From: Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan <>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2013 03:54:20 +0000 (+0530)
Subject: temporarily commiting emacs/notmuch

temporarily commiting emacs/notmuch

diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/.gitignore b/emacs/notmuch/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5421301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/Makefile b/emacs/notmuch/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de492a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# See Makefile.local for the list of files to be compiled in this
+# directory.
+	$(MAKE) -C .. all
+	$(MAKE) -C .. $@
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/Makefile.local b/emacs/notmuch/Makefile.local
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a910aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/Makefile.local
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# -*- makefile -*-
+dir := emacs
+emacs_sources := \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-lib.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-parser.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-query.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-show.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-wash.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-hello.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-mua.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-address.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-message.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-crypto.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-tag.el \
+	$(dir)/coolj.el \
+	$(dir)/notmuch-print.el
+emacs_images := \
+	$(srcdir)/$(dir)/notmuch-logo.png
+emacs_bytecode = $(emacs_sources:.el=.elc)
+# Because of defmacro's and defsubst's, we have to account for load
+# dependencies between Elisp files when byte compiling.  Otherwise,
+# the byte compiler may load an old .elc file when processing a
+# "require" or we may fail to rebuild a .elc that depended on a macro
+# from an updated file.
+$(dir)/.eldeps: $(dir)/Makefile.local $(dir)/make-deps.el $(emacs_sources)
+	$(call quiet,EMACS) --directory emacs -batch -l make-deps.el \
+		-f batch-make-deps $(emacs_sources) > $@.tmp && \
+		(cmp -s $@.tmp $@ || mv $@.tmp $@)
+-include $(dir)/.eldeps
+CLEAN+=$(dir)/.eldeps $(dir)/.eldeps.tmp
+%.elc: %.el $(global_deps)
+	$(call quiet,EMACS) --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile $<
+ifeq ($(WITH_EMACS),1)
+ifeq ($(HAVE_EMACS),1)
+all: $(emacs_bytecode)
+install: install-emacs
+.PHONY: install-emacs
+	mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(emacslispdir)"
+	install -m0644 $(emacs_sources) "$(DESTDIR)$(emacslispdir)"
+ifeq ($(HAVE_EMACS),1)
+	install -m0644 $(emacs_bytecode) "$(DESTDIR)$(emacslispdir)"
+	mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(emacsetcdir)"
+	install -m0644 $(emacs_images) "$(DESTDIR)$(emacsetcdir)"
+CLEAN := $(CLEAN) $(emacs_bytecode)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/coolj.el b/emacs/notmuch/coolj.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60af60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/coolj.el
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+;;; coolj.el --- automatically wrap long lines  -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Authors:    Kai Grossjohann <Kai.Grossjohann@CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE>
+;;             Alex Schroeder <>
+;;             Chong Yidong <>
+;; Maintainer: David Edmondson <>
+;; Keywords: convenience, wp
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; This is a simple derivative of some functionality from
+;;; `longlines.el'. The key difference is that this version will
+;;; insert a prefix at the head of each wrapped line. The prefix is
+;;; calculated from the originating long line.
+;;; No minor-mode is provided, the caller is expected to call
+;;; `coolj-wrap-region' to wrap the region of interest.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup coolj nil
+  "Wrapping of long lines with prefix."
+  :group 'fill)
+(defcustom coolj-wrap-follows-window-size t
+  "Non-nil means wrap text to the window size.
+Otherwise respect `fill-column'."
+  :group 'coolj
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom coolj-line-prefix-regexp "^\\(>+ \\)*"
+  "Regular expression that matches line prefixes."
+  :group 'coolj
+  :type 'regexp)
+(defvar coolj-wrap-point nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'coolj-wrap-point)
+(defun coolj-determine-prefix ()
+  "Determine the prefix for the current line."
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (if (re-search-forward coolj-line-prefix-regexp nil t)
+	(buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+      "")))
+(defun coolj-wrap-buffer ()
+  "Wrap the current buffer."
+  (coolj-wrap-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+(defun coolj-wrap-region (beg end)
+  "Wrap each successive line, starting with the line before BEG.
+Stop when we reach lines after END that don't need wrapping, or the
+end of the buffer."
+  (setq fill-column (if coolj-wrap-follows-window-size
+			(window-width)
+		      fill-column))
+  (let ((mod (buffer-modified-p)))
+    (setq coolj-wrap-point (point))
+    (goto-char beg)
+    (forward-line -1)
+    ;; Two successful coolj-wrap-line's in a row mean successive
+    ;; lines don't need wrapping.
+    (while (null (and (coolj-wrap-line)
+		      (or (eobp)
+			  (and (>= (point) end)
+			       (coolj-wrap-line))))))
+    (goto-char coolj-wrap-point)
+    (set-buffer-modified-p mod)))
+(defun coolj-wrap-line ()
+  "If the current line needs to be wrapped, wrap it and return nil.
+If wrapping is performed, point remains on the line.  If the line does
+not need to be wrapped, move point to the next line and return t."
+  (let ((prefix (coolj-determine-prefix)))
+    (if (coolj-set-breakpoint prefix)
+	(progn
+	  (insert-before-markers ?\n)
+	  (backward-char 1)
+	  (delete-char -1)
+	  (forward-char 1)
+	  (insert-before-markers prefix)
+	  nil)
+      (forward-line 1)
+      t)))
+(defun coolj-set-breakpoint (prefix)
+  "Place point where we should break the current line, and return t.
+If the line should not be broken, return nil; point remains on the
+  (move-to-column fill-column)
+  (if (and (re-search-forward "[^ ]" (line-end-position) 1)
+           (> (current-column) fill-column))
+      ;; This line is too long.  Can we break it?
+      (or (coolj-find-break-backward prefix)
+          (progn (move-to-column fill-column)
+                 (coolj-find-break-forward)))))
+(defun coolj-find-break-backward (prefix)
+  "Move point backward to the first available breakpoint and return t.
+If no breakpoint is found, return nil."
+  (let ((end-of-prefix (+ (line-beginning-position) (length prefix))))
+    (and (search-backward " " end-of-prefix 1)
+	 (save-excursion
+	   (skip-chars-backward " " end-of-prefix)
+	   (null (bolp)))
+	 (progn (forward-char 1)
+		(if (and fill-nobreak-predicate
+			 (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+			  'fill-nobreak-predicate))
+		    (progn (skip-chars-backward " " end-of-prefix)
+			   (coolj-find-break-backward prefix))
+		  t)))))
+(defun coolj-find-break-forward ()
+  "Move point forward to the first available breakpoint and return t.
+If no break point is found, return nil."
+  (and (search-forward " " (line-end-position) 1)
+       (progn (skip-chars-forward " " (line-end-position))
+              (null (eolp)))
+       (if (and fill-nobreak-predicate
+                (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+                 'fill-nobreak-predicate))
+           (coolj-find-break-forward)
+         t)))
+(provide 'coolj)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/make-deps.el b/emacs/notmuch/make-deps.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1cd731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/make-deps.el
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+;; make-deps.el --- compute make dependencies for Elisp sources
+;; Copyright © Austin Clements
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: Austin Clements <>
+(defun batch-make-deps ()
+  "Invoke `make-deps' for each file on the command line."
+  (setq debug-on-error t)
+  (dolist (file command-line-args-left)
+    (let ((default-directory command-line-default-directory))
+      (find-file-literally file))
+    (make-deps command-line-default-directory))
+  (kill-emacs))
+(defun make-deps (&optional dir)
+  "Print make dependencies for the current buffer.
+This prints make dependencies to `standard-output' based on the
+top-level `require' expressions in the current buffer.  Paths in
+rules will be given relative to DIR, or `default-directory'."
+  (setq dir (or dir default-directory))
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (condition-case nil
+	(while t
+	  (let ((form (read (current-buffer))))
+	    ;; Is it a (require 'x) form?
+	    (when (and (listp form) (= (length form) 2)
+		       (eq (car form) 'require)
+		       (listp (cadr form)) (= (length (cadr form)) 2)
+		       (eq (car (cadr form)) 'quote)
+		       (symbolp (cadr (cadr form))))
+	      ;; Find the required library
+	      (let* ((name (cadr (cadr form)))
+		     (fname (locate-library (symbol-name name))))
+		;; Is this file and the library in the same directory?
+		;; If not, assume it's a system library and don't
+		;; bother depending on it.
+		(when (and fname
+			   (string= (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))
+				    (file-name-directory fname)))
+		  ;; Print the dependency
+		  (princ (format "%s.elc: %s.elc\n"
+				 (file-name-sans-extension
+				  (file-relative-name (buffer-file-name) dir))
+				 (file-name-sans-extension
+				  (file-relative-name fname dir)))))))))
+      (end-of-file nil))))
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-address.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-address.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa65cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-address.el
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+;; notmuch-address.el --- address completion with notmuch
+;; Copyright © David Edmondson
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: David Edmondson <>
+(require 'message)
+(defcustom notmuch-address-command "notmuch-addresses"
+  "The command which generates possible addresses. It must take a
+single argument and output a list of possible matches, one per
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'notmuch-send
+  :group 'notmuch-external)
+(defcustom notmuch-address-selection-function 'notmuch-address-selection-function
+  "The function to select address from given list. The function is
+called with PROMPT, COLLECTION, and INITIAL-INPUT as arguments
+(subset of what `completing-read' can be called with).
+While executed the value of `completion-ignore-case' is t.
+See documentation of function `notmuch-address-selection-function'
+to know how address selection is made by default."
+  :type 'function
+  :group 'notmuch-send
+  :group 'notmuch-external)
+(defun notmuch-address-selection-function (prompt collection initial-input)
+  "Call (`completing-read'
+      PROMPT COLLECTION nil nil INITIAL-INPUT 'notmuch-address-history)"
+  (completing-read
+   prompt collection nil nil initial-input 'notmuch-address-history))
+(defvar notmuch-address-message-alist-member
+  '("^\\(Resent-\\)?\\(To\\|B?Cc\\|Reply-To\\|From\\|Mail-Followup-To\\|Mail-Copies-To\\):"
+	      . notmuch-address-expand-name))
+(defvar notmuch-address-history nil)
+(defun notmuch-address-message-insinuate ()
+  (unless (memq notmuch-address-message-alist-member message-completion-alist)
+    (setq message-completion-alist
+	  (push notmuch-address-message-alist-member message-completion-alist))))
+(defun notmuch-address-options (original)
+  (process-lines notmuch-address-command original))
+(defun notmuch-address-expand-name ()
+  (let* ((end (point))
+	 (beg (save-excursion
+		(re-search-backward "\\(\\`\\|[\n:,]\\)[ \t]*")
+		(goto-char (match-end 0))
+		(point)))
+	 (orig (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
+	 (completion-ignore-case t)
+	 (options (notmuch-address-options orig))
+	 (num-options (length options))
+	 (chosen (cond
+		  ((eq num-options 0)
+		   nil)
+		  ((eq num-options 1)
+		   (car options))
+		  (t
+		   (funcall notmuch-address-selection-function
+			    (format "Address (%s matches): " num-options)
+			    (cdr options) (car options))))))
+    (if chosen
+	(progn
+	  (push chosen notmuch-address-history)
+	  (delete-region beg end)
+	  (insert chosen))
+      (message "No matches.")
+      (ding))))
+;; Copied from `w3m-which-command'.
+(defun notmuch-address-locate-command (command)
+  "Return non-nil if `command' is an executable either on
+`exec-path' or an absolute pathname."
+  (when (stringp command)
+    (if (and (file-name-absolute-p command)
+	     (file-executable-p command))
+	command
+      (setq command (file-name-nondirectory command))
+      (catch 'found-command
+	(let (bin)
+	  (dolist (dir exec-path)
+	    (setq bin (expand-file-name command dir))
+	    (when (or (and (file-executable-p bin)
+			   (not (file-directory-p bin)))
+		      (and (file-executable-p (setq bin (concat bin ".exe")))
+			   (not (file-directory-p bin))))
+	      (throw 'found-command bin))))))))
+;; If we can find the program specified by `notmuch-address-command',
+;; insinuate ourselves into `message-mode'.
+(when (notmuch-address-locate-command notmuch-address-command)
+  (notmuch-address-message-insinuate))
+(provide 'notmuch-address)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-crypto.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-crypto.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5233824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-crypto.el
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+;; notmuch-crypto.el --- functions for handling display of cryptographic metadata.
+;; Copyright © Jameson Rollins
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: Jameson Rollins <>
+(require 'notmuch-lib)
+(defcustom notmuch-crypto-process-mime nil
+  "Should cryptographic MIME parts be processed?
+If this variable is non-nil signatures in multipart/signed
+messages will be verified and multipart/encrypted parts will be
+decrypted.  The result of the crypto operation will be displayed
+in a specially colored header button at the top of the processed
+part.  Signed parts will have variously colored headers depending
+on the success or failure of the verification process and on the
+validity of user ID of the signer.
+The effect of setting this variable can be seen temporarily by
+providing a prefix when viewing a signed or encrypted message, or
+by providing a prefix when reloading the message in notmuch-show
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-crypto)
+(defface notmuch-crypto-part-header
+  '((t (:foreground "blue")))
+  "Face used for crypto parts headers."
+  :group 'notmuch-crypto
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-crypto-signature-good
+  '((t (:background "green" :foreground "black")))
+  "Face used for good signatures."
+  :group 'notmuch-crypto
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-crypto-signature-good-key
+  '((t (:background "orange" :foreground "black")))
+  "Face used for good signatures."
+  :group 'notmuch-crypto
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-crypto-signature-bad
+  '((t (:background "red" :foreground "black")))
+  "Face used for bad signatures."
+  :group 'notmuch-crypto
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-crypto-signature-unknown
+  '((t (:background "red" :foreground "black")))
+  "Face used for signatures of unknown status."
+  :group 'notmuch-crypto
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-crypto-decryption
+  '((t (:background "purple" :foreground "black")))
+  "Face used for encryption/decryption status messages."
+  :group 'notmuch-crypto
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(define-button-type 'notmuch-crypto-status-button-type
+  'action (lambda (button) (message (button-get button 'help-echo)))
+  'follow-link t
+  'help-echo "Set notmuch-crypto-process-mime to process cryptographic mime parts."
+  :supertype 'notmuch-button-type)
+(defun notmuch-crypto-insert-sigstatus-button (sigstatus from)
+  (let* ((status (plist-get sigstatus :status))
+	 (help-msg nil)
+	 (label "Signature not processed")
+	 (face 'notmuch-crypto-signature-unknown)
+	 (button-action (lambda (button) (message (button-get button 'help-echo)))))
+    (cond
+     ((string= status "good")
+      (let ((fingerprint (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :fingerprint))))
+	;; if userid present, userid has full or greater validity
+	(if (plist-member sigstatus :userid)
+	    (let ((userid (plist-get sigstatus :userid)))
+	      (setq label (concat "Good signature by: " userid))
+	      (setq face 'notmuch-crypto-signature-good))
+	  (progn
+	    (setq label (concat "Good signature by key: " fingerprint))
+	    (setq face 'notmuch-crypto-signature-good-key)))
+	(setq button-action 'notmuch-crypto-sigstatus-good-callback)
+	(setq help-msg (concat "Click to list key ID 0x" fingerprint "."))))
+     ((string= status "error")
+      (let ((keyid (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :keyid))))
+	(setq label (concat "Unknown key ID " keyid " or unsupported algorithm"))
+	(setq button-action 'notmuch-crypto-sigstatus-error-callback)
+	(setq help-msg (concat "Click to retrieve key ID " keyid " from keyserver and redisplay."))))
+     ((string= status "bad")
+      (let ((keyid (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :keyid))))
+	(setq label (concat "Bad signature (claimed key ID " keyid ")"))
+	(setq face 'notmuch-crypto-signature-bad)))
+     (t
+      (setq label "Unknown signature status")
+      (if status (setq label (concat label " \"" status "\"")))))
+    (insert-button
+     (concat "[ " label " ]")
+     :type 'notmuch-crypto-status-button-type
+     'help-echo help-msg
+     'face face
+     'mouse-face face
+     'action button-action
+     :notmuch-sigstatus sigstatus
+     :notmuch-from from)
+    (insert "\n")))
+(declare-function notmuch-show-refresh-view "notmuch-show" (&optional reset-state))
+(defun notmuch-crypto-sigstatus-good-callback (button)
+  (let* ((sigstatus (button-get button :notmuch-sigstatus))
+	 (fingerprint (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :fingerprint)))
+	 (buffer (get-buffer-create "*notmuch-crypto-gpg-out*"))
+	 (window (display-buffer buffer t nil)))
+    (with-selected-window window
+      (with-current-buffer buffer
+	(goto-char (point-max))
+	(call-process "gpg" nil t t "--list-keys" fingerprint))
+      (recenter -1))))
+(defun notmuch-crypto-sigstatus-error-callback (button)
+  (let* ((sigstatus (button-get button :notmuch-sigstatus))
+	 (keyid (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :keyid)))
+	 (buffer (get-buffer-create "*notmuch-crypto-gpg-out*"))
+	 (window (display-buffer buffer t nil)))
+    (with-selected-window window
+      (with-current-buffer buffer
+	(goto-char (point-max))
+	(call-process "gpg" nil t t "--recv-keys" keyid)
+	(insert "\n")
+	(call-process "gpg" nil t t "--list-keys" keyid))
+      (recenter -1))
+    (notmuch-show-refresh-view)))
+(defun notmuch-crypto-insert-encstatus-button (encstatus)
+  (let* ((status (plist-get encstatus :status))
+	 (help-msg nil)
+	 (label "Decryption not attempted")
+	 (face 'notmuch-crypto-decryption))
+    (cond
+     ((string= status "good")
+      (setq label "Decryption successful"))
+     ((string= status "bad")
+      (setq label "Decryption error"))
+     (t
+      (setq label (concat "Unknown encstatus \"" status "\""))))
+    (insert-button
+     (concat "[ " label " ]")
+     :type 'notmuch-crypto-status-button-type
+     'help-echo help-msg
+     'face face
+     'mouse-face face)
+    (insert "\n")))
+(provide 'notmuch-crypto)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-hello.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-hello.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9db8c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-hello.el
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+;; notmuch-hello.el --- welcome to notmuch, a frontend
+;; Copyright © David Edmondson
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: David Edmondson <>
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'widget)
+(require 'wid-edit) ; For `widget-forward'.
+(require 'notmuch-lib)
+(require 'notmuch-mua)
+(declare-function notmuch-search "notmuch" (&optional query oldest-first target-thread target-line continuation))
+(declare-function notmuch-poll "notmuch" ())
+(defcustom notmuch-hello-recent-searches-max 10
+  "The number of recent searches to display."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-empty-saved-searches nil
+  "Should saved searches with no messages be listed?"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defun notmuch-sort-saved-searches (alist)
+  "Generate an alphabetically sorted saved searches alist."
+  (sort (copy-sequence alist) (lambda (a b) (string< (car a) (car b)))))
+(defcustom notmuch-saved-search-sort-function nil
+  "Function used to sort the saved searches for the notmuch-hello view.
+This variable controls how saved searches should be sorted. No
+sorting (nil) displays the saved searches in the order they are
+stored in `notmuch-saved-searches'. Sort alphabetically sorts the
+saved searches in alphabetical order. Custom sort function should
+be a function or a lambda expression that takes the saved
+searches alist as a parameter, and returns a new saved searches
+alist to be used."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "No sorting" nil)
+		 (const :tag "Sort alphabetically" notmuch-sort-saved-searches)
+		 (function :tag "Custom sort function"
+			   :value notmuch-sort-saved-searches))
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defvar notmuch-hello-indent 4
+  "How much to indent non-headers.")
+(defcustom notmuch-show-logo t
+  "Should the notmuch logo be shown?"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-all-tags-list nil
+  "Should all tags be shown in the notmuch-hello view?"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defcustom notmuch-hello-tag-list-make-query nil
+  "Function or string to generate queries for the all tags list.
+This variable controls which query results are shown for each tag
+in the \"all tags\" list. If nil, it will use all messages with
+that tag. If this is set to a string, it is used as a filter for
+messages having that tag (equivalent to \"tag:TAG and (THIS-VARIABLE)\").
