--- /dev/null
+Given a StorageIndex, count how many shares we can find.
+This does no verification of the shares whatsoever. If the peer claims to
+have the share, we believe them.
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.application import service
+from twisted.python import log
+from allmydata.interfaces import IVerifierURI
+from allmydata import uri
+class SimpleCHKFileChecker:
+ def __init__(self, peer_getter):
+ self.peer_getter = peer_getter
+ self.found_shares = set()
+ '''
+ def check_synchronously(self, si):
+ # this is how we would write this class if we were using synchronous
+ # messages (or if we used promises).
+ found = set()
+ for (pmpeerid, peerid, connection) in self.peer_getter(storage_index):
+ buckets = connection.get_service("storageserver").get_buckets(si)
+ found.update(buckets.keys())
+ return len(found)
+ '''
+ def check(self, uri_to_check):
+ d = self._get_all_shareholders(uri_to_check.storage_index)
+ d.addCallback(self._done)
+ return d
+ def _get_all_shareholders(self, storage_index):
+ dl = []
+ for (pmpeerid, peerid, connection) in self.peer_getter(storage_index):
+ d = connection.callRemote("get_service", "storageserver")
+ d.addCallback(lambda ss: ss.callRemote("get_buckets",
+ storage_index))
+ d.addCallbacks(self._got_response, self._got_error)
+ dl.append(d)
+ return defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ def _got_response(self, buckets):
+ # buckets is a dict: maps shum to an rref of the server who holds it
+ self.found_shares.update(buckets.keys())
+ def _got_error(self, f):
+ if f.check(KeyError):
+ pass
+ log.err(f)
+ pass
+ def _done(self, res):
+ return len(self.found_shares)
+class SimpleDirnodeChecker:
+ def __init__(self, tub):
+ self.tub = tub
+ def check(self, node):
+ si = node.storage_index
+ d = self.tub.getReference(node.furl)
+ d.addCallback(self._get_dirnode, node.storage_index)
+ d.addCallbacks(self._success, self._failed)
+ return d
+ def _get_dirnode(self, rref, storage_index):
+ d = rref.callRemote("list", storage_index)
+ return d
+ def _success(self, res):
+ return True
+ def _failed(self, f):
+ if f.check(IndexError):
+ return False
+ log.err(f)
+ return False
+class Checker(service.MultiService):
+ """I am a service that helps perform file checks.
+ """
+ name = "checker"
+ def check(self, uri_to_check):
+ uri_to_check = IVerifierURI(uri_to_check)
+ if uri_to_check is None:
+ return defer.succeed(True)
+ elif isinstance(uri_to_check, uri.CHKFileVerifierURI):
+ peer_getter = self.parent.get_permuted_peers
+ c = SimpleCHKFileChecker(peer_getter)
+ return c.check(uri_to_check)
+ elif isinstance(uri_to_check, uri.DirnodeVerifierURI):
+ tub = self.parent.tub
+ c = SimpleDirnodeChecker(tub)
+ return c.check(uri_to_check)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("I don't know how to check '%s'" % (uri_to_check,))
from allmydata.storage import StorageServer
from allmydata.upload import Uploader
from allmydata.download import Downloader
+from allmydata.checker import Checker
from allmydata.control import ControlServer
from allmydata.introducer import IntroducerClient
from allmydata.vdrive import VirtualDrive
+ self.add_service(Checker())
webport = self.get_config("webport")
if webport:
return d
def build_manifest(self):
- # given a dirnode, construct a list refresh-capabilities for all the
- # nodes it references.
+ # given a dirnode, construct a frozenset of verifier-capabilities for
+ # all the nodes it references.
# this is just a tree-walker, except that following each edge
# requires a Deferred.
manifest = set()
- manifest.add(self.get_refresh_capability())
+ manifest.add(self.get_verifier())
d = self._build_manifest_from_node(self, manifest)
- # LIT nodes have no refresh-capability: their data is stored inside
- # the URI itself, so there is no need to refresh anything. They
- # indicate this by returning None from their get_refresh_capability
- # method. We need to remove any such Nones from our set.
