+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.internet import defer
from foolscap.api import DeadReferenceError, RemoteException
+from allmydata import hashtree, codec, uri
+from allmydata.interfaces import IValidatedThingProxy, IVerifierURI
from allmydata.hashtree import IncompleteHashTree
from allmydata.check_results import CheckResults
-from allmydata.immutable import download
from allmydata.uri import CHKFileVerifierURI
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
-from allmydata.util import base32, idlib, deferredutil, dictutil, log
+from allmydata.util import base32, idlib, deferredutil, dictutil, log, mathutil
from allmydata.util.hashutil import file_renewal_secret_hash, \
file_cancel_secret_hash, bucket_renewal_secret_hash, \
- bucket_cancel_secret_hash
+ bucket_cancel_secret_hash, uri_extension_hash, CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE, \
+ block_hash
from allmydata.immutable import layout
+class IntegrityCheckReject(Exception):
+ pass
+class BadURIExtension(IntegrityCheckReject):
+ pass
+class BadURIExtensionHashValue(IntegrityCheckReject):
+ pass
+class BadOrMissingHash(IntegrityCheckReject):
+ pass
+class UnsupportedErasureCodec(BadURIExtension):
+ pass
+class ValidatedExtendedURIProxy:
+ implements(IValidatedThingProxy)
+ """ I am a front-end for a remote UEB (using a local ReadBucketProxy),
+ responsible for retrieving and validating the elements from the UEB."""
+ def __init__(self, readbucketproxy, verifycap, fetch_failures=None):
+ # fetch_failures is for debugging -- see test_encode.py
+ self._fetch_failures = fetch_failures
+ self._readbucketproxy = readbucketproxy
+ precondition(IVerifierURI.providedBy(verifycap), verifycap)
+ self._verifycap = verifycap
+ # required
+ self.segment_size = None
+ self.crypttext_root_hash = None
+ self.share_root_hash = None
+ # computed
+ self.block_size = None
+ self.share_size = None
+ self.num_segments = None
+ self.tail_data_size = None
+ self.tail_segment_size = None
+ # optional
+ self.crypttext_hash = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._verifycap.to_string())
+ def _check_integrity(self, data):
+ h = uri_extension_hash(data)
+ if h != self._verifycap.uri_extension_hash:
+ msg = ("The copy of uri_extension we received from %s was bad: wanted %s, got %s" %
+ (self._readbucketproxy,
+ base32.b2a(self._verifycap.uri_extension_hash),
+ base32.b2a(h)))
+ if self._fetch_failures is not None:
+ self._fetch_failures["uri_extension"] += 1
+ raise BadURIExtensionHashValue(msg)
+ else:
+ return data
+ def _parse_and_validate(self, data):
+ self.share_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self._verifycap.size,
+ self._verifycap.needed_shares)
+ d = uri.unpack_extension(data)
+ # There are several kinds of things that can be found in a UEB.
+ # First, things that we really need to learn from the UEB in order to
+ # do this download. Next: things which are optional but not redundant
+ # -- if they are present in the UEB they will get used. Next, things
+ # that are optional and redundant. These things are required to be
+ # consistent: they don't have to be in the UEB, but if they are in
+ # the UEB then they will be checked for consistency with the
+ # already-known facts, and if they are inconsistent then an exception
+ # will be raised. These things aren't actually used -- they are just
+ # tested for consistency and ignored. Finally: things which are
+ # deprecated -- they ought not be in the UEB at all, and if they are
+ # present then a warning will be logged but they are otherwise
+ # ignored.
+ # First, things that we really need to learn from the UEB:
+ # segment_size, crypttext_root_hash, and share_root_hash.
+ self.segment_size = d['segment_size']
+ self.block_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self.segment_size,
+ self._verifycap.needed_shares)
+ self.num_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(self._verifycap.size,
+ self.segment_size)
+ self.tail_data_size = self._verifycap.size % self.segment_size
+ if not self.tail_data_size:
+ self.tail_data_size = self.segment_size
+ # padding for erasure code
+ self.tail_segment_size = mathutil.next_multiple(self.tail_data_size,
+ self._verifycap.needed_shares)
+ # Ciphertext hash tree root is mandatory, so that there is at most
+ # one ciphertext that matches this read-cap or verify-cap. The
+ # integrity check on the shares is not sufficient to prevent the
+ # original encoder from creating some shares of file A and other
+ # shares of file B.
