+++ /dev/null
-from twisted.python import usage
-class GenerateKeypairOptions(usage.Options):
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: tahoe admin generate-keypair"
- def getUsage(self, width=None):
- t = usage.Options.getUsage(self, width)
- t += """
-Generate an ECDSA192 public/private keypair, dumped to stdout as two lines of
-base32-encoded text.
- return t
-def make_keypair():
- from pycryptopp.publickey import ecdsa
- from allmydata.util import base32
- privkey = ecdsa.generate(192)
- privkey_vs = "priv-v0-%s" % base32.b2a(privkey.serialize())
- pubkey = privkey.get_verifying_key()
- pubkey_vs = "pub-v0-%s" % base32.b2a(pubkey.serialize())
- return privkey_vs, pubkey_vs
-def print_keypair(options):
- out = options.stdout
- privkey_vs, pubkey_vs = make_keypair()
- print >>out, "private:", privkey_vs
- print >>out, "public:", pubkey_vs
-class AdminCommand(usage.Options):
- subCommands = [
- ["generate-keypair", None, GenerateKeypairOptions,
- "Generate a public/private keypair, write to stdout."],
- ]
- def postOptions(self):
- if not hasattr(self, 'subOptions'):
- raise usage.UsageError("must specify a subcommand")
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: tahoe admin SUBCOMMAND"
- def getUsage(self, width=None):
- #t = usage.Options.getUsage(self, width)
- t = """
- tahoe admin generate-keypair Generate a public/private keypair,
- write to stdout.
-Please run e.g. 'tahoe admin generate-keypair --help' for more details on
-each subcommand.
- return t
-subDispatch = {
- "generate-keypair": print_keypair,
- }
-def do_admin(options):
- so = options.subOptions
- so.stdout = options.stdout
- so.stderr = options.stderr
- f = subDispatch[options.subCommand]
- return f(so)
-subCommands = [
- ["admin", None, AdminCommand, "admin subcommands: use 'tahoe admin' for a list"],
- ]
-dispatch = {
- "admin": do_admin,
- }
from twisted.python import usage
from allmydata.scripts.common import BaseOptions
-import debug, create_node, startstop_node, cli, keygen, admin
+import debug, create_node, startstop_node, cli, keygen
_general_commands = ( create_node.subCommands
+ keygen.subCommands
+ debug.subCommands
+ cli.subCommands
- + admin.subCommands
class Options(BaseOptions, usage.Options):
rc = startstop_node.dispatch[command](so, stdout, stderr)
elif command in debug.dispatch:
rc = debug.dispatch[command](so)
- elif command in admin.dispatch:
- rc = admin.dispatch[command](so)
elif command in cli.dispatch:
rc = cli.dispatch[command](so)
elif command in keygen.dispatch:
self.do_cli("get", "tahoe:uploaded.txt"))
d.addCallback(lambda (out,err): self.failUnlessEqual(out, DATA2))
return d
-class Admin(unittest.TestCase):
- def do_cli(self, *args, **kwargs):
- argv = list(args)
- stdin = kwargs.get("stdin", "")
- stdout, stderr = StringIO(), StringIO()
- d = threads.deferToThread(runner.runner, argv, run_by_human=False,
- stdin=StringIO(stdin),
- stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
- def _done(res):
- return stdout.getvalue(), stderr.getvalue()
- d.addCallback(_done)
- return d
- def test_generate_keypair(self):
- import sys
- if sys.platform == "darwin":
- # pycryptopp-0.5.7's ECDSA is broken on OS-X, it raises a C++
- # exception, which halts the whole process. So skip this test.
- raise unittest.SkipTest("pycryptopp-0.5.7's ECDSA raises a C++ exception on OS-X")
- d = self.do_cli("admin", "generate-keypair")
- def _done( (stdout, stderr) ):
- lines = stdout.split("\n")
- privkey_line = lines[0].strip()
- pubkey_line = lines[1].strip()
- sk_header = "private: priv-v0-"
- vk_header = "public: pub-v0-"
- self.failUnless(privkey_line.startswith(sk_header), privkey_line)
- self.failUnless(pubkey_line.startswith(vk_header), pubkey_line)
- privkey_b = base32.a2b(privkey_line[len(sk_header):])
- pubkey_b = base32.a2b(pubkey_line[len(vk_header):])
- sk = ecdsa.create_signing_key_from_string(privkey_b)
- vk = ecdsa.create_verifying_key_from_string(pubkey_b)
- self.failUnlessEqual(sk.get_verifying_key().serialize(),
- vk.serialize())
- d.addCallback(_done)
- return d