download_status, peerid, shnum, logparent):
+ self._rref = rref
+ self._server_version = server_version
+ self._node = node # holds share_hash_tree and UEB
+ self.actual_segment_size = node.segment_size # might still be None
+ # XXX change node.guessed_segment_size to
+ # node.best_guess_segment_size(), which should give us the real ones
+ # if known, else its guess.
+ self._guess_offsets(verifycap, node.guessed_segment_size)
+ self.actual_offsets = None
+ self._UEB_length = None
+ self._commonshare = commonshare # holds block_hash_tree
+ self._download_status = download_status
+ self._peerid = peerid
+ self._peerid_s = base32.b2a(peerid)[:5]
+ self._storage_index = verifycap.storage_index
+ self._si_prefix = base32.b2a(verifycap.storage_index)[:8]
+ self._shnum = shnum
+ # self._alive becomes False upon fatal corruption or server error
+ self._alive = True
+ self._lp = log.msg(format="%(share)s created", share=repr(self),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=logparent, umid="P7hv2w")
+ self._pending = Spans() # request sent but no response received yet
+ self._received = DataSpans() # ACK response received, with data
+ self._unavailable = Spans() # NAK response received, no data
+ # any given byte of the share can be in one of four states:
+ # in: _wanted, _requested, _received
+ # FALSE FALSE FALSE : don't care about it at all
+ # TRUE FALSE FALSE : want it, haven't yet asked for it
+ # TRUE TRUE FALSE : request is in-flight
+ # or didn't get it
+ # FALSE TRUE TRUE : got it, haven't used it yet
+ # FALSE TRUE FALSE : got it and used it
+ # FALSE FALSE FALSE : block consumed, ready to ask again
+ #
+ # when we request data and get a NAK, we leave it in _requested
+ # to remind ourself to not ask for it again. We don't explicitly
+ # remove it from anything (maybe this should change).
+ #
+ # We retain the hashtrees in the Node, so we leave those spans in
+ # _requested (and never ask for them again, as long as the Node is
+ # alive). But we don't retain data blocks (too big), so when we
+ # consume a data block, we remove it from _requested, so a later
+ # download can re-fetch it.
+ self._requested_blocks = [] # (segnum, set(observer2..))
+ ver = server_version["http://allmydata.org/tahoe/protocols/storage/v1"]
+ self._overrun_ok = ver["tolerates-immutable-read-overrun"]
+ # If _overrun_ok and we guess the offsets correctly, we can get
+ # everything in one RTT. If _overrun_ok and we guess wrong, we might
+ # need two RTT (but we could get lucky and do it in one). If overrun
+ # is *not* ok (tahoe-1.3.0 or earlier), we need four RTT: 1=version,
+ # 2=offset table, 3=UEB_length and everything else (hashes, block),
+ # 4=UEB.
+ self.had_corruption = False # for unit tests
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Share(sh%d-on-%s)" % (self._shnum, self._peerid_s)
+ def is_alive(self):
+ # XXX: reconsider. If the share sees a single error, should it remain
+ # dead for all time? Or should the next segment try again? This DEAD
+ # state is stored elsewhere too (SegmentFetcher per-share states?)
+ # and needs to be consistent. We clear _alive in self._fail(), which
+ # is called upon a network error, or layout failure, or hash failure
+ # in the UEB or a hash tree. We do not _fail() for a hash failure in
+ # a block, but of course we still tell our callers about
+ # state=CORRUPT so they'll find a different share.
+ return self._alive
+ def _guess_offsets(self, verifycap, guessed_segment_size):
+ self.guessed_segment_size = guessed_segment_size
+ size = verifycap.size
+ k = verifycap.needed_shares
+ N = verifycap.total_shares
+ r = self._node._calculate_sizes(guessed_segment_size)
+ # num_segments, block_size/tail_block_size
+ # guessed_segment_size/tail_segment_size/tail_segment_padded
+ share_size = mathutil.div_ceil(size, k)
+ # share_size is the amount of block data that will be put into each
+ # share, summed over all segments. It does not include hashes, the
+ # UEB, or other overhead.
+ # use the upload-side code to get this as accurate as possible
+ ht = IncompleteHashTree(N)
+ num_share_hashes = len(ht.needed_hashes(0, include_leaf=True))
+ wbp = make_write_bucket_proxy(None, share_size, r["block_size"],
+ r["num_segments"], num_share_hashes, 0,
+ None)
+ self._fieldsize = wbp.fieldsize
+ self._fieldstruct = wbp.fieldstruct
+ self.guessed_offsets = wbp._offsets
+ # called by our client, the SegmentFetcher
+ def get_block(self, segnum):
+ """Add a block number to the list of requests. This will eventually
+ result in a fetch of the data necessary to validate the block, then
+ the block itself. The fetch order is generally
+ first-come-first-served, but requests may be answered out-of-order if
+ data becomes available sooner.
+ I return an EventStreamObserver, which has two uses. The first is to
+ call o.subscribe(), which gives me a place to send state changes and
+ eventually the data block. The second is o.cancel(), which removes
+ the request (if it is still active).
+ I will distribute the following events through my EventStreamObserver:
+ - state=OVERDUE: ?? I believe I should have had an answer by now.
