From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 06:22:39 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: checkpont more filetree stuff
X-Git-Tag: tahoe_v0.1.0-0-UNSTABLE~349

checkpont more filetree stuff

diff --git a/src/allmydata/filetree/ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c73bbc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from zope.interface import implements
+from allmydata.filetree.interfaces import INode
+class BaseURINode(object):
+    implements(INode)
+    prefix = None # must be set by subclass
+    def is_directory(self):
+        return False
+    def serialize_node(self):
+        return "%s:%s" % (self.prefix, self.uri)
+    def populate_node(self, data, node_maker):
+        assert data.startswith(self.prefix + ":")
+        self.uri = data[len(self.prefix)+1:]
diff --git a/src/allmydata/filetree/ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
index 096f98e3..fe1533f5 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/filetree/
+++ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 from zope.interface import implements
-from allmydata.filetree.interfaces import (INode,
-                                           IDirectoryNode,
-                                           ISubTree,
-                                           ICHKDirectoryNode, ISSKDirectoryNode,
-                                           NoSuchChildError,
-                                           )
+from allmydata.filetree.interfaces import (
+    INode, IDirectoryNode, ISubTree,
+    ICHKDirectoryNode, ISSKDirectoryNode,
+    NoSuchChildError,
+    )
+from allmydata.filetree.basenode import BaseURINode
 from allmydata import download
 from allmydata.util import bencode
@@ -17,42 +17,42 @@ from allmydata.util import bencode
 #  each time the vdrive changes, update the local drive to match, and
 #  vice versa.
-def to_node(spec):
-    # TODO
-    pass
-def to_spec(node):
-    # TODO
-    pass
+# from the itertools 'recipes' page
+from itertools import izip, tee
+def pairwise(iterable):
+    "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
+    a, b = tee(iterable)
+    try:
+    except StopIteration:
+        pass
+    return izip(a, b)
 class SubTreeNode:
     implements(INode, IDirectoryNode)
     def __init__(self, tree):
         self.enclosing_tree = tree
-        # subdirectory_node_children maps child name to another SubTreeNode
-        # instance. This is only for internal directory nodes. All other
-        # nodes are listed in child_specifications instead.
-        self.subdirectory_node_children = {}
-        # child_specifications maps child name to a specification tuple which
-        # describes how to obtain the actual child. For example, if "foo.jpg"
-        # in this node represents a CHK-encoded FILE with a uri of "fooURI",
-        # then self.child_specifications["foo.jpg"] = ("CHKFILE","fooURI")
-        self.child_specifications = {}
+        self.children = {}
+#        # subdirectory_node_children maps child name to another SubTreeNode
+#        # instance. This is only for internal directory nodes. All other
+#        # nodes are listed in child_specifications instead.
+#        self.subdirectory_node_children = {}
+#        # child_specifications maps child name to a specification tuple which
+#        # describes how to obtain the actual child. For example, if "foo.jpg"
+#        # in this node represents a CHK-encoded FILE with a uri of "fooURI",
+#        # then self.child_specifications["foo.jpg"] = ("CHKFILE","fooURI")
+#        self.child_specifications = {}
     def is_directory(self):
         return True
     def list(self):
-        return sorted(self.subdirectory_node_children.keys() +
-                      self.child_specifications.keys())
+        return sorted(self.children.keys())
     def get(self, childname):
-        if childname in self.subdirectory_node_children:
-            return self.subdirectory_node_children[childname]
-        elif childname in self.child_specifications:
-            return to_node(self.child_specifications[childname])
+        if childname in self.children:
+            return self.children[childname]
             raise NoSuchChildError("no child named '%s'" % (childname,))
@@ -61,28 +61,24 @@ class SubTreeNode:
     def delete(self, childname):
         assert self.enclosing_tree.is_mutable()
-        if childname in self.subdirectory_node_children:
-            del self.subdirectory_node_children[childname]
-        elif childname in self.child_specifications:
-            del self.child_specifications[childname]
+        if childname in self.children:
+            del self.children[childname]
             raise NoSuchChildError("no child named '%s'" % (childname,))
     def add_subdir(self, childname):
-        assert childname not in self.subdirectory_node_children
-        assert childname not in self.child_specifications
+        assert childname not in self.children
         newnode = SubTreeNode(self.enclosing_tree)
-        self.subdirectory_node_children[childname] = newnode
+        self.children[childname] = newnode
         return newnode
     def add(self, childname, node):
-        assert childname not in self.subdirectory_node_children
-        assert childname not in self.child_specifications
-        spec = to_spec(node)
-        self.child_specifications[childname] = spec
+        assert childname not in self.children
+        assert INode(node)
+        self.children[childname] = node
         return self
-    def serialize_to_sexprs(self):
+    def serialize_node(self):
         # note: this is a one-pass recursive serialization that will result
         # in the whole file table being held in memory. This is only
         # appropriate for directories with fewer than, say, 10k nodes. If we
@@ -90,31 +86,26 @@ class SubTreeNode:
         # generator instead, and write the serialized data directly to a
         # tempfile.
-        # ["DIRECTORY", name1, child1, name2, child2..]
+        # [name1, child1, name2, child2..]
+        #
+        #  child1 is either a list for subdirs, or a string for non-subdirs
-        data = ["DIRECTORY"]
-        for name in sorted(self.node_children.keys()):
+        data = []
+        for name in sorted(self.children.keys()):
-            data.append(self.node_children[name].serialize())
-        for name in sorted(self.child_specifications.keys()):
-            data.append(name)
-            data.append(self.child_specifications[name].serialize())
+            data.append(self.children[name].serialize_node())
         return data
-    def populate_from_sexprs(self, data):
-        assert data[0] == "DIRECTORY"
-        assert len(data) % 2 == 1
-        for i in range(1, len(data), 2):
-            name = data[i]
-            child_data = data[i+1]
-            assert isinstance(child_data, (list, tuple))
-            child_type = child_data[0]
-            if child_type == "DIRECTORY":
+    def populate_node(self, data, node_maker):
+        assert len(data) % 2 == 0
+        for (name, child_data) in pairwise(data):
+            if isinstance(child_data, (list, tuple)):
                 child = SubTreeNode(self.enclosing_tree)
-                child.populate_from_sexprs(child_data)
-                self.node_children[name] = child
+                child.populate_node(child_data)
-                self.child_specifications[name] = child_data
+                assert isinstance(child_data, str)
+                child = node_maker(child_data)
+            self.children[name] = child
@@ -139,22 +130,22 @@ class _DirectorySubTree(object):
         self.root = SubTreeNode(self)
         self.mutable = True # sure, why not
-    def populate_from_specification(self, spec, parent_is_mutable, downloader):
-        return self.populate_from_node(to_node(spec),
-                                       parent_is_mutable, downloader)
+    def populate_from_node(self, node, parent_is_mutable, node_maker, downloader):
+        # self.populate_from_node must be defined by the subclass (CHK or
+        # SSK), since it controls how the spec is interpreted. It will
+        # probably use the contents of the node to figure out what to
+        # download from the mesh, then pass this downloaded serialized data
+        # to populate_from_data()
+        raise NotImplementedError
-    def populate_from_data(self, data):
-        self.root = SubTreeNode()
-        self.root.populate_from_sexprs(bencode.bdecode(data))
+    def populate_from_data(self, data, node_maker):
+        self.root = SubTreeNode(self)
+        self.root.populate_node(bencode.bdecode(data), node_maker)
         return self
-    def serialize(self):
-        """Return a series of nested lists which describe my structure
-        in a form that can be bencoded."""
-        return self.root.serialize_to_sexprs()
-    def serialize_to_file(self, f):
-        f.write(bencode.bencode(self.serialize()))
+    def serialize_subtree_to_file(self, f):
+        sexprs = self.root.serialize_node()
+        bencode.bwrite(sexprs, f)
     def is_mutable(self):
         return self.mutable
@@ -167,25 +158,35 @@ class _DirectorySubTree(object):
         node = self.root
         while remaining_path:
             name = remaining_path[0]
-            if name in node.node_children:
-                node = node.node_children[name]
-                assert isinstance(node, SubTreeNode)
+            try:
+                childnode = node.get(name)
+            except NoSuchChildError:
+                # The node *would* be in this subtree if it existed, but it
+                # doesn't. Leave found_path and remaining_path alone, and
+                # node points at the last parent node that was on the path.
+                break
+            if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(childnode):
+                # recurse
+                node = childnode
-            if name in node.child_specifications:
+            else:
                 # the path takes us out of this subtree and into another
-                next_subtree_spec = node.child_specifications[name]
-                node = to_node(next_subtree_spec)
+                node = childnode # next subtree node
-            # The node *would* be in this subtree if it existed, but it
-            # doesn't. Leave found_path and remaining_path alone, and node
-            # points at the last parent node that was on the path.
-            break
         return (found_path, node, remaining_path)
+class CHKDirectorySubTreeNode(BaseURINode):
+    implements(ICHKDirectoryNode)
+    prefix = "CHKDirectory"
+    def get_uri(self):
+        return self.uri
 class CHKDirectorySubTree(_DirectorySubTree):
     # maybe mutable, maybe not
@@ -195,11 +196,11 @@ class CHKDirectorySubTree(_DirectorySubTree):
     def set_uri(self, uri):
         self.old_uri = uri
-    def populate_from_node(self, node, parent_is_mutable, downloader):
-        node = ICHKDirectoryNode(node)
+    def populate_from_node(self, node, parent_is_mutable, node_maker, downloader):
+        assert ICHKDirectoryNode(node)
         self.mutable = parent_is_mutable
         d =, download.Data())
-        d.addCallback(self.populate_from_data)
+        d.addCallback(self.populate_from_data, node_maker)
         return d
     def update(self, prepath, work_queue):
@@ -219,6 +220,27 @@ class CHKDirectorySubTree(_DirectorySubTree):
         # this needs investigation.
         return boxname
+class SSKDirectorySubTreeNode(object):
+    implements(INode, ISSKDirectoryNode)
+    prefix = "SSKDirectory"
+    def is_directory(self):
+        return False
+    def serialize_node(self):
+        data = (self.read_cap, self.write_cap)
+        return "%s:%s" % (self.prefix, bencode.bencode(data))
+    def populate_node(self, data, node_maker):
+        assert data.startswith(self.prefix + ":")
+        capdata = data[len(self.prefix)+1:]
+        self.read_cap, self.write_cap = bencode.bdecode(capdata)
+    def get_read_capability(self):
+        return self.read_cap
+    def get_write_capability(self):
+        return self.write_cap
 class SSKDirectorySubTree(_DirectorySubTree):
     def new(self):
@@ -229,13 +251,13 @@ class SSKDirectorySubTree(_DirectorySubTree):
     def mutation_affects_parent(self):
         return False
-    def populate_from_node(self, node, parent_is_mutable, downloader):
+    def populate_from_node(self, node, parent_is_mutable, node_maker, downloader):
         node = ISSKDirectoryNode(node)
         self.read_capability = node.get_read_capability()
         self.write_capability = node.get_write_capability()
         self.mutable = bool(self.write_capability)
         d = downloader.download_ssk(self.read_capability, download.Data())
-        d.addCallback(self.populate_from_data)
+        d.addCallback(self.populate_from_data, node_maker)
         return d
     def set_version(self, version):
diff --git a/src/allmydata/filetree/ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
index fdc9dbe0..3eb440f2 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/filetree/
+++ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
@@ -1,28 +1,32 @@
 from zope.interface import implements
 from allmydata.filetree.interfaces import INode, IFileNode
+from allmydata.filetree.basenode import BaseURINode
+from allmydata.util import bencode
+class CHKFileNode(BaseURINode):
+    implements(IFileNode)
+    prefix = "CHKFile"
-class CHKFile(object):
-    implements(INode, IFileNode)
-    def __init__(self, uri):
-        self.uri = uri
     def get_uri(self):
         return self.uri
-class MutableSSKFile(object):
+class SSKFileNode(object):
     implements(INode, IFileNode)
-    def __init__(self, read_cap, write_cap):
-        self.read_cap = read_cap
-        self.write_cap = write_cap
+    prefix = "SSKFile"
+    def is_directory(self):
+        return False
+    def serialize_node(self):
+        data = (self.read_cap, self.write_cap)
+        return "%s:%s" % (self.prefix, bencode.bencode(data))
+    def populate_node(self, data, node_maker):
+        assert data.startswith(self.prefix + ":")
+        capdata = data[len(self.prefix)+1:]
+        self.read_cap, self.write_cap = bencode.bdecode(capdata)
     def get_read_capability(self):
         return self.read_cap
     def get_write_capability(self):
         return self.write_cap
-class ImmutableSSKFile(object):
-    implements(INode, IFileNode)
-    def __init__(self, read_cap):
-        self.read_cap = read_cap
-    def get_read_capability(self):
-        return self.read_cap
diff --git a/src/allmydata/filetree/ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
index f8744a79..f209e3c7 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/filetree/
+++ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
@@ -6,12 +6,27 @@ class INode(Interface):
     other I*Node interfaces also implement this one."""
