From: Jaseem Abid <>
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 18:45:57 +0000 (+0530)
Subject: Absolute import everywhere, cleanup

Absolute import everywhere, cleanup

diff --git a/src/Bencode.hs b/src/Bencode.hs
index 873c1e1..8018a38 100644
--- a/src/Bencode.hs
+++ b/src/Bencode.hs
@@ -1,56 +1,55 @@
 module Bencode where
--- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-import qualified Text.Parsec.ByteString as ParsecBS
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
 import Control.Applicative ((<*))
-import Data.Functor
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack, unpack)
+import Data.Functor ((<$>))
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map, fromList, keys, (!))
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+import qualified Text.Parsec.ByteString as ParsecBS
 data BVal = Bint Integer
-          | Bstr BC.ByteString
+          | Bstr ByteString
           | Blist [BVal]
           | Bdict InfoDict
             deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
-type InfoDict = M.Map BVal BVal
+type InfoDict = Map BVal BVal
 -- $setup
 -- >>> import Data.Either
 -- | parse strings
--- >>> parse bencStr "Bstr" (BC.pack "4:spam")
+-- >>> parse bencStr "Bstr" (pack "4:spam")
 -- Right "spam"
--- >>> parse bencStr "Bstr" (BC.pack "0:")
+-- >>> parse bencStr "Bstr" (pack "0:")
 -- Right ""
--- >>> parse bencStr "Bstr" (BC.pack "0:hello")
+-- >>> parse bencStr "Bstr" (pack "0:hello")
 -- Right ""
-bencStr :: ParsecBS.Parser BC.ByteString
+bencStr :: ParsecBS.Parser ByteString
 bencStr = do _ <- spaces
              ds <- many1 digit <* char ':'
              s <- count (read ds) anyChar
-             return (BC.pack s)
+             return (pack s)
 -- | parse integers
--- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (BC.pack "i42e")
+-- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (pack "i42e")
 -- Right 42
--- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (BC.pack "i123e")
+-- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (pack "i123e")
 -- Right 123
--- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (BC.pack "i1e")
+-- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (pack "i1e")
 -- Right 1
--- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (BC.pack "i0e")
+-- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (pack "i0e")
 -- Right 0
--- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (BC.pack "i-1e")
+-- >>> parse bencInt "Bint" (pack "i-1e")
 -- Right (-1)
--- >>> isLeft $ parse bencInt "Bint" (BC.pack "i01e")
+-- >>> isLeft $ parse bencInt "Bint" (pack "i01e")
 -- True
--- >>> isLeft $ parse bencInt "Bint" (BC.pack "i00e")
+-- >>> isLeft $ parse bencInt "Bint" (pack "i00e")
 -- True
--- >>> isLeft $ parse bencInt "Bint" (BC.pack "i002e")
+-- >>> isLeft $ parse bencInt "Bint" (pack "i002e")
 -- True
 bencInt :: ParsecBS.Parser Integer
 bencInt = do _ <- spaces
@@ -67,13 +66,13 @@ bencInt = do _ <- spaces
 -- | parse lists
--- >>> parse bencList "Blist" (BC.pack "le")
+-- >>> parse bencList "Blist" (pack "le")
 -- Right []
--- >>> parse bencList "Blist" (BC.pack "l4:spam4:eggse")
+-- >>> parse bencList "Blist" (pack "l4:spam4:eggse")
 -- Right ["spam","eggs"]
--- >>> parse bencList "Blist" (BC.pack "l4:spami42ee")
+-- >>> parse bencList "Blist" (pack "l4:spami42ee")
 -- Right ["spam",42]
--- >>> parse bencList "Blist" (BC.pack "l4:spam4:eggsli42eee")
+-- >>> parse bencList "Blist" (pack "l4:spam4:eggsli42eee")
 -- Right ["spam","eggs",[42]]
 bencList :: ParsecBS.Parser [BVal]
 bencList = do _ <- spaces
@@ -81,16 +80,16 @@ bencList = do _ <- spaces
 -- | parse dict
--- >>> parse bencDict "Bdict" (BC.pack "de")
+-- >>> parse bencDict "Bdict" (pack "de")
 -- Right (fromList [])
--- >>> parse bencDict "Bdict" (BC.pack "d3:cow3:moo4:spam4:eggse")
+-- >>> parse bencDict "Bdict" (pack "d3:cow3:moo4:spam4:eggse")
 -- Right (fromList [("cow","moo"),("spam","eggs")])
--- >>> parse bencDict "Bdict" (BC.pack "d4:spaml1:a1:bee")
+-- >>> parse bencDict "Bdict" (pack "d4:spaml1:a1:bee")
 -- Right (fromList [("spam",["a","b"])])
--- >>> parse bencDict "Bdict" (BC.pack "d9:publisher3:bob17:publisher-webpage15:www.example.com18:publisher.location4:homee")
+-- >>> parse bencDict "Bdict" (pack "d9:publisher3:bob17:publisher-webpage15:www.example.com18:publisher.location4:homee")
 -- Right (fromList [("publisher","bob"),("publisher-webpage",""),("publisher.location","home")])
-bencDict :: ParsecBS.Parser (M.Map BVal BVal)
-bencDict = between (char 'd') (char 'e') $ M.fromList <$> many kvpair
+bencDict :: ParsecBS.Parser (Map BVal BVal)
+bencDict = between (char 'd') (char 'e') $ fromList <$> many kvpair
   where kvpair = do k <- bencStr
                     v <- bencVal
                     return (Bstr k, v)
@@ -101,32 +100,32 @@ bencVal = Bstr <$> bencStr <|>
           Blist <$> bencList <|>
           Bdict <$> bencDict
-decode :: BC.ByteString -> Either ParseError BVal
+decode :: ByteString -> Either ParseError BVal
 decode = parse bencVal "BVal"
 -- given an input dict or int or string, encode
 -- it into a bencoded bytestring.
 -- | encode bencoded-values
--- >>> encode (Bstr (BC.pack ""))
+-- >>> encode (Bstr (pack ""))
 -- "0:"
--- >>> encode (Bstr (BC.pack "spam"))
+-- >>> encode (Bstr (pack "spam"))
 -- "4:spam"
 -- >>> encode (Bint 0)
 -- "i0e"
 -- >>> encode (Bint 42)
 -- "i42e"
--- >>> encode (Blist [(Bstr (BC.pack "spam")), (Bstr (BC.pack "eggs"))])
+-- >>> encode (Blist [(Bstr (pack "spam")), (Bstr (pack "eggs"))])
 -- "l4:spam4:eggse"
 -- >>> encode (Blist [])
 -- "le"
--- >>> encode (Bdict (M.fromList [(Bstr $ BC.pack "spam", Bstr $ BC.pack "eggs")]))
+-- >>> encode (Bdict (fromList [(Bstr $ pack "spam", Bstr $ pack "eggs")]))
 -- "d4:spam4:eggse"
 encode :: BVal -> String
-encode (Bstr bs) = let s = BC.unpack bs
+encode (Bstr bs) = let s = unpack bs
                    in show (length s) ++ ":" ++ s
 encode (Bint i) = "i" ++ show i ++ "e"
 encode (Blist xs) = "l" ++ encodeList xs ++ "e"
   where encodeList = foldr ((++) . encode) ""
 encode (Bdict d) = "d" ++ encodeDict d ++ "e"
-  where encodeDict m = concat [encode k ++ encode (m M.! k) | k <- M.keys m]
+  where encodeDict m = concat [encode k ++ encode ((!) m k) | k <- keys m]
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 32dc41a..50eb5d1 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -1,45 +1,47 @@
 module Main where
+import Prelude hiding (length, readFile)
+import Bencode (decode, BVal(..))
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (ByteString, pack, length, readFile, length)
+import Data.Functor ((<$>))
+import Metainfo (announce, lengthInBytes, mkMetaInfo, info)
+import Peer (getPeers, getPeerResponse, handShakeMsg)
 import System.Environment (getArgs)
-import System.Exit
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
-import qualified Bencode as Benc
-import qualified Metainfo as MInfo
-import qualified Tracker as T
-import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec
-import qualified Peer as P
-import Data.Functor
-printError :: Parsec.ParseError -> IO ()
+import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
+import Tracker (connect, prepareRequest)
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (ParseError)
+printError :: ParseError -> IO ()
 printError e = putStrLn $ "parse error: " ++ show e
 peerId :: String
 peerId = "-HS0001-*-*-20150215"
-exit :: IO BC.ByteString
+exit :: IO ByteString
 exit = exitSuccess
 usage :: IO ()
 usage = putStrLn "usage: functorrent torrent-file"
-parse :: [String] -> IO BC.ByteString
+parse :: [String] -> IO ByteString
 parse [] = usage >> exit
-parse [a] = BC.readFile a
+parse [a] = readFile a
 parse _ = exit
 main :: IO ()
 main = do
     args <- getArgs
     torrentStr <- parse args
-    case Benc.decode torrentStr of
+    case decode torrentStr of
       Right d ->
-          case MInfo.mkMetaInfo d of
+          case mkMetaInfo d of
             Nothing -> putStrLn "parse error"
             Just m -> do
-              let len = MInfo.lengthInBytes ( m)
-                  (Benc.Bdict d') = d
-              body <- BC.pack <$> T.connect (MInfo.announce m) (T.prepareRequest d' peerId len)
-              print (P.getPeers (P.getPeerResponse body))
-              print (BC.length (P.handShakeMsg d' peerId))
+              let len = lengthInBytes $ info m
+                  (Bdict d') = d
+              body <- pack <$> connect (announce m) (prepareRequest d' peerId len)
+              print $ getPeers $ getPeerResponse body
+              print $ length $ handShakeMsg d' peerId
       Left e -> printError e
     putStrLn "done"
diff --git a/src/Metainfo.hs b/src/Metainfo.hs
index db1c97d..ccfd983 100644
--- a/src/Metainfo.hs
+++ b/src/Metainfo.hs
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 module Metainfo where
-import qualified Bencode as Benc
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
-import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Prelude hiding (lookup)
+import Bencode (BVal(..))
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack, unpack)
+import Data.Map as M ((!), lookup)
 -- only single file mode supported for the time being.
 data Info = Info { pieceLength :: !Integer
-                 , pieces :: !BC.ByteString
+                 , pieces :: !ByteString
                  , private :: !(Maybe Integer)
                  , name :: !String
                  , lengthInBytes :: !Integer
@@ -22,43 +23,42 @@ data Metainfo = Metainfo { info :: !Info
                          , encoding :: !(Maybe String)
                          } deriving (Eq, Show)
-mkInfo :: Benc.BVal -> Maybe Info
-mkInfo (Benc.Bdict m) = let (Benc.Bint pieceLength') = m M.! Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "piece length")
-                            (Benc.Bstr pieces') = m M.! Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "pieces")
-                            private' = Nothing
-                            (Benc.Bstr name') = m M.! Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "name")
-                            (Benc.Bint length') = m M.! Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "length")
-                            md5sum' = Nothing
-                        in Just Info { pieceLength = pieceLength'
-                                     , pieces = pieces'
-                                     , private = private'
-                                     , name = BC.unpack name'
-                                     , lengthInBytes = length'
-                                     , md5sum = md5sum'
-                                     }
+mkInfo :: BVal -> Maybe Info
+mkInfo (Bdict m) = let (Bint pieceLength') = m M.! Bstr (pack "piece length")
+                       (Bstr pieces') = m M.! Bstr (pack "pieces")
+                       private' = Nothing
+                       (Bstr name') = m M.! Bstr (pack "name")
+                       (Bint length') = m M.! Bstr (pack "length")
+                       md5sum' = Nothing
+                   in Just Info { pieceLength = pieceLength'
+                                , pieces = pieces'
+                                , private = private'
+                                , name = unpack name'
+                                , lengthInBytes = length'
+                                , md5sum = md5sum'}
 mkInfo _ = Nothing
-maybeBstrToString :: Maybe Benc.BVal -> Maybe String
+maybeBstrToString :: Maybe BVal -> Maybe String
 maybeBstrToString Nothing = Nothing
-maybeBstrToString (Just s) = let (Benc.Bstr bs) = s
-                             in Just (BC.unpack bs)
+maybeBstrToString (Just s) = let (Bstr bs) = s
+                             in Just (unpack bs)
-mkMetaInfo :: Benc.BVal -> Maybe Metainfo
-mkMetaInfo (Benc.Bdict m) = let (Just info') = mkInfo (m M.! Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "info"))
-                                (Benc.Bstr announce') = m M.! Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "announce")
---                                announceList = M.lookup (Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "announce list"))
-                                announceList' = Nothing
-                                -- creationDate = M.lookup (Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "creation date")) m
-                                creationDate' = Nothing
-                                comment' = M.lookup (Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "comment")) m
-                                createdBy' = M.lookup (Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "created by")) m
-                                encoding' = M.lookup (Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "encoding")) m
-                            in Just Metainfo { info = info'
-                                             , announce = BC.unpack announce'
-                                             , announceList = announceList'
-                                             , creationDate = creationDate'
-                                             , comment = maybeBstrToString comment'
-                                             , createdBy = maybeBstrToString createdBy'
-                                             , encoding = maybeBstrToString encoding'
-                                             }
+mkMetaInfo :: BVal -> Maybe Metainfo
+mkMetaInfo (Bdict m) = let (Just info') = mkInfo (m M.! Bstr (pack "info"))
+                           (Bstr announce') = m M.! Bstr (pack "announce")
+                           -- announceList = lookup (Bstr (pack "announce list"))
+                           announceList' = Nothing
+                           -- creationDate = lookup (Bstr (pack "creation date")) m
+                           creationDate' = Nothing
+                           comment' = lookup (Bstr (pack "comment")) m
+                           createdBy' = lookup (Bstr (pack "created by")) m
+                           encoding' = lookup (Bstr (pack "encoding")) m
+                       in Just Metainfo { info = info'
+                                        , announce = unpack announce'
+                                        , announceList = announceList'
+                                        , creationDate = creationDate'
+                                        , comment = maybeBstrToString comment'
+                                        , createdBy = maybeBstrToString createdBy'
+                                        , encoding = maybeBstrToString encoding'
+                                        }
 mkMetaInfo _ = Nothing
diff --git a/src/Peer.hs b/src/Peer.hs
index f647c61..e27de57 100644
--- a/src/Peer.hs
+++ b/src/Peer.hs
@@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
 module Peer where
-import qualified Utils as U
-import qualified Bencode as Benc
-import qualified Tracker as T
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import qualified Data.List as L
-import qualified Data.Binary as Bin
-import qualified Data.Int as DI
-data Peer = Peer { ip :: String
-                 , port :: Integer
-                 } deriving (Show)
+import Prelude hiding (lookup, concat, replicate, splitAt)
+import Bencode (BVal(..), InfoDict, decode)
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack, unpack, concat, replicate, splitAt)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toChunks)
+import Data.Int (Int8)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Map as M ((!), lookup)
+import Tracker (infoHash)
+import Utils (splitN)
+import qualified Data.Binary as Bin (encode)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 (encode)
+type Address = String
+type Port = Integer
+data Peer = Peer Address Port
+            deriving (Show)
 data PeerResp = PeerResponse { interval :: Maybe Integer
                              , peers :: [Peer]
                              , complete :: Maybe Integer
@@ -27,25 +32,24 @@ toInt = read
 getPeers :: PeerResp -> [Peer]
 getPeers = peers
-getPeerResponse :: BC.ByteString -> PeerResp
-getPeerResponse body = case Benc.decode body of
-                        Right (Benc.Bdict peerM) ->
-                          let (Just (Benc.Bint i)) = M.lookup (Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "lookup")) peerM
-                              (Benc.Bstr peersBS) = peerM M.! Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "peers")
-                              pl = map (\peer -> let (ip', port') = BC.splitAt 4 peer
-                                                 in Peer { ip = toIPNum ip'
-                                                         , port =  toPortNum port'
-                                                         })
-                                   (U.splitN 6 peersBS)
+getPeerResponse :: ByteString -> PeerResp
+getPeerResponse body = case decode body of
+                        Right (Bdict peerM) ->
+                          let (Just (Bint i)) = lookup (Bstr (pack "lookup")) peerM
+                              (Bstr peersBS) = peerM M.! Bstr (pack "peers")
+                              pl = map (\peer -> let (ip', port') = splitAt 4 peer
+                                                 in Peer (toIPNum ip') (toPortNum port'))
+                                   (splitN 6 peersBS)
                           in PeerResponse { interval = Just i
                                           , peers = pl
                                           , complete = Nothing
                                           , incomplete = Nothing
-                          where toPortNum = read . ("0x" ++) . BC.unpack . B16.encode
-                                toIPNum = L.intercalate "." .
-                                          map (show . toInt . ("0x" ++) . BC.unpack) .
-                                          U.splitN 2 . B16.encode
+                          where toPortNum = read . ("0x" ++) . unpack . B16.encode
+                                toIPNum = intercalate "." .
+                                          map (show . toInt . ("0x" ++) . unpack) .
