- DEBUGMODE=("--debug" in sys.argv)
doc_loc = "share/doc/python-" + PKG
data_files = [(doc_loc, data_fnames)]
- version=verstr,
- description='a fast erasure codec which can be used with the command-line, C, Python, or Haskell',
- long_description='Fast, portable, programmable erasure coding a.k.a. "forward error correction": the generation of redundant blocks of information such that if some blocks are lost then the original data can be recovered from the remaining blocks. The zfec package includes command-line tools, C API, Python API, and Haskell API',
- author='Zooko O\'Whielacronx',
- author_email='',
- url=''+PKG,
- license='GNU GPL',
- dependency_links=dependency_links,
- install_requires=["argparse >= 0.8", "pyutil >= 1.3.19"],
- tests_require=["pyutil >= 1.3.19"],
- packages=find_packages(),
- include_package_data=True,
- data_files=data_files,
- setup_requires=setup_requires,
- classifiers=trove_classifiers,
- entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'zfec = %s.cmdline_zfec:main' % PKG, 'zunfec = %s.cmdline_zunfec:main' % PKG ] },
- ext_modules=[Extension(PKG+'._fec', [PKG+'/fec.c', PKG+'/_fecmodule.c',], extra_link_args=extra_link_args, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args, undef_macros=undef_macros, define_macros=define_macros),],
- test_suite=PKG+".test",
- zip_safe=False, # I prefer unzipped for easier access.
- )
+def _setup(test_suite):
+ setup(name=PKG,
+ version=verstr,
+ description='a fast erasure codec which can be used with the command-line, C, Python, or Haskell',
+ long_description='Fast, portable, programmable erasure coding a.k.a. "forward error correction": the generation of redundant blocks of information such that if some blocks are lost then the original data can be recovered from the remaining blocks. The zfec package includes command-line tools, C API, Python API, and Haskell API',
+ author='Zooko O\'Whielacronx',
+ author_email='',
+ url=''+PKG,
+ license='GNU GPL',
+ dependency_links=dependency_links,
+ install_requires=["argparse >= 0.8", "pyutil >= 1.3.19"],
+ tests_require=["pyutil >= 1.3.19"],
+ packages=find_packages(),
+ include_package_data=True,
+ data_files=data_files,
+ setup_requires=setup_requires,
+ classifiers=trove_classifiers,
+ entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'zfec = %s.cmdline_zfec:main' % PKG, 'zunfec = %s.cmdline_zunfec:main' % PKG ] },
+ ext_modules=[Extension(PKG+'._fec', [PKG+'/fec.c', PKG+'/_fecmodule.c',], extra_link_args=extra_link_args, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args, undef_macros=undef_macros, define_macros=define_macros),],
+ test_suite=test_suite,
+ zip_safe=False, # I prefer unzipped for easier access.
+ )
+ _setup(test_suite=test_suite_name)
+except BaseException, le:
+ # to work around a bug in Elisa v0.3.5
+ #
+ if "test_suite must be a list" in str(le):
+ _setup(test_suite=[test_suite_name])
+ else:
+ raise