     def is_directory():
         """Return True if this node is an internal directory node."""
+    def serialize_node():
+        """Return a data structure which contains enough information to build
+        this node again in the future (by calling vdrive.make_node(). For
+        IDirectoryNodes, this will be a list. For all other nodes this will
+        be a string."""
+    def populate_node(data, node_maker):
+        """vdrive.make_node() will first use the prefix inside 'data' to
+        decide what kind of Node to create. It will then call this function
+        to populate the new Node from the data returned by serialize_node."""
 class IFileNode(Interface):
     """This is a file which can be retrieved."""
+    # TODO: not sure which of these to provide.. should URIs contain "CHK" or
+    # "SSK" in them? Or should that be a detail of IDownloader?
     def get_uri():
         """Return the URI of the target file. This URI can be passed
         to an IDownloader to retrieve the data."""
+    def download(downloader, target):
+        """Download the file to the given target (using the provided
+        downloader). Return a deferred that fires (with 'target') when the
+        download is complete."""
 class IDirectoryNode(Interface):
     """This is a directory which can be listed."""
@@ -50,28 +65,30 @@ class ISubTree(Interface):
     a DirectoryNode, or it might be a FileNode.
-    def populate_from_specification(spec, parent_is_mutable, downloader):
-        """Given a specification tuple, arrange to populate this subtree by
-        pulling data from some source (possibly the mesh, or the queen, or an
-        HTTP server, or the local filesystem). Return a Deferred that will
-        fire (with self) when this subtree is ready for use (specifically
-        when it is ready for get() and add() calls).
+    def populate_from_node(node, parent_is_mutable, node_maker, downloader):
+        """Subtrees are created by being called with an INode
+        which describes both the kind of subtree to be created and a way to
+        obtain its contents. open() uses the node to create a new instance of
+        the appropriate subtree type, then calls this populate_from_node()
+        method.
+        Each subtree's populate_from_node() method is expected to use the
+        downloader to obtain a file with the subtree's serialized contents
+        (probably by pulling data from some source, like the mesh, the queen,
+        an HTTP server, or somewhere on the local filesystem), then
+        unserialize them and populate the subtree's state.
+        Return a Deferred that will fire (with self) when this subtree is
+        ready for use (specifically when it is ready for get() and add()
+        calls).
-    def populate_from_node(node, parent_is_mutable, downloader):
-        """Like populate_from_specification."""
     def populate_from_data(data):
-        """Used internally by populate_from_specification. This is called
-        with a sequence of bytes that describes the contents of the subtree,
+        """Used internally by populate_from_node. This is called with a
+        sequence of bytes that describes the contents of the subtree,
         probably a bencoded tuple or s-expression. Returns self.
-    def unserialize(serialized_data):
-        """Populate all nodes from serialized_data, previously created by
-        calling my serialize() method. 'serialized_data' is a series of
-        nested lists (s-expressions), probably recorded in bencoded form."""
     def is_mutable():
         """This returns True if we have the ability to modify this subtree.
