``backend = cloud.s3``
- This turns off the local filesystem backend and enables use of S3.
+ This turns off the local filesystem backend and enables use of the cloud
+ backend with S3.
``s3.access_key_id = (string, required)``
user and product token pair is needed by a given storage server.
.. _DevPay: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonDevPay/latest/DevPayGettingStartedGuide/
+OpenStack and Rackspace Cloud Files
+`OpenStack`_ is an open standard for cloud services, including cloud storage.
+Rackspace ( `<https://www.rackspace.com>`__ and `<https://www.rackspace.co.uk>`__ )
+provides a storage service called `Cloud Files`_ based on OpenStack.
+.. _OpenStack: https://www.openstack.org/
+.. _Cloud Files: http://www.rackspace.com/cloud/files/
+The authentication service is less precisely specified than other parts of
+the OpenStack standards, and so our implementation of it is currently specific
+to Rackspace. Other OpenStack storage providers may be supported in future.
+To enable storing shares on Rackspace Cloud Files, add the following keys
+to the server's ``tahoe.cfg`` file:
+``backend = cloud.openstack``
+ This turns off the local filesystem backend and enables use of the cloud
+ backend with OpenStack.
+``openstack.provider = (string, optional)``
+ The supported providers are ``rackspace.com`` and ``rackspace.co.uk``.
+ Use the one corresponding to the site on which the Rackspace user account
+ was created. The default is ``rackspace.com``.
+``openstack.username = (string, required)``
+ This identifies the Rackspace user account.
+ An API key for the account is also needed. It can be generated
+ by logging in at `<https://manage.rackspacecloud.com/APIAccess.do>`__.
+ The API key should be stored in a separate file named
+ ``private/openstack_api_key``.
+``openstack.container = (string, required)``
+ This controls which container will be used to hold shares. The Tahoe-LAFS
+ storage server will only modify and access objects in the configured
+ container. Multiple storage servers cannot share the same container.
+``openstack.url = (URL string, optional)``
+ This overrides the URL used to access the authentication service. It
+ does not need to be set when using a Rackspace account, because the
+ correct service is chosen based on ``openstack.provider`` by default.