def _filter_scan_batch(self, result):
extension = []
- max_version_dict = {}
for name in self._download_scan_batch.keys():
if name in self._download_pending:
except FilenameEncodingError:
raise(Exception("WARNING: magic folder: could not list directory %s due to a filename encoding error" % (quoted_path,)))
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
for child in children:
assert isinstance(child, unicode), child
childpath = os.path.join(localpath, child)
- # note: symlinks to directories are both islink() and isdir()
- isdir = os.path.isdir(childpath)
- isfile = os.path.isfile(childpath)
- islink = os.path.islink(childpath)
- if islink:
- self.warn("WARNING: cannot backup symlink %s" % quote_local_unicode_path(childpath))
- elif isdir:
- # process directories unconditionally
- self._append_to_upload_deque(childpath)
- # recurse on the child directory
- self._scan(childpath)
- elif isfile:
- file_version = self._db.get_local_file_version(childpath)
- if file_version is None:
- # XXX upload if we didn't record our version in magicfolder db?
+ def _process_child(ign, childpath=childpath):
+ # note: symlinks to directories are both islink() and isdir()
+ isdir = os.path.isdir(childpath)
+ isfile = os.path.isfile(childpath)
+ islink = os.path.islink(childpath)
+ if islink:
+ self.warn("WARNING: cannot backup symlink %s" % quote_local_unicode_path(childpath))
+ return None
+ elif isdir:
+ # process directories unconditionally
- else:
- file_node, metadata = self._get_collective_latest_file(childpath)
- if collective_version is None:
- continue
- if file_version > collective_version:
+ # recurse on the child directory
+ return self._scan(childpath)
+ elif isfile:
+ file_version = self._db.get_local_file_version(childpath)
+ if file_version is None:
+ # XXX upload if we didn't record our version in magicfolder db?
- elif file_version < collective_version:
- # if a collective version of the file is newer than ours
- # we must download it and unlink the old file from our upload dirnode
- self._append_to_download_deque(childpath)
- # XXX where should we save the returned deferred?
- d = self._upload_dirnode.delete(childpath, must_be_file=True)
+ return None
- # XXX same version. do nothing.
- pass
- else:
- self.warn("WARNING: cannot backup special file %s" % quote_local_unicode_path(childpath))
+ d2 = self._get_collective_latest_file(childpath)
+ def _got_latest_file((file_node, metadata)):
+ collective_version = metadata['version']
+ if collective_version is None:
+ return None
+ if file_version > collective_version:
+ self._append_to_upload_deque(childpath)
+ elif file_version < collective_version:
+ # if a collective version of the file is newer than ours
+ # we must download it and unlink the old file from our upload dirnode
+ self._append_to_download_deque(childpath)
+ # XXX where should we save the returned deferred?
+ return self._upload_dirnode.delete(childpath, must_be_file=True)
+ else:
+ # XXX same version. do nothing.
+ pass
+ d2.addCallback(_got_latest_file)
+ return d2
+ else:
+ self.warn("WARNING: cannot backup special file %s" % quote_local_unicode_path(childpath))
+ return None
+ d.addCallback(_process_child)
+ d.addErrback(log.err)
+ return d
def startService(self):
self._db = backupdb.get_backupdb(self._dbfile, create_version=(backupdb.SCHEMA_v3, 3))