+Finally this can be a function that will be called for each tag and
+should return a filter for that tag, or nil to hide the tag."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "All messages" nil)
+		 (const :tag "Unread messages" "tag:unread")
+		 (string :tag "Custom filter"
+			 :value "tag:unread")
+		 (function :tag "Custom filter function"))
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defcustom notmuch-hello-hide-tags nil
+  "List of tags to be hidden in the \"all tags\"-section."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defface notmuch-hello-logo-background
+  '((((class color)
+      (background dark))
+     (:background "#5f5f5f"))
+    (((class color)
+      (background light))
+     (:background "white")))
+  "Background colour for the notmuch logo."
+  :group 'notmuch-hello
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defcustom notmuch-column-control t
+  "Controls the number of columns for saved searches/tags in notmuch view.
+This variable has three potential sets of values:
+- t: automatically calculate the number of columns possible based
+  on the tags to be shown and the window width,
+- an integer: a lower bound on the number of characters that will
+  be used to display each column,
+- a float: a fraction of the window width that is the lower bound
+  on the number of characters that should be used for each
+  column.
+- if you would like two columns of tags, set this to 0.5.
+- if you would like a single column of tags, set this to 1.0.
+- if you would like tags to be 30 characters wide, set this to
+  30.
+- if you don't want to worry about all of this nonsense, leave
+  this set to `t'."
+  :type '(choice
+	  (const :tag "Automatically calculated" t)
+	  (integer :tag "Number of characters")
+	  (float :tag "Fraction of window"))
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defcustom notmuch-hello-thousands-separator " "
+  "The string used as a thousands separator.
+Typically \",\" in the US and UK and \".\" or \" \" in Europe.
+The latter is recommended in the SI/ISO 31-0 standard and by the
+International Bureau of Weights and Measures."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defcustom notmuch-hello-mode-hook nil
+  "Functions called after entering `notmuch-hello-mode'."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'notmuch-hello
+  :group 'notmuch-hooks)
+(defcustom notmuch-hello-refresh-hook nil
+  "Functions called after updating a `notmuch-hello' buffer."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'notmuch-hello
+  :group 'notmuch-hooks)
+(defvar notmuch-hello-url ""
+  "The `notmuch' web site.")
+(defvar notmuch-hello-custom-section-options
+  '((:filter (string :tag "Filter for each tag"))
+    (:filter-count (string :tag "Different filter to generate message counts"))
+    (:initially-hidden (const :tag "Hide this section on startup" t))
+    (:show-empty-searches (const :tag "Show queries with no matching messages" t))
+    (:hide-if-empty (const :tag "Hide this section if all queries are empty
+\(and not shown by show-empty-searches)" t)))
+  "Various customization-options for notmuch-hello-tags/query-section.")
+(define-widget 'notmuch-hello-tags-section 'lazy
+  "Customize-type for notmuch-hello tag-list sections."
+  :tag "Customized tag-list section (see docstring for details)"
+  :type
+  `(list :tag ""
+	 (const :tag "" notmuch-hello-insert-tags-section)
+	 (string :tag "Title for this section")
+	 (plist
+	  :inline t
+	  :options
+	  ,(append notmuch-hello-custom-section-options
+		   '((:hide-tags (repeat :tag "Tags that will be hidden"
+					 string)))))))
+(define-widget 'notmuch-hello-query-section 'lazy
+  "Customize-type for custom saved-search-like sections"
+  :tag "Customized queries section (see docstring for details)"
+  :type
+  `(list :tag ""
+	 (const :tag "" notmuch-hello-insert-searches)
+	 (string :tag "Title for this section")
+	 (repeat :tag "Queries"
+		 (cons (string :tag "Name") (string :tag "Query")))
+	 (plist :inline t :options ,notmuch-hello-custom-section-options)))
+(defcustom notmuch-hello-sections
+  (list #'notmuch-hello-insert-header
+	#'notmuch-hello-insert-saved-searches
+	#'notmuch-hello-insert-search
+	#'notmuch-hello-insert-recent-searches
+	#'notmuch-hello-insert-alltags
+	#'notmuch-hello-insert-footer)
+  "Sections for notmuch-hello.
+The list contains functions which are used to construct sections in
+notmuch-hello buffer.  When notmuch-hello buffer is constructed,
+these functions are run in the order they appear in this list.  Each
+function produces a section simply by adding content to the current
+buffer.  A section should not end with an empty line, because a
+newline will be inserted after each section by `notmuch-hello'.
+Each function should take no arguments. The return value is
+For convenience an element can also be a list of the form (FUNC ARG1
+ARG2 .. ARGN) in which case FUNC will be applied to the rest of the
+A \"Customized tag-list section\" item in the customize-interface
+displays a list of all tags, optionally hiding some of them. It
+is also possible to filter the list of messages matching each tag
+by an additional filter query. Similarly, the count of messages
+displayed next to the buttons can be generated by applying a
+different filter to the tag query. These filters are also
+supported for \"Customized queries section\" items."
+  :group 'notmuch-hello
+  :type
+  '(repeat
+    (choice (function-item notmuch-hello-insert-header)
+	    (function-item notmuch-hello-insert-saved-searches)
+	    (function-item notmuch-hello-insert-search)
+	    (function-item notmuch-hello-insert-recent-searches)
+	    (function-item notmuch-hello-insert-alltags)
+	    (function-item notmuch-hello-insert-footer)
+	    (function-item notmuch-hello-insert-inbox)
+	    notmuch-hello-tags-section
+	    notmuch-hello-query-section
+	    (function :tag "Custom section"))))
+(defvar notmuch-hello-hidden-sections nil
+  "List of sections titles whose contents are hidden")
+(defvar notmuch-hello-first-run t
+  "True if `notmuch-hello' is run for the first time, set to nil
+(defun notmuch-hello-nice-number (n)
+  (let (result)
+    (while (> n 0)
+      (push (% n 1000) result)
+      (setq n (/ n 1000)))
+    (setq result (or result '(0)))
+    (apply #'concat
+     (number-to-string (car result))
+     (mapcar (lambda (elem)
+	      (format "%s%03d" notmuch-hello-thousands-separator elem))
+	     (cdr result)))))
+(defun notmuch-hello-trim (search)
+  "Trim whitespace."
+  (if (string-match "^[[:space:]]*\\(.*[^[:space:]]\\)[[:space:]]*$" search)
+      (match-string 1 search)
+    search))
+(defun notmuch-hello-search (&optional search)
+  (interactive)
+  (unless (null search)
+    (setq search (notmuch-hello-trim search))
+    (let ((history-delete-duplicates t))
+      (add-to-history 'notmuch-search-history search)))
+  (notmuch-search search notmuch-search-oldest-first nil nil
+		  #'notmuch-hello-search-continuation))
+(defun notmuch-hello-add-saved-search (widget)
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((search (widget-value
+		 (symbol-value
+		  (widget-get widget :notmuch-saved-search-widget))))
+	(name (completing-read "Name for saved search: "
+			       notmuch-saved-searches)))
+    ;; If an existing saved search with this name exists, remove it.
+    (setq notmuch-saved-searches
+	  (loop for elem in notmuch-saved-searches
+		if (not (equal name
+			       (car elem)))
+		collect elem))
+    ;; Add the new one.
+    (customize-save-variable 'notmuch-saved-searches
+			     (add-to-list 'notmuch-saved-searches
+					  (cons name search) t))
+    (message "Saved '%s' as '%s'." search name)
+    (notmuch-hello-update)))
+(defun notmuch-hello-delete-search-from-history (widget)
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((search (widget-value
+		 (symbol-value
+		  (widget-get widget :notmuch-saved-search-widget)))))
+    (setq notmuch-search-history (delete search
+					 notmuch-search-history))
+    (notmuch-hello-update)))
+(defun notmuch-hello-longest-label (searches-alist)
+  (or (loop for elem in searches-alist
+	    maximize (length (car elem)))
+      0))
+(defun notmuch-hello-reflect-generate-row (ncols nrows row list)
+  (let ((len (length list)))
+    (loop for col from 0 to (- ncols 1)
+	  collect (let ((offset (+ (* nrows col) row)))
+		    (if (< offset len)
+			(nth offset list)
+		      ;; Don't forget to insert an empty slot in the
+		      ;; output matrix if there is no corresponding
+		      ;; value in the input matrix.
+		      nil)))))
+(defun notmuch-hello-reflect (list ncols)
+  "Reflect a `ncols' wide matrix represented by `list' along the
+  ;; Not very lispy...
+  (let ((nrows (ceiling (length list) ncols)))
+    (loop for row from 0 to (- nrows 1)
+	  append (notmuch-hello-reflect-generate-row ncols nrows row list))))
+(defun notmuch-hello-widget-search (widget &rest ignore)
+  (notmuch-search (widget-get widget
+			      :notmuch-search-terms)
+		  notmuch-search-oldest-first
+		  nil nil #'notmuch-hello-search-continuation))
+(defun notmuch-saved-search-count (search)
+  (car (process-lines notmuch-command "count" search)))
+(defun notmuch-hello-tags-per-line (widest)
+  "Determine how many tags to show per line and how wide they
+should be. Returns a cons cell `(tags-per-line width)'."
+  (let ((tags-per-line
+	 (cond
+	  ((integerp notmuch-column-control)
+	   (max 1
+		(/ (- (window-width) notmuch-hello-indent)
+		   ;; Count is 9 wide (8 digits plus space), 1 for the space
+		   ;; after the name.
+		   (+ 9 1 (max notmuch-column-control widest)))))
+	  ((floatp notmuch-column-control)
+	   (let* ((available-width (- (window-width) notmuch-hello-indent))
+		  (proposed-width (max (* available-width notmuch-column-control) widest)))
+	     (floor available-width proposed-width)))
+	  (t
+	   (max 1
+		(/ (- (window-width) notmuch-hello-indent)
+		   ;; Count is 9 wide (8 digits plus space), 1 for the space
+		   ;; after the name.
+		   (+ 9 1 widest)))))))
+    (cons tags-per-line (/ (max 1
+				(- (window-width) notmuch-hello-indent
+				   ;; Count is 9 wide (8 digits plus
+				   ;; space), 1 for the space after the
+				   ;; name.
+				   (* tags-per-line (+ 9 1))))
+			   tags-per-line))))
+(defun notmuch-hello-filtered-query (query filter)
+  "Constructs a query to search all messages matching QUERY and FILTER.
+If FILTER is a string, it is directly used in the returned query.
+If FILTER is a function, it is called with QUERY as a parameter and
+the string it returns is used as the query. If nil is returned,
+the entry is hidden.
+Otherwise, FILTER is ignored.
+  (cond
+   ((functionp filter) (funcall filter query))
+   ((stringp filter)
+    (concat "(" query ") and (" filter ")"))
+   (t query)))
+(defun notmuch-hello-query-counts (query-alist &rest options)
+  "Compute list of counts of matched messages from QUERY-ALIST.
+QUERY-ALIST must be a list containing elements of the form (NAME . QUERY)
+or (NAME QUERY COUNT-QUERY). If the latter form is used,
+COUNT-QUERY specifies an alternate query to be used to generate
+the count for the associated query.
+The result is the list of elements of the form (NAME QUERY COUNT).
+The values :show-empty-searches, :filter and :filter-count from
+options will be handled as specified for
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (dolist (elem query-alist nil)
+      (let ((count-query (if (consp (cdr elem))
+			     ;; do we have a different query for the message count?
+			     (third elem)
+			   (cdr elem))))
+	(insert
+	 (notmuch-hello-filtered-query count-query
+				       (or (plist-get options :filter-count)
+					   (plist-get options :filter)))
+	 "\n")))
+    (unless (= (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) notmuch-command
+				    t t nil "count" "--batch") 0)
+      (notmuch-logged-error "notmuch count --batch failed"
+			    "Please check that the notmuch CLI is new enough to support `count
+--batch'. In general we recommend running matching versions of
+the CLI and emacs interface."))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (notmuch-remove-if-not
+     #'identity
+     (mapcar
+      (lambda (elem)
+	(let ((name (car elem))
+	      (search-query (if (consp (cdr elem))
+				 ;; do we have a different query for the message count?
+				 (second elem)
+			      (cdr elem)))
+	      (message-count (prog1 (read (current-buffer))
+				(forward-line 1))))
+	  (and (or (plist-get options :show-empty-searches) (> message-count 0))
+	       (list name (notmuch-hello-filtered-query
+			   search-query (plist-get options :filter))
+		     message-count))))
+      query-alist))))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-buttons (searches)
+  "Insert buttons for SEARCHES.
+SEARCHES must be a list containing lists of the form (NAME QUERY COUNT), where
+QUERY is the query to start when the button for the corresponding entry is
+activated. COUNT should be the number of messages matching the query.
+Such a list can be computed with `notmuch-hello-query-counts'."
+  (let* ((widest (notmuch-hello-longest-label searches))
+	 (tags-and-width (notmuch-hello-tags-per-line widest))
+	 (tags-per-line (car tags-and-width))
+	 (column-width (cdr tags-and-width))
+	 (column-indent 0)
+	 (count 0)
+	 (reordered-list (notmuch-hello-reflect searches tags-per-line))
+	 ;; Hack the display of the buttons used.
+	 (widget-push-button-prefix "")
+	 (widget-push-button-suffix ""))
+    ;; dme: It feels as though there should be a better way to
+    ;; implement this loop than using an incrementing counter.
+    (mapc (lambda (elem)
+	    ;; (not elem) indicates an empty slot in the matrix.
+	    (when elem
+	      (if (> column-indent 0)
+		  (widget-insert (make-string column-indent ? )))
+	      (let* ((name (first elem))
+		     (query (second elem))
+		     (msg-count (third elem)))
+		(widget-insert (format "%8s "
+				       (notmuch-hello-nice-number msg-count)))
+		(widget-create 'push-button
+			       :notify #'notmuch-hello-widget-search
+			       :notmuch-search-terms query
+			       name)
+		(setq column-indent
+		      (1+ (max 0 (- column-width (length name)))))))
+	    (setq count (1+ count))
+	    (when (eq (% count tags-per-line) 0)
+	      (setq column-indent 0)
+	      (widget-insert "\n")))
+	  reordered-list)
+    ;; If the last line was not full (and hence did not include a
+    ;; carriage return), insert one now.
+    (unless (eq (% count tags-per-line) 0)
+      (widget-insert "\n"))))
+(defimage notmuch-hello-logo ((:type png :file "notmuch-logo.png")))
+(defun notmuch-hello-search-continuation()
+  (notmuch-hello-update t))
+(defun notmuch-hello-update (&optional no-display)
+  "Update the current notmuch view."
+  ;; Lazy - rebuild everything.
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-hello no-display))
+(defun notmuch-hello-poll-and-update ()
+  "Invoke `notmuch-poll' to import mail, then refresh the current view."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-poll)
+  (notmuch-hello-update))
+(defvar notmuch-hello-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (set-keymap-parent map widget-keymap)
+    (define-key map "v" (lambda () "Display the notmuch version" (interactive)
+			  (message "notmuch version %s" (notmuch-version))))
+    (define-key map "?" 'notmuch-help)
+    (define-key map "q" 'notmuch-kill-this-buffer)
+    (define-key map "=" 'notmuch-hello-update)
+    (define-key map "G" 'notmuch-hello-poll-and-update)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<C-tab>") 'widget-backward)
+    (define-key map "m" 'notmuch-mua-new-mail)
+    (define-key map "s" 'notmuch-hello-search)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for \"notmuch hello\" buffers.")
+(fset 'notmuch-hello-mode-map notmuch-hello-mode-map)
+(defun notmuch-hello-mode ()
+ "Major mode for convenient notmuch navigation. This is your entry portal into notmuch.
+Complete list of currently available key bindings:
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map notmuch-hello-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'notmuch-hello-mode
+	mode-name "notmuch-hello")
+ (run-mode-hooks 'notmuch-hello-mode-hook)
+ ;;(setq buffer-read-only t)
+(defun notmuch-hello-generate-tag-alist (&optional hide-tags)
+  "Return an alist from tags to queries to display in the all-tags section."
+  (mapcar (lambda (tag)
+	    (cons tag (concat "tag:" (notmuch-escape-boolean-term tag))))
+	  (notmuch-remove-if-not
+	   (lambda (tag)
+	     (not (member tag hide-tags)))
+	   (process-lines notmuch-command "search" "--output=tags" "*"))))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-header ()
+  "Insert the default notmuch-hello header."
+  (when notmuch-show-logo
+    (let ((image notmuch-hello-logo))
+      ;; The notmuch logo uses transparency. That can display poorly
+      ;; when inserting the image into an emacs buffer (black logo on
+      ;; a black background), so force the background colour of the
+      ;; image. We use a face to represent the colour so that
+      ;; `defface' can be used to declare the different possible
+      ;; colours, which depend on whether the frame has a light or
+      ;; dark background.
+      (setq image (cons 'image
+			(append (cdr image)
+				(list :background (face-background 'notmuch-hello-logo-background)))))
+      (insert-image image))
+    (widget-insert "  "))
+  (widget-insert "Welcome to ")
+  ;; Hack the display of the links used.
+  (let ((widget-link-prefix "")
+	(widget-link-suffix ""))
+    (widget-create 'link
+		   :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+			     (browse-url notmuch-hello-url))
+		   :help-echo "Visit the notmuch website."
+		   "notmuch")
+    (widget-insert ". ")
+    (widget-insert "You have ")
+    (widget-create 'link
+		   :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+			     (notmuch-hello-update))
+		   :help-echo "Refresh"
+		   (notmuch-hello-nice-number
+		    (string-to-number (car (process-lines notmuch-command "count")))))
+    (widget-insert " messages.\n")))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-saved-searches ()
+  "Insert the saved-searches section."
+  (let ((searches (notmuch-hello-query-counts
+		   (if notmuch-saved-search-sort-function
+		       (funcall notmuch-saved-search-sort-function
+				notmuch-saved-searches)
+		     notmuch-saved-searches)
+		   :show-empty-searches notmuch-show-empty-saved-searches)))
+    (when searches
+      (widget-insert "Saved searches: ")
+      (widget-create 'push-button
+		     :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+			       (customize-variable 'notmuch-saved-searches))
+		     "edit")
+      (widget-insert "\n\n")
+      (let ((start (point)))
+	(notmuch-hello-insert-buttons searches)
+	(indent-rigidly start (point) notmuch-hello-indent)))))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-search ()
+  "Insert a search widget."
+  (widget-insert "Search: ")
+  (widget-create 'editable-field
+		 ;; Leave some space at the start and end of the
+		 ;; search boxes.
+		 :size (max 8 (- (window-width) notmuch-hello-indent
+				 (length "Search: ")))
+		 :action (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+			   (notmuch-hello-search (widget-value widget))))
+  ;; Add an invisible dot to make `widget-end-of-line' ignore
+  ;; trailing spaces in the search widget field.  A dot is used
+  ;; instead of a space to make `show-trailing-whitespace'
+  ;; happy, i.e. avoid it marking the whole line as trailing
+  ;; spaces.
+  (widget-insert ".")
+  (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'invisible t)
+  (widget-insert "\n"))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-recent-searches ()
+  "Insert recent searches."
+  (when notmuch-search-history
+    (widget-insert "Recent searches: ")
+    (widget-create 'push-button
+		   :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+			     (when (y-or-n-p "Are you sure you want to clear the searches? ")
+			       (setq notmuch-search-history nil)
+			       (notmuch-hello-update)))
+		   "clear")
+    (widget-insert "\n\n")
+    (let ((start (point)))
+      (loop for i from 1 to notmuch-hello-recent-searches-max
+	    for search in notmuch-search-history do
+	    (let ((widget-symbol (intern (format "notmuch-hello-search-%d" i))))
+	      (set widget-symbol
+		   (widget-create 'editable-field
+				  ;; Don't let the search boxes be
+				  ;; less than 8 characters wide.
+				  :size (max 8
+					     (- (window-width)
+						;; Leave some space
+						;; at the start and
+						;; end of the
+						;; boxes.
+						(* 2 notmuch-hello-indent)
+						;; 1 for the space
+						;; before the
+						;; `[save]' button. 6
+						;; for the `[save]'
+						;; button.
+						1 6
+						;; 1 for the space
+						;; before the `[del]'
+						;; button. 5 for the
+						;; `[del]' button.
+						1 5))
+				  :action (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+					    (notmuch-hello-search (widget-value widget)))
+				  search))
+	      (widget-insert " ")
+	      (widget-create 'push-button
+			     :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+				       (notmuch-hello-add-saved-search widget))
+			     :notmuch-saved-search-widget widget-symbol
+			     "save")
+	      (widget-insert " ")
+	      (widget-create 'push-button
+			     :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+				       (when (y-or-n-p "Are you sure you want to delete this search? ")
+					 (notmuch-hello-delete-search-from-history widget)))
+			     :notmuch-saved-search-widget widget-symbol
+			     "del"))
+	    (widget-insert "\n"))
+      (indent-rigidly start (point) notmuch-hello-indent))
+    nil))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-searches (title query-alist &rest options)
+  "Insert a section with TITLE showing a list of buttons made from QUERY-ALIST.
+QUERY-ALIST must be a list containing elements of the form (NAME . QUERY)
+or (NAME QUERY COUNT-QUERY). If the latter form is used,
+COUNT-QUERY specifies an alternate query to be used to generate
+the count for the associated item.
+Supports the following entries in OPTIONS as a plist:
+:initially-hidden - if non-nil, section will be hidden on startup
+:show-empty-searches - show buttons with no matching messages
+:hide-if-empty - hide if no buttons would be shown
+   (only makes sense without :show-empty-searches)
+:filter - This can be a function that takes the search query as its argument and
+   returns a filter to be used in conjuction with the query for that search or nil
+   to hide the element. This can also be a string that is used as a combined with
+   each query using \"and\".
+:filter-count - Separate filter to generate the count displayed each search. Accepts
+   the same values as :filter. If :filter and :filter-count are specified, this
+   will be used instead of :filter, not in conjunction with it."
+  (widget-insert title ": ")
+  (if (and notmuch-hello-first-run (plist-get options :initially-hidden))
+      (add-to-list 'notmuch-hello-hidden-sections title))
+  (let ((is-hidden (member title notmuch-hello-hidden-sections))
+	(start (point)))
+    (if is-hidden
+	(widget-create 'push-button
+		       :notify `(lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+				  (setq notmuch-hello-hidden-sections
+					(delete ,title notmuch-hello-hidden-sections))
+				  (notmuch-hello-update))
+		       "show")
+      (widget-create 'push-button
+		     :notify `(lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+				(add-to-list 'notmuch-hello-hidden-sections
+					     ,title)
+				(notmuch-hello-update))
+		     "hide"))
+    (widget-insert "\n")
+    (when (not is-hidden)
+      (let ((searches (apply 'notmuch-hello-query-counts query-alist options)))
+	(when (or (not (plist-get options :hide-if-empty))
+		  searches)
+	  (widget-insert "\n")
+	  (notmuch-hello-insert-buttons searches)
+	  (indent-rigidly start (point) notmuch-hello-indent))))))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-tags-section (&optional title &rest options)
+  "Insert a section displaying all tags with message counts.
+TITLE defaults to \"All tags\".
+Allowed options are those accepted by `notmuch-hello-insert-searches' and the
+:hide-tags - List of tags that should be excluded."
+  (apply 'notmuch-hello-insert-searches
+	 (or title "All tags")
+	 (notmuch-hello-generate-tag-alist (plist-get options :hide-tags))
+	 options))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-inbox ()
+  "Show an entry for each saved search and inboxed messages for each tag"
+  (notmuch-hello-insert-searches "What's in your inbox"
+				 (append
+				  notmuch-saved-searches
+				  (notmuch-hello-generate-tag-alist))
+				 :filter "tag:inbox"))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-alltags ()
+  "Insert a section displaying all tags and associated message counts"
+  (notmuch-hello-insert-tags-section
+   nil
+   :initially-hidden (not notmuch-show-all-tags-list)
+   :hide-tags notmuch-hello-hide-tags
+   :filter notmuch-hello-tag-list-make-query))
+(defun notmuch-hello-insert-footer ()
+  "Insert the notmuch-hello footer."
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (widget-insert "Type a search query and hit RET to view matching threads.\n")
+    (when notmuch-search-history
+      (widget-insert "Hit RET to re-submit a previous search. Edit it first if you like.\n")
+      (widget-insert "Save recent searches with the `save' button.\n"))
+    (when notmuch-saved-searches
+      (widget-insert "Edit saved searches with the `edit' button.\n"))
+    (widget-insert "Hit RET or click on a saved search or tag name to view matching threads.\n")
+    (widget-insert "`=' to refresh this screen. `s' to search messages. `q' to quit.\n")
+    (widget-create 'link
+		   :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+			     (customize-variable 'notmuch-hello-sections))
+		   :button-prefix "" :button-suffix ""
+		   "Customize")
+    (widget-insert " this page.")
+    (let ((fill-column (- (window-width) notmuch-hello-indent)))
+      (center-region start (point)))))
+(defun notmuch-hello (&optional no-display)
+  "Run notmuch and display saved searches, known tags, etc."
+  (interactive)
+  (if no-display
+      (set-buffer "*notmuch-hello*")
+    (switch-to-buffer "*notmuch-hello*"))
+  (let ((target-line (line-number-at-pos))
+	(target-column (current-column))
+	(inhibit-read-only t))
+    ;; Delete all editable widget fields.  Editable widget fields are
+    ;; tracked in a buffer local variable `widget-field-list' (and
+    ;; others).  If we do `erase-buffer' without properly deleting the
+    ;; widgets, some widget-related functions are confused later.
+    (mapc 'widget-delete widget-field-list)
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (unless (eq major-mode 'notmuch-hello-mode)
+      (notmuch-hello-mode))
+    (let ((all (overlay-lists)))
+      ;; Delete all the overlays.
+      (mapc 'delete-overlay (car all))
+      (mapc 'delete-overlay (cdr all)))
+    (mapc
+     (lambda (section)
+       (let ((point-before (point)))
+	 (if (functionp section)
+	     (funcall section)
+	   (apply (car section) (cdr section)))
+	 ;; don't insert a newline when the previous section didn't
+	 ;; show anything.
+	 (unless (eq (point) point-before)
+	   (widget-insert "\n"))))
+     notmuch-hello-sections)
+    (widget-setup)
+    ;; Move point back to where it was before refresh. Use line and
+    ;; column instead of point directly to be insensitive to additions
+    ;; and removals of text within earlier lines.
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (forward-line (1- target-line))
+    (move-to-column target-column))
+  (run-hooks 'notmuch-hello-refresh-hook)
+  (setq notmuch-hello-first-run nil))
+(defun notmuch-folder ()
+  "Deprecated function for invoking notmuch---calling `notmuch' is preferred now."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-hello))
+(provide 'notmuch-hello)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-lib.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-lib.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4796f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-lib.el
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+;; notmuch-lib.el --- common variables, functions and function declarations
+;; Copyright © Carl Worth
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: Carl Worth <>
+;; This is an part of an emacs-based interface to the notmuch mail system.
+(require 'mm-view)
+(require 'mm-decode)
+(require 'cl)
+(defvar notmuch-command "notmuch"
+  "Command to run the notmuch binary.")
+(defgroup notmuch nil
+  "Notmuch mail reader for Emacs."
+  :group 'mail)
+(defgroup notmuch-hello nil
+  "Overview of saved searches, tags, etc."
+  :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-search nil
+  "Searching and sorting mail."
+  :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-show nil
+  "Showing messages and threads."
+  :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-send nil
+  "Sending messages from Notmuch."
+  :group 'notmuch)
+(custom-add-to-group 'notmuch-send 'message 'custom-group)
+(defgroup notmuch-crypto nil
+  "Processing and display of cryptographic MIME parts."
+  :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-hooks nil
+  "Running custom code on well-defined occasions."
+  :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-external nil
+  "Running external commands from within Notmuch."
+  :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-faces nil
+  "Graphical attributes for displaying text"
+  :group 'notmuch)
+(defcustom notmuch-search-oldest-first t
+  "Show the oldest mail first when searching.
+This variable defines the default sort order for displaying
+search results. Note that any filtered searches created by
+`notmuch-search-filter' retain the search order of the parent
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-search)
+(defvar notmuch-search-history nil
+  "Variable to store notmuch searches history.")
+(defcustom notmuch-saved-searches '(("inbox" . "tag:inbox")
+				    ("unread" . "tag:unread"))
+  "A list of saved searches to display."
+  :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type string)
+  :group 'notmuch-hello)
+(defcustom notmuch-archive-tags '("-inbox")
+  "List of tag changes to apply to a message or a thread when it is archived.
+Tags starting with \"+\" (or not starting with either \"+\" or
+\"-\") in the list will be added, and tags starting with \"-\"
+will be removed from the message or thread being archived.
+For example, if you wanted to remove an \"inbox\" tag and add an
+\"archived\" tag, you would set:
+    (\"-inbox\" \"+archived\")"
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+;; By default clicking on a button does not select the window
+;; containing the button (as opposed to clicking on a widget which
+;; does). This means that the button action is then executed in the
+;; current selected window which can cause problems if the button
+;; changes the buffer (e.g., id: links) or moves point.
+;; This provides a button type which overrides mouse-action so that
+;; the button's window is selected before the action is run. Other
+;; notmuch buttons can get the same behaviour by inheriting from this
+;; button type.
+(define-button-type 'notmuch-button-type
+  'mouse-action (lambda (button)
+		  (select-window (posn-window (event-start last-input-event)))
+		  (button-activate button)))
+(defun notmuch-command-to-string (&rest args)
+  "Synchronously invoke \"notmuch\" with the given list of arguments.
+If notmuch exits with a non-zero status, output from the process
+will appear in a buffer named \"*Notmuch errors*\" and an error
+will be signaled.
+Otherwise the output will be returned"
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let* ((status (apply #'call-process notmuch-command nil t nil args))
+	   (output (buffer-string)))
+      (notmuch-check-exit-status status (cons notmuch-command args) output)
+      output)))
+(defun notmuch-version ()
+  "Return a string with the notmuch version number."
+  (let ((long-string
+	 ;; Trim off the trailing newline.
+	 (substring (notmuch-command-to-string "--version") 0 -1)))
+    (if (string-match "^notmuch\\( version\\)? \\(.*\\)$"
+		      long-string)
+	(match-string 2 long-string)
+      "unknown")))
+(defun notmuch-config-get (item)
+  "Return a value from the notmuch configuration."
+  ;; Trim off the trailing newline
+  (substring (notmuch-command-to-string "config" "get" item) 0 -1))
+(defun notmuch-database-path ()
+  "Return the database.path value from the notmuch configuration."
+  (notmuch-config-get "database.path"))
+(defun notmuch-user-name ()
+  "Return the value from the notmuch configuration."
+  (notmuch-config-get ""))
+(defun notmuch-user-primary-email ()
+  "Return the user.primary_email value from the notmuch configuration."
+  (notmuch-config-get "user.primary_email"))
+(defun notmuch-user-other-email ()
+  "Return the user.other_email value (as a list) from the notmuch configuration."
+  (split-string (notmuch-config-get "user.other_email") "\n"))
+(defun notmuch-kill-this-buffer ()
+  "Kill the current buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+(defun notmuch-prettify-subject (subject)
+  ;; This function is used by `notmuch-search-process-filter' which
+  ;; requires that we not disrupt its' matching state.
+  (save-match-data
+    (if (and subject
+	     (string-match "^[ \t]*$" subject))
+	"[No Subject]"
+      subject)))
+(defun notmuch-escape-boolean-term (term)
+  "Escape a boolean term for use in a query.
+The caller is responsible for prepending the term prefix and a
+colon.  This performs minimal escaping in order to produce
+user-friendly queries."
+  (save-match-data
+    (if (or (equal term "")
+	    (string-match "[ ()]\\|^\"" term))
+	;; Requires escaping
+	(concat "\"" (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "\"\"" term t t) "\"")
+      term)))
+(defun notmuch-id-to-query (id)
+  "Return a query that matches the message with id ID."
+  (concat "id:" (notmuch-escape-boolean-term id)))
+(defun notmuch-common-do-stash (text)
+  "Common function to stash text in kill ring, and display in minibuffer."
+  (if text
+      (progn
+	(kill-new text)
+	(message "Stashed: %s" text))
+    ;; There is nothing to stash so stash an empty string so the user
+    ;; doesn't accidentally paste something else somewhere.
+    (kill-new "")
+    (message "Nothing to stash!")))
+(defun notmuch-remove-if-not (predicate list)
+  "Return a copy of LIST with all items not satisfying PREDICATE removed."
+  (let (out)
+    (while list
+      (when (funcall predicate (car list))
+        (push (car list) out))
+      (setq list (cdr list)))
+    (nreverse out)))
+(defun notmuch-split-content-type (content-type)
+  "Split content/type into 'content' and 'type'"
+  (split-string content-type "/"))
+(defun notmuch-match-content-type (t1 t2)
+  "Return t if t1 and t2 are matching content types, taking wildcards into account"
+  (let ((st1 (notmuch-split-content-type t1))
+	(st2 (notmuch-split-content-type t2)))
+    (if (or (string= (cadr st1) "*")
+	    (string= (cadr st2) "*"))
+	;; Comparison of content types should be case insensitive.
+	(string= (downcase (car st1)) (downcase (car st2)))
+      (string= (downcase t1) (downcase t2)))))
+(defvar notmuch-multipart/alternative-discouraged
+  '(
+    ;; Avoid HTML parts.
+    "text/html"
+    ;; multipart/related usually contain a text/html part and some associated graphics.
+    "multipart/related"
+    ))
+(defun notmuch-multipart/alternative-choose (types)
+  "Return a list of preferred types from the given list of types"
+  ;; Based on `mm-preferred-alternative-precedence'.
+  (let ((seq types))
+    (dolist (pref (reverse notmuch-multipart/alternative-discouraged))
+      (dolist (elem (copy-sequence seq))
+	(when (string-match pref elem)
+	  (setq seq (nconc (delete elem seq) (list elem))))))
+    seq))
+(defun notmuch-parts-filter-by-type (parts type)
+  "Given a list of message parts, return a list containing the ones matching
+the given type."
+  (remove-if-not
+   (lambda (part) (notmuch-match-content-type (plist-get part :content-type) type))
+   parts))
+;; Helper for parts which are generally not included in the default
+;; SEXP output.
+(defun notmuch-get-bodypart-internal (query part-number process-crypto)
+  (let ((args '("show" "--format=raw"))
+	(part-arg (format "--part=%s" part-number)))
+    (setq args (append args (list part-arg)))
+    (if process-crypto
+	(setq args (append args '("--decrypt"))))
+    (setq args (append args (list query)))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (let ((coding-system-for-read 'no-conversion))
+	(progn
+	  (apply 'call-process (append (list notmuch-command nil (list t nil) nil) args))
+	  (buffer-string))))))
+(defun notmuch-get-bodypart-content (msg part nth process-crypto)
+  (or (plist-get part :content)
+      (notmuch-get-bodypart-internal (notmuch-id-to-query (plist-get msg :id)) nth process-crypto)))
+;; Workaround: The call to `mm-display-part' below triggers a bug in
+;; Emacs 24 if it attempts to use the shr renderer to display an HTML
+;; part with images in it (demonstrated in 24.1 and 24.2 on Debian and
+;; Fedora 17, though unreproducable in other configurations).
+;; `mm-shr' references the variable `gnus-inhibit-images' without
+;; first loading gnus-art, which defines it, resulting in a
+;; void-variable error.  Hence, we advise `mm-shr' to ensure gnus-art
+;; is loaded.
+(if (>= emacs-major-version 24)
+    (defadvice mm-shr (before load-gnus-arts activate)
+      (require 'gnus-art nil t)
+      (ad-disable-advice 'mm-shr 'before 'load-gnus-arts)))
+(defun notmuch-mm-display-part-inline (msg part nth content-type process-crypto)
+  "Use the mm-decode/mm-view functions to display a part in the
+current buffer, if possible."
+  (let ((display-buffer (current-buffer)))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      ;; In case there is :content, the content string is already converted
+      ;; into emacs internal format. `gnus-decoded' is a fake charset,
+      ;; which means no further decoding (to be done by mm- functions).
+      (let* ((charset (if (plist-member part :content)
+			  'gnus-decoded
+			(plist-get part :content-charset)))
+	     (handle (mm-make-handle (current-buffer) `(,content-type (charset . ,charset)))))
+	;; If the user wants the part inlined, insert the content and
+	;; test whether we are able to inline it (which includes both
+	;; capability and suitability tests).
+	(when (mm-inlined-p handle)
+	  (insert (notmuch-get-bodypart-content msg part nth process-crypto))
+	  (when (mm-inlinable-p handle)
+	    (set-buffer display-buffer)
+	    (mm-display-part handle)
+	    t))))))
+;; Converts a plist of headers to an alist of headers. The input plist should
+;; have symbols of the form :Header as keys, and the resulting alist will have
+;; symbols of the form 'Header as keys.
+(defun notmuch-headers-plist-to-alist (plist)
+  (loop for (key value . rest) on plist by #'cddr
+	collect (cons (intern (substring (symbol-name key) 1)) value)))
+(defun notmuch-face-ensure-list-form (face)
+  "Return FACE in face list form.
+If FACE is already a face list, it will be returned as-is.  If
+FACE is a face name or face plist, it will be returned as a
+single element face list."
+  (if (and (listp face) (not (keywordp (car face))))
+      face
+    (list face)))
+(defun notmuch-combine-face-text-property (start end face &optional below object)
+  "Combine FACE into the 'face text property between START and END.
+This function combines FACE with any existing faces between START
+and END in OBJECT (which defaults to the current buffer).
+Attributes specified by FACE take precedence over existing
+attributes unless BELOW is non-nil.  FACE must be a face name (a
+symbol or string), a property list of face attributes, or a list
+of these.  For convenience when applied to strings, this returns
+  ;; A face property can have three forms: a face name (a string or
+  ;; symbol), a property list, or a list of these two forms.  In the
+  ;; list case, the faces will be combined, with the earlier faces
+  ;; taking precedent.  Here we canonicalize everything to list form
+  ;; to make it easy to combine.
+  (let ((pos start)
+	(face-list (notmuch-face-ensure-list-form face)))
+    (while (< pos end)
+      (let* ((cur (get-text-property pos 'face object))
+	     (cur-list (notmuch-face-ensure-list-form cur))
+	     (new (cond ((null cur-list) face)
+			(below (append cur-list face-list))
+			(t (append face-list cur-list))))
+	     (next (next-single-property-change pos 'face object end)))
+	(put-text-property pos next 'face new object)
+	(setq pos next))))
+  object)
+(defun notmuch-combine-face-text-property-string (string face &optional below)
+  (notmuch-combine-face-text-property
+   0
+   (length string)
+   face
+   below
+   string))
+(defun notmuch-map-text-property (start end prop func &optional object)
+  "Transform text property PROP using FUNC.
+Applies FUNC to each distinct value of the text property PROP
+between START and END of OBJECT, setting PROP to the value
+returned by FUNC."
+  (while (< start end)
+    (let ((value (get-text-property start prop object))
+	  (next (next-single-property-change start prop object end)))
+      (put-text-property start next prop (funcall func value) object)
+      (setq start next))))
+(defun notmuch-logged-error (msg &optional extra)
+  "Log MSG and EXTRA to *Notmuch errors* and signal MSG.
+This logs MSG and EXTRA to the *Notmuch errors* buffer and
+signals MSG as an error.  If EXTRA is non-nil, text referring the
+user to the *Notmuch errors* buffer will be appended to the
+signaled error.  This function does not return."
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Notmuch errors*")
+    (goto-char (point-max))
+    (unless (bobp)
+      (newline))
+    (save-excursion
+      (insert "[" (current-time-string) "]\n" msg)
+      (unless (bolp)
+	(newline))
+      (when extra
+	(insert extra)
+	(unless (bolp)
+	  (newline)))))
+  (error "%s" (concat msg (when extra
+			    " (see *Notmuch errors* for more details)"))))
+(defun notmuch-check-async-exit-status (proc msg &optional command err-file)
+  "If PROC exited abnormally, pop up an error buffer and signal an error.
+This is a wrapper around `notmuch-check-exit-status' for
+asynchronous process sentinels.  PROC and MSG must be the
+arguments passed to the sentinel.  COMMAND and ERR-FILE, if
+provided, are passed to `notmuch-check-exit-status'.  If COMMAND
+is not provided, it is taken from `process-command'."
+  (let ((exit-status
+	 (case (process-status proc)
+	   ((exit) (process-exit-status proc))
+	   ((signal) msg))))
+    (when exit-status
+      (notmuch-check-exit-status exit-status (or command (process-command proc))
+				 nil err-file))))
+(defun notmuch-check-exit-status (exit-status command &optional output err-file)
+  "If EXIT-STATUS is non-zero, pop up an error buffer and signal an error.
+If EXIT-STATUS is non-zero, pop up a notmuch error buffer
+describing the error and signal an Elisp error.  EXIT-STATUS must
+be a number indicating the exit status code of a process or a
+string describing the signal that terminated the process (such as
+returned by `call-process').  COMMAND must be a list giving the
+command and its arguments.  OUTPUT, if provided, is a string
+giving the output of command.  ERR-FILE, if provided, is the name
+of a file containing the error output of command.  OUTPUT and the
+contents of ERR-FILE will be included in the error message."
+  (cond
+   ((eq exit-status 0) t)
+   ((eq exit-status 20)
+    (notmuch-logged-error "notmuch CLI version mismatch
+Emacs requested an older output format than supported by the notmuch CLI.
+You may need to restart Emacs or upgrade your notmuch Emacs package."))
+   ((eq exit-status 21)
+    (notmuch-logged-error "notmuch CLI version mismatch
+Emacs requested a newer output format than supported by the notmuch CLI.
+You may need to restart Emacs or upgrade your notmuch package."))
+   (t
+    (let* ((err (when err-file
+		  (with-temp-buffer
+		    (insert-file-contents err-file)
+		    (unless (eobp)
+		      (buffer-string)))))
+	   (extra
+	    (concat
+	     "command: " (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument command " ") "\n"
+	     (if (integerp exit-status)
+		 (format "exit status: %s\n" exit-status)
+	       (format "exit signal: %s\n" exit-status))
+	     (when err
+	       (concat "stderr:\n" err))
+	     (when output
+	       (concat "stdout:\n" output)))))
+	(if err
+	    ;; We have an error message straight from the CLI.
+	    (notmuch-logged-error
+	     (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \n\r\t\f]*\\'" "" err) extra)
+	  ;; We only have combined output from the CLI; don't inundate
+	  ;; the user with it.  Mimic `process-lines'.
+	  (notmuch-logged-error (format "%s exited with status %s"
+					(car command) exit-status)
+				extra))
+	;; `notmuch-logged-error' does not return.
+	))))
+(defun notmuch-call-notmuch-sexp (&rest args)
+  "Invoke `notmuch-command' with ARGS and return the parsed S-exp output.
+If notmuch exits with a non-zero status, this will pop up a
+buffer containing notmuch's output and signal an error."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((err-file (make-temp-file "nmerr")))
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (let ((status (apply #'call-process
+			       notmuch-command nil (list t err-file) nil args)))
+	    (notmuch-check-exit-status status (cons notmuch-command args)
+				       (buffer-string) err-file)
+	    (goto-char (point-min))
+	    (read (current-buffer)))
+	(delete-file err-file)))))
+(defun notmuch-start-notmuch (name buffer sentinel &rest args)
+  "Start and return an asynchronous notmuch command.
+This starts and returns an asynchronous process running
+`notmuch-command' with ARGS.  The exit status is checked via
+`notmuch-check-async-exit-status'.  Output written to stderr is
+redirected and displayed when the process exits (even if the
+process exits successfully).  NAME and BUFFER are the same as in
+`start-process'.  SENTINEL is a process sentinel function to call
+when the process exits, or nil for none.  The caller must *not*
+invoke `set-process-sentinel' directly on the returned process,
+as that will interfere with the handling of stderr and the exit
+  ;; There is no way (as of Emacs 24.3) to capture stdout and stderr
+  ;; separately for asynchronous processes, or even to redirect stderr
+  ;; to a file, so we use a trivial shell wrapper to send stderr to a
+  ;; temporary file and clean things up in the sentinel.
+  (let* ((err-file (make-temp-file "nmerr"))
+	 ;; Use a pipe
+	 (process-connection-type nil)
+	 ;; Find notmuch using Emacs' `exec-path'
+	 (command (or (executable-find notmuch-command)
+		      (error "command not found: %s" notmuch-command)))
+	 (proc (apply #'start-process name buffer
+		      "/bin/sh" "-c"
+		      "exec 2>\"$1\"; shift; exec \"$0\" \"$@\""
+		      command err-file args)))
+    (process-put proc 'err-file err-file)
+    (process-put proc 'sub-sentinel sentinel)
+    (process-put proc 'real-command (cons notmuch-command args))
+    (set-process-sentinel proc #'notmuch-start-notmuch-sentinel)
+    proc))
+(defun notmuch-start-notmuch-sentinel (proc event)
+  (let ((err-file (process-get proc 'err-file))
+	(sub-sentinel (process-get proc 'sub-sentinel))
+	(real-command (process-get proc 'real-command)))
+    (condition-case err
+	(progn
+	  ;; Invoke the sub-sentinel, if any
+	  (when sub-sentinel
+	    (funcall sub-sentinel proc event))
+	  ;; Check the exit status.  This will signal an error if the
+	  ;; exit status is non-zero.  Don't do this if the process
+	  ;; buffer is dead since that means Emacs killed the process
+	  ;; and there's no point in telling the user that (but we
+	  ;; still check for and report stderr output below).
+	  (when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer proc))
+	    (notmuch-check-async-exit-status proc event real-command err-file))
+	  ;; If that didn't signal an error, then any error output was
+	  ;; really warning output.  Show warnings, if any.
+	  (let ((warnings
+		 (with-temp-buffer
+		   (unless (= (second (insert-file-contents err-file)) 0)
+		     (end-of-line)
+		     ;; Show first line; stuff remaining lines in the
+		     ;; errors buffer.
+		     (let ((l1 (buffer-substring (point-min) (point))))
+		       (skip-chars-forward "\n")
+		       (cons l1 (unless (eobp)
+				  (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))))))))
+	    (when warnings
+	      (notmuch-logged-error (car warnings) (cdr warnings)))))
+      (error
+       ;; Emacs behaves strangely if an error escapes from a sentinel,
+       ;; so turn errors into messages.
+       (message "%s" (error-message-string err))))
+    (ignore-errors (delete-file err-file))))
+;; This variable is used only buffer local, but it needs to be
+;; declared globally first to avoid compiler warnings.
+(defvar notmuch-show-process-crypto nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-process-crypto)
+(provide 'notmuch-lib)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions)
+;; End:
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-logo.png b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53b5e6a
Binary files /dev/null and b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-logo.png differ
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07eedba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
+;; option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;; To use this as the fcc handler for message-mode,
+;; customize the notmuch-fcc-dirs variable
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'message)
+(require 'notmuch-lib)
+(defvar notmuch-maildir-fcc-count 0)
+(defcustom notmuch-fcc-dirs "sent"
+ "Determines the maildir directory in which to save outgoing mail.
+Three types of values are permitted:
+- nil: no Fcc header is added,
+- a string: the value of `notmuch-fcc-dirs' is the name of the
+  folder to use,
+- a list: the folder is chosen based on the From address of the
+  current message using a list of regular expressions and
+  corresponding folders:
+     ((\"\" . \"privat\")
+      (\"\" . \"OUTBOX.OSS\")
+      (\".*\" . \"defaultinbox\"))
+  If none of the regular expressions match the From address, no
+  Fcc header will be added.
+In all cases, a relative FCC directory will be understood to
+specify a directory within the notmuch mail store, (as set by
+the database.path option in the notmuch configuration file).
+You will be prompted to create the directory if it does not exist
+yet when sending a mail."
+ :type '(choice
+	 (const :tag "No FCC header" nil)
+	 (string :tag "A single folder")
+	 (repeat :tag "A folder based on the From header"
+		 (cons regexp (string :tag "Folder"))))
+ :require 'notmuch-fcc-initialization
+ :group 'notmuch-send)
+(defun notmuch-fcc-initialization ()
+  "If notmuch-fcc-directories is set,
+   hook them into the message-fcc-handler-function"
+    ;; Set up the message-fcc-handler to move mails to the maildir in Fcc
+    ;; The parameter is set to mark messages as "seen"
+    (setq message-fcc-handler-function
+          (lambda (destdir)
+	    (notmuch-maildir-fcc-write-buffer-to-maildir destdir t)))
+    ;; add a hook to actually insert the Fcc header when sending
+    (add-hook 'message-header-setup-hook 'notmuch-fcc-header-setup))
+(defun notmuch-fcc-header-setup ()
+  "Add an Fcc header to the current message buffer.
+Can be added to `message-send-hook' and will set the Fcc header
+based on the values of `notmuch-fcc-dirs'. An existing Fcc header
+will NOT be removed or replaced."
+  (let ((subdir
+	 (cond
+	  ((or (not notmuch-fcc-dirs)
+	       (message-field-value "Fcc"))
+	   ;; Nothing set or an existing header.
+	   nil)
+	  ((stringp notmuch-fcc-dirs)
+	   notmuch-fcc-dirs)
+	  ((and (listp notmuch-fcc-dirs)
+		(stringp (car notmuch-fcc-dirs)))
+	   ;; Old style - no longer works.
+	   (error "Invalid `notmuch-fcc-dirs' setting (old style)"))
+	  ((listp notmuch-fcc-dirs)
+	   (let* ((from (message-field-value "From"))
+		  (match
+		   (catch 'first-match
+		     (dolist (re-folder notmuch-fcc-dirs)
+		       (when (string-match-p (car re-folder) from)
+			 (throw 'first-match re-folder))))))
+	     (if match
+		 (cdr match)
+	       (message "No Fcc header added.")
+	       nil)))
+	  (t
+	   (error "Invalid `notmuch-fcc-dirs' setting (neither string nor list)")))))
+    (when subdir
+      (message-add-header
+       (concat "Fcc: "
+	       (file-truename
+		;; If the resulting directory is not an absolute path,
+		;; prepend the standard notmuch database path.
+		(if (= (elt subdir 0) ?/)
+		    subdir
+		  (concat (notmuch-database-path) "/" subdir)))))
+      ;; finally test if fcc points to a valid maildir
+      (let ((fcc-header (message-field-value "Fcc")))
+	(unless (notmuch-maildir-fcc-dir-is-maildir-p fcc-header)
+	  (cond ((not (file-writable-p fcc-header))
+		 (error (format "No permission to create %s, which does not exist"
+				fcc-header)))
+		((y-or-n-p (format "%s is not a maildir. Create it? "
+				   fcc-header))
+		 (notmuch-maildir-fcc-create-maildir fcc-header))
+		(t
+		 (error "Message not sent"))))))))
+(defun notmuch-maildir-fcc-host-fixer (hostname)
+  (replace-regexp-in-string "/\\|:"
+			    (lambda (s)
+			      (cond ((string-equal s "/") "\\057")
+				    ((string-equal s ":") "\\072")
+				    (t s)))
+			    hostname
+			    t
+			    t))
+(defun notmuch-maildir-fcc-make-uniq-maildir-id ()
+   (let* ((ftime (float-time))
+	  (microseconds (mod (* 1000000 ftime) 1000000))
+	  (hostname (notmuch-maildir-fcc-host-fixer system-name)))
+     (setq notmuch-maildir-fcc-count (+ notmuch-maildir-fcc-count 1))
+     (format "%d.%d_%d_%d.%s"
+	     ftime
+	     (emacs-pid)
+	     microseconds
+	     notmuch-maildir-fcc-count
+	     hostname)))
+(defun notmuch-maildir-fcc-dir-is-maildir-p (dir)
+  (and (file-exists-p (concat dir "/cur/"))
+       (file-exists-p (concat dir "/new/"))
+       (file-exists-p (concat dir "/tmp/"))))
+(defun notmuch-maildir-fcc-create-maildir (path)
+  (cond ((or (not (file-exists-p path)) (file-directory-p path))
+	 (make-directory (concat path "/cur/") t)
+	 (make-directory (concat path "/new/") t)
+	 (make-directory (concat path "/tmp/") t))
+	((file-regular-p path)
+	 (error "%s is a file. Can't create maildir." path))
+	(t
+	 (error "I don't know how to create a maildir here"))))
+(defun notmuch-maildir-fcc-save-buffer-to-tmp (destdir)
+  "Returns the msg id of the message written to the temp directory
+if successful, nil if not."
+  (let ((msg-id (notmuch-maildir-fcc-make-uniq-maildir-id)))
+    (while (file-exists-p (concat destdir "/tmp/" msg-id))
+      (setq msg-id (notmuch-maildir-fcc-make-uniq-maildir-id)))
+    (cond ((notmuch-maildir-fcc-dir-is-maildir-p destdir)
+	   (write-file (concat destdir "/tmp/" msg-id))
+	   msg-id)
+	  (t
+	   (error (format "Can't write to %s. Not a maildir."
+			  destdir))
+	   nil))))
+(defun notmuch-maildir-fcc-move-tmp-to-new (destdir msg-id)
+  (add-name-to-file
+   (concat destdir "/tmp/" msg-id)
+   (concat destdir "/new/" msg-id ":2,")))
+(defun notmuch-maildir-fcc-move-tmp-to-cur (destdir msg-id &optional mark-seen)
+  (add-name-to-file
+   (concat destdir "/tmp/" msg-id)
+   (concat destdir "/cur/" msg-id ":2," (when mark-seen "S"))))
+(defun notmuch-maildir-fcc-write-buffer-to-maildir (destdir &optional mark-seen)
+  "Writes the current buffer to maildir destdir. If mark-seen is
+non-nil, it will write it to cur/, and mark it as read. It should
+return t if successful, and nil otherwise."
+  (let ((orig-buffer (buffer-name)))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert-buffer-substring orig-buffer)
+      (catch 'link-error
+	(let ((msg-id (notmuch-maildir-fcc-save-buffer-to-tmp destdir)))
+	  (when msg-id
+	    (cond (mark-seen
+		   (condition-case err
+		       (notmuch-maildir-fcc-move-tmp-to-cur destdir msg-id t)
+		     (file-already-exists
+		      (throw 'link-error nil))))
+		  (t
+		   (condition-case err
+		       (notmuch-maildir-fcc-move-tmp-to-new destdir msg-id)
+		     (file-already-exists
+		      (throw 'link-error nil))))))
+	  (delete-file (concat destdir "/tmp/" msg-id))))
+      t)))
+(provide 'notmuch-maildir-fcc)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-message.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-message.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..914bdd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-message.el
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+;; notmuch-message.el --- message-mode functions specific to notmuch
+;; Copyright © Jesse Rosenthal
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: Jesse Rosenthal <>
+(require 'message)
+(require 'notmuch-tag)
+(require 'notmuch-mua)
+(defcustom notmuch-message-replied-tags '("+replied")
+  "List of tag changes to apply to a message when it has been replied to.
+Tags starting with \"+\" (or not starting with either \"+\" or
+\"-\") in the list will be added, and tags starting with \"-\"
+will be removed from the message being replied to.
+For example, if you wanted to add a \"replied\" tag and remove
+the \"inbox\" and \"todo\" tags, you would set:
+    (\"+replied\" \"-inbox\" \"-todo\"\)"
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'notmuch-send)
+(defun notmuch-message-mark-replied ()
+  ;; get the in-reply-to header and parse it for the message id.
+  (let ((rep (mail-header-parse-addresses (message-field-value "In-Reply-To"))))
+    (when (and notmuch-message-replied-tags rep)
+      (notmuch-tag (notmuch-id-to-query (car (car rep)))
+	       (notmuch-tag-change-list notmuch-message-replied-tags)))))
+(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'notmuch-message-mark-replied)
+(provide 'notmuch-message)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-mua.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-mua.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2baae5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-mua.el
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+;; notmuch-mua.el --- emacs style mail-user-agent
+;; Copyright © David Edmondson
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: David Edmondson <>
+(require 'message)
+(require 'mm-view)
+(require 'format-spec)
+(require 'notmuch-lib)
+(require 'notmuch-address)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(defcustom notmuch-mua-send-hook '(notmuch-mua-message-send-hook)
+  "Hook run before sending messages."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'notmuch-send
+  :group 'notmuch-hooks)
+(defcustom notmuch-mua-compose-in 'current-window
+  (concat
+   "Where to create the mail buffer used to compose a new message.
+Possible values are `current-window' (default), `new-window' and
+`new-frame'. If set to `current-window', the mail buffer will be
+displayed in the current window, so the old buffer will be
+restored when the mail buffer is killed. If set to `new-window'
+or `new-frame', the mail buffer will be displayed in a new
+window/frame that will be destroyed when the buffer is killed.
+You may want to customize `message-kill-buffer-on-exit'
+   (when (< emacs-major-version 24)
+           " Due to a known bug in Emacs 23, you should not set
+this to `new-window' if `message-kill-buffer-on-exit' is
+disabled: this would result in an incorrect behavior."))
+  :group 'notmuch-send
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Compose in the current window" current-window)
+		 (const :tag "Compose mail in a new window"  new-window)
+		 (const :tag "Compose mail in a new frame"   new-frame)))
+(defcustom notmuch-mua-user-agent-function 'notmuch-mua-user-agent-full
+  "Function used to generate a `User-Agent:' string. If this is
+`nil' then no `User-Agent:' will be generated."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "No user agent string" nil)
+		 (const :tag "Full" notmuch-mua-user-agent-full)
+		 (const :tag "Notmuch" notmuch-mua-user-agent-notmuch)
+		 (const :tag "Emacs" notmuch-mua-user-agent-emacs)
+		 (function :tag "Custom user agent function"
+			   :value notmuch-mua-user-agent-full))
+  :group 'notmuch-send)
+(defcustom notmuch-mua-hidden-headers '("^User-Agent:")
+  "Headers that are added to the `message-mode' hidden headers
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'notmuch-send)
+(defun notmuch-mua-get-switch-function ()
+  "Get a switch function according to `notmuch-mua-compose-in'."
+  (cond ((eq notmuch-mua-compose-in 'current-window)
+	 'switch-to-buffer)
+	((eq notmuch-mua-compose-in 'new-window)
+	 'switch-to-buffer-other-window)
+	((eq notmuch-mua-compose-in 'new-frame)
+	 'switch-to-buffer-other-frame)
+	(t (error "Invalid value for `notmuch-mua-compose-in'"))))
+(defun notmuch-mua-maybe-set-window-dedicated ()
+  "Set the selected window as dedicated according to
+  (when (or (eq notmuch-mua-compose-in 'new-frame)
+	    (eq notmuch-mua-compose-in 'new-window))
+    (set-window-dedicated-p (selected-window) t)))
+(defun notmuch-mua-user-agent-full ()
+  "Generate a `User-Agent:' string suitable for notmuch."
+  (concat (notmuch-mua-user-agent-notmuch)
+	  " "
+	  (notmuch-mua-user-agent-emacs)))
+(defun notmuch-mua-user-agent-notmuch ()
+  "Generate a `User-Agent:' string suitable for notmuch."
+  (concat "Notmuch/" (notmuch-version) " ("))
+(defun notmuch-mua-user-agent-emacs ()
+  "Generate a `User-Agent:' string suitable for notmuch."
+  (concat "Emacs/" emacs-version " (" system-configuration ")"))
+(defun notmuch-mua-add-more-hidden-headers ()
+  "Add some headers to the list that are hidden by default."
+  (mapc (lambda (header)
+	  (when (not (member header message-hidden-headers))
+	    (push header message-hidden-headers)))
+	notmuch-mua-hidden-headers))
+(defun notmuch-mua-get-quotable-parts (parts)
+  (loop for part in parts
+	if (notmuch-match-content-type (plist-get part :content-type) "multipart/alternative")
+	  collect (let* ((subparts (plist-get part :content))
+			(types (mapcar (lambda (part) (plist-get part :content-type)) subparts))
+			(chosen-type (car (notmuch-multipart/alternative-choose types))))
+		   (loop for part in (reverse subparts)
+			 if (notmuch-match-content-type (plist-get part :content-type) chosen-type)
+			 return part))
+	else if (notmuch-match-content-type (plist-get part :content-type) "multipart/*")
+	  append (notmuch-mua-get-quotable-parts (plist-get part :content))
+	else if (notmuch-match-content-type (plist-get part :content-type) "text/*")
+	  collect part))
+(defun notmuch-mua-insert-quotable-part (message part)
+  (save-restriction
+    (narrow-to-region (point) (point))
+    (notmuch-mm-display-part-inline message part (plist-get part :id)
+				    (plist-get part :content-type)
+				    notmuch-show-process-crypto)
+    (goto-char (point-max))))
+;; There is a bug in emacs 23's message.el that results in a newline
+;; not being inserted after the References header, so the next header
+;; is concatenated to the end of it. This function fixes the problem,
+;; while guarding against the possibility that some current or future
+;; version of emacs has the bug fixed.
+(defun notmuch-mua-insert-references (original-func header references)
+  (funcall original-func header references)
+  (unless (bolp) (insert "\n")))
+(defun notmuch-mua-reply (query-string &optional sender reply-all)
+  (let ((args '("reply" "--format=sexp" "--format-version=1"))
+	reply
+	original)
+    (when notmuch-show-process-crypto
+      (setq args (append args '("--decrypt"))))
+    (if reply-all
+	(setq args (append args '("--reply-to=all")))
+      (setq args (append args '("--reply-to=sender"))))
+    (setq args (append args (list query-string)))
+    ;; Get the reply object as SEXP, and parse it into an elisp object.
+    (setq reply (apply #'notmuch-call-notmuch-sexp args))
+    ;; Extract the original message to simplify the following code.
+    (setq original (plist-get reply :original))
+    ;; Extract the headers of both the reply and the original message.
+    (let* ((original-headers (plist-get original :headers))
+	   (reply-headers (plist-get reply :reply-headers)))
+      ;; If sender is non-nil, set the From: header to its value.
+      (when sender
+	(plist-put reply-headers :From sender))
+      (let
+	  ;; Overlay the composition window on that being used to read
+	  ;; the original message.
+	  ((same-window-regexps '("\\*mail .*")))
+	;; We modify message-header-format-alist to get around a bug in message.el.
+	;; See the comment above on notmuch-mua-insert-references.
+	(let ((message-header-format-alist
+	       (loop for pair in message-header-format-alist
+		     if (eq (car pair) 'References)
+		     collect (cons 'References
+				   (apply-partially
+				    'notmuch-mua-insert-references
+				    (cdr pair)))
+		     else
+		     collect pair)))
+	  (notmuch-mua-mail (plist-get reply-headers :To)
+			    (plist-get reply-headers :Subject)
+			    (notmuch-headers-plist-to-alist reply-headers)
+			    nil (notmuch-mua-get-switch-function))))
+      ;; Insert the message body - but put it in front of the signature
+      ;; if one is present
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (if (re-search-backward message-signature-separator nil t)
+	  (forward-line -1)
+	(goto-char (point-max)))
+      (let ((from (plist-get original-headers :From))
+	    (date (plist-get original-headers :Date))
+	    (start (point)))
+	;; message-cite-original constructs a citation line based on the From and Date
+	;; headers of the original message, which are assumed to be in the buffer.
+	(insert "From: " from "\n")
+	(insert "Date: " date "\n\n")
+	;; Get the parts of the original message that should be quoted; this includes
+	;; all the text parts, except the non-preferred ones in a multipart/alternative.
+	(let ((quotable-parts (notmuch-mua-get-quotable-parts (plist-get original :body))))
+	  (mapc (apply-partially 'notmuch-mua-insert-quotable-part original) quotable-parts))
+	(set-mark (point))
+	(goto-char start)
+	;; Quote the original message according to the user's configured style.
+	(message-cite-original))))
+  (goto-char (point-max))
+  (push-mark)
+  (message-goto-body)
+  (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
+(defun notmuch-mua-forward-message ()
+  (funcall (notmuch-mua-get-switch-function) (current-buffer))
+  (message-forward)
+  (when notmuch-mua-user-agent-function
+    (let ((user-agent (funcall notmuch-mua-user-agent-function)))
+      (when (not (string= "" user-agent))
+	(message-add-header (format "User-Agent: %s" user-agent)))))
+  (message-sort-headers)
+  (message-hide-headers)
+  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+  (notmuch-mua-maybe-set-window-dedicated)
+  (message-goto-to))
+(defun notmuch-mua-mail (&optional to subject other-headers &rest other-args)
+  "Invoke the notmuch mail composition window.
+OTHER-ARGS are passed through to `message-mail'."
+  (interactive)
+  (when notmuch-mua-user-agent-function
+    (let ((user-agent (funcall notmuch-mua-user-agent-function)))
+      (when (not (string= "" user-agent))
+	(push (cons 'User-Agent user-agent) other-headers))))
+  (unless (assq 'From other-headers)
+    (push (cons 'From (concat
+		       (notmuch-user-name) " <" (notmuch-user-primary-email) ">")) other-headers))
+  (apply #'message-mail to subject other-headers other-args)
+  (message-sort-headers)
+  (message-hide-headers)
+  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+  (notmuch-mua-maybe-set-window-dedicated)
+  (message-goto-to))
+(defcustom notmuch-identities nil
+  "Identities that can be used as the From: address when composing a new message.
+If this variable is left unset, then a list will be constructed from the
+name and addresses configured in the notmuch configuration file."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'notmuch-send)
+(defcustom notmuch-always-prompt-for-sender nil
+  "Always prompt for the From: address when composing or forwarding a message.
+This is not taken into account when replying to a message, because in that case
+the From: header is already filled in by notmuch."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-send)
+(defvar notmuch-mua-sender-history nil)
+(defun notmuch-mua-prompt-for-sender ()
+  (interactive)
+  (let (name addresses one-name-only)
+    ;; If notmuch-identities is non-nil, check if there is a fixed user name.
+    (if notmuch-identities
+	(let ((components (mapcar 'mail-extract-address-components notmuch-identities)))
+	  (setq name          (caar components)
+		addresses     (mapcar 'cadr components)
+		one-name-only (eval
+			       (cons 'and
+				     (mapcar (lambda (identity)
+					       (string-equal name (car identity)))
+					     components)))))
+      ;; If notmuch-identities is nil, use values from the notmuch configuration file.
+      (setq name          (notmuch-user-name)
+	    addresses     (cons (notmuch-user-primary-email) (notmuch-user-other-email))
+	    one-name-only t))
+    ;; Now prompt the user, either for an email address only or for a full identity.
+    (if one-name-only
+	(let ((address
+	       (ido-completing-read (concat "Sender address for " name ": ") addresses
+				    nil nil nil 'notmuch-mua-sender-history (car addresses))))
+	  (concat name " <" address ">"))
+      (ido-completing-read "Send mail From: " notmuch-identities
+			   nil nil nil 'notmuch-mua-sender-history (car notmuch-identities)))))
+(defun notmuch-mua-new-mail (&optional prompt-for-sender)
+  "Invoke the notmuch mail composition window.
+If PROMPT-FOR-SENDER is non-nil, the user will be prompted for
+the From: address first."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((other-headers
+	 (when (or prompt-for-sender notmuch-always-prompt-for-sender)
+	   (list (cons 'From (notmuch-mua-prompt-for-sender))))))
+    (notmuch-mua-mail nil nil other-headers nil (notmuch-mua-get-switch-function))))
+(defun notmuch-mua-new-forward-message (&optional prompt-for-sender)
+  "Invoke the notmuch message forwarding window.
+If PROMPT-FOR-SENDER is non-nil, the user will be prompted for
+the From: address first."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if (or prompt-for-sender notmuch-always-prompt-for-sender)
+      (let* ((sender (notmuch-mua-prompt-for-sender))
+	     (address-components (mail-extract-address-components sender))
+	     (user-full-name (car address-components))
+	     (user-mail-address (cadr address-components)))
+	(notmuch-mua-forward-message))
+    (notmuch-mua-forward-message)))
+(defun notmuch-mua-new-reply (query-string &optional prompt-for-sender reply-all)
+  "Invoke the notmuch reply window."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((sender
+	 (when prompt-for-sender
+	   (notmuch-mua-prompt-for-sender))))
+    (notmuch-mua-reply query-string sender reply-all)))
+(defun notmuch-mua-send-and-exit (&optional arg)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (message-send-and-exit arg))
+(defun notmuch-mua-kill-buffer ()
+  (interactive)
+  (message-kill-buffer))
+(defun notmuch-mua-message-send-hook ()
+  "The default function used for `notmuch-mua-send-hook', this
+simply runs the corresponding `message-mode' hook functions."
+  (run-hooks 'message-send-hook))
+(define-mail-user-agent 'notmuch-user-agent
+  'notmuch-mua-mail 'notmuch-mua-send-and-exit
+  'notmuch-mua-kill-buffer 'notmuch-mua-send-hook)
+;; Add some more headers to the list that `message-mode' hides when
+;; composing a message.
+(provide 'notmuch-mua)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-parser.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-parser.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d59c0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-parser.el
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+;; notmuch-parser.el --- streaming S-expression parser
+;; Copyright © Austin Clements
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: Austin Clements <>
+(require 'cl)
+(defun notmuch-sexp-create-parser ()
+  "Return a new streaming S-expression parser.
+This parser is designed to incrementally read an S-expression
+whose structure is known to the caller.  Like a typical
+S-expression parsing interface, it provides a function to read a
+complete S-expression from the input.  However, it extends this
+with an additional function that requires the next value in the
+input to be a list and descends into it, allowing its elements to
+be read one at a time or further descended into.  Both functions
+can return 'retry to indicate that not enough input is available.
+The parser always consumes input from point in the current
+buffer.  Hence, the caller is allowed to delete any data before
+point and may resynchronize after an error by moving point."
+  (vector 'notmuch-sexp-parser
+	  ;; List depth
+	  0
+	  ;; Partial parse position marker
+	  nil
+	  ;; Partial parse state
+	  nil))
+(defmacro notmuch-sexp--depth (sp)         `(aref ,sp 1))
+(defmacro notmuch-sexp--partial-pos (sp)   `(aref ,sp 2))
+(defmacro notmuch-sexp--partial-state (sp) `(aref ,sp 3))
+(defun notmuch-sexp-read (sp)
+  "Consume and return the value at point in the current buffer.
+Returns 'retry if there is insufficient input to parse a complete
+value (though it may still move point over whitespace).  If the
+parser is currently inside a list and the next token ends the
+list, this moves point just past the terminator and returns 'end.
+Otherwise, this moves point to just past the end of the value and
+returns the value."
+  (skip-chars-forward " \n\r\t")
+  (cond ((eobp) 'retry)
+	((= (char-after) ?\))
+	 ;; We've reached the end of a list
+	 (if (= (notmuch-sexp--depth sp) 0)
+	     ;; .. but we weren't in a list.  Let read signal the
+	     ;; error to be consistent with all other code paths.
+	     (read (current-buffer))
+	   ;; Go up a level and return an end token
+	   (decf (notmuch-sexp--depth sp))
+	   (forward-char)
+	   'end))
+	((= (char-after) ?\()
+	 ;; We're at the beginning of a list.  If we haven't started
+	 ;; a partial parse yet, attempt to read the list in its
+	 ;; entirety.  If this fails, or we've started a partial
+	 ;; parse, extend the partial parse to figure out when we
+	 ;; have a complete list.
+	 (catch 'return
+	   (when (null (notmuch-sexp--partial-state sp))
+	     (let ((start (point)))
+	       (condition-case nil
+		   (throw 'return (read (current-buffer)))
+		 (end-of-file (goto-char start)))))
+	   ;; Extend the partial parse
+	   (let (is-complete)
+	     (save-excursion
+	       (let* ((new-state (parse-partial-sexp
+				  (or (notmuch-sexp--partial-pos sp) (point))
+				  (point-max) 0 nil
+				  (notmuch-sexp--partial-state sp)))
+		      ;; A complete value is available if we've
+		      ;; reached depth 0.
+		      (depth (first new-state)))
+		 (assert (>= depth 0))
+		 (if (= depth 0)
+		     ;; Reset partial parse state
+		     (setf (notmuch-sexp--partial-state sp) nil
+			   (notmuch-sexp--partial-pos sp) nil
+			   is-complete t)
+		   ;; Update partial parse state
+		   (setf (notmuch-sexp--partial-state sp) new-state
+			 (notmuch-sexp--partial-pos sp) (point-marker)))))
+	     (if is-complete
+		 (read (current-buffer))
+	       'retry))))
+	(t
+	 ;; Attempt to read a non-compound value
+	 (let ((start (point)))
+	   (condition-case nil
+	       (let ((val (read (current-buffer))))
+		 ;; We got what looks like a complete read, but if
+		 ;; we reached the end of the buffer in the process,
+		 ;; we may not actually have all of the input we
+		 ;; need (unless it's a string, which is delimited).
+		 (if (or (stringp val) (not (eobp)))
+		     val
+		   ;; We can't be sure the input was complete
+		   (goto-char start)
+		   'retry))
+	     (end-of-file
+	      (goto-char start)
+	      'retry))))))
+(defun notmuch-sexp-begin-list (sp)
+  "Parse the beginning of a list value and enter the list.
+Returns 'retry if there is insufficient input to parse the
+beginning of the list.  If this is able to parse the beginning of
+a list, it moves point past the token that opens the list and
+returns t.  Later calls to `notmuch-sexp-read' will return the
+elements inside the list.  If the input in buffer is not the
+beginning of a list, throw invalid-read-syntax."
+  (skip-chars-forward " \n\r\t")
+  (cond ((eobp) 'retry)
+	((= (char-after) ?\()
+	 (forward-char)
+	 (incf (notmuch-sexp--depth sp))
+	 t)
+	(t
+	 ;; Skip over the bad character like `read' does
+	 (forward-char)
+	 (signal 'invalid-read-syntax (list (string (char-before)))))))
+(defun notmuch-sexp-eof (sp)
+  "Signal an error if there is more data in SP's buffer.
+Moves point to the beginning of any trailing data or to the end
+of the buffer if there is only trailing whitespace."
+  (skip-chars-forward " \n\r\t")
+  (unless (eobp)
+    (error "Trailing garbage following expression")))
+(defvar notmuch-sexp--parser nil
+  "The buffer-local notmuch-sexp-parser instance.
+Used by `notmuch-sexp-parse-partial-list'.")
+(defvar notmuch-sexp--state nil
+  "The buffer-local `notmuch-sexp-parse-partial-list' state.")
+(defun notmuch-sexp-parse-partial-list (result-function result-buffer)
+  "Incrementally parse an S-expression list from the current buffer.
+This function consumes an S-expression list from the current
+buffer, applying RESULT-FUNCTION in RESULT-BUFFER to each
+complete value in the list.  It operates incrementally and should
+be called whenever the input buffer has been extended with
+additional data.  The caller just needs to ensure it does not
+move point in the input buffer."
+  ;; Set up the initial state
+  (unless (local-variable-p 'notmuch-sexp--parser)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'notmuch-sexp--parser)
+	 (notmuch-sexp-create-parser))
+    (set (make-local-variable 'notmuch-sexp--state) 'begin))
+  (let (done)
+    (while (not done)
+      (case notmuch-sexp--state
+	(begin
+	 ;; Enter the list
+	 (if (eq (notmuch-sexp-begin-list notmuch-sexp--parser) 'retry)
+	     (setq done t)
+	   (setq notmuch-sexp--state 'result)))
+	(result
+	 ;; Parse a result
+	 (let ((result (notmuch-sexp-read notmuch-sexp--parser)))
+	   (case result
+	     (retry (setq done t))
+	     (end   (setq notmuch-sexp--state 'end))
+	     (t     (with-current-buffer result-buffer
+		      (funcall result-function result))))))
+	(end
+	 ;; Any trailing data is unexpected
+	 (notmuch-sexp-eof notmuch-sexp--parser)
+	 (setq done t)))))
+  ;; Clear out what we've parsed
+  (delete-region (point-min) (point)))
+(provide 'notmuch-parser)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions)
+;; End:
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-print.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-print.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c18f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-print.el
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+;; notmuch-print.el --- printing messages from notmuch.
+;; Copyright © David Edmondson
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: David Edmondson <>
+(require 'notmuch-lib)
+(declare-function notmuch-show-get-prop "notmuch-show" (prop &optional props))
+(defcustom notmuch-print-mechanism 'notmuch-print-lpr
+  "How should printing be done?"
+  :group 'notmuch-show
+  :type '(choice
+	  (function :tag "Use lpr" notmuch-print-lpr)
+	  (function :tag "Use ps-print" notmuch-print-ps-print)
+	  (function :tag "Use ps-print then evince" notmuch-print-ps-print/evince)
+	  (function :tag "Use muttprint" notmuch-print-muttprint)
+	  (function :tag "Use muttprint then evince" notmuch-print-muttprint/evince)
+	  (function :tag "Using a custom function")))
+;; Utility functions:
+(defun notmuch-print-run-evince (file)
+  "View FILE using 'evince'."
+  (start-process "evince" nil "evince" file))
+(defun notmuch-print-run-muttprint (&optional output)
+  "Pass the contents of the current buffer to 'muttprint'.
+Optional OUTPUT allows passing a list of flags to muttprint."
+  (apply #'call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
+	 ;; Reads from stdin.
+	 "muttprint"
+	 nil nil nil
+	 ;; Show the tags.
+	 "--printed-headers" "Date_To_From_CC_Newsgroups_*Subject*_/Tags/"
+	 output))
+;; User-visible functions:
+(defun notmuch-print-lpr (msg)
+  "Print a message buffer using lpr."
+  (lpr-buffer))
+(defun notmuch-print-ps-print (msg)
+  "Print a message buffer using the ps-print package."
+  (let ((subject (notmuch-prettify-subject
+		  (plist-get (notmuch-show-get-prop :headers msg) :Subject))))
+    (rename-buffer subject t)
+    (ps-print-buffer)))
+(defun notmuch-print-ps-print/evince (msg)
+  "Preview a message buffer using ps-print and evince."
+  (let ((ps-file (make-temp-file "notmuch"))
+	(subject (notmuch-prettify-subject
+		  (plist-get (notmuch-show-get-prop :headers msg) :Subject))))
+    (rename-buffer subject t)
+    (ps-print-buffer ps-file)
+    (notmuch-print-run-evince ps-file)))
+(defun notmuch-print-muttprint (msg)
+  "Print a message using muttprint."
+  (notmuch-print-run-muttprint))
+(defun notmuch-print-muttprint/evince (msg)
+  "Preview a message buffer using muttprint and evince."
+  (let ((ps-file (make-temp-file "notmuch")))
+    (notmuch-print-run-muttprint (list "--printer" (concat "TO_FILE:" ps-file)))
+    (notmuch-print-run-evince ps-file)))
+(defun notmuch-print-message (msg)
+  "Print a message using the user-selected mechanism."
+  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+  (funcall notmuch-print-mechanism msg))
+(provide 'notmuch-print)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-query.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-query.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1daffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-query.el
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+;; notmuch-query.el --- provide an emacs api to query notmuch
+;; Copyright © David Bremner
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: David Bremner <>
+(require 'notmuch-lib)
+(defun notmuch-query-get-threads (search-terms)
+  "Return a list of threads of messages matching SEARCH-TERMS.
+A thread is a forest or list of trees. A tree is a two element
+list where the first element is a message, and the second element
+is a possibly empty forest of replies.
+  (let ((args '("show" "--format=sexp" "--format-version=1")))
+    (if notmuch-show-process-crypto
+	(setq args (append args '("--decrypt"))))
+    (setq args (append args search-terms))
+    (apply #'notmuch-call-notmuch-sexp args)))
+;; Mapping functions across collections of messages.
+(defun notmuch-query-map-aux  (mapper function seq)
+  "private function to do the actual mapping and flattening"
+  (apply 'append
+	 (mapcar
+	   (lambda (tree)
+	     (funcall mapper function tree))
+	   seq)))
+(defun notmuch-query-map-threads (fn threads)
+  "apply FN to every thread in  THREADS. Flatten results to a list.
+See the function notmuch-query-get-threads for more information."
+  (notmuch-query-map-aux 'notmuch-query-map-forest fn threads))
+(defun notmuch-query-map-forest (fn forest)
+  "apply function to every message in a forest. Flatten results to a list.
+See the function notmuch-query-get-threads for more information.
+  (notmuch-query-map-aux 'notmuch-query-map-tree fn forest))
+(defun notmuch-query-map-tree (fn tree)
+  "Apply function FN to every message in TREE. Flatten results to a list
+See the function notmuch-query-get-threads for more information."
+  (cons (funcall fn (car tree)) (notmuch-query-map-forest fn (cadr tree))))
+;; Predefined queries
+(defun notmuch-query-get-message-ids (&rest search-terms)
+  "Return a list of message-ids of messages that match SEARCH-TERMS"
+  (notmuch-query-map-threads
+   (lambda (msg) (plist-get msg :id))
+   (notmuch-query-get-threads search-terms)))
+(provide 'notmuch-query)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-show.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-show.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4e0a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-show.el
@@ -0,0 +1,2105 @@
+;; notmuch-show.el --- displaying notmuch forests.
+;; Copyright © Carl Worth
+;; Copyright © David Edmondson
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: Carl Worth <>
+;;          David Edmondson <>
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'mm-view)
+(require 'message)
+(require 'mm-decode)
+(require 'mailcap)
+(require 'icalendar)
+(require 'goto-addr)
+(require 'notmuch-lib)
+(require 'notmuch-tag)
+(require 'notmuch-query)
+(require 'notmuch-wash)
+(require 'notmuch-mua)
+(require 'notmuch-crypto)
+(require 'notmuch-print)
+(declare-function notmuch-call-notmuch-process "notmuch" (&rest args))
+(declare-function notmuch-search-next-thread "notmuch" nil)
+(declare-function notmuch-search-previous-thread "notmuch" nil)
+(declare-function notmuch-search-show-thread "notmuch" nil)
+(defcustom notmuch-message-headers '("Subject" "To" "Cc" "Date")
+  "Headers that should be shown in a message, in this order.
+For an open message, all of these headers will be made visible
+according to `notmuch-message-headers-visible' or can be toggled
+with `notmuch-show-toggle-visibility-headers'. For a closed message,
+only the first header in the list will be visible."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defcustom notmuch-message-headers-visible t
+  "Should the headers be visible by default?
+If this value is non-nil, then all of the headers defined in
+`notmuch-message-headers' will be visible by default in the display
+of each message. Otherwise, these headers will be hidden and
+`notmuch-show-toggle-visibility-headers' can be used to make them
+visible for any given message."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-relative-dates t
+  "Display relative dates in the message summary line."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defvar notmuch-show-markup-headers-hook '(notmuch-show-colour-headers)
+  "A list of functions called to decorate the headers listed in
+(defcustom notmuch-show-hook '(notmuch-show-turn-on-visual-line-mode)
+  "Functions called after populating a `notmuch-show' buffer."
+  :type 'hook
+  :options '(notmuch-show-turn-on-visual-line-mode)
+  :group 'notmuch-show
+  :group 'notmuch-hooks)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-insert-text/plain-hook '(notmuch-wash-wrap-long-lines
+						 notmuch-wash-tidy-citations
+						 notmuch-wash-elide-blank-lines
+						 notmuch-wash-excerpt-citations)
+  "Functions used to improve the display of text/plain parts."
+  :type 'hook
+  :options '(notmuch-wash-convert-inline-patch-to-part
+	     notmuch-wash-wrap-long-lines
+	     notmuch-wash-tidy-citations
+	     notmuch-wash-elide-blank-lines
+	     notmuch-wash-excerpt-citations)
+  :group 'notmuch-show
+  :group 'notmuch-hooks)
+;; Mostly useful for debugging.
+(defcustom notmuch-show-all-multipart/alternative-parts nil
+  "Should all parts of multipart/alternative parts be shown?"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-indent-messages-width 1
+  "Width of message indentation in threads.
+Messages are shown indented according to their depth in a thread.
+This variable determines the width of this indentation measured
+in number of blanks.  Defaults to `1', choose `0' to disable
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-indent-multipart nil
+  "Should the sub-parts of a multipart/* part be indented?"
+  ;; dme: Not sure which is a good default.
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-part-button-default-action 'notmuch-show-save-part
+  "Default part header button action (on ENTER or mouse click)."
+  :group 'notmuch-show
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Save part"
+			notmuch-show-save-part)
+		 (const :tag "View part"
+			notmuch-show-view-part)
+		 (const :tag "View interactively"
+			notmuch-show-interactively-view-part)))
+(defcustom notmuch-show-only-matching-messages nil
+  "Only matching messages are shown by default."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defvar notmuch-show-thread-id nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-thread-id)
+(put 'notmuch-show-thread-id 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar notmuch-show-parent-buffer nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-parent-buffer)
+(put 'notmuch-show-parent-buffer 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar notmuch-show-query-context nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-query-context)
+(put 'notmuch-show-query-context 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar notmuch-show-process-crypto nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-process-crypto)
+(put 'notmuch-show-process-crypto 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages)
+(put 'notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages 'permanent-local t)
+(defvar notmuch-show-indent-content t)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-indent-content)
+(put 'notmuch-show-indent-content 'permanent-local t)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-alist
+  '(("Gmane" . "")
+    ("MARC" . "")
+    ("Mail Archive, The" . "")
+    ("LKML" . "")
+    ;; FIXME: can these services be searched by `Message-Id' ?
+    ;; ("MarkMail" . "")
+    ;; ("Nabble" . "")
+    ;; ("opensubscriber" . "")
+    )
+  "List of Mailing List Archives to use when stashing links.
+These URIs are concatenated with the current message's
+Message-Id in `notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link'."
+  :type '(alist :key-type (string :tag "Name")
+		:value-type (string :tag "URL"))
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-default "Gmane"
+  "Default Mailing List Archive to use when stashing links.
+This is used when `notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link' isn't
+provided with an MLA argument nor `completing-read' input."
+  :type `(choice
+	  ,@(mapcar
+	     (lambda (mla)
+	       (list 'const :tag (car mla) :value (car mla)))
+	     notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-alist))
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defcustom notmuch-show-mark-read-tags '("-unread")
+  "List of tag changes to apply to a message when it is marked as read.
+Tags starting with \"+\" (or not starting with either \"+\" or
+\"-\") in the list will be added, and tags starting with \"-\"
+will be removed from the message being marked as read.
+For example, if you wanted to remove an \"unread\" tag and add a
+\"read\" tag (which would make little sense), you would set:
+    (\"-unread\" \"+read\")"
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'notmuch-show)
+(defmacro with-current-notmuch-show-message (&rest body)
+  "Evaluate body with current buffer set to the text of current message"
+  `(save-excursion
+     (let ((id (notmuch-show-get-message-id)))
+       (let ((buf (generate-new-buffer (concat "*notmuch-msg-" id "*"))))
+         (with-current-buffer buf
+	   (let ((coding-system-for-read 'no-conversion))
+	     (call-process notmuch-command nil t nil "show" "--format=raw" id)
+	     ,@body)
+	   (kill-buffer buf))))))
+(defun notmuch-show-turn-on-visual-line-mode ()
+  "Enable Visual Line mode."
+  (visual-line-mode t))
+;; DEPRECATED in Notmuch 0.16 since we now have convenient part
+;; commands.  We'll keep the command around for a version or two in
+;; case people want to bind it themselves.
+(defun notmuch-show-view-all-mime-parts ()
+  "Use external viewers to view all attachments from the current message."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-current-notmuch-show-message
+   ;; We override the mm-inline-media-tests to indicate which message
+   ;; parts are already sufficiently handled by the original
+   ;; presentation of the message in notmuch-show mode. These parts
+   ;; will be inserted directly into the temporary buffer of
+   ;; with-current-notmuch-show-message and silently discarded.
+   ;;
+   ;; Any MIME part not explicitly mentioned here will be handled by an
+   ;; external viewer as configured in the various mailcap files.
+   (let ((mm-inline-media-tests '(
+				  ("text/.*" ignore identity)
+				  ("application/pgp-signature" ignore identity)
+				  ("multipart/alternative" ignore identity)
+				  ("multipart/mixed" ignore identity)
+				  ("multipart/related" ignore identity)
+				 )))
+     (mm-display-parts (mm-dissect-buffer)))))
+(defun notmuch-foreach-mime-part (function mm-handle)
+  (cond ((stringp (car mm-handle))
+         (dolist (part (cdr mm-handle))
+           (notmuch-foreach-mime-part function part)))
+        ((bufferp (car mm-handle))
+         (funcall function mm-handle))
+        (t (dolist (part mm-handle)
+             (notmuch-foreach-mime-part function part)))))
+(defun notmuch-count-attachments (mm-handle)
+  (let ((count 0))
+    (notmuch-foreach-mime-part
+     (lambda (p)
+       (let ((disposition (mm-handle-disposition p)))
+         (and (listp disposition)
+              (or (equal (car disposition) "attachment")
+                  (and (equal (car disposition) "inline")
+                       (assq 'filename disposition)))
+              (incf count))))
+     mm-handle)
+    count))
+(defun notmuch-save-attachments (mm-handle &optional queryp)
+  (notmuch-foreach-mime-part
+   (lambda (p)
+     (let ((disposition (mm-handle-disposition p)))
+       (and (listp disposition)
+            (or (equal (car disposition) "attachment")
+                (and (equal (car disposition) "inline")
+                     (assq 'filename disposition)))
+            (or (not queryp)
+                (y-or-n-p
+                 (concat "Save '" (cdr (assq 'filename disposition)) "' ")))
+            (mm-save-part p))))
+   mm-handle))
+(defun notmuch-show-save-attachments ()
+  "Save all attachments from the current message."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-current-notmuch-show-message
+   (let ((mm-handle (mm-dissect-buffer)))
+     (notmuch-save-attachments
+      mm-handle (> (notmuch-count-attachments mm-handle) 1))))
+  (message "Done"))
+(defun notmuch-show-with-message-as-text (fn)
+  "Apply FN to a text representation of the current message.
+FN is called with one argument, the message properties. It should
+operation on the contents of the current buffer."
+  ;; Remake the header to ensure that all information is available.
+  (let* ((to (notmuch-show-get-to))
+	 (cc (notmuch-show-get-cc))
+	 (from (notmuch-show-get-from))
+	 (subject (notmuch-show-get-subject))
+	 (date (notmuch-show-get-date))
+	 (tags (notmuch-show-get-tags))
+	 (depth (notmuch-show-get-depth))
+	 (header (concat
+		  "Subject: " subject "\n"
+		  "To: " to "\n"
+		  (if (not (string= cc ""))
+		      (concat "Cc: " cc "\n")
+		    "")
+		  "From: " from "\n"
+		  "Date: " date "\n"
+		  (if tags
+		      (concat "Tags: "
+			      (mapconcat #'identity tags ", ") "\n")
+		    "")))
+	 (all (buffer-substring (notmuch-show-message-top)
+				(notmuch-show-message-bottom)))
+	 (props (notmuch-show-get-message-properties))
+	 (indenting notmuch-show-indent-content))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert all)
+      (if indenting
+	  (indent-rigidly (point-min) (point-max) (- depth)))
+      ;; Remove the original header.
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (re-search-forward "^$" (point-max) nil)
+      (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+      (insert header)
+      (funcall fn props))))
+(defun notmuch-show-print-message ()
+  "Print the current message."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-with-message-as-text 'notmuch-print-message))
+(defun notmuch-show-fontify-header ()
+  (let ((face (cond
+	       ((looking-at "[Tt]o:")
+		'message-header-to)
+	       ((looking-at "[Bb]?[Cc][Cc]:")
+		'message-header-cc)
+	       ((looking-at "[Ss]ubject:")
+		'message-header-subject)
+	       ((looking-at "[Ff]rom:")
+		'message-header-from)
+	       (t
+		'message-header-other))))
+    (overlay-put (make-overlay (point) (re-search-forward ":"))
+		 'face 'message-header-name)
+    (overlay-put (make-overlay (point) (re-search-forward ".*$"))
+		 'face face)))
+(defun notmuch-show-colour-headers ()
+  "Apply some colouring to the current headers."
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (while (looking-at "^[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9]*:")
+    (notmuch-show-fontify-header)
+    (forward-line)))
+(defun notmuch-show-spaces-n (n)
+  "Return a string comprised of `n' spaces."
+  (make-string n ? ))
+(defun notmuch-show-update-tags (tags)
+  "Update the displayed tags of the current message."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (notmuch-show-message-top))
+    (if (re-search-forward "(\\([^()]*\\))$" (line-end-position) t)
+	(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+	  (replace-match (concat "("
+				 (notmuch-tag-format-tags tags)
+				 ")"))))))
+(defun notmuch-clean-address (address)
+  "Try to clean a single email ADDRESS for display. Return a cons
+cell of (AUTHOR_EMAIL AUTHOR_NAME). Return (ADDRESS nil) if
+parsing fails."
+  (condition-case nil
+    (let (p-name p-address)
+      ;; It would be convenient to use `mail-header-parse-address',
+      ;; but that expects un-decoded mailbox parts, whereas our
+      ;; mailbox parts are already decoded (and hence may contain
+      ;; UTF-8). Given that notmuch should handle most of the awkward
+      ;; cases, some simple string deconstruction should be sufficient
+      ;; here.
+      (cond
+       ;; "User <user@dom.ain>" style.
+       ((string-match "\\(.*\\) <\\(.*\\)>" address)
+	(setq p-name (match-string 1 address)
+	      p-address (match-string 2 address)))
+       ;; "<user@dom.ain>" style.
+       ((string-match "<\\(.*\\)>" address)
+	(setq p-address (match-string 1 address)))
+       ;; Everything else.
+       (t
+	(setq p-address address)))
+      (when p-name
+	;; Remove elements of the mailbox part that are not relevant for
+	;; display, even if they are required during transport:
+	;;
+	;; Backslashes.
+	(setq p-name (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "" p-name))
+	;; Outer single and double quotes, which might be nested.
+	(loop
+	 with start-of-loop
+	 do (setq start-of-loop p-name)
+	 when (string-match "^\"\\(.*\\)\"$" p-name)
+	 do (setq p-name (match-string 1 p-name))
+	 when (string-match "^'\\(.*\\)'$" p-name)
+	 do (setq p-name (match-string 1 p-name))
+	 until (string= start-of-loop p-name)))
+      ;; If the address is ' <>' then show just
+      ;; ''.
+      (when (string= p-name p-address)
+	(setq p-name nil))
+      (cons p-address p-name))
+    (error (cons address nil))))
+(defun notmuch-show-clean-address (address)
+  "Try to clean a single email ADDRESS for display.  Return
+unchanged ADDRESS if parsing fails."
+  (let* ((clean-address (notmuch-clean-address address))
+	 (p-address (car clean-address))
+	 (p-name (cdr clean-address)))
+    ;; If no name, return just the address.
+    (if (not p-name)
+	p-address
+      ;; Otherwise format the name and address together.
+      (concat p-name " <" p-address ">"))))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-headerline (headers date tags depth)
+  "Insert a notmuch style headerline based on HEADERS for a
+message at DEPTH in the current thread."
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (insert (notmuch-show-spaces-n (* notmuch-show-indent-messages-width depth))
+	    (notmuch-show-clean-address (plist-get headers :From))
+	    " ("
+	    date
+	    ") ("
+	    (notmuch-tag-format-tags tags)
+	    ")\n")
+    (overlay-put (make-overlay start (point)) 'face 'notmuch-message-summary-face)))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-header (header header-value)
+  "Insert a single header."
+  (insert header ": " header-value "\n"))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-headers (headers)
+  "Insert the headers of the current message."
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (mapc (lambda (header)
+	    (let* ((header-symbol (intern (concat ":" header)))
+		   (header-value (plist-get headers header-symbol)))
+	      (if (and header-value
+		       (not (string-equal "" header-value)))
+		  (notmuch-show-insert-header header header-value))))
+	  notmuch-message-headers)
+    (save-excursion
+      (save-restriction
+	(narrow-to-region start (point-max))
+	(run-hooks 'notmuch-show-markup-headers-hook)))))
+(define-button-type 'notmuch-show-part-button-type
+  'action 'notmuch-show-part-button-default
+  'follow-link t
+  'face 'message-mml
+  :supertype 'notmuch-button-type)
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-header (nth content-type declared-type &optional name comment)
+  (let ((button)
+	(base-label (concat (when name (concat name ": "))
+			    declared-type
+			    (unless (string-equal declared-type content-type)
+			      (concat " (as " content-type ")"))
+			    comment)))
+    (setq button
+	  (insert-button
+	   (concat "[ " base-label " ]")
+	   :base-label base-label
+	   :type 'notmuch-show-part-button-type
+	   :notmuch-part-hidden nil))
+    (insert "\n")
+    ;; return button
+    button))
+(defun notmuch-show-toggle-part-invisibility (&optional button)
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((button (or button (button-at (point))))
+	 (overlay (button-get button 'overlay))
+	 (lazy-part (button-get button :notmuch-lazy-part)))
+    ;; We have a part to toggle if there is an overlay or if there is a lazy part.
+    ;; If neither is present we cannot toggle the part so we just return nil.
+    (when (or overlay lazy-part)
+      (let* ((show (button-get button :notmuch-part-hidden))
+	     (new-start (button-start button))
+	     (button-label (button-get button :base-label))
+	     (old-point (point))
+	     (properties (text-properties-at (point)))
+	     (inhibit-read-only t))
+	;; Toggle the button itself.
+	(button-put button :notmuch-part-hidden (not show))
+	(goto-char new-start)
+	(insert "[ " button-label (if show " ]" " (hidden) ]"))
+	(set-text-properties new-start (point) properties)
+	(let ((old-end (button-end button)))
+	  (move-overlay button new-start (point))
+	  (delete-region (point) old-end))
+	(goto-char (min old-point (1- (button-end button))))
+	;; Return nil if there is a lazy-part, it is empty, and we are
+	;; trying to show it.  In all other cases return t.
+	(if lazy-part
+	    (when show
+	      (button-put button :notmuch-lazy-part nil)
+	      (notmuch-show-lazy-part lazy-part button))
+	  ;; else there must be an overlay.
+	  (overlay-put overlay 'invisible (not show))
+	  t)))))
+;; MIME part renderers
+(defun notmuch-show-multipart/*-to-list (part)
+  (mapcar (lambda (inner-part) (plist-get inner-part :content-type))
+	  (plist-get part :content)))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-multipart/alternative (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  (let ((chosen-type (car (notmuch-multipart/alternative-choose (notmuch-show-multipart/*-to-list part))))
+	(inner-parts (plist-get part :content))
+	(start (point)))
+    ;; This inserts all parts of the chosen type rather than just one,
+    ;; but it's not clear that this is the wrong thing to do - which
+    ;; should be chosen if there are more than one that match?
+    (mapc (lambda (inner-part)
+	    (let* ((inner-type (plist-get inner-part :content-type))
+		  (hide (not (or notmuch-show-all-multipart/alternative-parts
+			   (string= chosen-type inner-type)))))
+	      (notmuch-show-insert-bodypart msg inner-part depth hide)))
+	  inner-parts)
+    (when notmuch-show-indent-multipart
+      (indent-rigidly start (point) 1)))
+  t)
+(defun notmuch-show-setup-w3m ()
+  "Instruct w3m how to retrieve content from a \"related\" part of a message."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (boundp 'w3m-cid-retrieve-function-alist)
+    (unless (assq 'notmuch-show-mode w3m-cid-retrieve-function-alist)
+      (push (cons 'notmuch-show-mode 'notmuch-show-w3m-cid-retrieve)
+	    w3m-cid-retrieve-function-alist)))
+  (setq mm-inline-text-html-with-images t))
+(defvar w3m-current-buffer) ;; From `w3m.el'.
+(defvar notmuch-show-w3m-cid-store nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-w3m-cid-store)
+(defun notmuch-show-w3m-cid-store-internal (content-id
+					    message-id
+					    part-number
+					    content-type
+					    content)
+  (push (list content-id
+	      message-id
+	      part-number
+	      content-type
+	      content)
+	notmuch-show-w3m-cid-store))
+(defun notmuch-show-w3m-cid-store (msg part)
+  (let ((content-id (plist-get part :content-id)))
+    (when content-id
+      (notmuch-show-w3m-cid-store-internal (concat "cid:" content-id)
+					   (plist-get msg :id)
+					   (plist-get part :id)
+					   (plist-get part :content-type)
+					   nil))))
+(defun notmuch-show-w3m-cid-retrieve (url &rest args)
+  (let ((matching-part (with-current-buffer w3m-current-buffer
+			 (assoc url notmuch-show-w3m-cid-store))))
+    (if matching-part
+	(let ((message-id (nth 1 matching-part))
+	      (part-number (nth 2 matching-part))
+	      (content-type (nth 3 matching-part))
+	      (content (nth 4 matching-part)))
+	  ;; If we don't already have the content, get it and cache
+	  ;; it, as some messages reference the same cid: part many
+	  ;; times (hundreds!), which results in many calls to
+	  ;; `notmuch part'.
+	  (unless content
+	    (setq content (notmuch-get-bodypart-internal (notmuch-id-to-query message-id)
+							      part-number notmuch-show-process-crypto))
+	    (with-current-buffer w3m-current-buffer
+	      (notmuch-show-w3m-cid-store-internal url
+						   message-id
+						   part-number
+						   content-type
+						   content)))
+	  (insert content)
+	  content-type)
+      nil)))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-multipart/related (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  (let ((inner-parts (plist-get part :content))
+	(start (point)))
+    ;; We assume that the first part is text/html and the remainder
+    ;; things that it references.