+ self.crypttext_root_hash = d['crypttext_root_hash']
+ self.share_root_hash = d['share_root_hash']
+ # Next: things that are optional and not redundant: crypttext_hash
+ if d.has_key('crypttext_hash'):
+ self.crypttext_hash = d['crypttext_hash']
+ if len(self.crypttext_hash) != CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE:
+ raise BadURIExtension('crypttext_hash is required to be hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE bytes, not %s bytes' % (len(self.crypttext_hash),))
+ # Next: things that are optional, redundant, and required to be
+ # consistent: codec_name, codec_params, tail_codec_params,
+ # num_segments, size, needed_shares, total_shares
+ if d.has_key('codec_name'):
+ if d['codec_name'] != "crs":
+ raise UnsupportedErasureCodec(d['codec_name'])
+ if d.has_key('codec_params'):
+ ucpss, ucpns, ucpts = codec.parse_params(d['codec_params'])
+ if ucpss != self.segment_size:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: "
+ "ucpss: %s != self.segment_size: %s" %
+ (ucpss, self.segment_size))
+ if ucpns != self._verifycap.needed_shares:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: ucpns: %s != "
+ "self._verifycap.needed_shares: %s" %
+ (ucpns, self._verifycap.needed_shares))
+ if ucpts != self._verifycap.total_shares:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: ucpts: %s != "
+ "self._verifycap.total_shares: %s" %
+ (ucpts, self._verifycap.total_shares))
+ if d.has_key('tail_codec_params'):
+ utcpss, utcpns, utcpts = codec.parse_params(d['tail_codec_params'])
+ if utcpss != self.tail_segment_size:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: utcpss: %s != "
+ "self.tail_segment_size: %s, self._verifycap.size: %s, "
+ "self.segment_size: %s, self._verifycap.needed_shares: %s"
+ % (utcpss, self.tail_segment_size, self._verifycap.size,
+ self.segment_size, self._verifycap.needed_shares))
+ if utcpns != self._verifycap.needed_shares:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: utcpns: %s != "
+ "self._verifycap.needed_shares: %s" % (utcpns,
+ self._verifycap.needed_shares))
+ if utcpts != self._verifycap.total_shares:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent erasure code params: utcpts: %s != "
+ "self._verifycap.total_shares: %s" % (utcpts,
+ self._verifycap.total_shares))
+ if d.has_key('num_segments'):
+ if d['num_segments'] != self.num_segments:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent num_segments: size: %s, "
+ "segment_size: %s, computed_num_segments: %s, "
+ "ueb_num_segments: %s" % (self._verifycap.size,
+ self.segment_size,
+ self.num_segments, d['num_segments']))
+ if d.has_key('size'):
+ if d['size'] != self._verifycap.size:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent size: URI size: %s, UEB size: %s" %
+ (self._verifycap.size, d['size']))
+ if d.has_key('needed_shares'):
+ if d['needed_shares'] != self._verifycap.needed_shares:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent needed shares: URI needed shares: %s, UEB "
+ "needed shares: %s" % (self._verifycap.total_shares,
+ d['needed_shares']))
+ if d.has_key('total_shares'):
+ if d['total_shares'] != self._verifycap.total_shares:
+ raise BadURIExtension("inconsistent total shares: URI total shares: %s, UEB "
+ "total shares: %s" % (self._verifycap.total_shares,
+ d['total_shares']))
+ # Finally, things that are deprecated and ignored: plaintext_hash,
+ # plaintext_root_hash
+ if d.get('plaintext_hash'):
+ log.msg("Found plaintext_hash in UEB. This field is deprecated for security reasons "
+ "and is no longer used. Ignoring. %s" % (self,))
+ if d.get('plaintext_root_hash'):
+ log.msg("Found plaintext_root_hash in UEB. This field is deprecated for security "
+ "reasons and is no longer used. Ignoring. %s" % (self,))
+ return self
+ def start(self):
+ """Fetch the UEB from bucket, compare its hash to the hash from
+ verifycap, then parse it. Returns a deferred which is called back
+ with self once the fetch is successful, or is erred back if it
+ fails."""
+ d = self._readbucketproxy.get_uri_extension()
+ d.addCallback(self._check_integrity)
+ d.addCallback(self._parse_and_validate)
+ return d
+class ValidatedReadBucketProxy(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
+ """I am a front-end for a remote storage bucket, responsible for
+ retrieving and validating data from that bucket.
+ My get_block() method is used by BlockDownloaders.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sharenum, bucket, share_hash_tree, num_blocks,
+ block_size, share_size):
+ """ share_hash_tree is required to have already been initialized with
+ the root hash (the number-0 hash), using the share_root_hash from the
+ UEB"""
+ precondition(share_hash_tree[0] is not None, share_hash_tree)
+ prefix = "%d-%s-%s" % (sharenum, bucket,
+ base32.b2a_l(share_hash_tree[0][:8], 60))
+ log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self,
+ facility="tahoe.immutable.download",
+ prefix=prefix)
+ self.sharenum = sharenum
+ self.bucket = bucket
+ self.share_hash_tree = share_hash_tree
+ self.num_blocks = num_blocks
+ self.block_size = block_size
+ self.share_size = share_size
+ self.block_hash_tree = hashtree.IncompleteHashTree(self.num_blocks)
+ def get_all_sharehashes(self):
+ """Retrieve and validate all the share-hash-tree nodes that are
+ included in this share, regardless of whether we need them to
+ validate the share or not. Each share contains a minimal Merkle tree
+ chain, but there is lots of overlap, so usually we'll be using hashes
+ from other shares and not reading every single hash from this share.
+ The Verifier uses this function to read and validate every single
+ hash from this share.
+ Call this (and wait for the Deferred it returns to fire) before
+ calling get_block() for the first time: this lets us check that the
+ share share contains enough hashes to validate its own data, and
+ avoids downloading any share hash twice.
+ I return a Deferred which errbacks upon failure, probably with
+ BadOrMissingHash."""
+ d = self.bucket.get_share_hashes()
+ def _got_share_hashes(sh):
+ sharehashes = dict(sh)
+ try:
+ self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes(sharehashes)
+ except IndexError, le:
+ raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
+ except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
+ raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
+ d.addCallback(_got_share_hashes)
+ return d
+ def get_all_blockhashes(self):
+ """Retrieve and validate all the block-hash-tree nodes that are
+ included in this share. Each share contains a full Merkle tree, but
+ we usually only fetch the minimal subset necessary for any particular
+ block. This function fetches everything at once. The Verifier uses
+ this function to validate the block hash tree.
+ Call this (and wait for the Deferred it returns to fire) after
+ calling get_all_sharehashes() and before calling get_block() for the
+ first time: this lets us check that the share contains all block
+ hashes and avoids downloading them multiple times.
+ I return a Deferred which errbacks upon failure, probably with
+ BadOrMissingHash.
+ """
+ # get_block_hashes(anything) currently always returns everything
+ needed = list(range(len(self.block_hash_tree)))
+ d = self.bucket.get_block_hashes(needed)
+ def _got_block_hashes(blockhashes):
+ if len(blockhashes) < len(self.block_hash_tree):
+ raise BadOrMissingHash()
+ bh = dict(enumerate(blockhashes))
+ try:
+ self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(bh)
+ except IndexError, le:
+ raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
+ except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
+ raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
+ d.addCallback(_got_block_hashes)
+ return d
+ def get_all_crypttext_hashes(self, crypttext_hash_tree):
+ """Retrieve and validate all the crypttext-hash-tree nodes that are
+ in this share. Normally we don't look at these at all: the download
+ process fetches them incrementally as needed to validate each segment
+ of ciphertext. But this is a convenient place to give the Verifier a
+ function to validate all of these at once.
+ Call this with a new hashtree object for each share, initialized with
+ the crypttext hash tree root. I return a Deferred which errbacks upon
+ failure, probably with BadOrMissingHash.
