From: Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2017 02:19:46 +0000 (+0530)
Subject: BencodeTest: Just the encode/decode test for BVal should be enough

BencodeTest: Just the encode/decode test for BVal should be enough

diff --git a/test/BencodeTests.hs b/test/BencodeTests.hs
index 8e54e93..004234d 100644
--- a/test/BencodeTests.hs
+++ b/test/BencodeTests.hs
@@ -14,23 +14,8 @@ propEncodeDecode bval = let encoded = encode bval
 tests :: IO ()
 tests = hspec $ do
   describe "BVal tests" $ do
-    it "encode/decode bstr tests" $ do
-      property $ \s ->
-        let encoded = encode (Bstr s)
-            decoded = decode encoded
-        in Right (Bstr s) == decoded
-    it "encode/decode bint tests" $ do
-      property $ \i ->
-        let encoded = encode (Bint i)
-            decoded = decode encoded
-        in Right (Bint i) == decoded
-    it "encode/decode blist tests" $ do
+    it "encode/decode" $ do
       property $ \bval ->
-        let encoded = encode (Blist (take 1 bval))
+        let encoded = encode bval
             decoded = decode encoded
-        in Right (Blist (take 1 bval)) == decoded
-    -- it "encode/decode" $ do
-    --   property $ \bval ->
-    --     let encoded = encode bval
-    --         decoded = decode encoded
-    --     in Right bval == decoded
+        in Right bval == decoded