return d
+ def test_PUT_FILEURL_named_bad(self):
+ base = "/file/%s" % urllib.quote(self._bar_txt_uri)
+ d = self.shouldFail2(error.Error, "test_PUT_FILEURL_named_bad",
+ "400 Bad Request",
+ "/file can only be used with GET or HEAD",
+ self.PUT, base + "/@@name=/blah.txt", "")
+ return d
+ def test_GET_DIRURL_named_bad(self):
+ base = "/file/%s" % urllib.quote(self._foo_uri)
+ d = self.shouldFail2(error.Error, "test_PUT_DIRURL_named_bad",
+ "400 Bad Request",
+ "is not a file-cap",
+ self.GET, base + "/@@name=/blah.txt")
+ return d
+ def test_GET_slash_file_bad(self):
+ d = self.shouldFail2(error.Error, "test_GET_slash_file_bad",
+ "404 Not Found",
+ "/file must be followed by a file-cap and a name",
+ self.GET, "/file")
+ return d
def test_GET_unhandled_URI_named(self):
contents, n, newuri = self.makefile(12)
verifier_cap = n.get_verifier().to_string()
self.GET, base)
return d
+ def test_GET_unhandled_URI(self):
+ contents, n, newuri = self.makefile(12)
+ verifier_cap = n.get_verifier().to_string()
+ base = "/uri/%s" % urllib.quote(verifier_cap)
+ # client.create_node_from_uri() can't handle verify-caps
+ d = self.shouldFail2(error.Error, "test_GET_unhandled_URI",
+ "400 Bad Request",
+ "is not a valid file- or directory- cap",
+ self.GET, base)
+ return d
def test_GET_FILEURL_save(self):
d = self.GET(self.public_url + "/foo/bar.txt?filename=bar.txt&save=true")
# TODO: look at the headers, expect a Content-Disposition: attachment
d.addBoth(self.shouldRedirect, "/")
return d
+ def shouldRedirect2(self, which, checker, callable, *args, **kwargs):
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(callable, *args, **kwargs)
+ def done(res):
+ if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
+ res.trap(error.PageRedirect)
+ statuscode = res.value.status
+ target = res.value.location
+ return checker(statuscode, target)
+ self.fail("%s: callable was supposed to redirect, not return '%s'"
+ % (which, res))
+ d.addBoth(done)
+ return d
+ def test_POST_upload_no_link_whendone_results(self):
+ def check(statuscode, target):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(statuscode, str(http.FOUND))
+ self.failUnless(target.startswith(self.webish_url), target)
+ return client.getPage(target, method="GET")
+ d = self.shouldRedirect2("test_POST_upload_no_link_whendone_results",
+ check,
+ self.POST, "/uri", t="upload",
+ when_done="/uri/%(uri)s",
+ file=("new.txt", self.NEWFILE_CONTENTS))
+ d.addCallback(lambda res:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(res, self.NEWFILE_CONTENTS))
+ return d
def test_POST_upload_no_link_mutable(self):
d = self.POST("/uri", t="upload", mutable="true",
file=("new.txt", self.NEWFILE_CONTENTS))
return d
+ def test_GET_URI_form_bad(self):
+ d = self.shouldFail2(error.Error, "test_GET_URI_form_bad",
+ "400 Bad Request", "GET /uri requires uri=",
+ self.GET, "/uri")
+ return d
def test_GET_rename_form(self):
d = self.GET(self.public_url + "/foo?t=rename-form&name=bar.txt",
followRedirect=True) # XXX [ ] todo: figure out why '.../foo' doesn't work