For each call, encode() will return a Deferred that fires with two
lists, one containing shares and the other containing the shareids.
- The get_share_size() method can be used to determine the length of the
- share strings returned by encode().
+ The get_share_size() method can be used to determine the length of
+ the share strings returned by encode(). Each shareid is a small
+ integer, exactly as passed into 'desired_share_ids' (or
+ range(max_shares), if desired_share_ids was not provided).
The shares and their corresponding shareids are required to be kept
together during storage and retrieval. Specifically, the share data is
useless by itself: the decoder needs to be told which share is which
by providing it with both the shareid and the actual share data.
- The memory usage of this function is expected to be on the order of
+ This function will allocate an amount of memory roughly equal to::
+ (max_shares - required_shares) * get_share_size()
- (max_shares - required_shares) * get_share_size().
+ When combined with the memory that the caller must allocate to
+ provide the input data, this leads to a memory footprint roughly
+ equal to the size of the resulting encoded shares (i.e. the expansion
+ factor times the size of the input segment).
# rejected ideas: