The Python Way is to execute " install" for each Python package.
You'll need to run " install" five separate times, one for each of
- the five subpackages (allmydata, allmydata.Crypto, foolscap, simplejson, and zfec).
+ the five subpackages (allmydata, allmydata.Crypto, foolscap, simplejson,
+ and zfec).
for PACKAGE in zfec Crypto foolscap simplejson; do
cd src/${PACKAGE} && python install && cd ../..
- If you installed one of the debian packages constructed by "make deb-*", or installed "The Python Way",
- then it creates an 'allmydata-tahoe' executable, usually in /usr/bin .
- Else, you can find allmydata-tahoe in ./instdir/bin/ . This tool is used to
- create, start, and stop nodes. Each node lives in a separate base
- directory, inside of which you can add files to configure and control the
- node. Nodes also read and write files within that directory.
+ If you installed one of the debian packages constructed by "make deb-*", or
+ installed "The Python Way", then it creates an 'allmydata-tahoe' executable,
+ usually in /usr/bin . Else, you can find allmydata-tahoe in ./instdir/bin/ .
+ This tool is used to create, start, and stop nodes. Each node lives in a
+ separate base directory, inside of which you can add files to configure and
+ control the node. Nodes also read and write files within that directory.
A grid consists of a single central 'introducer and vdrive' node and one or
more 'client' nodes. If you are joining an existing grid, the