- Note that Nevow >= v0.9.18 requires Twisted >= v2.4.0. If you are on Ubuntu Dapper or Debian 3.1, this means you have to install Twisted >= v2.4.0 yourself, or else install Nevow v0.6.0 in egg form yourself (e.g. run <cite>easy_install nevow == 0.6.0</cite>).
+ Note that Nevow >= v0.9.18 requires Twisted >= v2.4.0. If you are on Ubuntu 6.06 ("dapper") or Debian 3.1 ("sarge"), this means you have to install Twisted >= v2.4.0 yourself, or else install Nevow v0.6.0 in egg form yourself (e.g. run <cite>easy_install nevow == 0.6.0</cite>).
+ pycryptopp (Python crypto library) >= v0.2.9