+ """
+ # get_crypttext_hashes() always returns everything
+ d = self.bucket.get_crypttext_hashes()
+ def _got_crypttext_hashes(hashes):
+ if len(hashes) < len(crypttext_hash_tree):
+ raise BadOrMissingHash()
+ ct_hashes = dict(enumerate(hashes))
+ try:
+ crypttext_hash_tree.set_hashes(ct_hashes)
+ except IndexError, le:
+ raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
+ except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
+ raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
+ d.addCallback(_got_crypttext_hashes)
+ return d
+ def get_block(self, blocknum):
+ # the first time we use this bucket, we need to fetch enough elements
+ # of the share hash tree to validate it from our share hash up to the
+ # hashroot.
+ if self.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(self.sharenum):
+ d1 = self.bucket.get_share_hashes()
+ else:
+ d1 = defer.succeed([])
+ # We might need to grab some elements of our block hash tree, to
+ # validate the requested block up to the share hash.
+ blockhashesneeded = self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum, include_leaf=True)
+ # We don't need the root of the block hash tree, as that comes in the
+ # share tree.
+ blockhashesneeded.discard(0)
+ d2 = self.bucket.get_block_hashes(blockhashesneeded)
+ if blocknum < self.num_blocks-1:
+ thisblocksize = self.block_size
+ else:
+ thisblocksize = self.share_size % self.block_size
+ if thisblocksize == 0:
+ thisblocksize = self.block_size
+ d3 = self.bucket.get_block_data(blocknum,
+ self.block_size, thisblocksize)
+ dl = deferredutil.gatherResults([d1, d2, d3])
+ dl.addCallback(self._got_data, blocknum)
+ return dl
+ def _got_data(self, results, blocknum):
+ precondition(blocknum < self.num_blocks,
+ self, blocknum, self.num_blocks)
+ sharehashes, blockhashes, blockdata = results
+ try:
+ sharehashes = dict(sharehashes)
+ except ValueError, le:
+ le.args = tuple(le.args + (sharehashes,))
+ raise
+ blockhashes = dict(enumerate(blockhashes))
+ candidate_share_hash = None # in case we log it in the except block below
+ blockhash = None # in case we log it in the except block below
+ try:
+ if self.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(self.sharenum):
+ # This will raise exception if the values being passed do not
+ # match the root node of self.share_hash_tree.
+ try:
+ self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes(sharehashes)
+ except IndexError, le:
+ # Weird -- sharehashes contained index numbers outside of
+ # the range that fit into this hash tree.
+ raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
+ # To validate a block we need the root of the block hash tree,
+ # which is also one of the leafs of the share hash tree, and is
+ # called "the share hash".
+ if not self.block_hash_tree[0]: # empty -- no root node yet
+ # Get the share hash from the share hash tree.
+ share_hash = self.share_hash_tree.get_leaf(self.sharenum)
+ if not share_hash:
+ # No root node in block_hash_tree and also the share hash
+ # wasn't sent by the server.
+ raise hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError
+ self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: share_hash})
+ if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):
+ self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(blockhashes)
+ blockhash = block_hash(blockdata)
+ self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(leaves={blocknum: blockhash})
+ #self.log("checking block_hash(shareid=%d, blocknum=%d) len=%d "
+ # "%r .. %r: %s" %
+ # (self.sharenum, blocknum, len(blockdata),
+ # blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:], base32.b2a(blockhash)))
+ except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
+ # log.WEIRD: indicates undetected disk/network error, or more
+ # likely a programming error
+ self.log("hash failure in block=%d, shnum=%d on %s" %
+ (blocknum, self.sharenum, self.bucket))
+ if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):
+ self.log(""" failure occurred when checking the block_hash_tree.
+ This suggests that either the block data was bad, or that the
+ block hashes we received along with it were bad.""")
+ else:
+ self.log(""" the failure probably occurred when checking the
+ share_hash_tree, which suggests that the share hashes we
+ received from the remote peer were bad.""")
+ self.log(" have candidate_share_hash: %s" % bool(candidate_share_hash))
+ self.log(" block length: %d" % len(blockdata))
+ self.log(" block hash: %s" % base32.b2a_or_none(blockhash))
+ if len(blockdata) < 100:
+ self.log(" block data: %r" % (blockdata,))
+ else:
+ self.log(" block data start/end: %r .. %r" %
+ (blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:]))
+ self.log(" share hash tree:\n" + self.share_hash_tree.dump())
+ self.log(" block hash tree:\n" + self.block_hash_tree.dump())
+ lines = []
+ for i,h in sorted(sharehashes.items()):
+ lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
+ self.log(" sharehashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
+ lines = []
+ for i,h in blockhashes.items():
+ lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
+ log.msg(" blockhashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
+ raise BadOrMissingHash(le)
+ # If we made it here, the block is good. If the hash trees didn't
+ # like what they saw, they would have raised a BadHashError, causing
+ # our caller to see a Failure and thus ignore this block (as well as
+ # dropping this bucket).