+ You may want to ask another share instead.
+ - state=BADSEGNUM: the segnum you asked for is too large. I must
+ fetch a valid UEB before I can determine this,
+ so the notification is asynchronous
+ - state=COMPLETE, block=data: here is a valid block
+ - state=CORRUPT: this share contains corrupted data
+ - state=DEAD, f=Failure: the server reported an error, this share
+ is unusable
+ """
+ log.msg("%s.get_block(%d)" % (repr(self), segnum),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="RTo9MQ")
+ assert segnum >= 0
+ o = EventStreamObserver()
+ o.set_canceler(self, "_cancel_block_request")
+ for i,(segnum0,observers) in enumerate(self._requested_blocks):
+ if segnum0 == segnum:
+ observers.add(o)
+ break
+ else:
+ self._requested_blocks.append( (segnum, set([o])) )
+ eventually(self.loop)
+ return o
+ def _cancel_block_request(self, o):
+ new_requests = []
+ for e in self._requested_blocks:
+ (segnum0, observers) = e
+ observers.discard(o)
+ if observers:
+ new_requests.append(e)
+ self._requested_blocks = new_requests
+ # internal methods
+ def _active_segnum_and_observers(self):
+ if self._requested_blocks:
+ # we only retrieve information for one segment at a time, to
+ # minimize alacrity (first come, first served)
+ return self._requested_blocks[0]
+ return None, []
+ def loop(self):
+ try:
+ # if any exceptions occur here, kill the download
+ log.msg("%s.loop, reqs=[%s], pending=%s, received=%s,"
+ " unavailable=%s" %
+ (repr(self),
+ ",".join([str(req[0]) for req in self._requested_blocks]),
+ self._pending.dump(), self._received.dump(),
+ self._unavailable.dump() ),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="BaL1zw")
+ self._do_loop()
+ # all exception cases call self._fail(), which clears self._alive
+ except (BadHashError, NotEnoughHashesError, LayoutInvalid), e:
+ # Abandon this share. We do this if we see corruption in the
+ # offset table, the UEB, or a hash tree. We don't abandon the
+ # whole share if we see corruption in a data block (we abandon
+ # just the one block, and still try to get data from other blocks
+ # on the same server). In theory, we could get good data from a
+ # share with a corrupt UEB (by first getting the UEB from some
+ # other share), or corrupt hash trees, but the logic to decide
+ # when this is safe is non-trivial. So for now, give up at the
+ # first sign of corruption.
+ #
+ # _satisfy_*() code which detects corruption should first call
+ # self._signal_corruption(), and then raise the exception.
+ log.msg(format="corruption detected in %(share)s",
+ share=repr(self),
+ level=log.UNUSUAL, parent=self._lp, umid="gWspVw")
+ self._fail(Failure(e), log.UNUSUAL)
+ except DataUnavailable, e:
+ # Abandon this share.
+ log.msg(format="need data that will never be available"
+ " from %s: pending=%s, received=%s, unavailable=%s" %
+ (repr(self),
+ self._pending.dump(), self._received.dump(),
+ self._unavailable.dump() ),
+ level=log.UNUSUAL, parent=self._lp, umid="F7yJnQ")
+ self._fail(Failure(e), log.UNUSUAL)
+ except BaseException:
+ self._fail(Failure())
+ raise
+ log.msg("%s.loop done, reqs=[%s], pending=%s, received=%s,"
+ " unavailable=%s" %
+ (repr(self),
+ ",".join([str(req[0]) for req in self._requested_blocks]),
+ self._pending.dump(), self._received.dump(),
+ self._unavailable.dump() ),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="9lRaRA")
+ def _do_loop(self):
+ # we are (eventually) called after all state transitions:
+ # new segments added to self._requested_blocks
+ # new data received from servers (responses to our read() calls)
+ # impatience timer fires (server appears slow)
+ if not self._alive:
+ return
+ # First, consume all of the information that we currently have, for
+ # all the segments people currently want.
+ while self._get_satisfaction():
+ pass
+ # When we get no satisfaction (from the data we've received so far),
+ # we determine what data we desire (to satisfy more requests). The
+ # number of segments is finite, so I can't get no satisfaction
+ # forever.
+ wanted, needed = self._desire()
+ # Finally, send out requests for whatever we need (desire minus
+ # have). You can't always get what you want, but if you try
+ # sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.
+ self._send_requests(wanted + needed)
+ # and sometimes you can't even get what you need
+ disappointment = needed & self._unavailable
+ if len(disappointment):
+ self.had_corruption = True
+ raise DataUnavailable("need %s but will never get it" %
+ disappointment.dump())
+ def _get_satisfaction(self):
+ # return True if we retired a data block, and should therefore be
+ # called again. Return False if we don't retire a data block (even if
+ # we do retire some other data, like hash chains).
+ if self.actual_offsets is None:
+ if not self._satisfy_offsets():
+ # can't even look at anything without the offset table
+ return False
+ if not self._node.have_UEB:
+ if not self._satisfy_UEB():
+ # can't check any hashes without the UEB
+ return False
+ self.actual_segment_size = self._node.segment_size # might be updated
+ assert self.actual_segment_size is not None
+ # knowing the UEB means knowing num_segments. Despite the redundancy,
+ # this is the best place to set this. CommonShare.set_numsegs will
+ # ignore duplicate calls.