- d.addCallback(lambda res: manifest.discard(None))
- d.addCallback(lambda res: manifest)
+ def _done(res):
+ # LIT nodes have no verifier-capability: their data is stored
+ # inside the URI itself, so there is no need to refresh anything.
+ # They indicate this by returning None from their get_verifier
+ # method. We need to remove any such Nones from our set. We also
+ # want to convert all these caps into strings.
+ return frozenset([cap.to_string()
+ for cap in manifest
+ if cap is not None])
+ d.addCallback(_done)
return d
def _build_manifest_from_node(self, node, manifest):
def _got_list(res):
dl = []
for name, child in res.iteritems():
- manifest.add(child.get_refresh_capability())
- if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(child) and child not in manifest:
- dl.append(self._build_manifest_from_node(child, manifest))
+ verifier = child.get_verifier()
+ if verifier not in manifest:
+ manifest.add(verifier)
+ if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(child):
+ dl.append(self._build_manifest_from_node(child,
+ manifest))
if dl:
return defer.DeferredList(dl)
return d
- def get_refresh_capability(self):
- u = IDirnodeURI(self._uri).get_readonly()
- return "DIR-REFRESH:%s" % idlib.b2a(u.storage_index)
+ def get_verifier(self):
+ return IDirnodeURI(self._uri).get_verifier()
def get_child_at_path(self, path):
if not path:
return cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__)
return cmp(self.uri, them.uri)
- def get_refresh_capability(self):
- u = IFileURI(self.uri)
- if isinstance(u, uri.CHKFileURI):
- return "CHK-REFRESH:%s" % idlib.b2a(u.storage_index)
- return None
+ def get_verifier(self):
+ return IFileURI(self.uri).get_verifier()
def download(self, target):
downloader = self._client.getServiceNamed("downloader")
"""Return another IURI instance, which represents a read-only form of
this one. If is_readonly() is True, this returns self."""
+ def get_verifier():
+ """Return an instance that provides IVerifierURI, which can be used
+ to check on the availability of the file or directory, without
+ providing enough capabilities to actually read or modify the
+ contents. This may return None if the file does not need checking or
+ verification (e.g. LIT URIs).
+ """
+ def to_string():
+ """Return a string of printable ASCII characters, suitable for
+ passing into init_from_string."""
+class IVerifierURI(Interface):
+ def init_from_string(uri):
+ """Accept a string (as created by my to_string() method) and populate
+ this instance with its data. I am not normally called directly,
+ please use the module-level uri.from_string() function to convert
+ arbitrary URI strings into IURI-providing instances."""
def to_string():
"""Return a string of printable ASCII characters, suitable for
passing into init_from_string."""
class IDirnodeURI(Interface):
"""I am a URI which represents a dirnode."""
class IFileURI(Interface):
"""I am a URI which represents a filenode."""
def get_size():
def get_size():
"""Return the length (in bytes) of the data this node represents."""
- def get_refresh_capability():
- """Return a string that represents the 'refresh capability' for this
- node. The holder of this capability will be able to renew the lease
- for this node, protecting it from garbage-collection.
+ def get_verifier():
+ """Return an IVerifierURI instance that represents the
+ 'verifiy/refresh capability' for this node. The holder of this
+ capability will be able to renew the lease for this node, protecting
+ it from garbage-collection. They will also be able to ask a server if
+ it holds a share for the file or directory.
class IDirectoryNode(Interface):
get_immutable_uri() will return the same thing as get_uri().
- def get_refresh_capability():
- """Return a string that represents the 'refresh capability' for this
- node. The holder of this capability will be able to renew the lease
- for this node, protecting it from garbage-collection.
+ def get_verifier():
+ """Return an IVerifierURI instance that represents the
+ 'verifiy/refresh capability' for this node. The holder of this
+ capability will be able to renew the lease for this node, protecting
+ it from garbage-collection. They will also be able to ask a server if
+ it holds a share for the file or directory.
def list():
Deferred that fires when the operation finishes."""
def build_manifest():
- """Return a set of refresh-capabilities for all nodes (directories
- and files) reachable from this one."""
+ """Return a frozenset of verifier-capability strings for all nodes
+ (directories and files) reachable from this one."""
class ICodecEncoder(Interface):
def set_params(data_size, required_shares, max_shares):
def _check_manifest(manifest):
manifest = sorted(list(manifest))
self.failUnlessEqual(len(manifest), 5)
- expected = [self.rootnode.get_refresh_capability(),
- self.bar_node.get_refresh_capability(),
- self.file1_node.get_refresh_capability(),
- file2_node.get_refresh_capability(),
- self.baz_node.get_refresh_capability(),
+ expected = [self.rootnode.get_verifier().to_string(),
+ self.bar_node.get_verifier().to_string(),
+ self.file1_node.get_verifier().to_string(),
+ file2_node.get_verifier().to_string(),
+ self.baz_node.get_verifier().to_string(),
self.failUnlessEqual(manifest, expected)
def _check_manifest2(manifest):
manifest = sorted(list(manifest))
self.failUnlessEqual(len(manifest), 4)
- expected = [self.rootnode.get_refresh_capability(),
- self.bar_node.get_refresh_capability(),
- file2_node.get_refresh_capability(),
- self.baz_node.get_refresh_capability(),
+ expected = [self.rootnode.get_verifier().to_string(),
+ self.bar_node.get_verifier().to_string(),
+ file2_node.get_verifier().to_string(),
+ self.baz_node.get_verifier().to_string(),
self.failUnlessEqual(manifest, expected)
from twisted.application import service
from allmydata import client, uri, download, upload
from allmydata.introducer_and_vdrive import IntroducerAndVdrive
-from allmydata.util import fileutil, testutil
+from allmydata.util import fileutil, testutil, deferredutil
from allmydata.scripts import runner
from allmydata.interfaces import IDirectoryNode, IFileNode, IFileURI
from allmydata.dirnode import NotMutableError
return d
def wait_for_connections(self, ignored=None):
+ # TODO: replace this with something that takes a list of peerids and
+ # fires when they've all been heard from, instead of using a count
+ # and a threshold
for c in self.clients:
if (not c.introducer_client or
len(list(c.get_all_peerids())) != self.numclients):
+ d.addCallback(self._test_checker)
return d
test_vdrive.timeout = 1100
return d
+ def _test_checker(self, res):
+ vdrive0 = self.clients[0].getServiceNamed("vdrive")
+ checker1 = self.clients[1].getServiceNamed("checker")
+ d = vdrive0.get_node_at_path("~")
+ d.addCallback(lambda home: home.build_manifest())
+ def _check_all(manifest):
+ dl = []
+ for si in manifest:
+ dl.append(checker1.check(si))
+ return deferredutil.DeferredListShouldSucceed(dl)
+ d.addCallback(_check_all)
+ def _done(res):
+ for i in res:
+ self.failUnless(i is True or i == 10)
+ d.addCallback(_done)
+ return d
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
from allmydata.util import idlib, hashutil
-from allmydata.interfaces import IURI, IDirnodeURI, IFileURI
+from allmydata.interfaces import IURI, IDirnodeURI, IFileURI, IVerifierURI
# the URI shall be an ascii representation of the file. It shall contain
# enough information to retrieve and validate the contents. It shall be
def get_size(self):
return self.size
+ def get_verifier(self):
+ return CHKFileVerifierURI(storage_index=self.storage_index,
+ uri_extension_hash=self.uri_extension_hash,
+ needed_shares=self.needed_shares,
+ total_shares=self.total_shares,
+ size=self.size)
+class CHKFileVerifierURI(_BaseURI):
+ implements(IVerifierURI)
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ # construct me with kwargs, since there are so many of them
+ if not kwargs:
+ return
+ keys = ("storage_index", "uri_extension_hash",
