From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 00:04:41 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: introducer: move the relevant interfaces out to introducer/
X-Git-Tag: allmydata-tahoe-1.2.0~71

introducer: move the relevant interfaces out to introducer/

diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
index 8dac6fb6..64650472 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -24,141 +24,6 @@ ReadSize = int # the 'int' constraint is 2**31 == 2Gib -- large files are proces
 LeaseRenewSecret = Hash # used to protect bucket lease renewal requests
 LeaseCancelSecret = Hash # used to protect bucket lease cancellation requests
-# Announcements are (FURL, service_name, remoteinterface_name,
-#                    nickname, my_version, oldest_supported)
-#  the (FURL, service_name, remoteinterface_name) refer to the service being
-#  announced. The (nickname, my_version, oldest_supported) refer to the
-#  client as a whole. The my_version/oldest_supported strings can be parsed
-#  by an allmydata.util.version.Version instance, and then compared. The
-#  first goal is to make sure that nodes are not confused by speaking to an
-#  incompatible peer. The second goal is to enable the development of
-#  backwards-compatibility code.
-Announcement = TupleOf(FURL, str, str,
-                       str, str, str)
-class RIIntroducerSubscriberClient(RemoteInterface):
-    __remote_name__ = ""
-    def announce(announcements=SetOf(Announcement)):
-        """I accept announcements from the publisher."""
-        return None
-    def set_encoding_parameters(parameters=(int, int, int)):
-        """Advise the client of the recommended k-of-n encoding parameters
-        for this grid. 'parameters' is a tuple of (k, desired, n), where 'n'
-        is the total number of shares that will be created for any given
-        file, while 'k' is the number of shares that must be retrieved to
-        recover that file, and 'desired' is the minimum number of shares that
-        must be placed before the uploader will consider its job a success.
-        n/k is the expansion ratio, while k determines the robustness.
-        Introducers should specify 'n' according to the expected size of the
-        grid (there is no point to producing more shares than there are
-        peers), and k according to the desired reliability-vs-overhead goals.
-        Note that setting k=1 is equivalent to simple replication.
-        """
-        return None
-# When Foolscap can handle multiple interfaces (Foolscap#17), the
-# full-powered introducer will implement both RIIntroducerPublisher and
-# RIIntroducerSubscriberService. Until then, we define
-# RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService as a combination of the two, and
-# make everybody use that.
-class RIIntroducerPublisher(RemoteInterface):
-    """To publish a service to the world, connect to me and give me your
-    announcement message. I will deliver a copy to all connected subscribers."""
-    __remote_name__ = ""
-    def publish(announcement=Announcement):
-        # canary?
-        return None
-class RIIntroducerSubscriberService(RemoteInterface):
-    __remote_name__ = ""
-    def subscribe(subscriber=RIIntroducerSubscriberClient, service_name=str):
-        """Give me a subscriber reference, and I will call its new_peers()
-        method will any announcements that match the desired service name. I
-        will ignore duplicate subscriptions.
-        """
-        return None
-class RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService(RemoteInterface):
-    __remote_name__ = ""
-    def publish(announcement=Announcement):
-        return None
-    def subscribe(subscriber=RIIntroducerSubscriberClient, service_name=str):
-        return None
-class IIntroducerClient(Interface):
-    """I provide service introduction facilities for a node. I help nodes
-    publish their services to the rest of the world, and I help them learn
-    about services available on other nodes."""
-    def publish(furl, service_name, remoteinterface_name):
-        """Once you call this, I will tell the world that the Referenceable
-        available at FURL is available to provide a service named
-        SERVICE_NAME. The precise definition of the service being provided is
-        identified by the Foolscap 'remote interface name' in the last
-        parameter: this is supposed to be a globally-unique string that
-        identifies the RemoteInterface that is implemented."""
-    def subscribe_to(service_name):
-        """Call this if you will eventually want to use services with the
-        given SERVICE_NAME. This will prompt me to subscribe to announcements
-        of those services. You can pick up the announcements later by calling
-        get_all_connections_for() or get_permuted_peers().
-        """
-    def get_all_connections():
-        """Return a frozenset of (nodeid, service_name, rref) tuples, one for
-        each active connection we've established to a remote service. This is
-        mostly useful for unit tests that need to wait until a certain number
-        of connections have been made."""