+ assert self._node.num_segments is not None
+ cs = self._commonshare
+ cs.set_numsegs(self._node.num_segments)
+ segnum, observers = self._active_segnum_and_observers()
+ # if segnum is None, we don't really need to do anything (we have no
+ # outstanding readers right now), but we'll fill in the bits that
+ # aren't tied to any particular segment.
+ if segnum is not None and segnum >= self._node.num_segments:
+ for o in observers:
+ o.notify(state=BADSEGNUM)
+ self._requested_blocks.pop(0)
+ return True
+ if self._node.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(self._shnum):
+ if not self._satisfy_share_hash_tree():
+ # can't check block_hash_tree without a root
+ return False
+ if cs.need_block_hash_root():
+ block_hash_root = self._node.share_hash_tree.get_leaf(self._shnum)
+ cs.set_block_hash_root(block_hash_root)
+ if segnum is None:
+ return False # we don't want any particular segment right now
+ # block_hash_tree
+ needed_hashes = self._commonshare.get_needed_block_hashes(segnum)
+ if needed_hashes:
+ if not self._satisfy_block_hash_tree(needed_hashes):
+ # can't check block without block_hash_tree
+ return False
+ # ciphertext_hash_tree
+ needed_hashes = self._node.get_needed_ciphertext_hashes(segnum)
+ if needed_hashes:
+ if not self._satisfy_ciphertext_hash_tree(needed_hashes):
+ # can't check decoded blocks without ciphertext_hash_tree
+ return False
+ # data blocks
+ return self._satisfy_data_block(segnum, observers)
+ def _satisfy_offsets(self):
+ version_s = self._received.get(0, 4)
+ if version_s is None:
+ return False
+ (version,) = struct.unpack(">L", version_s)
+ if version == 1:
+ table_start = 0x0c
+ self._fieldsize = 0x4
+ self._fieldstruct = "L"
+ elif version == 2:
+ table_start = 0x14
+ self._fieldsize = 0x8
+ self._fieldstruct = "Q"
+ else:
+ self.had_corruption = True
+ raise LayoutInvalid("unknown version %d (I understand 1 and 2)"
+ % version)
+ offset_table_size = 6 * self._fieldsize
+ table_s = self._received.pop(table_start, offset_table_size)
+ if table_s is None:
+ return False
+ fields = struct.unpack(">"+6*self._fieldstruct, table_s)
+ offsets = {}
+ for i,field in enumerate(['data',
+ 'plaintext_hash_tree', # UNUSED
+ 'crypttext_hash_tree',
+ 'block_hashes',
+ 'share_hashes',
+ 'uri_extension',
+ ] ):
+ offsets[field] = fields[i]
+ self.actual_offsets = offsets
+ log.msg("actual offsets: data=%d, plaintext_hash_tree=%d, crypttext_hash_tree=%d, block_hashes=%d, share_hashes=%d, uri_extension=%d" % tuple(fields))
+ self._received.remove(0, 4) # don't need this anymore
+ # validate the offsets a bit
+ share_hashes_size = offsets["uri_extension"] - offsets["share_hashes"]
+ if share_hashes_size < 0 or share_hashes_size % (2+HASH_SIZE) != 0:
+ # the share hash chain is stored as (hashnum,hash) pairs
+ self.had_corruption = True
+ raise LayoutInvalid("share hashes malformed -- should be a"
+ " multiple of %d bytes -- not %d" %
+ (2+HASH_SIZE, share_hashes_size))
+ block_hashes_size = offsets["share_hashes"] - offsets["block_hashes"]
+ if block_hashes_size < 0 or block_hashes_size % (HASH_SIZE) != 0:
+ # the block hash tree is stored as a list of hashes
+ self.had_corruption = True
+ raise LayoutInvalid("block hashes malformed -- should be a"
+ " multiple of %d bytes -- not %d" %
+ (HASH_SIZE, block_hashes_size))
+ # we only look at 'crypttext_hash_tree' if the UEB says we're
+ # actually using it. Same with 'plaintext_hash_tree'. This gives us
+ # some wiggle room: a place to stash data for later extensions.
+ return True
+ def _satisfy_UEB(self):
+ o = self.actual_offsets
+ fsize = self._fieldsize
+ UEB_length_s = self._received.get(o["uri_extension"], fsize)
+ if not UEB_length_s:
+ return False
+ (UEB_length,) = struct.unpack(">"+self._fieldstruct, UEB_length_s)
+ UEB_s = self._received.pop(o["uri_extension"]+fsize, UEB_length)
+ if not UEB_s:
+ return False
+ self._received.remove(o["uri_extension"], fsize)
+ try:
+ self._node.validate_and_store_UEB(UEB_s)
+ return True
+ except (LayoutInvalid, BadHashError), e:
+ # TODO: if this UEB was bad, we'll keep trying to validate it
+ # over and over again. Only log.err on the first one, or better
+ # yet skip all but the first
+ f = Failure(e)
+ self._signal_corruption(f, o["uri_extension"], fsize+UEB_length)
+ self.had_corruption = True
+ raise
+ def _satisfy_share_hash_tree(self):
+ # the share hash chain is stored as (hashnum,hash) tuples, so you
+ # can't fetch just the pieces you need, because you don't know
+ # exactly where they are. So fetch everything, and parse the results
+ # later.