+ return blockdata
class Checker(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
"""I query all servers to see if M uniquely-numbered shares are
level = log.WEIRD
if f.check(DeadReferenceError):
level = log.UNUSUAL
- self.log("failure from server on 'get_buckets' the REMOTE failure was:", facility="tahoe.immutable.checker", failure=f, level=level, umid="3uuBUQ")
+ self.log("failure from server on 'get_buckets' the REMOTE failure was:",
+ facility="tahoe.immutable.checker",
+ failure=f, level=level, umid="AX7wZQ")
return ({}, serverid, False)
d.addCallbacks(_wrap_results, _trap_errs)
vcap = self._verifycap
b = layout.ReadBucketProxy(bucket, serverid, vcap.get_storage_index())
- veup = download.ValidatedExtendedURIProxy(b, vcap)
+ veup = ValidatedExtendedURIProxy(b, vcap)
d = veup.start()
def _got_ueb(vup):
share_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(vcap.total_shares)
share_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: vup.share_root_hash})
- vrbp = download.ValidatedReadBucketProxy(sharenum, b,
- share_hash_tree,
- vup.num_segments,
- vup.block_size,
- vup.share_size)
+ vrbp = ValidatedReadBucketProxy(sharenum, b,
+ share_hash_tree,
+ vup.num_segments,
+ vup.block_size,
+ vup.share_size)
# note: normal download doesn't use get_all_sharehashes(),
# because it gets more data than necessary. We've discussed the
return (False, sharenum, 'incompatible')
elif f.check(layout.LayoutInvalid,
- download.BadOrMissingHash,
- download.BadURIExtensionHashValue):
+ BadOrMissingHash,
+ BadURIExtensionHashValue):
return (False, sharenum, 'corrupt')
# if it wasn't one of those reasons, re-raise the error
-import copy, os.path, stat
-from cStringIO import StringIO
+import binascii
+import copy
+import time
+now = time.time
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IPushProducer
-from twisted.protocols import basic
-from foolscap.api import eventually
-from allmydata.interfaces import IImmutableFileNode, ICheckable, \
- IDownloadTarget, IUploadResults
-from allmydata.util import dictutil, log, base32
-from allmydata.uri import CHKFileURI, LiteralFileURI
-from allmydata.immutable.checker import Checker
-from allmydata.check_results import CheckResults, CheckAndRepairResults
-from allmydata.immutable.repairer import Repairer
-from allmydata.immutable import download
-class _ImmutableFileNodeBase(object):
- implements(IImmutableFileNode, ICheckable)
- def get_write_uri(self):
- return None
- def get_readonly_uri(self):
- return self.get_uri()
- def is_mutable(self):
- return False
- def is_readonly(self):
- return True
- def is_unknown(self):
- return False
- def is_allowed_in_immutable_directory(self):
- return True
- def raise_error(self):
- pass
- def __hash__(self):
- return self.u.__hash__()
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, _ImmutableFileNodeBase):
- return self.u.__eq__(other.u)
- else:
- return False
- def __ne__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, _ImmutableFileNodeBase):
- return self.u.__eq__(other.u)
- else:
- return True
-class PortionOfFile:
- # like a list slice (things[2:14]), but for a file on disk
- def __init__(self, fn, offset=0, size=None):
- self.f = open(fn, "rb")
- self.f.seek(offset)
- self.bytes_left = size
- def read(self, size=None):
- # bytes_to_read = min(size, self.bytes_left), but None>anything
- if size is None:
- bytes_to_read = self.bytes_left
- elif self.bytes_left is None:
- bytes_to_read = size
- else:
- bytes_to_read = min(size, self.bytes_left)
- data = self.f.read(bytes_to_read)
- if self.bytes_left is not None:
- self.bytes_left -= len(data)
- return data
-class DownloadCache:
- implements(IDownloadTarget)
- def __init__(self, filecap, storage_index, downloader,
- cachedirectorymanager):
- self._downloader = downloader
- self._uri = filecap
- self._storage_index = storage_index
- self.milestones = set() # of (offset,size,Deferred)
- self.cachedirectorymanager = cachedirectorymanager
- self.cachefile = None
- self.download_in_progress = False
- # five states:
- # new ImmutableFileNode, no downloads ever performed
- # new ImmutableFileNode, leftover file (partial)
- # new ImmutableFileNode, leftover file (whole)
- # download in progress, not yet complete
- # download complete
- def when_range_available(self, offset, size):
- assert isinstance(offset, (int,long))
- assert isinstance(size, (int,long))
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.milestones.add( (offset,size,d) )
- self._check_milestones()
- if self.milestones and not self.download_in_progress:
- self.download_in_progress = True
- log.msg(format=("immutable filenode read [%(si)s]: " +
- "starting download"),
- si=base32.b2a(self._storage_index),
- umid="h26Heg", level=log.OPERATIONAL)
- d2 = self._downloader.download(self._uri, self)
- d2.addBoth(self._download_done)
- d2.addErrback(self._download_failed)
- d2.addErrback(log.err, umid="cQaM9g")
- return d
- def read(self, consumer, offset, size):
- assert offset+size <= self.get_filesize()
- if not self.cachefile:
- self.cachefile = self.cachedirectorymanager.get_file(base32.b2a(self._storage_index))
- f = PortionOfFile(self.cachefile.get_filename(), offset, size)
- d = basic.FileSender().beginFileTransfer(f, consumer)
- d.addCallback(lambda lastSent: consumer)
- return d
- def _download_done(self, res):
- # clear download_in_progress, so failed downloads can be re-tried
- self.download_in_progress = False
- return res
- def _download_failed(self, f):
- # tell anyone who's waiting that we failed
- for m in self.milestones:
- (offset,size,d) = m
- eventually(d.errback, f)
- self.milestones.clear()
- def _check_milestones(self):
- current_size = self.get_filesize()
- for m in list(self.milestones):
- (offset,size,d) = m
- if offset+size <= current_size:
- log.msg(format=("immutable filenode read [%(si)s] " +
- "%(offset)d+%(size)d vs %(filesize)d: " +
- "done"),
- si=base32.b2a(self._storage_index),
- offset=offset, size=size, filesize=current_size,
- umid="nuedUg", level=log.NOISY)
- self.milestones.discard(m)
- eventually(d.callback, None)
- else:
- log.msg(format=("immutable filenode read [%(si)s] " +
- "%(offset)d+%(size)d vs %(filesize)d: " +
- "still waiting"),
- si=base32.b2a(self._storage_index),
- offset=offset, size=size, filesize=current_size,
- umid="8PKOhg", level=log.NOISY)
- def get_filesize(self):
- if not self.cachefile:
- self.cachefile = self.cachedirectorymanager.get_file(base32.b2a(self._storage_index))
- try:
- filesize = os.stat(self.cachefile.get_filename())[stat.ST_SIZE]
- except OSError:
- filesize = 0
- return filesize
- def open(self, size):
- if not self.cachefile:
- self.cachefile = self.cachedirectorymanager.get_file(base32.b2a(self._storage_index))
- self.f = open(self.cachefile.get_filename(), "wb")
- def write(self, data):
- self.f.write(data)
- self._check_milestones()
- def close(self):
- self.f.close()
- self._check_milestones()
- def fail(self, why):
- pass
- def register_canceller(self, cb):
- pass
- def finish(self):
- return None
- # The following methods are just because the target might be a
- # repairer.DownUpConnector, and just because the current CHKUpload object
- # expects to find the storage index and encoding parameters in its
- # Uploadable.
- def set_storageindex(self, storageindex):
- pass
- def set_encodingparams(self, encodingparams):
- pass
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IConsumer
+from allmydata.interfaces import IImmutableFileNode, IUploadResults
+from allmydata import uri
+from allmydata.check_results import CheckResults, CheckAndRepairResults
+from allmydata.util.dictutil import DictOfSets
+from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
-class ImmutableFileNode(_ImmutableFileNodeBase, log.PrefixingLogMixin):
- def __init__(self, filecap, storage_broker, secret_holder,
- downloader, history, cachedirectorymanager):
- assert isinstance(filecap, CHKFileURI)
- self.u = filecap
+# local imports
+from allmydata.immutable.checker import Checker
+from allmydata.immutable.repairer import Repairer
+from allmydata.immutable.downloader.node import DownloadNode
+from allmydata.immutable.downloader.status import DownloadStatus
+class CiphertextFileNode:
+ def __init__(self, verifycap, storage_broker, secret_holder,
+ terminator, history, download_status=None):
+ assert isinstance(verifycap, uri.CHKFileVerifierURI)
+ self._verifycap = verifycap
self._storage_broker = storage_broker
self._secret_holder = secret_holder
- self._downloader = downloader
- self._history = history
- storage_index = self.get_storage_index()
- self.download_cache = DownloadCache(filecap, storage_index, downloader,
- cachedirectorymanager)
- prefix = self.u.get_verify_cap().to_string()
- log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, "allmydata.immutable.filenode", prefix=prefix)
- self.log("starting", level=log.OPERATIONAL)
+ if download_status is None:
+ ds = DownloadStatus(verifycap.storage_index, verifycap.size)
+ if history:
+ history.add_download(ds)
+ download_status = ds
+ self._node = DownloadNode(verifycap, storage_broker, secret_holder,
+ terminator, history, download_status)
+ def read(self, consumer, offset=0, size=None, read_ev=None):
+ """I am the main entry point, from which FileNode.read() can get
+ data. I feed the consumer with the desired range of ciphertext. I
+ return a Deferred that fires (with the consumer) when the read is
+ finished."""
+ return self._node.read(consumer, offset, size, read_ev)
+ def get_segment(self, segnum):
+ """Begin downloading a segment. I return a tuple (d, c): 'd' is a
+ Deferred that fires with (offset,data) when the desired segment is
+ available, and c is an object on which c.cancel() can be called to
+ disavow interest in the segment (after which 'd' will never fire).
+ You probably need to know the segment size before calling this,
+ unless you want the first few bytes of the file. If you ask for a
+ segment number which turns out to be too large, the Deferred will
+ errback with BadSegmentNumberError.
+ The Deferred fires with the offset of the first byte of the data
+ segment, so that you can call get_segment() before knowing the
+ segment size, and still know which data you received.
+ """
+ return self._node.get_segment(segnum)
+ def get_segment_size(self):
+ # return a Deferred that fires with the file's real segment size
+ return self._node.get_segsize()
- def get_size(self):
- return self.u.get_size()
- def get_current_size(self):
- return defer.succeed(self.get_size())
- def get_cap(self):
- return self.u
- def get_readcap(self):
- return self.u.get_readonly()
+ def get_storage_index(self):
+ return self._verifycap.storage_index
def get_verify_cap(self):
- return self.u.get_verify_cap()
- def get_repair_cap(self):
- # CHK files can be repaired with just the verifycap
- return self.u.get_verify_cap()
+ return self._verifycap
+ def get_size(self):
+ return self._verifycap.size
- def get_uri(self):
- return self.u.to_string()
+ def raise_error(self):
+ pass
- def get_storage_index(self):
- return self.u.get_storage_index()
def check_and_repair(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
- verifycap = self.get_verify_cap()
+ verifycap = self._verifycap
+ storage_index = verifycap.storage_index
sb = self._storage_broker
servers = sb.get_all_servers()
sh = self._secret_holder
d = c.start()
def _maybe_repair(cr):
- crr = CheckAndRepairResults(self.u.get_storage_index())
+ crr = CheckAndRepairResults(storage_index)
crr.pre_repair_results = cr
if cr.is_healthy():
crr.post_repair_results = cr
crr.repair_successful = False # until proven successful
def _gather_repair_results(ur):
assert IUploadResults.providedBy(ur), ur
- # clone the cr -- check results to form the basic of the prr -- post-repair results
+ # clone the cr (check results) to form the basis of the
+ # prr (post-repair results)
prr = CheckResults(cr.uri, cr.storage_index)
prr.data = copy.deepcopy(cr.data)
sm = prr.data['sharemap']
- assert isinstance(sm, dictutil.DictOfSets), sm
+ assert isinstance(sm, DictOfSets), sm
servers_responding = set(prr.data['servers-responding'])
prr.data['servers-responding'] = list(servers_responding)
prr.data['count-shares-good'] = len(sm)
prr.data['count-good-share-hosts'] = len(sm)
- is_healthy = bool(len(sm) >= self.u.total_shares)
- is_recoverable = bool(len(sm) >= self.u.needed_shares)
+ is_healthy = bool(len(sm) >= verifycap.total_shares)
+ is_recoverable = bool(len(sm) >= verifycap.needed_shares)
crr.repair_successful = is_healthy
- prr.set_needs_rebalancing(len(sm) >= self.u.total_shares)
+ prr.set_needs_rebalancing(len(sm) >= verifycap.total_shares)
crr.post_repair_results = prr
return crr
crr.repair_successful = False
crr.repair_failure = f
return f
- r = Repairer(storage_broker=sb, secret_holder=sh,
- verifycap=verifycap, monitor=monitor)
+ r = Repairer(self, storage_broker=sb, secret_holder=sh,
+ monitor=monitor)
d = r.start()
d.addCallbacks(_gather_repair_results, _repair_error)
return d
return d
def check(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
- verifycap = self.get_verify_cap()
+ verifycap = self._verifycap
sb = self._storage_broker
servers = sb.get_all_servers()
sh = self._secret_holder
return v.start()
+class DecryptingConsumer:
+ """I sit between a CiphertextDownloader (which acts as a Producer) and
+ the real Consumer, decrypting everything that passes by. The real
+ Consumer sees the real Producer, but the Producer sees us instead of the
+ real consumer."""