-    def get_all_connectors():
-        """Return a dict that maps from (nodeid, service_name) to a
-        RemoteServiceConnector instance for all services that we are actively
-        trying to connect to. Each RemoteServiceConnector has the following
-        public attributes::
-          service_name: the type of service provided, like 'storage'
-          announcement_time: when we first heard about this service
-          last_connect_time: when we last established a connection
-          last_loss_time: when we last lost a connection
-          version: the peer's version, from the most recent connection
-          oldest_supported: the peer's oldest supported version, same
-          rref: the RemoteReference, if connected, otherwise None
-          remote_host: the IAddress, if connected, otherwise None
-        This method is intended for monitoring interfaces, such as a web page
-        which describes connecting and connected peers.
-        """
-    def get_all_peerids():
-        """Return a frozenset of all peerids to whom we have a connection (to
-        one or more services) established. Mostly useful for unit tests."""
-    def get_all_connections_for(service_name):
-        """Return a frozenset of (nodeid, service_name, rref) tuples, one
-        for each active connection that provides the given SERVICE_NAME."""
-    def get_permuted_peers(service_name, key):
-        """Returns an ordered list of (peerid, rref) tuples, selecting from
-        the connections that provide SERVICE_NAME, using a hash-based
-        permutation keyed by KEY. This randomizes the service list in a
-        repeatable way, to distribute load over many peers.
-        """
-    def connected_to_introducer():
-        """Returns a boolean, True if we are currently connected to the
-        introducer, False if not."""
 class RIStubClient(RemoteInterface):
     """Each client publishes a service announcement for a dummy object called
     the StubClient. This object doesn't actually offer any services, but the
diff --git a/src/allmydata/introducer/ b/src/allmydata/introducer/
index 008aff10..59a74341 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/introducer/
+++ b/src/allmydata/introducer/
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from base64 import b32decode
 from zope.interface import implements
 from twisted.application import service
 from foolscap import Referenceable
-from allmydata.interfaces import RIIntroducerSubscriberClient, IIntroducerClient
+from allmydata.introducer.interfaces import RIIntroducerSubscriberClient, \
+     IIntroducerClient
 from allmydata.util import log, idlib
 from allmydata.introducer.common import make_index
diff --git a/src/allmydata/introducer/ b/src/allmydata/introducer/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d084f498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/allmydata/introducer/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+from zope.interface import Interface
+from foolscap.schema import StringConstraint, TupleOf, SetOf
+from foolscap import RemoteInterface
+FURL = StringConstraint(1000)
+# Announcements are (FURL, service_name, remoteinterface_name,
+#                    nickname, my_version, oldest_supported)
+#  the (FURL, service_name, remoteinterface_name) refer to the service being
+#  announced. The (nickname, my_version, oldest_supported) refer to the
+#  client as a whole. The my_version/oldest_supported strings can be parsed
+#  by an allmydata.util.version.Version instance, and then compared. The
+#  first goal is to make sure that nodes are not confused by speaking to an
+#  incompatible peer. The second goal is to enable the development of
+#  backwards-compatibility code.
+Announcement = TupleOf(FURL, str, str,
+                       str, str, str)
+class RIIntroducerSubscriberClient(RemoteInterface):
+    __remote_name__ = ""
+    def announce(announcements=SetOf(Announcement)):
+        """I accept announcements from the publisher."""
+        return None
+    def set_encoding_parameters(parameters=(int, int, int)):
+        """Advise the client of the recommended k-of-n encoding parameters
+        for this grid. 'parameters' is a tuple of (k, desired, n), where 'n'
+        is the total number of shares that will be created for any given
+        file, while 'k' is the number of shares that must be retrieved to
+        recover that file, and 'desired' is the minimum number of shares that
+        must be placed before the uploader will consider its job a success.
+        n/k is the expansion ratio, while k determines the robustness.
+        Introducers should specify 'n' according to the expected size of the
+        grid (there is no point to producing more shares than there are
+        peers), and k according to the desired reliability-vs-overhead goals.
+        Note that setting k=1 is equivalent to simple replication.
+        """
+        return None
+# When Foolscap can handle multiple interfaces (Foolscap#17), the
+# full-powered introducer will implement both RIIntroducerPublisher and
+# RIIntroducerSubscriberService. Until then, we define
+# RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService as a combination of the two, and
+# make everybody use that.
+class RIIntroducerPublisher(RemoteInterface):
+    """To publish a service to the world, connect to me and give me your
+    announcement message. I will deliver a copy to all connected subscribers."""
+    __remote_name__ = ""
+    def publish(announcement=Announcement):
+        # canary?