+ o = self.actual_offsets
+ hashlen = o["uri_extension"] - o["share_hashes"]
+ assert hashlen % (2+HASH_SIZE) == 0
+ hashdata = self._received.get(o["share_hashes"], hashlen)
+ if not hashdata:
+ return False
+ share_hashes = {}
+ for i in range(0, hashlen, 2+HASH_SIZE):
+ (hashnum,) = struct.unpack(">H", hashdata[i:i+2])
+ hashvalue = hashdata[i+2:i+2+HASH_SIZE]
+ share_hashes[hashnum] = hashvalue
+ # TODO: if they give us an empty set of hashes,
+ # process_share_hashes() won't fail. We must ensure that this
+ # situation doesn't allow unverified shares through. Manual testing
+ # shows that set_block_hash_root() throws an assert because an
+ # internal node is None instead of an actual hash, but we want
+ # something better. It's probably best to add a method to
+ # IncompleteHashTree which takes a leaf number and raises an
+ # exception unless that leaf is present and fully validated.
+ try:
+ self._node.process_share_hashes(share_hashes)
+ # adds to self._node.share_hash_tree
+ except (BadHashError, NotEnoughHashesError), e:
+ f = Failure(e)
+ self._signal_corruption(f, o["share_hashes"], hashlen)
+ self.had_corruption = True
+ raise
+ self._received.remove(o["share_hashes"], hashlen)
+ return True
+ def _signal_corruption(self, f, start, offset):
+ # there was corruption somewhere in the given range
+ reason = "corruption in share[%d-%d): %s" % (start, start+offset,
+ str(f.value))
+ self._rref.callRemoteOnly("advise_corrupt_share", reason)
+ def _satisfy_block_hash_tree(self, needed_hashes):
+ o_bh = self.actual_offsets["block_hashes"]
+ block_hashes = {}
+ for hashnum in needed_hashes:
+ hashdata = self._received.get(o_bh+hashnum*HASH_SIZE, HASH_SIZE)
+ if hashdata:
+ block_hashes[hashnum] = hashdata
+ else:
+ return False # missing some hashes
+ # note that we don't submit any hashes to the block_hash_tree until
+ # we've gotten them all, because the hash tree will throw an
+ # exception if we only give it a partial set (which it therefore
+ # cannot validate)
+ try:
+ self._commonshare.process_block_hashes(block_hashes)
+ except (BadHashError, NotEnoughHashesError), e:
+ f = Failure(e)
+ hashnums = ",".join([str(n) for n in sorted(block_hashes.keys())])
+ log.msg(format="hash failure in block_hashes=(%(hashnums)s),"
+ " from %(share)s",
+ hashnums=hashnums, shnum=self._shnum, share=repr(self),
+ failure=f, level=log.WEIRD, parent=self._lp, umid="yNyFdA")
+ hsize = max(0, max(needed_hashes)) * HASH_SIZE
+ self._signal_corruption(f, o_bh, hsize)
+ self.had_corruption = True
+ raise
+ for hashnum in needed_hashes:
+ self._received.remove(o_bh+hashnum*HASH_SIZE, HASH_SIZE)
+ return True
+ def _satisfy_ciphertext_hash_tree(self, needed_hashes):
+ start = self.actual_offsets["crypttext_hash_tree"]
+ hashes = {}
+ for hashnum in needed_hashes:
+ hashdata = self._received.get(start+hashnum*HASH_SIZE, HASH_SIZE)
+ if hashdata:
+ hashes[hashnum] = hashdata
+ else:
+ return False # missing some hashes
+ # we don't submit any hashes to the ciphertext_hash_tree until we've
+ # gotten them all
+ try:
+ self._node.process_ciphertext_hashes(hashes)
+ except (BadHashError, NotEnoughHashesError), e:
+ f = Failure(e)
+ hashnums = ",".join([str(n) for n in sorted(hashes.keys())])
+ log.msg(format="hash failure in ciphertext_hashes=(%(hashnums)s),"
+ " from %(share)s",
+ hashnums=hashnums, share=repr(self), failure=f,
+ level=log.WEIRD, parent=self._lp, umid="iZI0TA")
+ hsize = max(0, max(needed_hashes))*HASH_SIZE
+ self._signal_corruption(f, start, hsize)
+ self.had_corruption = True
+ raise
+ for hashnum in needed_hashes:
+ self._received.remove(start+hashnum*HASH_SIZE, HASH_SIZE)
+ return True
+ def _satisfy_data_block(self, segnum, observers):
+ tail = (segnum == self._node.num_segments-1)
+ datastart = self.actual_offsets["data"]
+ blockstart = datastart + segnum * self._node.block_size
+ blocklen = self._node.block_size
+ if tail:
+ blocklen = self._node.tail_block_size
+ block = self._received.pop(blockstart, blocklen)
+ if not block:
+ log.msg("no data for block %s (want [%d:+%d])" % (repr(self),
+ blockstart, blocklen))
+ return False
+ log.msg(format="%(share)s._satisfy_data_block [%(start)d:+%(length)d]",
+ share=repr(self), start=blockstart, length=blocklen,
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="uTDNZg")
+ # this block is being retired, either as COMPLETE or CORRUPT, since
+ # no further data reads will help
+ assert self._requested_blocks[0][0] == segnum
+ try:
+ self._commonshare.check_block(segnum, block)
+ # hurrah, we have a valid block. Deliver it.