+                                          splitN 2 . B16.encode
                         _ -> PeerResponse { interval = Nothing
                                           , peers = []
                                           , complete = Nothing
@@ -53,10 +57,10 @@ getPeerResponse body = case Benc.decode body of
-handShakeMsg :: Benc.InfoDict -> String -> BC.ByteString
-handShakeMsg m peer_id = let pstrlen = BC.concat $ BL.toChunks $ Bin.encode (19 :: DI.Int8)
-                             pstr = BC.pack "BitTorrent protocol"
-                             reserved = BC.replicate 8 '\0'
-                             infoH = T.infoHash m
-                             peerID = BC.pack peer_id
-                         in BC.concat [pstrlen, pstr, reserved, infoH, peerID]
+handShakeMsg :: InfoDict -> String -> ByteString
+handShakeMsg m peer_id = let pstrlen = concat $ toChunks $ Bin.encode (19 :: Int8)
+                             pstr = pack "BitTorrent protocol"
+                             reserved = replicate 8 '\0'
+                             infoH = infoHash m
+                             peerID = pack peer_id
+                         in concat [pstrlen, pstr, reserved, infoH, peerID]
diff --git a/src/Tracker.hs b/src/Tracker.hs
index dad05e6..65290c3 100644
--- a/src/Tracker.hs
+++ b/src/Tracker.hs
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
 module Tracker where
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.List as List
-import qualified Network.HTTP as HTTP
-import qualified Network.HTTP.Base as HB
-import qualified Bencode as Benc
-import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
-import qualified Utils as U
-import Data.Char
+import Prelude hiding (lookup)
+import Bencode (BVal(..), InfoDict, encode)
+import Crypto.Hash.SHA1 (hash)
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack, unpack)
+import Data.Char (chr)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Map as M (Map, (!))
+import Network.HTTP (simpleHTTP, getRequest, getResponseBody)
+import Network.HTTP.Base (urlEncode)
+import Utils (splitN)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 (encode)
 type Url = String
@@ -17,37 +19,33 @@ type Url = String
 -- >>> urlEncodeHash $ BC.pack "123456789abcdef123456789abcdef123456789a"
 -- "%124vx%9a%bc%de%f1%23Eg%89%ab%cd%ef%124Vx%9a"
-urlEncodeHash :: BC.ByteString -> String
-urlEncodeHash bs = concatMap (encode . BC.unpack) (U.splitN 2 bs)
-  where encode b@[c1, c2] = let c =  chr (read ("0x" ++ b))
-                                  in
-                                   escape c c1 c2
-        encode _ = ""
+urlEncodeHash :: ByteString -> String
+urlEncodeHash bs = concatMap (encode' . unpack) (splitN 2 bs)
+  where encode' b@[c1, c2] = let c =  chr (read ("0x" ++ b))
+                            in escape c c1 c2
+        encode' _ = ""
         escape i c1 c2 | i `elem` nonSpecialChars = [i]
                        | otherwise = "%" ++ [c1] ++ [c2]
-          where nonSpecialChars = ['A'..'Z'] ++
-                                  ['a'..'z'] ++
-                                  ['0'..'9'] ++
-                                  "-_.~"
-infoHash :: M.Map Benc.BVal Benc.BVal -> BC.ByteString
-infoHash m = let info = m M.! Benc.Bstr (BC.pack "info")
-             in (SHA1.hash . BC.pack . Benc.encode) info
+        nonSpecialChars = ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ "-_.~"
+infoHash :: Map BVal BVal -> ByteString
+infoHash m = let info = m M.! Bstr (pack "info")
+             in (hash . pack . encode) info
-prepareRequest :: Benc.InfoDict -> String -> Integer -> String
+prepareRequest :: InfoDict -> String -> Integer -> String
 prepareRequest d peer_id len =
   let p = [("info_hash", urlEncodeHash ((B16.encode . infoHash) d)),
-           ("peer_id", HB.urlEncode peer_id),
+           ("peer_id", urlEncode peer_id),
            ("port", "6881"),
            ("uploaded", "0"),
            ("downloaded", "0"),
            ("left", show len),
            ("compact", "1"),
            ("event", "started")]
-  in
-   List.intercalate "&" [f ++ "=" ++ s | (f,s) <- p]
+  in intercalate "&" [f ++ "=" ++ s | (f,s) <- p]
 connect :: Url -> String -> IO String
 connect baseurl qstr = let url = baseurl ++ "?" ++ qstr
-                       in HTTP.simpleHTTP (HTTP.getRequest url) >>=
-                          HTTP.getResponseBody
+                       in simpleHTTP (getRequest url) >>=
+                          getResponseBody