From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 23:14:08 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: test_mutable: add Roundtrip test, suitable for new share-mangling tests
X-Git-Tag: allmydata-tahoe-0.9.0~44

test_mutable: add Roundtrip test, suitable for new share-mangling tests

diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
index e6a47227..5eb1b178 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -454,10 +454,14 @@ class Retrieve:
         # might produce a result.
         return None
+    def _do_read(self, ss, peerid, storage_index, shnums, readv):
+        d = ss.callRemote("slot_readv", storage_index, shnums, readv)
+        return d
     def _do_query(self, ss, peerid, storage_index, readsize):
         started = time.time()
-        d = ss.callRemote("slot_readv", storage_index, [], [(0, readsize)])
+        d = self._do_read(ss, peerid, storage_index, [], [(0, readsize)])
         d.addCallback(self._got_results, peerid, readsize, (ss, storage_index),
         d.addErrback(self._query_failed, peerid)
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index 32ef820c..e1c2cd10 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import itertools, struct
+from cStringIO import StringIO
 from twisted.trial import unittest
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.python import failure, log
@@ -46,27 +47,56 @@ class FakeFilenode(mutable.MutableFileNode):
         self.all_contents[self.get_uri()] = newdata
         return defer.succeed(None)
+class FakeStorage:
+    # this class replaces the collection of storage servers, allowing the
+    # tests to examine and manipulate the published shares. It also lets us
+    # control the order in which read queries are answered, to exercise more
+    # of the error-handling code in mutable.Retrieve .
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._peers = {}
+    def read(self, peerid, storage_index):
+        shares = self._peers.get(peerid, {})
+        return shares
+    def write(self, peerid, storage_index, shnum, offset, data):
+        if peerid not in self._peers:
+            self._peers[peerid] = {}
+        shares = self._peers[peerid]
+        f = StringIO()
+        f.write(shares.get(shnum, ""))
+        f.write(data)
+        shares[shnum] = f.getvalue()
 class FakePublish(mutable.Publish):
     def _do_read(self, ss, peerid, storage_index, shnums, readv):
         assert ss[0] == peerid
         assert shnums == []
-        shares = self._peers[peerid]
-        return defer.succeed(shares)
+        return defer.succeed(, storage_index))
     def _do_testreadwrite(self, peerid, secrets,
                           tw_vectors, read_vector):
+        storage_index = self._node._uri.storage_index
         # always-pass: parrot the test vectors back to them.
         readv = {}
-        for shnum, (testv, datav, new_length) in tw_vectors.items():
+        for shnum, (testv, writev, new_length) in tw_vectors.items():
             for (offset, length, op, specimen) in testv:
                 assert op in ("le", "eq", "ge")
             readv[shnum] = [ specimen
                              for (offset, length, op, specimen)
                              in testv ]
+            for (offset, data) in writev:
+                self._storage.write(peerid, storage_index, shnum, offset, data)
         answer = (True, readv)
         return defer.succeed(answer)
 class FakeNewDirectoryNode(dirnode.NewDirectoryNode):
     filenode_class = FakeFilenode
@@ -286,6 +316,7 @@ class Publish(unittest.TestCase):
     def setup_for_sharemap(self, num_peers):
         c = FakeClient(num_peers)
         fn = FakeFilenode(c)
+        s = FakeStorage()
         # .create usually returns a Deferred, but we happen to know it's
         # synchronous
         CONTENTS = "some initial contents"
@@ -295,9 +326,7 @@ class Publish(unittest.TestCase):
         p._new_seqnum = 3
         p._read_size = 1000
         #r = mutable.Retrieve(fn)
-        p._peers = {}
-        for peerid in c._peerids:
-            p._peers[peerid] = {}
+        p._storage = s
         return c, p
     def shouldFail(self, expected_failure, which, call, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -391,25 +420,44 @@ class Publish(unittest.TestCase):
         return d
+class FakeRetrieve(mutable.Retrieve):
+    def _do_read(self, ss, peerid, storage_index, shnums, readv):
+        shares =, storage_index)
+        response = {}
+        for shnum in shares:
+            if shnums and shnum not in shnums:
+                continue
+            vector = response[shnum] = []
+            for (offset, length) in readv:
+                vector.append(shares[shnum][offset:offset+length])
+        return defer.succeed(response)
+class Roundtrip(unittest.TestCase):
     def setup_for_publish(self, num_peers):
         c = FakeClient(num_peers)
         fn = FakeFilenode(c)
+        s = FakeStorage()
         # .create usually returns a Deferred, but we happen to know it's
         # synchronous
         p = FakePublish(fn)
-        p._peers = {}
-        for peerid in c._peerids:
-            p._peers[peerid] = {}
+        p._storage = s
         return c, fn, p
-    def test_publish(self):
+    def test_basic(self):
         c, fn, p = self.setup_for_publish(20)
-        # make sure the length of our contents string is not a multiple of k,
-        # to exercise the padding code.
-        d = p.publish("New contents of the mutable filenode.")
-        def _done(res):
+        contents = "New contents go here"
+        d = p.publish(contents)
+        def _published(res):
             # TODO: examine peers and check on their shares
-            pass
-        d.addCallback(_done)
+            r = FakeRetrieve(fn)
+            r._storage = p._storage
+            return r.retrieve()
+        d.addCallback(_published)
+        def _retrieved(new_contents):
+            self.failUnlessEqual(contents, new_contents)
+        d.addCallback(_retrieved)
         return d