         If this returns True, this reference may be adapted to
@@ -109,6 +126,11 @@ class ISubTree(Interface):
+    def serialize_subtree_to_file(f):
+        """Create a string which describes my structure and write it to the
+        given filehandle (using only .write()). This string should be
+        suitable for uploading to the mesh or storing in a local file."""
     def update(prepath, workqueue):
         """Perform and schedule whatever work is necessary to record this
         subtree to persistent storage and update the parent at 'prepath'
@@ -121,10 +143,6 @@ class ISubTree(Interface):
         some subtree is updated which does not require notifying the parent.
-    def serialize():
-        """Return a series of nested lists which describe my structure
-        in a form that can be bencoded."""
 #class IMutableSubTree(Interface):
 #    def mutation_affects_parent():
@@ -171,6 +189,16 @@ class IOpener(Interface):
 class IVirtualDrive(Interface):
+    def __init__(workqueue, downloader, root_node):
+        pass
+    # internal methods
+    def make_node(serialized):
+        """Given a string produced by original_node.serialize_node(), produce
+        an equivalent node.
+        """
     # commands to manipulate files
     def list(path):
@@ -220,9 +248,13 @@ class IVirtualDrive(Interface):
 class ICHKDirectoryNode(Interface):
-    pass
+    def get_uri():
+        pass
 class ISSKDirectoryNode(Interface):
-    pass
+    def get_read_capability():
+        pass
+    def get_write_capability():
+        pass
diff --git a/src/allmydata/filetree/ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
index 160c1ce4..581b9f69 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/filetree/
+++ b/src/allmydata/filetree/
@@ -1,27 +1,37 @@
 from zope.interface import implements
-from allmydata.filetree import opener
-from allmydata.filetree.interfaces import (IVirtualDrive, ISubTree, IFileNode,
-                                           IDirectoryNode, NoSuchDirectoryError,
-                                           NoSuchChildError, PathAlreadyExistsError,
-                                           PathDoesNotExistError,
-                                           )
+from allmydata.filetree import opener, directory, redirect
+from allmydata.filetree.interfaces import (
+    IVirtualDrive, INode, ISubTree, IFileNode, IDirectoryNode,
+    NoSuchDirectoryError, NoSuchChildError, PathAlreadyExistsError,
+    PathDoesNotExistError,
+    )
 from allmydata.upload import IUploadable
+all_node_types = [
+    directory.CHKDirectorySubTreeNode,
+    directory.SSKDirectorySubTreeNode,
+    redirect.LocalFileRedirectionNode,
+    redirect.QueenRedirectionNode,
+    redirect.HTTPRedirectionNode,
+    redirect.QueenOrLocalFileRedirectionNode,
 class VirtualDrive(object):
-    def __init__(self, workqueue, downloader, root_specification):
+    def __init__(self, workqueue, downloader, root_node):
+        assert INode(root_node)
         self.workqueue = workqueue
         # TODO: queen?
         self.opener = opener.Opener(self.queen, downloader)
-        self.root_specification = root_specification
+        self.root_node = root_node
     # these methods are used to walk through our subtrees
     def _get_root(self):
-        return, False)
+        return, False)
     def _get_node(self, path):
         d = self._get_closest_node(path)
@@ -114,6 +124,25 @@ class VirtualDrive(object):
         return d
+    # these are called when loading and creating nodes
+    def make_node(self, serialized):
+        # this turns a string into an INode, which contains information about
+        # the file or directory (like a URI), but does not contain the actual
+        # contents. An IOpener can be used later to retrieve the contents
+        # (which means downloading the file if this is an IFileNode, or
+        # perhaps creating a new subtree from the contents)
+        # maybe include parent_is_mutable?
+        assert isinstance(serialized, str)
+        colon = serialized.index(":")
+        prefix = serialized[:colon]
+        for node_class in all_node_types:
+            if prefix == node_class.prefix:
+                node = node_class()
+                node.populate_node(serialized, self.make_node)
+                return node
+        raise RuntimeError("unable to handle subtree type '%s'" % prefix)
     # these are called by the workqueue
     def add(self, path, new_node):