"characteristic >= 14.0.0", # latest service-identity depends on this version
"pyasn1 >= 0.1.8", # latest pyasn1-modules depends on this version
"pyasn1-modules >= 0.0.5", # service-identity depends on this
+ # * On Linux we need at least Twisted 10.1.0 for inotify support
+ # used by the drop-upload frontend.
+ # * We also need Twisted 10.1.0 for the FTP frontend in order for
+ # Twisted's FTP server to support asynchronous close.
+ # * The SFTP frontend depends on Twisted 11.0.0 to fix the SSH server
+ # rekeying bug <https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/4395>
+ # * The FTP frontend depends on Twisted >= 11.1.0 for
+ # filepath.Permissions
+ # * Nevow 0.11.1 depends on Twisted >= 13.0.0.
+ "Twisted >= 13.0.0",
+ # We need Nevow >= 0.11.1 which can be installed using pip.
+ "Nevow >= 0.11.1",
+ # * pyOpenSSL is required in order for foolscap to provide secure connections.
+ # Since foolscap doesn't reliably declare this dependency in a machine-readable
+ # way, we need to declare a dependency on pyOpenSSL ourselves. Tahoe-LAFS does
+ # not *directly* depend on pyOpenSSL.
+ # * pyOpenSSL >= 0.13 is needed in order to avoid
+ # <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2005>, and also to check the
+ # version of OpenSSL that pyOpenSSL is using.
+ # * pyOpenSSL >= 0.14 is needed in order to avoid
+ # <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2474>.
+ "pyOpenSSL >= 0.14",
# Includes some indirect dependencies, but does not include allmydata.
('service-identity', 'service_identity'),
('characteristic', 'characteristic'),
('pyasn1-modules', 'pyasn1_modules'),
+ ('cryptography', 'cryptography'),
+ ('cffi', 'cffi'),
+ ('six', 'six'),
+ ('enum34', 'enum'),
+ ('pycparser', 'pycparser'),
# Dependencies for which we don't know how to get a version number at run-time.
package_imports.append(('setuptools', 'setuptools'))
-# * On Linux we need at least Twisted 10.1.0 for inotify support
-# used by the drop-upload frontend.
-# * We also need Twisted 10.1.0 for the FTP frontend in order for
-# Twisted's FTP server to support asynchronous close.
-# * The SFTP frontend depends on Twisted 11.0.0 to fix the SSH server
-# rekeying bug <https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/4395>
-# * The FTP frontend depends on Twisted >= 11.1.0 for
-# filepath.Permissions
-# On Windows, Twisted >= 12.2.0 has a dependency on pywin32.
-# Since pywin32 can only be installed manually, we fall back to
-# requiring earlier versions of Twisted and Nevow if it is not
-# already installed.
-# <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2028>
-# When the fallback is used we also need to work around the fact
-# that Nevow imports itself when building, which causes Twisted
-# and zope.interface to be imported; therefore, we need to set
-# setup_requires to make sure that the versions of Twisted and
-# zope.interface used at build time satisfy Nevow's requirements.
-# In cases where this fallback isn't needed, we prefer Nevow >= 0.11.1
-# which can be installed using pip, and Twisted >= 13.0.0 which
-# Nevow 0.11.1 depends on. In this case we should *not* use the
-# setup_requires hack, because if we do then the build will break
-# when Twisted < 13.0.0 is already installed (even though it could
-# have succeeded by building a later version under support/ ).
-# <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2032>
-# <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2249>
-# <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2291>
-# <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2286>
setup_requires = []
-_use_old_Twisted_and_Nevow = False
-if sys.platform == "win32":
- try:
- import win32api
- [win32api]
- except ImportError:
- _use_old_Twisted_and_Nevow = True
-if _use_old_Twisted_and_Nevow:
- install_requires += [
- "Twisted >= 11.1.0, <= 12.1.0",
- "Nevow >= 0.9.33, <= 0.10",
- ]
- setup_requires += [req for req in install_requires if req.startswith('Twisted')
- or req.startswith('zope.interface')]
- install_requires += [
- "Twisted >= 13.0.0",
- "Nevow >= 0.11.1",
- ]
-# * pyOpenSSL is required in order for foolscap to provide secure connections.
-# Since foolscap doesn't reliably declare this dependency in a machine-readable
-# way, we need to declare a dependency on pyOpenSSL ourselves. Tahoe-LAFS does
-# not *directly* depend on pyOpenSSL.
-# * pyOpenSSL >= 0.13 is needed in order to avoid
-# <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2005>, and also to check the
-# version of OpenSSL that pyOpenSSL is using.
-# * pyOpenSSL >= 0.14 is built on the 'cryptography' package which depends
-# on 'cffi' (and indirectly several other packages). Unfortunately cffi
-# attempts to compile code dynamically, which causes problems on many systems.
-# It also depends on the libffi OS package which may not be installed.
-# <https://bitbucket.org/cffi/cffi/issue/109/enable-sane-packaging-for-cffi>
-# <https://bitbucket.org/cffi/cffi/issue/70/cant-install-cffi-using-pip-on-windows>
-# So, if pyOpenSSL 0.14 has *already* been installed and is importable, we
-# want to accept it; otherwise we ask for pyOpenSSL 0.13 or 0.13.1.
-# <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2193>
-# We don't rely on pkg_resources to tell us the installed pyOpenSSL version
-# number, because pkg_resources telling us that we have 0.14 is not sufficient
-# evidence that 0.14 will be the imported version (or will work correctly).
-# One possible reason why it might not be is explained in
-# <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1246#comment:6> and
-# <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1258>.
-_can_use_pyOpenSSL_0_14 = False
- import OpenSSL
- pyOpenSSL_ver = OpenSSL.__version__.split('.')
- if int(pyOpenSSL_ver[0]) > 0 or int(pyOpenSSL_ver[1]) >= 14:
- _can_use_pyOpenSSL_0_14 = True
-except Exception:
- pass
-if _can_use_pyOpenSSL_0_14:
- install_requires += [
- # Although we checked for pyOpenSSL >= 0.14 above, we only actually
- # need pyOpenSSL >= 0.13; requiring 0.14 here cannot help.
- "pyOpenSSL >= 0.13",
- # ... and now all the new stuff that pyOpenSSL 0.14 transitively
- # depends on. We specify these explicitly because setuptools is
- # bad at correctly resolving indirect dependencies (e.g. see
- # <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2286>).
- #
- "cryptography",
- "cffi >= 0.8", # latest cryptography depends on this version
- "six >= 1.4.1", # latest cryptography depends on this version
- "enum34", # latest cryptography depends on this
- "pycparser", # cffi depends on this
- ]
- package_imports += [
- ('cryptography', 'cryptography'),
- ('cffi', 'cffi'),
- ('six', 'six'),
- ('enum34', 'enum'),
- ('pycparser', 'pycparser'),
- ]
- install_requires += [
- "pyOpenSSL >= 0.13, <= 0.13.1",
- ]
# These are suppressed globally: