g_idle_add(ext_vfo_update, NULL);
+/* static int steps_to_freq(int steps) { */
+/* return step * steps; */
+/* } */
void vfo_step(int steps) {
- int id = active_receiver->id;
+ return vfo_id_step(active_receiver->id, steps);
+void vfo_id_step(int id, int steps) {
long long delta;
int sid;
RECEIVER *other_receiver;
- if (radio_is_remote) {
- update_vfo_step(id, steps);
- return;
- }
if (!locked) {
if (vfo[id].ctun) {
// don't let ctun go beyond end of passband
long long frequency = vfo[id].frequency;
+ /* long long rx_low = */
+ /* vfo[id].ctun_frequency + hz + active_receiver->filter_low; */
+ // convert frequency in terms of steps, then add the given
+ // number of steps in the argument and then convert it
+ // back to frequency.
long long rx_low =
((vfo[id].ctun_frequency / step + steps) * step) +
long long min_freq = frequency - half;
long long max_freq = frequency + half;
+ log_info("rx_low = %ld, rx_high = %ld", rx_low, rx_high);
+ log_info("min_freq = %ld, max_freq = %ld", min_freq, max_freq);
if (rx_low <= min_freq) {
+ // XXX handle ctune beyond the screen limits
+ long long delta_move = min_freq - rx_low;
+ vfo[id].frequency = ((vfo[id].frequency / step + steps) * step) - delta_move;
+ //vfo[id].ctun_frequency = ((vfo[id].ctun_frequency / step + steps) * step);
+ receiver_frequency_changed(receiver[id]);
+ log_info("vfo_f = %lld, ctun_f = %lld", vfo[id].frequency, vfo[id].ctun_frequency);
+ g_idle_add(ext_vfo_update, NULL);
} else if (rx_high >= max_freq) {
+ // XXX: move the background
+ long long delta_move = rx_high - max_freq;
+ vfo[id].frequency = ((vfo[id].frequency / step + steps) * step) - delta_move;
+ //vfo[id].ctun_frequency = (vfo[id].ctun_frequency / step + steps) * step;
+ log_info("vfo_f = %lld, ctun_f = %lld", vfo[id].frequency, vfo[id].ctun_frequency);
+ receiver_frequency_changed(receiver[id]);
+ g_idle_add(ext_vfo_update, NULL);
g_idle_add(ext_vfo_update, NULL);
-// DL1YCF: essentially a duplicate of vfo_step but
-// changing a specific VFO freq instead of
-// changing the VFO of the active receiver
-void vfo_id_step(int id, int steps) {
- long long delta;
- int sid;
- RECEIVER *other_receiver;
- if (!locked) {
- if (vfo[id].ctun) {
- delta = vfo[id].ctun_frequency;
- vfo[id].ctun_frequency =
- (vfo[id].ctun_frequency / step + steps) * step;
- delta = vfo[id].ctun_frequency - delta;
- } else {
- delta = vfo[id].frequency;
- vfo[id].frequency = (vfo[id].frequency / step + steps) * step;
- delta = vfo[id].frequency - delta;
- }
- sid = id == 0 ? 1 : 0;
- other_receiver = receiver[sid];
- switch (sat_mode) {
- case SAT_NONE:
- break;
- case SAT_MODE:
- // A and B increment and decrement together
- if (vfo[sid].ctun) {
- vfo[sid].ctun_frequency += delta;
- } else {
- vfo[sid].frequency += delta;
- }
- if (receivers == 2) {
- receiver_frequency_changed(other_receiver);
- }
- break;
- case RSAT_MODE:
- // A increments and B decrements or A decrments and B increments
- if (vfo[sid].ctun) {
- vfo[sid].ctun_frequency -= delta;
- } else {
- vfo[sid].frequency -= delta;
- }
- if (receivers == 2) {
- receiver_frequency_changed(other_receiver);
- }
- break;
- }
- receiver_frequency_changed(active_receiver);
- g_idle_add(ext_vfo_update, NULL);
- }
+void vfo_move(long long hz, int round) {
+ return vfo_id_move(active_receiver->id, hz, round);
void vfo_id_move(int id, long long hz, int round) {
if (!locked) {
if (vfo[id].ctun) {
+ log_trace("vfo_id_move: ctune, vfo changed");
// don't let ctun go beyond end of passband
long long frequency = vfo[id].frequency;
long long rx_low =
// required offset and let ctun_freq remain as it is.
long long delta_move = min_freq - rx_low;
vfo[id].frequency = vfo[id].frequency + hz - delta_move;
+ vfo[id].ctun_frequency = vfo[id].ctun_frequency + hz;
g_idle_add(ext_vfo_update, NULL);
// XXX: move the background
long long delta_move = rx_high - max_freq;
vfo[id].frequency = vfo[id].frequency + hz - delta_move;
+ vfo[id].ctun_frequency = vfo[id].ctun_frequency + hz;
g_idle_add(ext_vfo_update, NULL);
-void vfo_move(long long hz, int round) {
- vfo_id_move(active_receiver->id, hz, round);
void vfo_move_to(long long hz) {
// hz is the offset from the min displayed frequency
int id = active_receiver->id;
if (!locked) {
if (vfo[id].ctun) {
+ log_trace("vfo_move_to: ctune, vfo changed");
delta = vfo[id].ctun_frequency;
vfo[id].ctun_frequency = f;
if (vfo[id].mode == modeCWL) {