+ implements(IConsumer)
+ def __init__(self, consumer, readkey, offset, read_event):
+ self._consumer = consumer
+ self._read_event = read_event
+ # TODO: pycryptopp CTR-mode needs random-access operations: I want
+ # either a=AES(readkey, offset) or better yet both of:
+ # a=AES(readkey, offset=0)
+ # a.process(ciphertext, offset=xyz)
+ # For now, we fake it with the existing iv= argument.
+ offset_big = offset // 16
+ offset_small = offset % 16
+ iv = binascii.unhexlify("%032x" % offset_big)
+ self._decryptor = AES(readkey, iv=iv)
+ self._decryptor.process("\x00"*offset_small)
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ # this passes through, so the real consumer can flow-control the real
+ # producer. Therefore we don't need to provide any IPushProducer
+ # methods. We implement all the IConsumer methods as pass-throughs,
+ # and only intercept write() to perform decryption.
+ self._consumer.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ self._consumer.unregisterProducer()
+ def write(self, ciphertext):
+ started = now()
+ plaintext = self._decryptor.process(ciphertext)
+ elapsed = now() - started
+ self._read_event.update(0, elapsed, 0)
+ self._consumer.write(plaintext)
+class ImmutableFileNode:
+ implements(IImmutableFileNode)
+ # I wrap a CiphertextFileNode with a decryption key
+ def __init__(self, filecap, storage_broker, secret_holder, terminator,
+ history):
+ assert isinstance(filecap, uri.CHKFileURI)
+ verifycap = filecap.get_verify_cap()
+ ds = DownloadStatus(verifycap.storage_index, verifycap.size)
+ if history:
+ history.add_download(ds)
+ self._download_status = ds
+ self._cnode = CiphertextFileNode(verifycap, storage_broker,
+ secret_holder, terminator, history, ds)
+ assert isinstance(filecap, uri.CHKFileURI)
+ self.u = filecap
+ self._readkey = filecap.key
+ # TODO: I'm not sure about this.. what's the use case for node==node? If
+ # we keep it here, we should also put this on CiphertextFileNode
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self.u.__hash__()
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, ImmutableFileNode):
+ return self.u.__eq__(other.u)
+ else:
+ return False
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, ImmutableFileNode):
+ return self.u.__eq__(other.u)
+ else:
+ return True
def read(self, consumer, offset=0, size=None):
- self.log("read", offset=offset, size=size,
- umid="UPP8FA", level=log.OPERATIONAL)
- if size is None:
- size = self.get_size() - offset
- size = min(size, self.get_size() - offset)
- if offset == 0 and size == self.get_size():
- # don't use the cache, just do a normal streaming download
- self.log("doing normal full download", umid="VRSBwg", level=log.OPERATIONAL)
- target = download.ConsumerAdapter(consumer)
- return self._downloader.download(self.get_cap(), target,
- self._parentmsgid,
- history=self._history)
- d = self.download_cache.when_range_available(offset, size)
- d.addCallback(lambda res:
- self.download_cache.read(consumer, offset, size))
+ actual_size = size
+ if actual_size == None:
+ actual_size = self.u.size
+ actual_size = actual_size - offset
+ read_ev = self._download_status.add_read_event(offset,actual_size,
+ now())
+ decryptor = DecryptingConsumer(consumer, self._readkey, offset, read_ev)
+ d = self._cnode.read(decryptor, offset, size, read_ev)
+ d.addCallback(lambda dc: consumer)
return d
-class LiteralProducer:
- implements(IPushProducer)
- def resumeProducing(self):
- pass
- def stopProducing(self):
+ def raise_error(self):
+ def get_write_uri(self):
+ return None
-class LiteralFileNode(_ImmutableFileNodeBase):
- def __init__(self, filecap):
- assert isinstance(filecap, LiteralFileURI)
- self.u = filecap
- def get_size(self):
- return len(self.u.data)
- def get_current_size(self):
- return defer.succeed(self.get_size())
+ def get_readonly_uri(self):
+ return self.get_uri()
+ def get_uri(self):
+ return self.u.to_string()
def get_cap(self):
return self.u
def get_readcap(self):
- return self.u
+ return self.u.get_readonly()
def get_verify_cap(self):
- return None
+ return self.u.get_verify_cap()
def get_repair_cap(self):
- return None
- def get_uri(self):
- return self.u.to_string()
+ # CHK files can be repaired with just the verifycap
+ return self.u.get_verify_cap()
def get_storage_index(self):
- return None
+ return self.u.get_storage_index()
- def check(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
- return defer.succeed(None)
+ def get_size(self):
+ return self.u.get_size()
+ def get_current_size(self):
+ return defer.succeed(self.get_size())
- def check_and_repair(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
- return defer.succeed(None)
+ def is_mutable(self):
+ return False
- def read(self, consumer, offset=0, size=None):
- if size is None:
- data = self.u.data[offset:]
- else:
- data = self.u.data[offset:offset+size]
- # We use twisted.protocols.basic.FileSender, which only does
- # non-streaming, i.e. PullProducer, where the receiver/consumer must
- # ask explicitly for each chunk of data. There are only two places in
- # the Twisted codebase that can't handle streaming=False, both of
- # which are in the upload path for an FTP/SFTP server
- # (protocols.ftp.FileConsumer and
- # vfs.adapters.ftp._FileToConsumerAdapter), neither of which is
- # likely to be used as the target for a Tahoe download.