+ for o in observers:
+ # goes to SegmentFetcher._block_request_activity
+ o.notify(state=COMPLETE, block=block)
+ except (BadHashError, NotEnoughHashesError), e:
+ # rats, we have a corrupt block. Notify our clients that they
+ # need to look elsewhere, and advise the server. Unlike
+ # corruption in other parts of the share, this doesn't cause us
+ # to abandon the whole share.
+ f = Failure(e)
+ log.msg(format="hash failure in block %(segnum)d, from %(share)s",
+ segnum=segnum, share=repr(self), failure=f,
+ level=log.WEIRD, parent=self._lp, umid="mZjkqA")
+ for o in observers:
+ o.notify(state=CORRUPT)
+ self._signal_corruption(f, blockstart, blocklen)
+ self.had_corruption = True
+ # in either case, we've retired this block
+ self._requested_blocks.pop(0)
+ # popping the request keeps us from turning around and wanting the
+ # block again right away
+ return True # got satisfaction
+ def _desire(self):
+ segnum, observers = self._active_segnum_and_observers() # maybe None
+ # 'want_it' is for data we merely want: we know that we don't really
+ # need it. This includes speculative reads, like the first 1KB of the
+ # share (for the offset table) and the first 2KB of the UEB.
+ #
+ # 'need_it' is for data that, if we have the real offset table, we'll
+ # need. If we are only guessing at the offset table, it's merely
+ # wanted. (The share is abandoned if we can't get data that we really
+ # need).
+ #
+ # 'gotta_gotta_have_it' is for data that we absolutely need,
+ # independent of whether we're still guessing about the offset table:
+ # the version number and the offset table itself.
+ #
+ # Mr. Popeil, I'm in trouble, need your assistance on the double. Aww..
+ desire = Spans(), Spans(), Spans()
+ (want_it, need_it, gotta_gotta_have_it) = desire
+ self.actual_segment_size = self._node.segment_size # might be updated
+ o = self.actual_offsets or self.guessed_offsets
+ segsize = self.actual_segment_size or self.guessed_segment_size
+ r = self._node._calculate_sizes(segsize)
+ if not self.actual_offsets:
+ # all _desire functions add bits to the three desire[] spans
+ self._desire_offsets(desire)
+ # we can use guessed offsets as long as this server tolerates
+ # overrun. Otherwise, we must wait for the offsets to arrive before
+ # we try to read anything else.
+ if self.actual_offsets or self._overrun_ok:
+ if not self._node.have_UEB:
+ self._desire_UEB(desire, o)
+ # They might ask for a segment that doesn't look right.
+ # _satisfy() will catch+reject bad segnums once we know the UEB
+ # (and therefore segsize and numsegs), so we'll only fail this
+ # test if we're still guessing. We want to avoid asking the
+ # hashtrees for needed_hashes() for bad segnums. So don't enter
+ # _desire_hashes or _desire_data unless the segnum looks
+ # reasonable.
+ if segnum < r["num_segments"]:
+ # XXX somehow we're getting here for sh5. we don't yet know
+ # the actual_segment_size, we're still working off the guess.
+ # the ciphertext_hash_tree has been corrected, but the
+ # commonshare._block_hash_tree is still in the guessed state.
+ self._desire_share_hashes(desire, o)
+ if segnum is not None:
+ self._desire_block_hashes(desire, o, segnum)
+ self._desire_data(desire, o, r, segnum, segsize)
+ else:
+ log.msg("_desire: segnum(%d) looks wrong (numsegs=%d)"
+ % (segnum, r["num_segments"]),
+ level=log.UNUSUAL, parent=self._lp, umid="tuYRQQ")
+ log.msg("end _desire: want_it=%s need_it=%s gotta=%s"
+ % (want_it.dump(), need_it.dump(), gotta_gotta_have_it.dump()))
+ if self.actual_offsets:
+ return (want_it, need_it+gotta_gotta_have_it)
+ else:
+ return (want_it+need_it, gotta_gotta_have_it)
+ def _desire_offsets(self, desire):
+ (want_it, need_it, gotta_gotta_have_it) = desire
+ if self._overrun_ok:
+ # easy! this includes version number, sizes, and offsets
+ want_it.add(0, 1024)
+ return
+ # v1 has an offset table that lives [0x0,0x24). v2 lives [0x0,0x44).
+ # To be conservative, only request the data that we know lives there,
+ # even if that means more roundtrips.
+ gotta_gotta_have_it.add(0, 4) # version number, always safe
+ version_s = self._received.get(0, 4)
+ if not version_s:
+ return
+ (version,) = struct.unpack(">L", version_s)
+ # The code in _satisfy_offsets will have checked this version
+ # already. There is no code path to get this far with version>2.
+ assert 1 <= version <= 2, "can't get here, version=%d" % version
+ if version == 1:
+ table_start = 0x0c
+ fieldsize = 0x4
+ elif version == 2:
+ table_start = 0x14
+ fieldsize = 0x8
+ offset_table_size = 6 * fieldsize
+ gotta_gotta_have_it.add(table_start, offset_table_size)
+ def _desire_UEB(self, desire, o):
+ (want_it, need_it, gotta_gotta_have_it) = desire
+ # UEB data is stored as (length,data).
+ if self._overrun_ok:
+ # We can pre-fetch 2kb, which should probably cover it. If it
+ # turns out to be larger, we'll come back here later with a known
+ # length and fetch the rest.
+ want_it.add(o["uri_extension"], 2048)
+ # now, while that is probably enough to fetch the whole UEB, it
+ # might not be, so we need to do the next few steps as well. In
+ # most cases, the following steps will not actually add anything
+ # to need_it
+ need_it.add(o["uri_extension"], self._fieldsize)
+ # only use a length if we're sure it's correct, otherwise we'll
+ # probably fetch a huge number
+ if not self.actual_offsets:
+ return
+ UEB_length_s = self._received.get(o["uri_extension"], self._fieldsize)
+ if UEB_length_s:
+ (UEB_length,) = struct.unpack(">"+self._fieldstruct, UEB_length_s)
+ # we know the length, so make sure we grab everything
+ need_it.add(o["uri_extension"]+self._fieldsize, UEB_length)
+ def _desire_share_hashes(self, desire, o):
+ (want_it, need_it, gotta_gotta_have_it) = desire
+ if self._node.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(self._shnum):
+ hashlen = o["uri_extension"] - o["share_hashes"]
+ need_it.add(o["share_hashes"], hashlen)
+ def _desire_block_hashes(self, desire, o, segnum):
+ (want_it, need_it, gotta_gotta_have_it) = desire
+ # block hash chain
+ for hashnum in self._commonshare.get_needed_block_hashes(segnum):
+ need_it.add(o["block_hashes"]+hashnum*HASH_SIZE, HASH_SIZE)
+ # ciphertext hash chain
+ for hashnum in self._node.get_needed_ciphertext_hashes(segnum):
+ need_it.add(o["crypttext_hash_tree"]+hashnum*HASH_SIZE, HASH_SIZE)
+ def _desire_data(self, desire, o, r, segnum, segsize):
+ (want_it, need_it, gotta_gotta_have_it) = desire
+ tail = (segnum == r["num_segments"]-1)
+ datastart = o["data"]
+ blockstart = datastart + segnum * r["block_size"]
+ blocklen = r["block_size"]
+ if tail:
+ blocklen = r["tail_block_size"]
+ need_it.add(blockstart, blocklen)
+ def _send_requests(self, desired):
+ ask = desired - self._pending - self._received.get_spans()
+ log.msg("%s._send_requests, desired=%s, pending=%s, ask=%s" %
+ (repr(self), desired.dump(), self._pending.dump(), ask.dump()),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="E94CVA")
+ # XXX At one time, this code distinguished between data blocks and
+ # hashes, and made sure to send (small) requests for hashes before
+ # sending (big) requests for blocks. The idea was to make sure that
+ # all hashes arrive before the blocks, so the blocks can be consumed
+ # and released in a single turn. I removed this for simplicity.
+ # Reconsider the removal: maybe bring it back.
+ ds = self._download_status
+ for (start, length) in ask:
+ # TODO: quantize to reasonably-large blocks
+ self._pending.add(start, length)
+ lp = log.msg(format="%(share)s._send_request"
+ " [%(start)d:+%(length)d]",
+ share=repr(self),
+ start=start, length=length,
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="sgVAyA")
+ req_ev = ds.add_request_sent(self._peerid, self._shnum,
+ start, length, now())
+ d = self._send_request(start, length)
+ d.addCallback(self._got_data, start, length, req_ev, lp)
+ d.addErrback(self._got_error, start, length, req_ev, lp)
+ d.addCallback(self._trigger_loop)
+ d.addErrback(lambda f:
+ log.err(format="unhandled error during send_request",
+ failure=f, parent=self._lp,
+ level=log.WEIRD, umid="qZu0wg"))
+ def _send_request(self, start, length):
+ return self._rref.callRemote("read", start, length)
+ def _got_data(self, data, start, length, req_ev, lp):
+ req_ev.finished(len(data), now())
+ if not self._alive:
+ return
+ log.msg(format="%(share)s._got_data [%(start)d:+%(length)d] -> %(datalen)d",
+ share=repr(self), start=start, length=length, datalen=len(data),
+ level=log.NOISY, parent=lp, umid="5Qn6VQ")
+ self._pending.remove(start, length)
+ self._received.add(start, data)
+ # if we ask for [a:c], and we get back [a:b] (b<c), that means we're
+ # never going to get [b:c]. If we really need that data, this block
+ # will never complete. The easiest way to get into this situation is
+ # to hit a share with a corrupted offset table, or one that's somehow
+ # been truncated. On the other hand, when overrun_ok is true, we ask
+ # for data beyond the end of the share all the time (it saves some
+ # RTT when we don't know the length of the share ahead of time). So
+ # not every asked-for-but-not-received byte is fatal.