+ "needed_shares", "total_shares", "size")
+ for name in kwargs:
+ if name in keys:
+ value = kwargs[name]
+ setattr(self, name, value)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("CHKFileVerifierURI does not accept "
+ "'%s=' argument"
+ % name)
+ def init_from_string(self, uri):
+ assert uri.startswith("URI:CHK-Verifier:"), uri
+ d = {}
+ (header_uri, header_chk,
+ storage_index_s, uri_extension_hash_s,
+ needed_shares_s, total_shares_s, size_s) = uri.split(":")
+ assert header_uri == "URI"
+ assert header_chk == "CHK-Verifier"
+ self.storage_index = idlib.a2b(storage_index_s)
+ assert isinstance(self.storage_index, str)
+ assert len(self.storage_index) == 16 # sha256 hash truncated to 128
+ self.uri_extension_hash = idlib.a2b(uri_extension_hash_s)
+ assert isinstance(self.uri_extension_hash, str)
+ assert len(self.uri_extension_hash) == 32 # sha56 hash
+ self.needed_shares = int(needed_shares_s)
+ self.total_shares = int(total_shares_s)
+ self.size = int(size_s)
+ return self
+ def to_string(self):
+ assert isinstance(self.needed_shares, int)
+ assert isinstance(self.total_shares, int)
+ assert isinstance(self.size, (int,long))
+ return ("URI:CHK-Verifier:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d" %
+ (idlib.b2a(self.storage_index),
+ idlib.b2a(self.uri_extension_hash),
+ self.needed_shares,
+ self.total_shares,
+ self.size))
class LiteralFileURI(_BaseURI):
implements(IURI, IFileURI)
def get_readonly(self):
return self
+ def get_verifier(self):
+ # LIT files need no verification, all the data is present in the URI
+ return None
def get_size(self):
return len(self.data)
return True
def get_readonly(self):
return ReadOnlyDirnodeURI(self.furl, self.readkey)
+ def get_verifier(self):
+ return DirnodeVerifierURI(self.furl, self.storage_index)
class ReadOnlyDirnodeURI(_BaseURI):
implements(IURI, IDirnodeURI)
return True
def get_readonly(self):
return self
+ def get_verifier(self):
+ return DirnodeVerifierURI(self.furl, self.storage_index)
+class DirnodeVerifierURI(_BaseURI):
+ implements(IVerifierURI)
+ def __init__(self, furl=None, storage_index=None):
+ if furl is not None or storage_index is not None:
+ assert furl is not None
+ assert storage_index is not None
+ self.furl = furl
+ self.storage_index = storage_index
+ def init_from_string(self, uri):
+ # URI:DIR-Verifier:furl:storageindex
+ # but note that the furl contains colons
+ prefix = "URI:DIR-Verifier:"
+ assert uri.startswith(prefix)
+ uri = uri[len(prefix):]
+ colon = uri.rindex(":")
+ self.furl = uri[:colon]
+ self.storage_index = idlib.a2b(uri[colon+1:])
+ return self
+ def to_string(self):
+ return "URI:DIR-Verifier:%s:%s" % (self.furl,
+ idlib.b2a(self.storage_index))
def from_string(s):
if s.startswith("URI:CHK:"):
return CHKFileURI().init_from_string(s)
+ elif s.startswith("URI:CHK-Verifier:"):
+ return CHKFileVerifierURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:LIT:"):
return LiteralFileURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:DIR:"):
return DirnodeURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:DIR-RO:"):
return ReadOnlyDirnodeURI().init_from_string(s)
+ elif s.startswith("URI:DIR-Verifier:"):
+ return DirnodeVerifierURI().init_from_string(s)
raise TypeError("unknown URI type: %s.." % s[:10])
registerAdapter(from_string_filenode, str, IFileURI)
+def from_string_verifier(s):
+ u = from_string(s)
+ assert IVerifierURI.providedBy(u)
+ return u
+registerAdapter(from_string_verifier, str, IVerifierURI)
def pack_extension(data):
pieces = []