+        return None
+class RIIntroducerSubscriberService(RemoteInterface):
+    __remote_name__ = ""
+    def subscribe(subscriber=RIIntroducerSubscriberClient, service_name=str):
+        """Give me a subscriber reference, and I will call its new_peers()
+        method will any announcements that match the desired service name. I
+        will ignore duplicate subscriptions.
+        """
+        return None
+class RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService(RemoteInterface):
+    __remote_name__ = ""
+    def publish(announcement=Announcement):
+        return None
+    def subscribe(subscriber=RIIntroducerSubscriberClient, service_name=str):
+        return None
+class IIntroducerClient(Interface):
+    """I provide service introduction facilities for a node. I help nodes
+    publish their services to the rest of the world, and I help them learn
+    about services available on other nodes."""
+    def publish(furl, service_name, remoteinterface_name):
+        """Once you call this, I will tell the world that the Referenceable
+        available at FURL is available to provide a service named
+        SERVICE_NAME. The precise definition of the service being provided is
+        identified by the Foolscap 'remote interface name' in the last
+        parameter: this is supposed to be a globally-unique string that
+        identifies the RemoteInterface that is implemented."""
+    def subscribe_to(service_name):
+        """Call this if you will eventually want to use services with the
+        given SERVICE_NAME. This will prompt me to subscribe to announcements
+        of those services. You can pick up the announcements later by calling
+        get_all_connections_for() or get_permuted_peers().
+        """
+    def get_all_connections():
+        """Return a frozenset of (nodeid, service_name, rref) tuples, one for
+        each active connection we've established to a remote service. This is
+        mostly useful for unit tests that need to wait until a certain number
+        of connections have been made."""
+    def get_all_connectors():
+        """Return a dict that maps from (nodeid, service_name) to a
+        RemoteServiceConnector instance for all services that we are actively
+        trying to connect to. Each RemoteServiceConnector has the following
+        public attributes::
+          service_name: the type of service provided, like 'storage'
+          announcement_time: when we first heard about this service
+          last_connect_time: when we last established a connection
+          last_loss_time: when we last lost a connection
+          version: the peer's version, from the most recent connection
+          oldest_supported: the peer's oldest supported version, same
+          rref: the RemoteReference, if connected, otherwise None
+          remote_host: the IAddress, if connected, otherwise None
+        This method is intended for monitoring interfaces, such as a web page
+        which describes connecting and connected peers.
+        """
+    def get_all_peerids():
+        """Return a frozenset of all peerids to whom we have a connection (to
+        one or more services) established. Mostly useful for unit tests."""
+    def get_all_connections_for(service_name):
+        """Return a frozenset of (nodeid, service_name, rref) tuples, one
+        for each active connection that provides the given SERVICE_NAME."""
+    def get_permuted_peers(service_name, key):
+        """Returns an ordered list of (peerid, rref) tuples, selecting from
+        the connections that provide SERVICE_NAME, using a hash-based
+        permutation keyed by KEY. This randomizes the service list in a
+        repeatable way, to distribute load over many peers.
+        """
+    def connected_to_introducer():
+        """Returns a boolean, True if we are currently connected to the
+        introducer, False if not."""
diff --git a/src/allmydata/introducer/ b/src/allmydata/introducer/
index b586b0c1..7aaa345c 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/introducer/
+++ b/src/allmydata/introducer/
@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ from base64 import b32decode
 from zope.interface import implements
 from twisted.application import service
 from foolscap import Referenceable
-from allmydata.interfaces import RIIntroducerSubscriberClient, IIntroducerClient
 from allmydata.util import log, idlib
+from allmydata.introducer.interfaces import RIIntroducerSubscriberClient, \
+     IIntroducerClient, RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService
 from allmydata.introducer.common import make_index
-from allmydata.interfaces import RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService
 class RemoteServiceConnector:
     """I hold information about a peer service that we want to connect to. If
     we are connected, I hold the RemoteReference, the peer's address, and the
diff --git a/src/allmydata/introducer/ b/src/allmydata/introducer/
index 35c1087e..a6d028b8 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/introducer/
+++ b/src/allmydata/introducer/
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ from zope.interface import implements
 from twisted.application import service
 from foolscap import Referenceable
 from allmydata import node
-from allmydata.interfaces import RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService
 from allmydata.util import log
+from allmydata.introducer.interfaces import \
+     RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService
 from allmydata.introducer.common import make_index
 class IntroducerNode(node.Node):