+ if len(data) < length:
+ self._unavailable.add(start+len(data), length-len(data))
+ # XXX if table corruption causes our sections to overlap, then one
+ # consumer (i.e. block hash tree) will pop/remove the data that
+ # another consumer (i.e. block data) mistakenly thinks it needs. It
+ # won't ask for that data again, because the span is in
+ # self._requested. But that span won't be in self._unavailable
+ # because we got it back from the server. TODO: handle this properly
+ # (raise DataUnavailable). Then add sanity-checking
+ # no-overlaps-allowed tests to the offset-table unpacking code to
+ # catch this earlier. XXX
+ # accumulate a wanted/needed span (not as self._x, but passed into
+ # desire* functions). manage a pending/in-flight list. when the
+ # requests are sent out, empty/discard the wanted/needed span and
+ # populate/augment the pending list. when the responses come back,
+ # augment either received+data or unavailable.
+ # if a corrupt offset table results in double-usage, we'll send
+ # double requests.
+ # the wanted/needed span is only "wanted" for the first pass. Once
+ # the offset table arrives, it's all "needed".
+ def _got_error(self, f, start, length, req_ev, lp):
+ req_ev.finished("error", now())
+ log.msg(format="error requesting %(start)d+%(length)d"
+ " from %(server)s for si %(si)s",
+ start=start, length=length,
+ server=self._peerid_s, si=self._si_prefix,
+ failure=f, parent=lp, level=log.UNUSUAL, umid="BZgAJw")
+ # retire our observers, assuming we won't be able to make any
+ # further progress
+ self._fail(f, log.UNUSUAL)
+ def _trigger_loop(self, res):
+ if self._alive:
+ eventually(self.loop)
+ return res
+ def _fail(self, f, level=log.WEIRD):
+ log.msg(format="abandoning %(share)s",
+ share=repr(self), failure=f,
+ level=level, parent=self._lp, umid="JKM2Og")
+ self._alive = False
+ for (segnum, observers) in self._requested_blocks:
+ for o in observers:
+ o.notify(state=DEAD, f=f)
+class CommonShare:
+ """I hold data that is common across all instances of a single share,
+ like sh2 on both servers A and B. This is just the block hash tree.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, guessed_numsegs, si_prefix, shnum, logparent):
+ self.si_prefix = si_prefix
+ self.shnum = shnum
+ # in the beginning, before we have the real UEB, we can only guess at
+ # the number of segments. But we want to ask for block hashes early.
+ # So if we're asked for which block hashes are needed before we know
+ # numsegs for sure, we return a guess.
+ self._block_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(guessed_numsegs)
+ self._know_numsegs = False
+ self._logparent = logparent
+ def set_numsegs(self, numsegs):
+ if self._know_numsegs:
+ return
+ self._block_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(numsegs)
+ self._know_numsegs = True
+ def need_block_hash_root(self):
+ return bool(not self._block_hash_tree[0])
+ def set_block_hash_root(self, roothash):
+ assert self._know_numsegs
+ self._block_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: roothash})
+ def get_needed_block_hashes(self, segnum):
+ # XXX: include_leaf=True needs thought: how did the old downloader do
+ # it? I think it grabbed *all* block hashes and set them all at once.
+ # Since we want to fetch less data, we either need to fetch the leaf
+ # too, or wait to set the block hashes until we've also received the
+ # block itself, so we can hash it too, and set the chain+leaf all at
+ # the same time.
+ return self._block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(segnum, include_leaf=True)
+ def process_block_hashes(self, block_hashes):
+ assert self._know_numsegs
+ # this may raise BadHashError or NotEnoughHashesError
+ self._block_hash_tree.set_hashes(block_hashes)
+ def check_block(self, segnum, block):
+ assert self._know_numsegs
+ h = hashutil.block_hash(block)
+ # this may raise BadHashError or NotEnoughHashesError
+ self._block_hash_tree.set_hashes(leaves={segnum: h})
--- /dev/null
+import itertools
+from zope.interface import implements
+from allmydata.interfaces import IDownloadStatus
+class RequestEvent:
+ def __init__(self, download_status, tag):
+ self._download_status = download_status
+ self._tag = tag
+ def finished(self, received, when):
+ self._download_status.add_request_finished(self._tag, received, when)
+class DYHBEvent:
+ def __init__(self, download_status, tag):
+ self._download_status = download_status
+ self._tag = tag
+ def finished(self, shnums, when):
+ self._download_status.add_dyhb_finished(self._tag, shnums, when)
+class ReadEvent:
+ def __init__(self, download_status, tag):
+ self._download_status = download_status
+ self._tag = tag
+ def update(self, bytes, decrypttime, pausetime):
+ self._download_status.update_read_event(self._tag, bytes,
+ decrypttime, pausetime)
+ def finished(self, finishtime):
+ self._download_status.finish_read_event(self._tag, finishtime)
+class DownloadStatus:
+ # There is one DownloadStatus for each CiphertextFileNode. The status
+ # object will keep track of all activity for that node.
+ implements(IDownloadStatus)
+ statusid_counter = itertools.count(0)
+ def __init__(self, storage_index, size):
+ self.storage_index = storage_index
+ self.size = size
+ self.counter = self.statusid_counter.next()
+ self.helper = False
+ self.started = None
+ # self.dyhb_requests tracks "do you have a share" requests and
+ # responses. It maps serverid to a tuple of:
+ # send time
+ # tuple of response shnums (None if response hasn't arrived, "error")
+ # response time (None if response hasn't arrived yet)
+ self.dyhb_requests = {}
+ # self.requests tracks share-data requests and responses. It maps
+ # serverid to a tuple of:
+ # shnum,
+ # start,length, (of data requested)
+ # send time
+ # response length (None if reponse hasn't arrived yet, or "error")
+ # response time (None if response hasn't arrived)
+ self.requests = {}
+ # self.segment_events tracks segment requests and delivery. It is a
+ # list of:
+ # type ("request", "delivery", "error")
+ # segment number
+ # event time
+ # segment start (file offset of first byte, None except in "delivery")
+ # segment length (only in "delivery")
+ # time spent in decode (only in "delivery")
+ self.segment_events = []
+ # self.read_events tracks read() requests. It is a list of:
+ # start,length (of data requested)
+ # request time
+ # finish time (None until finished)
+ # bytes returned (starts at 0, grows as segments are delivered)
+ # time spent in decrypt (None for ciphertext-only reads)
+ # time spent paused
+ self.read_events = []
+ self.known_shares = [] # (serverid, shnum)
+ self.problems = []
+ def add_dyhb_sent(self, serverid, when):
+ r = (when, None, None)
+ if serverid not in self.dyhb_requests:
+ self.dyhb_requests[serverid] = []
+ self.dyhb_requests[serverid].append(r)
+ tag = (serverid, len(self.dyhb_requests[serverid])-1)
+ return DYHBEvent(self, tag)
+ def add_dyhb_finished(self, tag, shnums, when):
+ # received="error" on error, else tuple(shnums)
+ (serverid, index) = tag
+ r = self.dyhb_requests[serverid][index]
+ (sent, _, _) = r
+ r = (sent, shnums, when)
+ self.dyhb_requests[serverid][index] = r
+ def add_request_sent(self, serverid, shnum, start, length, when):
+ r = (shnum, start, length, when, None, None)
+ if serverid not in self.requests:
+ self.requests[serverid] = []
+ self.requests[serverid].append(r)
+ tag = (serverid, len(self.requests[serverid])-1)
+ return RequestEvent(self, tag)
+ def add_request_finished(self, tag, received, when):
+ # received="error" on error, else len(data)
+ (serverid, index) = tag
+ r = self.requests[serverid][index]
+ (shnum, start, length, sent, _, _) = r
+ r = (shnum, start, length, sent, received, when)
+ self.requests[serverid][index] = r
+ def add_segment_request(self, segnum, when):
+ if self.started is None:
+ self.started = when
+ r = ("request", segnum, when, None, None, None)
+ self.segment_events.append(r)
+ def add_segment_delivery(self, segnum, when, start, length, decodetime):
+ r = ("delivery", segnum, when, start, length, decodetime)
+ self.segment_events.append(r)
+ def add_segment_error(self, segnum, when):
+ r = ("error", segnum, when, None, None, None)
+ self.segment_events.append(r)
+ def add_read_event(self, start, length, when):
+ if self.started is None:
+ self.started = when
+ r = (start, length, when, None, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.read_events.append(r)
+ tag = len(self.read_events)-1
+ return ReadEvent(self, tag)
+ def update_read_event(self, tag, bytes_d, decrypt_d, paused_d):
+ r = self.read_events[tag]
+ (start, length, requesttime, finishtime, bytes, decrypt, paused) = r
+ bytes += bytes_d
+ decrypt += decrypt_d
+ paused += paused_d
+ r = (start, length, requesttime, finishtime, bytes, decrypt, paused)
+ self.read_events[tag] = r
+ def finish_read_event(self, tag, finishtime):
+ r = self.read_events[tag]
+ (start, length, requesttime, _, bytes, decrypt, paused) = r
+ r = (start, length, requesttime, finishtime, bytes, decrypt, paused)
+ self.read_events[tag] = r
+ def add_known_share(self, serverid, shnum):
+ self.known_shares.append( (serverid, shnum) )
+ def add_problem(self, p):
+ self.problems.append(p)
+ # IDownloadStatus methods
+ def get_counter(self):
+ return self.counter
+ def get_storage_index(self):
+ return self.storage_index
+ def get_size(self):
+ return self.size
+ def get_status(self):
+ return "not impl yet" # TODO
+ def get_progress(self):
+ return 0.1 # TODO
+ def using_helper(self):
+ return False
+ def get_active(self):
+ return False # TODO
+ def get_started(self):
+ return self.started
+ def get_results(self):
+ return None # TODO