+    ;; Stash the non-primary parts.
+    (mapc (lambda (part)
+	    (notmuch-show-w3m-cid-store msg part))
+	  (cdr inner-parts))
+    ;; Render the primary part.
+    (notmuch-show-insert-bodypart msg (car inner-parts) depth)
+    (when notmuch-show-indent-multipart
+      (indent-rigidly start (point) 1)))
+  t)
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-multipart/signed (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  (button-put button 'face 'notmuch-crypto-part-header)
+  ;; add signature status button if sigstatus provided
+  (if (plist-member part :sigstatus)
+      (let* ((from (notmuch-show-get-header :From msg))
+	     (sigstatus (car (plist-get part :sigstatus))))
+	(notmuch-crypto-insert-sigstatus-button sigstatus from))
+    ;; if we're not adding sigstatus, tell the user how they can get it
+    (button-put button 'help-echo "Set notmuch-crypto-process-mime to process cryptographic MIME parts."))
+  (let ((inner-parts (plist-get part :content))
+	(start (point)))
+    ;; Show all of the parts.
+    (mapc (lambda (inner-part)
+	    (notmuch-show-insert-bodypart msg inner-part depth))
+	  inner-parts)
+    (when notmuch-show-indent-multipart
+      (indent-rigidly start (point) 1)))
+  t)
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-multipart/encrypted (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  (button-put button 'face 'notmuch-crypto-part-header)
+  ;; add encryption status button if encstatus specified
+  (if (plist-member part :encstatus)
+      (let ((encstatus (car (plist-get part :encstatus))))
+	(notmuch-crypto-insert-encstatus-button encstatus)
+	;; add signature status button if sigstatus specified
+	(if (plist-member part :sigstatus)
+	    (let* ((from (notmuch-show-get-header :From msg))
+		   (sigstatus (car (plist-get part :sigstatus))))
+	      (notmuch-crypto-insert-sigstatus-button sigstatus from))))
+    ;; if we're not adding encstatus, tell the user how they can get it
+    (button-put button 'help-echo "Set notmuch-crypto-process-mime to process cryptographic MIME parts."))
+  (let ((inner-parts (plist-get part :content))
+	(start (point)))
+    ;; Show all of the parts.
+    (mapc (lambda (inner-part)
+	    (notmuch-show-insert-bodypart msg inner-part depth))
+	  inner-parts)
+    (when notmuch-show-indent-multipart
+      (indent-rigidly start (point) 1)))
+  t)
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-multipart/* (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  (let ((inner-parts (plist-get part :content))
+	(start (point)))
+    ;; Show all of the parts.
+    (mapc (lambda (inner-part)
+	    (notmuch-show-insert-bodypart msg inner-part depth))
+	  inner-parts)
+    (when notmuch-show-indent-multipart
+      (indent-rigidly start (point) 1)))
+  t)
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-message/rfc822 (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  (let* ((message (car (plist-get part :content)))
+	 (body (car (plist-get message :body)))
+	 (start (point)))
+    ;; Override `notmuch-message-headers' to force `From' to be
+    ;; displayed.
+    (let ((notmuch-message-headers '("From" "Subject" "To" "Cc" "Date")))
+      (notmuch-show-insert-headers (plist-get message :headers)))
+    ;; Blank line after headers to be compatible with the normal
+    ;; message display.
+    (insert "\n")
+    ;; Show the body
+    (notmuch-show-insert-bodypart msg body depth)
+    (when notmuch-show-indent-multipart
+      (indent-rigidly start (point) 1)))
+  t)
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-text/plain (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  ;; For backward compatibility we want to apply the text/plain hook
+  ;; to the whole of the part including the part button if there is
+  ;; one.
+  (let ((start (if button
+		   (button-start button)
+		 (point))))
+    (insert (notmuch-get-bodypart-content msg part nth notmuch-show-process-crypto))
+    (save-excursion
+      (save-restriction
+	(narrow-to-region start (point-max))
+	(run-hook-with-args 'notmuch-show-insert-text/plain-hook msg depth))))
+  t)
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-text/calendar (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  (insert (with-temp-buffer
+	    (insert (notmuch-get-bodypart-content msg part nth notmuch-show-process-crypto))
+	    ;; notmuch-get-bodypart-content provides "raw", non-converted
+	    ;; data. Replace CRLF with LF before icalendar can use it.
+	    (goto-char (point-min))
+	    (while (re-search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
+	      (replace-match "\n" nil nil))
+	    (let ((file (make-temp-file "notmuch-ical"))
+		  result)
+	      (unwind-protect
+		  (progn
+		    (unless (icalendar-import-buffer file t)
+		      (error "Icalendar import error. See *icalendar-errors* for more information"))
+		    (set-buffer (get-file-buffer file))
+		    (setq result (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
+		    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+		    (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+		(delete-file file))
+	      result)))
+  t)
+;; For backwards compatibility.
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-text/x-vcalendar (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  (notmuch-show-insert-part-text/calendar msg part content-type nth depth button))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-mime-type-of-application/octet-stream (part)
+  ;; If we can deduce a MIME type from the filename of the attachment,
+  ;; we return that.
+  (if (plist-get part :filename)
+      (let ((extension (file-name-extension (plist-get part :filename)))
+	    mime-type)
+	(if extension
+	    (progn
+	      (mailcap-parse-mimetypes)
+	      (setq mime-type (mailcap-extension-to-mime extension))
+	      (if (and mime-type
+		       (not (string-equal mime-type "application/octet-stream")))
+		  mime-type
+		nil))
+	  nil))))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-text/html (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  ;; text/html handler to work around bugs in renderers and our
+  ;; invisibile parts code. In particular w3m sets up a keymap which
+  ;; "leaks" outside the invisible region and causes strange effects
+  ;; in notmuch. We set mm-inline-text-html-with-w3m-keymap to nil to
+  ;; tell w3m not to set a keymap (so the normal notmuch-show-mode-map
+  ;; remains).
+  (let ((mm-inline-text-html-with-w3m-keymap nil))
+    (notmuch-show-insert-part-*/* msg part content-type nth depth button)))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-part-*/* (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  ;; This handler _must_ succeed - it is the handler of last resort.
+  (notmuch-mm-display-part-inline msg part nth content-type notmuch-show-process-crypto)
+  t)
+;; Functions for determining how to handle MIME parts.
+(defun notmuch-show-handlers-for (content-type)
+  "Return a list of content handlers for a part of type CONTENT-TYPE."
+  (let (result)
+    (mapc (lambda (func)
+	    (if (functionp func)
+		(push func result)))
+	  ;; Reverse order of prefrence.
+	  (list (intern (concat "notmuch-show-insert-part-*/*"))
+		(intern (concat
+			 "notmuch-show-insert-part-"
+			 (car (notmuch-split-content-type content-type))
+			 "/*"))
+		(intern (concat "notmuch-show-insert-part-" content-type))))
+    result))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-bodypart-internal (msg part content-type nth depth button)
+  (let ((handlers (notmuch-show-handlers-for content-type)))
+    ;; Run the content handlers until one of them returns a non-nil
+    ;; value.
+    (while (and handlers
+		(not (condition-case err
+			 (funcall (car handlers) msg part content-type nth depth button)
+		       (error (progn
+				(insert "!!! Bodypart insert error: ")
+				(insert (error-message-string err))
+				(insert " !!!\n") nil)))))
+      (setq handlers (cdr handlers))))
+  t)
+(defun notmuch-show-create-part-overlays (button beg end)
+  "Add an overlay to the part between BEG and END"
+  ;; If there is no button (i.e., the part is text/plain and the first
+  ;; part) or if the part has no content then we don't make the part
+  ;; toggleable.
+  (when (and button (/= beg end))
+    (button-put button 'overlay (make-overlay beg end))
+    ;; Return true if we created an overlay.
+    t))
+(defun notmuch-show-record-part-information (part beg end)
+  "Store PART as a text property from BEG to END"
+  ;; Record part information.  Since we already inserted subparts,
+  ;; don't override existing :notmuch-part properties.
+  (notmuch-map-text-property beg end :notmuch-part
+			     (lambda (v) (or v part)))
+  ;; Make :notmuch-part front sticky and rear non-sticky so it stays
+  ;; applied to the beginning of each line when we indent the
+  ;; message.  Since we're operating on arbitrary renderer output,
+  ;; watch out for sticky specs of t, which means all properties are
+  ;; front-sticky/rear-nonsticky.
+  (notmuch-map-text-property beg end 'front-sticky
+			     (lambda (v) (if (listp v)
+					     (pushnew :notmuch-part v)
+					   v)))
+  (notmuch-map-text-property beg end 'rear-nonsticky
+			     (lambda (v) (if (listp v)
+					     (pushnew :notmuch-part v)
+					   v))))
+(defun notmuch-show-lazy-part (part-args button)
+  ;; Insert the lazy part after the button for the part. We would just
+  ;; move to the start of the new line following the button and insert
+  ;; the part but that point might have text properties (eg colours
+  ;; from a message header etc) so instead we start from the last
+  ;; character of the button by adding a newline and finish by
+  ;; removing the extra newline from the end of the part.
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (button-end button))
+    (insert "\n")
+    (let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
+	   ;; We need to use markers for the start and end of the part
+	   ;; because the part insertion functions do not guarantee
+	   ;; to leave point at the end of the part.
+	   (part-beg (copy-marker (point) nil))
+	   (part-end (copy-marker (point) t))
+	   ;; We have to save the depth as we can't find the depth
+	   ;; when narrowed.
+	   (depth (notmuch-show-get-depth)))
+      (save-restriction
+	(narrow-to-region part-beg part-end)
+	(delete-region part-beg part-end)
+	(apply #'notmuch-show-insert-bodypart-internal part-args)
+	(indent-rigidly part-beg part-end depth))
+      (goto-char part-end)
+      (delete-char 1)
+      (notmuch-show-record-part-information (second part-args)
+					    (button-start button)
+					    part-end)
+      ;; Create the overlay. If the lazy-part turned out to be empty/not
+      ;; showable this returns nil.
+      (notmuch-show-create-part-overlays button part-beg part-end))))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-bodypart (msg part depth &optional hide)
+  "Insert the body part PART at depth DEPTH in the current thread.
+If HIDE is non-nil then initially hide this part."
+  (let* ((content-type (downcase (plist-get part :content-type)))
+	 (mime-type (or (and (string= content-type "application/octet-stream")
+			     (notmuch-show-get-mime-type-of-application/octet-stream part))
+			(and (string= content-type "inline patch")
+			     "text/x-diff")
+			content-type))
+	 (nth (plist-get part :id))
+	 (beg (point))
+	 ;; We omit the part button for the first (or only) part if this is text/plain.
+	 (button (unless (and (string= mime-type "text/plain") (<= nth 1))
+		   (notmuch-show-insert-part-header nth mime-type content-type (plist-get part :filename))))
+	 (content-beg (point)))
+    (if (not hide)
+        (notmuch-show-insert-bodypart-internal msg part mime-type nth depth button)
+      (button-put button :notmuch-lazy-part
+                  (list msg part mime-type nth depth button)))
+    ;; Some of the body part handlers leave point somewhere up in the
+    ;; part, so we make sure that we're down at the end.
+    (goto-char (point-max))
+    ;; Ensure that the part ends with a carriage return.
+    (unless (bolp)
+      (insert "\n"))
+    ;; We do not create the overlay for hidden (lazy) parts until
+    ;; they are inserted.
+    (if (not hide)
+	(notmuch-show-create-part-overlays button content-beg (point))
+      (save-excursion
+	(notmuch-show-toggle-part-invisibility button)))
+    (notmuch-show-record-part-information part beg (point))))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-body (msg body depth)
+  "Insert the body BODY at depth DEPTH in the current thread."
+  (mapc (lambda (part) (notmuch-show-insert-bodypart msg part depth)) body))
+(defun notmuch-show-make-symbol (type)
+  (make-symbol (concat "notmuch-show-" type)))
+(defun notmuch-show-strip-re (string)
+  (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\([Rr]e: *\\)+" "" string))
+(defvar notmuch-show-previous-subject "")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-previous-subject)
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-msg (msg depth)
+  "Insert the message MSG at depth DEPTH in the current thread."
+  (let* ((headers (plist-get msg :headers))
+	 ;; Indentation causes the buffer offset of the start/end
+	 ;; points to move, so we must use markers.
+	 message-start message-end
+	 content-start content-end
+	 headers-start headers-end
+	 (bare-subject (notmuch-show-strip-re (plist-get headers :Subject))))
+    (setq message-start (point-marker))
+    (notmuch-show-insert-headerline headers
+				    (or (if notmuch-show-relative-dates
+					    (plist-get msg :date_relative)
+					  nil)
+					(plist-get headers :Date))
+				    (plist-get msg :tags) depth)
+    (setq content-start (point-marker))
+    ;; Set `headers-start' to point after the 'Subject:' header to be
+    ;; compatible with the existing implementation. This just sets it
+    ;; to after the first header.
+    (notmuch-show-insert-headers headers)
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char content-start)
+      ;; If the subject of this message is the same as that of the
+      ;; previous message, don't display it when this message is
+      ;; collapsed.
+      (when (not (string= notmuch-show-previous-subject
+			  bare-subject))
+	(forward-line 1))
+      (setq headers-start (point-marker)))
+    (setq headers-end (point-marker))
+    (setq notmuch-show-previous-subject bare-subject)
+    ;; A blank line between the headers and the body.
+    (insert "\n")
+    (notmuch-show-insert-body msg (plist-get msg :body)
+			      (if notmuch-show-indent-content depth 0))
+    ;; Ensure that the body ends with a newline.
+    (unless (bolp)
+      (insert "\n"))
+    (setq content-end (point-marker))
+    ;; Indent according to the depth in the thread.
+    (if notmuch-show-indent-content
+	(indent-rigidly content-start content-end (* notmuch-show-indent-messages-width depth)))
+    (setq message-end (point-max-marker))
+    ;; Save the extents of this message over the whole text of the
+    ;; message.
+    (put-text-property message-start message-end :notmuch-message-extent (cons message-start message-end))
+    ;; Create overlays used to control visibility
+    (plist-put msg :headers-overlay (make-overlay headers-start headers-end))
+    (plist-put msg :message-overlay (make-overlay headers-start content-end))
+    (plist-put msg :depth depth)
+    ;; Save the properties for this message. Currently this saves the
+    ;; entire message (augmented it with other stuff), which seems
+    ;; like overkill. We might save a reduced subset (for example, not
+    ;; the content).
+    (notmuch-show-set-message-properties msg)
+    ;; Set header visibility.
+    (notmuch-show-headers-visible msg notmuch-message-headers-visible)
+    ;; Message visibility depends on whether it matched the search
+    ;; criteria.
+    (notmuch-show-message-visible msg (and (plist-get msg :match)
+					   (not (plist-get msg :excluded))))))
+(defun notmuch-show-toggle-process-crypto ()
+  "Toggle the processing of cryptographic MIME parts."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq notmuch-show-process-crypto (not notmuch-show-process-crypto))
+  (message (if notmuch-show-process-crypto
+	       "Processing cryptographic MIME parts."
+	     "Not processing cryptographic MIME parts."))
+  (notmuch-show-refresh-view))
+(defun notmuch-show-toggle-elide-non-matching ()
+  "Toggle the display of non-matching messages."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages (not notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages))
+  (message (if notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages
+	       "Showing matching messages only."
+	     "Showing all messages."))
+  (notmuch-show-refresh-view))
+(defun notmuch-show-toggle-thread-indentation ()
+  "Toggle the indentation of threads."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq notmuch-show-indent-content (not notmuch-show-indent-content))
+  (message (if notmuch-show-indent-content
+	       "Content is indented."
+	     "Content is not indented."))
+  (notmuch-show-refresh-view))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-tree (tree depth)
+  "Insert the message tree TREE at depth DEPTH in the current thread."
+  (let ((msg (car tree))
+	(replies (cadr tree)))
+    ;; We test whether there is a message or just some replies.
+    (when msg
+      (notmuch-show-insert-msg msg depth))
+    (notmuch-show-insert-thread replies (1+ depth))))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-thread (thread depth)
+  "Insert the thread THREAD at depth DEPTH in the current forest."
+  (mapc (lambda (tree) (notmuch-show-insert-tree tree depth)) thread))
+(defun notmuch-show-insert-forest (forest)
+  "Insert the forest of threads FOREST."
+  (mapc (lambda (thread) (notmuch-show-insert-thread thread 0)) forest))
+(defvar notmuch-id-regexp
+  (concat
+   ;; Match the id: prefix only if it begins a word (to disallow, for
+   ;; example, matching cid:).
+   "\\<id:\\("
+   ;; If the term starts with a ", then parse Xapian's quoted boolean
+   ;; term syntax, which allows for anything as long as embedded
+   ;; double quotes escaped by doubling them.  We also disallow
+   ;; newlines (which Xapian allows) to prevent runaway terms.
+   "\"\\([^\"\n]\\|\"\"\\)*\""
+   ;; Otherwise, parse Xapian's unquoted syntax, which goes up to the
+   ;; next space or ).  We disallow [.,;] as the last character
+   ;; because these are probably part of the surrounding text, and not
+   ;; part of the id.  This doesn't match single character ids; meh.
+   "\\|[^\"[:space:])][^[:space:])]*[^])[:space:].,:;?!]"
+   "\\)")
+  "The regexp used to match id: links in messages.")
+(defvar notmuch-mid-regexp
+  ;; goto-address-url-regexp matched cid: links, which have the same
+  ;; grammar as the message ID part of a mid: link.  Construct the
+  ;; regexp using the same technique as goto-address-url-regexp.
+  (concat "\\<mid:\\(" thing-at-point-url-path-regexp "\\)")
+  "The regexp used to match mid: links in messages.
+See RFC 2392.")
+(defun notmuch-show-buttonise-links (start end)
+  "Buttonise URLs and mail addresses between START and END.
+This also turns id:\"<message id>\"-parts and mid: links into
+buttons for a corresponding notmuch search."
+  (goto-address-fontify-region start end)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (links)
+      (goto-char start)
+      (while (re-search-forward notmuch-id-regexp end t)
+	(push (list (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+		    (match-string-no-properties 0)) links))
+      (goto-char start)
+      (while (re-search-forward notmuch-mid-regexp end t)
+	(let* ((mid-cid (match-string-no-properties 1))
+	       (mid (save-match-data
+		      (string-match "^[^/]*" mid-cid)
+		      (url-unhex-string (match-string 0 mid-cid)))))
+	  (push (list (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+		      (notmuch-id-to-query mid)) links)))
+      (dolist (link links)
+	;; Remove the overlay created by goto-address-mode
+	(remove-overlays (first link) (second link) 'goto-address t)
+	(make-text-button (first link) (second link)
+			  :type 'notmuch-button-type
+			  'action `(lambda (arg)
+				     (notmuch-show ,(third link)))
+			  'follow-link t
+			  'help-echo "Mouse-1, RET: search for this message"
+			  'face goto-address-mail-face)))))
+(defun notmuch-show (thread-id &optional parent-buffer query-context buffer-name)
+  "Run \"notmuch show\" with the given thread ID and display results.
+The optional PARENT-BUFFER is the notmuch-search buffer from
+which this notmuch-show command was executed, (so that the
+next thread from that buffer can be show when done with this
+The optional QUERY-CONTEXT is a notmuch search term. Only
+messages from the thread matching this search term are shown if
+The optional BUFFER-NAME provides the name of the buffer in
+which the message thread is shown. If it is nil (which occurs
+when the command is called interactively) the argument to the
+function is used."
+  (interactive "sNotmuch show: ")
+  (let ((buffer-name (generate-new-buffer-name
+		      (or buffer-name
+			  (concat "*notmuch-" thread-id "*")))))
+    (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name))
+    ;; Set the default value for `notmuch-show-process-crypto' in this
+    ;; buffer.
+    (setq notmuch-show-process-crypto notmuch-crypto-process-mime)
+    ;; Set the default value for
+    ;; `notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages' in this buffer. If
+    ;; there is a prefix argument, invert the default.