- d = basic.FileSender().beginFileTransfer(StringIO(data), consumer)
- d.addCallback(lambda lastSent: consumer)
- return d
+ def is_readonly(self):
+ return True
+ def is_unknown(self):
+ return False
+ def is_allowed_in_immutable_directory(self):
+ return True
+ def check_and_repair(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
+ return self._cnode.check_and_repair(monitor, verify, add_lease)
+ def check(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
+ return self._cnode.check(monitor, verify, add_lease)
# they are still provided when writing so that older versions of Tahoe can
# read them.
+FORCE_V2 = False # set briefly by unit tests to make small-sized V2 shares
def make_write_bucket_proxy(rref, data_size, block_size, num_segments,
num_share_hashes, uri_extension_size_max, nodeid):
# Use layout v1 for small files, so they'll be readable by older versions
# (<tahoe-1.3.0). Use layout v2 for large files; they'll only be readable
# by tahoe-1.3.0 or later.
+ if FORCE_V2:
+ raise FileTooLargeError
wbp = WriteBucketProxy(rref, data_size, block_size, num_segments,
num_share_hashes, uri_extension_size_max, nodeid)
except FileTooLargeError:
--- /dev/null
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IPushProducer
+from twisted.protocols import basic
+from allmydata.interfaces import IImmutableFileNode, ICheckable
+from allmydata.uri import LiteralFileURI
+class _ImmutableFileNodeBase(object):
+ implements(IImmutableFileNode, ICheckable)
+ def get_write_uri(self):
+ return None
+ def get_readonly_uri(self):
+ return self.get_uri()
+ def is_mutable(self):
+ return False
+ def is_readonly(self):
+ return True
+ def is_unknown(self):
+ return False
+ def is_allowed_in_immutable_directory(self):
+ return True
+ def raise_error(self):
+ pass
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self.u.__hash__()
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, _ImmutableFileNodeBase):
+ return self.u.__eq__(other.u)
+ else:
+ return False
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, _ImmutableFileNodeBase):
+ return self.u.__eq__(other.u)
+ else:
+ return True
+class LiteralProducer:
+ implements(IPushProducer)
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ pass
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ pass
+class LiteralFileNode(_ImmutableFileNodeBase):
+ def __init__(self, filecap):
+ assert isinstance(filecap, LiteralFileURI)
+ self.u = filecap
+ def get_size(self):
+ return len(self.u.data)
+ def get_current_size(self):
+ return defer.succeed(self.get_size())
+ def get_cap(self):
+ return self.u
+ def get_readcap(self):
+ return self.u
+ def get_verify_cap(self):
+ return None
+ def get_repair_cap(self):
+ return None
+ def get_uri(self):
+ return self.u.to_string()
+ def get_storage_index(self):
+ return None
+ def check(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def check_and_repair(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def read(self, consumer, offset=0, size=None):
+ if size is None:
+ data = self.u.data[offset:]
+ else:
+ data = self.u.data[offset:offset+size]
+ # We use twisted.protocols.basic.FileSender, which only does
+ # non-streaming, i.e. PullProducer, where the receiver/consumer must
+ # ask explicitly for each chunk of data. There are only two places in
+ # the Twisted codebase that can't handle streaming=False, both of
+ # which are in the upload path for an FTP/SFTP server
+ # (protocols.ftp.FileConsumer and
+ # vfs.adapters.ftp._FileToConsumerAdapter), neither of which is
+ # likely to be used as the target for a Tahoe download.
+ d = basic.FileSender().beginFileTransfer(StringIO(data), consumer)
+ d.addCallback(lambda lastSent: consumer)
+ return d
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer
from allmydata.storage.server import si_b2a
-from allmydata.util import log, observer
-from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition, _assert
-from allmydata.uri import CHKFileVerifierURI
-from allmydata.interfaces import IEncryptedUploadable, IDownloadTarget
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IConsumer
+from allmydata.util import log, consumer
+from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
+from allmydata.interfaces import IEncryptedUploadable
-from allmydata.immutable import download, upload
-import collections
+from allmydata.immutable import upload
class Repairer(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
+ implements(IEncryptedUploadable)
"""I generate any shares which were not available and upload them to
cancelled (by invoking its raise_if_cancelled() method).
- def __init__(self, storage_broker, secret_holder, verifycap, monitor):
- assert precondition(isinstance(verifycap, CHKFileVerifierURI))
- logprefix = si_b2a(verifycap.get_storage_index())[:5]
+ def __init__(self, filenode, storage_broker, secret_holder, monitor):
+ logprefix = si_b2a(filenode.get_storage_index())[:5]
log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, "allmydata.immutable.repairer",
+ self._filenode = filenode
self._storage_broker = storage_broker
self._secret_holder = secret_holder
- self._verifycap = verifycap
self._monitor = monitor
+ self._offset = 0
def start(self):
self.log("starting repair")
- duc = DownUpConnector()
- dl = download.CiphertextDownloader(self._storage_broker,
- self._verifycap, target=duc,
- monitor=self._monitor)
- ul = upload.CHKUploader(self._storage_broker, self._secret_holder)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- # If the upload or the download fails or is stopped, then the repair
- # failed.
- def _errb(f):
- d.errback(f)
- return None
- # If the upload succeeds, then the repair has succeeded.
- def _cb(res):
- d.callback(res)
- ul.start(duc).addCallbacks(_cb, _errb)
- # If the download fails or is stopped, then the repair failed.
- d2 = dl.start()
- d2.addErrback(_errb)
- # We ignore the callback from d2. Is this right? Ugh.
+ d = self._filenode.get_segment_size()
+ def _got_segsize(segsize):
+ vcap = self._filenode.get_verify_cap()
+ k = vcap.needed_shares
+ N = vcap.total_shares
+ happy = upload.BaseUploadable.default_encoding_param_happy
+ self._encodingparams = (k, happy, N, segsize)
+ ul = upload.CHKUploader(self._storage_broker, self._secret_holder)
+ return ul.start(self) # I am the IEncryptedUploadable
+ d.addCallback(_got_segsize)
return d
-class DownUpConnector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
- implements(IEncryptedUploadable, IDownloadTarget, IConsumer)
- """I act like an 'encrypted uploadable' -- something that a local
- uploader can read ciphertext from in order to upload the ciphertext.
- However, unbeknownst to the uploader, I actually download the ciphertext
- from a CiphertextDownloader instance as it is needed.
- On the other hand, I act like a 'download target' -- something that a
- local downloader can write ciphertext to as it downloads the ciphertext.
- That downloader doesn't realize, of course, that I'm just turning around
- and giving the ciphertext to the uploader."""
- # The theory behind this class is nice: just satisfy two separate
- # interfaces. The implementation is slightly horrible, because of
- # "impedance mismatch" -- the downloader expects to be able to
- # synchronously push data in, and the uploader expects to be able to read
- # data out with a "read(THIS_SPECIFIC_LENGTH)" which returns a deferred.
- # The two interfaces have different APIs for pausing/unpausing. The
- # uploader requests metadata like size and encodingparams which the
- # downloader provides either eventually or not at all (okay I just now
- # extended the downloader to provide encodingparams). Most of this
- # slightly horrible code would disappear if CiphertextDownloader just
- # used this object as an IConsumer (plus maybe a couple of other methods)
- # and if the Uploader simply expected to be treated as an IConsumer (plus
- # maybe a couple of other things).
- def __init__(self, buflim=2**19):
- """If we're already holding at least buflim bytes, then tell the
- downloader to pause until we have less than buflim bytes."""
- log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, "allmydata.immutable.repairer")
- self.buflim = buflim
- self.bufs = collections.deque() # list of strings
- self.bufsiz = 0 # how many bytes total in bufs
- # list of deferreds which will fire with the requested ciphertext
- self.next_read_ds = collections.deque()
- # how many bytes of ciphertext were requested by each deferred
- self.next_read_lens = collections.deque()
- self._size_osol = observer.OneShotObserverList()
- self._encodingparams_osol = observer.OneShotObserverList()
- self._storageindex_osol = observer.OneShotObserverList()
- self._closed_to_pusher = False
- # once seg size is available, the following attribute will be created
- # to hold it:
- # self.encodingparams # (provided by the object which is pushing data
- # into me, required by the object which is pulling data out of me)
- # open() will create the following attribute:
- # self.size # size of the whole file (provided by the object which is
- # pushing data into me, required by the object which is pulling data
- # out of me)
- # set_upload_status() will create the following attribute:
- # self.upload_status # XXX do we need to actually update this? Is
- # anybody watching the results during a repair?
- def _satisfy_reads_if_possible(self):
- assert bool(self.next_read_ds) == bool(self.next_read_lens)
- while self.next_read_ds and ((self.bufsiz >= self.next_read_lens[0])
- or self._closed_to_pusher):
- nrd = self.next_read_ds.popleft()
- nrl = self.next_read_lens.popleft()
- # Pick out the requested number of bytes from self.bufs, turn it
- # into a string, and callback the deferred with that.
- res = []
- ressize = 0
- while ressize < nrl and self.bufs:
- nextbuf = self.bufs.popleft()
- res.append(nextbuf)
- ressize += len(nextbuf)
- if ressize > nrl:
- extra = ressize - nrl
- self.bufs.appendleft(nextbuf[:-extra])
- res[-1] = nextbuf[:-extra]
- assert _assert(sum(len(x) for x in res) <= nrl, [len(x) for x in res], nrl)
- assert _assert(sum(len(x) for x in res) == nrl or self._closed_to_pusher, [len(x) for x in res], nrl)
- self.bufsiz -= nrl
- if self.bufsiz < self.buflim and self.producer:
- self.producer.resumeProducing()
- nrd.callback(res)
- # methods to satisfy the IConsumer and IDownloadTarget interfaces. (From
- # the perspective of a downloader I am an IDownloadTarget and an
- # IConsumer.)
- def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
- assert streaming # We know how to handle only streaming producers.
- self.producer = producer # the downloader
- def unregisterProducer(self):
- self.producer = None
- def open(self, size):
- self.size = size
- self._size_osol.fire(self.size)
- def set_encodingparams(self, encodingparams):
- self.encodingparams = encodingparams
- self._encodingparams_osol.fire(self.encodingparams)
- def set_storageindex(self, storageindex):
- self.storageindex = storageindex
- self._storageindex_osol.fire(self.storageindex)
- def write(self, data):
- precondition(data) # please don't write empty strings
- self.bufs.append(data)
- self.bufsiz += len(data)
- self._satisfy_reads_if_possible()
- if self.bufsiz >= self.buflim and self.producer:
- self.producer.pauseProducing()
- def finish(self):
- pass
- def close(self):
- self._closed_to_pusher = True
- # Any reads which haven't been satisfied by now are going to
- # have to be satisfied with short reads.
- self._satisfy_reads_if_possible()
# methods to satisfy the IEncryptedUploader interface
# (From the perspective of an uploader I am an IEncryptedUploadable.)
def set_upload_status(self, upload_status):
self.upload_status = upload_status
def get_size(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'size'): # attribute created by self.open()
- return defer.succeed(self.size)
- else:
- return self._size_osol.when_fired()
+ size = self._filenode.get_size()
+ assert size is not None
+ return defer.succeed(size)
def get_all_encoding_parameters(self):
- # We have to learn the encoding params from pusher.
- if hasattr(self, 'encodingparams'):
- # attribute created by self.set_encodingparams()
- return defer.succeed(self.encodingparams)
- else:
- return self._encodingparams_osol.when_fired()
+ return defer.succeed(self._encodingparams)
def read_encrypted(self, length, hash_only):
- """Returns a deferred which eventually fired with the requested
- ciphertext."""
+ """Returns a deferred which eventually fires with the requested
+ ciphertext, as a list of strings."""
precondition(length) # please don't ask to read 0 bytes
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.next_read_ds.append(d)
- self.next_read_lens.append(length)
- self._satisfy_reads_if_possible()
+ mc = consumer.MemoryConsumer()
+ d = self._filenode.read(mc, self._offset, length)
+ self._offset += length
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: mc.chunks)
return d
def get_storage_index(self):
- # We have to learn the storage index from pusher.
- if hasattr(self, 'storageindex'):
- # attribute created by self.set_storageindex()
- return defer.succeed(self.storageindex)
- else:
- return self._storageindex.when_fired()
+ return self._filenode.get_storage_index()
+ def close(self):
+ pass
from allmydata.util.rrefutil import add_version_to_remote_reference
from allmydata.interfaces import IUploadable, IUploader, IUploadResults, \
IEncryptedUploadable, RIEncryptedUploadable, IUploadStatus, \
- NoServersError, InsufficientVersionError, UploadUnhappinessError
+ NoServersError, InsufficientVersionError, UploadUnhappinessError, \
from allmydata.immutable import layout
from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
return self._upload_status
class BaseUploadable:
- default_max_segment_size = 128*KiB # overridden by max_segment_size
+ # this is overridden by max_segment_size
+ default_max_segment_size = DEFAULT_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE
default_encoding_param_k = 3 # overridden by encoding_parameters
default_encoding_param_happy = 7
default_encoding_param_n = 10