+    (setq notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages notmuch-show-only-matching-messages)
+    (if current-prefix-arg
+	(setq notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages (not notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages)))
+    (setq notmuch-show-thread-id thread-id
+	  notmuch-show-parent-buffer parent-buffer
+	  notmuch-show-query-context query-context)
+    (notmuch-show-build-buffer)
+    (notmuch-show-goto-first-wanted-message)
+    (current-buffer)))
+(defun notmuch-show-build-buffer ()
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+    (notmuch-show-mode)
+    ;; Don't track undo information for this buffer
+    (set 'buffer-undo-list t)
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (save-excursion
+      (let* ((basic-args (list notmuch-show-thread-id))
+	     (args (if notmuch-show-query-context
+		       (append (list "\'") basic-args
+			       (list "and (" notmuch-show-query-context ")\'"))
+		     (append (list "\'") basic-args (list "\'"))))
+	     (cli-args (cons "--exclude=false"
+			     (when notmuch-show-elide-non-matching-messages
+			       (list "--entire-thread=false")))))
+	(notmuch-show-insert-forest (notmuch-query-get-threads (append cli-args args)))
+	;; If the query context reduced the results to nothing, run
+	;; the basic query.
+	(when (and (eq (buffer-size) 0)
+		   notmuch-show-query-context)
+	  (notmuch-show-insert-forest
+	   (notmuch-query-get-threads (append cli-args basic-args)))))
+      (jit-lock-register #'notmuch-show-buttonise-links)
+      ;; Set the header line to the subject of the first message.
+      (setq header-line-format (notmuch-show-strip-re (notmuch-show-get-subject)))
+      (run-hooks 'notmuch-show-hook))))
+(defun notmuch-show-capture-state ()
+  "Capture the state of the current buffer.
+This includes:
+ - the list of open messages,
+ - the current message."
+  (list (notmuch-show-get-message-id) (notmuch-show-get-message-ids-for-open-messages)))
+(defun notmuch-show-apply-state (state)
+  "Apply STATE to the current buffer.
+This includes:
+ - opening the messages previously opened,
+ - closing all other messages,
+ - moving to the correct current message."
+  (let ((current (car state))
+	(open (cadr state)))
+    ;; Open those that were open.
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (loop do (notmuch-show-message-visible (notmuch-show-get-message-properties)
+					   (member (notmuch-show-get-message-id) open))
+	  until (not (notmuch-show-goto-message-next)))
+    ;; Go to the previously open message.
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (unless (loop if (string= current (notmuch-show-get-message-id))
+		  return t
+		  until (not (notmuch-show-goto-message-next)))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (message "Previously current message not found."))
+    (notmuch-show-message-adjust)))
+(defun notmuch-show-refresh-view (&optional reset-state)
+  "Refresh the current view.
+Refreshes the current view, observing changes in display
+preferences. If invoked with a prefix argument (or RESET-STATE is
+non-nil) then the state of the buffer (open/closed messages) is
+reset based on the original query."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+	(state (unless reset-state
+		 (notmuch-show-capture-state))))
+    ;; erase-buffer does not seem to remove overlays, which can lead
+    ;; to weird effects such as remaining images, so remove them
+    ;; manually.
+    (remove-overlays)
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (notmuch-show-build-buffer)
+    (if state
+	(notmuch-show-apply-state state)
+      ;; We're resetting state, so navigate to the first open message
+      ;; and mark it read, just like opening a new show buffer.
+      (notmuch-show-goto-first-wanted-message))))
+(defvar notmuch-show-stash-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "c" 'notmuch-show-stash-cc)
+    (define-key map "d" 'notmuch-show-stash-date)
+    (define-key map "F" 'notmuch-show-stash-filename)
+    (define-key map "f" 'notmuch-show-stash-from)
+    (define-key map "i" 'notmuch-show-stash-message-id)
+    (define-key map "I" 'notmuch-show-stash-message-id-stripped)
+    (define-key map "s" 'notmuch-show-stash-subject)
+    (define-key map "T" 'notmuch-show-stash-tags)
+    (define-key map "t" 'notmuch-show-stash-to)
+    (define-key map "l" 'notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link)
+    (define-key map "L" 'notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-and-go)
+    map)
+  "Submap for stash commands")
+(fset 'notmuch-show-stash-map notmuch-show-stash-map)
+(defvar notmuch-show-part-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "s" 'notmuch-show-save-part)
+    (define-key map "v" 'notmuch-show-view-part)
+    (define-key map "o" 'notmuch-show-interactively-view-part)
+    (define-key map "|" 'notmuch-show-pipe-part)
+    map)
+  "Submap for part commands")
+(fset 'notmuch-show-part-map notmuch-show-part-map)
+(defvar notmuch-show-mode-map
+      (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+	(define-key map "?" 'notmuch-help)
+	(define-key map "q" 'notmuch-kill-this-buffer)
+	(define-key map (kbd "<C-tab>") 'widget-backward)
+	(define-key map (kbd "M-TAB") 'notmuch-show-previous-button)
+	(define-key map (kbd "<backtab>") 'notmuch-show-previous-button)
+	(define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'notmuch-show-next-button)
+	(define-key map "s" 'notmuch-search)
+	(define-key map "m" 'notmuch-mua-new-mail)
+	(define-key map "f" 'notmuch-show-forward-message)
+	(define-key map "r" 'notmuch-show-reply-sender)
+	(define-key map "R" 'notmuch-show-reply)
+	(define-key map "|" 'notmuch-show-pipe-message)
+	(define-key map "w" 'notmuch-show-save-attachments)
+	(define-key map "V" 'notmuch-show-view-raw-message)
+	(define-key map "c" 'notmuch-show-stash-map)
+	(define-key map "=" 'notmuch-show-refresh-view)
+	(define-key map "h" 'notmuch-show-toggle-visibility-headers)
+	(define-key map "*" 'notmuch-show-tag-all)
+	(define-key map "-" 'notmuch-show-remove-tag)
+	(define-key map "+" 'notmuch-show-add-tag)
+	(define-key map "X" 'notmuch-show-archive-thread-then-exit)
+	(define-key map "x" 'notmuch-show-archive-message-then-next-or-exit)
+	(define-key map "A" 'notmuch-show-archive-thread-then-next)
+	(define-key map "a" 'notmuch-show-archive-message-then-next-or-next-thread)
+	(define-key map "N" 'notmuch-show-next-message)
+	(define-key map "P" 'notmuch-show-previous-message)
+	(define-key map "n" 'notmuch-show-next-open-message)
+	(define-key map "p" 'notmuch-show-previous-open-message)
+	(define-key map (kbd "M-n") 'notmuch-show-next-thread-show)
+	(define-key map (kbd "M-p") 'notmuch-show-previous-thread-show)
+	(define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'notmuch-show-rewind)
+	(define-key map " " 'notmuch-show-advance-and-archive)
+	(define-key map (kbd "M-RET") 'notmuch-show-open-or-close-all)
+	(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'notmuch-show-toggle-message)
+	(define-key map "#" 'notmuch-show-print-message)
+	(define-key map "!" 'notmuch-show-toggle-elide-non-matching)
+	(define-key map "$" 'notmuch-show-toggle-process-crypto)
+	(define-key map "<" 'notmuch-show-toggle-thread-indentation)
+	(define-key map "t" 'toggle-truncate-lines)
+	(define-key map "." 'notmuch-show-part-map)
+	map)
+      "Keymap for \"notmuch show\" buffers.")
+(fset 'notmuch-show-mode-map notmuch-show-mode-map)
+(defun notmuch-show-mode ()
+  "Major mode for viewing a thread with notmuch.
+This buffer contains the results of the \"notmuch show\" command
+for displaying a single thread of email from your email archives.
+By default, various components of email messages, (citations,
+signatures, already-read messages), are hidden. You can make
+these parts visible by clicking with the mouse button or by
+pressing RET after positioning the cursor on a hidden part, (for
+which \\[notmuch-show-next-button] and \\[notmuch-show-previous-button] are helpful).
+Reading the thread sequentially is well-supported by pressing
+\\[notmuch-show-advance-and-archive]. This will scroll the current message (if necessary), advance
+to the next message, or advance to the next thread (if already on
+the last message of a thread).
+Other commands are available to read or manipulate the thread
+more selectively, (such as '\\[notmuch-show-next-message]' and '\\[notmuch-show-previous-message]' to advance to messages
+without removing any tags, and '\\[notmuch-show-archive-thread]' to archive an entire thread
+without scrolling through with \\[notmuch-show-advance-and-archive]).
+You can add or remove arbitrary tags from the current message with
+'\\[notmuch-show-add-tag]' or '\\[notmuch-show-remove-tag]'.
+All currently available key bindings:
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (use-local-map notmuch-show-mode-map)
+  (setq major-mode 'notmuch-show-mode
+	mode-name "notmuch-show")
+  (setq buffer-read-only t
+	truncate-lines t))
+(defun notmuch-show-move-to-message-top ()
+  (goto-char (notmuch-show-message-top)))
+(defun notmuch-show-move-to-message-bottom ()
+  (goto-char (notmuch-show-message-bottom)))
+(defun notmuch-show-message-adjust ()
+  (recenter 0))
+;; Movement related functions.
+;; There's some strangeness here where a text property applied to a
+;; region a->b is not found when point is at b. We walk backwards
+;; until finding the property.
+(defun notmuch-show-message-extent ()
+  (let (r)
+    (save-excursion
+      (while (not (setq r (get-text-property (point) :notmuch-message-extent)))
+	(backward-char)))
+    r))
+(defun notmuch-show-message-top ()
+  (car (notmuch-show-message-extent)))
+(defun notmuch-show-message-bottom ()
+  (cdr (notmuch-show-message-extent)))
+(defun notmuch-show-goto-message-next ()
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (notmuch-show-move-to-message-bottom)
+    (if (not (eobp))
+	t
+      (goto-char start)
+      nil)))
+(defun notmuch-show-goto-message-previous ()
+  (notmuch-show-move-to-message-top)
+  (if (bobp)
+      nil
+    (backward-char)
+    (notmuch-show-move-to-message-top)
+    t))
+(defun notmuch-show-mapc (function)
+  "Iterate through all messages in the current thread with
+`notmuch-show-goto-message-next' and call FUNCTION for side
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (loop do (funcall function)
+	  while (notmuch-show-goto-message-next))))
+;; Functions relating to the visibility of messages and their
+;; components.
+(defun notmuch-show-message-visible (props visible-p)
+  (overlay-put (plist-get props :message-overlay) 'invisible (not visible-p))
+  (notmuch-show-set-prop :message-visible visible-p props))
+(defun notmuch-show-headers-visible (props visible-p)
+  (overlay-put (plist-get props :headers-overlay) 'invisible (not visible-p))
+  (notmuch-show-set-prop :headers-visible visible-p props))
+;; Functions for setting and getting attributes of the current
+;; message.
+(defun notmuch-show-set-message-properties (props)
+  (save-excursion
+    (notmuch-show-move-to-message-top)
+    (put-text-property (point) (+ (point) 1) :notmuch-message-properties props)))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-message-properties ()
+  "Return the properties of the current message as a plist.
+Some useful entries are:
+:headers - Property list containing the headers :Date, :Subject, :From, etc.
+:body - Body of the message
+:tags - Tags for this message"
+  (save-excursion
+    (notmuch-show-move-to-message-top)
+    (get-text-property (point) :notmuch-message-properties)))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-part-properties ()
+  "Return the properties of the innermost part containing point.
+This is the part property list retrieved from the CLI.  Signals
+an error if there is no part containing point."
+  (or (get-text-property (point) :notmuch-part)
+      (error "No message part here")))
+(defun notmuch-show-set-prop (prop val &optional props)
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+	(props (or props
+		   (notmuch-show-get-message-properties))))
+    (plist-put props prop val)
+    (notmuch-show-set-message-properties props)))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-prop (prop &optional props)
+  (let ((props (or props
+		   (notmuch-show-get-message-properties))))
+    (plist-get props prop)))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-message-id (&optional bare)
+  "Return an id: query for the Message-Id of the current message.
+If optional argument BARE is non-nil, return
+the Message-Id without id: prefix and escaping."
+  (if bare
+      (notmuch-show-get-prop :id)
+    (notmuch-id-to-query (notmuch-show-get-prop :id))))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-messages-ids ()
+  "Return all id: queries of messages in the current thread."
+  (let ((message-ids))
+    (notmuch-show-mapc
+     (lambda () (push (notmuch-show-get-message-id) message-ids)))
+    message-ids))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-messages-ids-search ()
+  "Return a search string for all message ids of messages in the
+current thread."
+  (mapconcat 'identity (notmuch-show-get-messages-ids) " or "))
+;; dme: Would it make sense to use a macro for many of these?
+(defun notmuch-show-get-filename ()
+  "Return the filename of the current message."
+  (notmuch-show-get-prop :filename))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-header (header &optional props)
+  "Return the named header of the current message, if any."
+  (plist-get (notmuch-show-get-prop :headers props) header))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-cc ()
+  (notmuch-show-get-header :Cc))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-date ()
+  (notmuch-show-get-header :Date))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-from ()
+  (notmuch-show-get-header :From))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-subject ()
+  (notmuch-show-get-header :Subject))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-to ()
+  (notmuch-show-get-header :To))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-depth ()
+  (notmuch-show-get-prop :depth))
+(defun notmuch-show-set-tags (tags)
+  "Set the tags of the current message."
+  (notmuch-show-set-prop :tags tags)
+  (notmuch-show-update-tags tags))
+(defun notmuch-show-get-tags ()
+  "Return the tags of the current message."
+  (notmuch-show-get-prop :tags))
+(defun notmuch-show-message-visible-p ()
+  "Is the current message visible?"
+  (notmuch-show-get-prop :message-visible))
+(defun notmuch-show-headers-visible-p ()
+  "Are the headers of the current message visible?"
+  (notmuch-show-get-prop :headers-visible))
+(defun notmuch-show-mark-read (&optional unread)
+  "Mark the current message as read.
+Mark the current message as read by applying the tag changes in
+`notmuch-show-mark-read-tags' to it (remove the \"unread\" tag by
+default). If a prefix argument is given, the message will be
+marked as unread, i.e. the tag changes in
+`notmuch-show-mark-read-tags' will be reversed."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (when notmuch-show-mark-read-tags
+    (apply 'notmuch-show-tag-message
+	   (notmuch-tag-change-list notmuch-show-mark-read-tags unread))))
+;; Functions for getting attributes of several messages in the current
+;; thread.
+(defun notmuch-show-get-message-ids-for-open-messages ()
+  "Return a list of all id: queries for open messages in the current thread."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (message-ids done)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (not done)
+	(if (notmuch-show-message-visible-p)
+	    (setq message-ids (append message-ids (list (notmuch-show-get-message-id)))))
+	(setq done (not (notmuch-show-goto-message-next)))
+	)
+      message-ids
+      )))
+;; Commands typically bound to keys.
+(defun notmuch-show-advance ()
+  "Advance through thread.
+If the current message in the thread is not yet fully visible,
+scroll by a near screenful to read more of the message.
+Otherwise, (the end of the current message is already within the
+current window), advance to the next open message."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((end-of-this-message (notmuch-show-message-bottom))
+	 (visible-end-of-this-message (1- end-of-this-message))
+	 (ret nil))
+    (while (invisible-p visible-end-of-this-message)
+      (setq visible-end-of-this-message
+	    (max (point-min)
+		 (1- (previous-single-char-property-change
+		      visible-end-of-this-message 'invisible)))))
+    (cond
+     ;; Ideally we would test `end-of-this-message' against the result
+     ;; of `window-end', but that doesn't account for the fact that
+     ;; the end of the message might be hidden.
+     ((and visible-end-of-this-message
+	   (> visible-end-of-this-message (window-end)))
+      ;; The bottom of this message is not visible - scroll.
+      (scroll-up nil))
+     ((not (= end-of-this-message (point-max)))
+      ;; This is not the last message - move to the next visible one.
+      (notmuch-show-next-open-message))
+     ((not (= (point) (point-max)))
+      ;; This is the last message, but the cursor is not at the end of
+      ;; the buffer. Move it there.
+      (goto-char (point-max)))
+     (t
+      ;; This is the last message - change the return value
+      (setq ret t)))
+    ret))
+(defun notmuch-show-advance-and-archive ()
+  "Advance through thread and archive.
+This command is intended to be one of the simplest ways to
+process a thread of email. It works exactly like
+notmuch-show-advance, in that it scrolls through messages in a
+show buffer, except that when it gets to the end of the buffer it
+archives the entire current thread, (apply changes in
+`notmuch-archive-tags'), kills the buffer, and displays the next
+thread from the search from which this thread was originally
+  (interactive)
+  (if (notmuch-show-advance)
+      (notmuch-show-archive-thread-then-next)))
+(defun notmuch-show-rewind ()
+  "Backup through the thread, (reverse scrolling compared to \\[notmuch-show-advance-and-archive]).
+Specifically, if the beginning of the previous email is fewer
+than `window-height' lines from the current point, move to it
+just like `notmuch-show-previous-message'.
+Otherwise, just scroll down a screenful of the current message.
+This command does not modify any message tags, (it does not undo
+any effects from previous calls to
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start-of-message (notmuch-show-message-top))
+	(start-of-window (window-start)))
+    (cond
+      ;; Either this message is properly aligned with the start of the
+      ;; window or the start of this message is not visible on the
+      ;; screen - scroll.
+     ((or (= start-of-message start-of-window)
+	  (< start-of-message start-of-window))
+      (scroll-down)
+      ;; If a small number of lines from the previous message are
+      ;; visible, realign so that the top of the current message is at
+      ;; the top of the screen.
+      (when (<= (count-screen-lines (window-start) start-of-message)
+		next-screen-context-lines)
+	(goto-char (notmuch-show-message-top))
+	(notmuch-show-message-adjust))
+      ;; Move to the top left of the window.
+      (goto-char (window-start)))
+     (t
+      ;; Move to the previous message.
+      (notmuch-show-previous-message)))))
+(defun notmuch-show-reply (&optional prompt-for-sender)
+  "Reply to the sender and all recipients of the current message."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (notmuch-mua-new-reply (notmuch-show-get-message-id) prompt-for-sender t))
+(defun notmuch-show-reply-sender (&optional prompt-for-sender)
+  "Reply to the sender of the current message."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (notmuch-mua-new-reply (notmuch-show-get-message-id) prompt-for-sender nil))
+(defun notmuch-show-forward-message (&optional prompt-for-sender)
+  "Forward the current message."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (with-current-notmuch-show-message
+   (notmuch-mua-new-forward-message prompt-for-sender)))
+(defun notmuch-show-next-message (&optional pop-at-end)
+  "Show the next message.
+If a prefix argument is given and this is the last message in the
+thread, navigate to the next thread in the parent search buffer."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if (notmuch-show-goto-message-next)
+      (progn
+	(notmuch-show-mark-read)
+	(notmuch-show-message-adjust))
+    (if pop-at-end
+	(notmuch-show-next-thread)
+      (goto-char (point-max)))))
+(defun notmuch-show-previous-message ()
+  "Show the previous message or the start of the current message."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (= (point) (notmuch-show-message-top))
+      (notmuch-show-goto-message-previous)
+    (notmuch-show-move-to-message-top))
+  (notmuch-show-mark-read)
+  (notmuch-show-message-adjust))
+(defun notmuch-show-next-open-message (&optional pop-at-end)
+  "Show the next open message.
+If a prefix argument is given and this is the last open message
+in the thread, navigate to the next thread in the parent search
+buffer. Return t if there was a next open message in the thread
+to show, nil otherwise."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let (r)
+    (while (and (setq r (notmuch-show-goto-message-next))
+		(not (notmuch-show-message-visible-p))))
+    (if r
+	(progn
+	  (notmuch-show-mark-read)
+	  (notmuch-show-message-adjust))
+      (if pop-at-end
+	  (notmuch-show-next-thread)
+	(goto-char (point-max))))
+    r))
+(defun notmuch-show-next-matching-message ()
+  "Show the next matching message."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (r)
+    (while (and (setq r (notmuch-show-goto-message-next))
+		(not (notmuch-show-get-prop :match))))
+    (if r
+	(progn
+	  (notmuch-show-mark-read)
+	  (notmuch-show-message-adjust))
+      (goto-char (point-max)))))
+(defun notmuch-show-open-if-matched ()
+  "Open a message if it is matched (whether or not excluded)."
+  (let ((props (notmuch-show-get-message-properties)))
+    (notmuch-show-message-visible props (plist-get props :match))))
+(defun notmuch-show-goto-first-wanted-message ()
+  "Move to the first open message and mark it read"
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (if (notmuch-show-message-visible-p)
+      (notmuch-show-mark-read)
+    (notmuch-show-next-open-message))
+  (when (eobp)
+    ;; There are no matched non-excluded messages so open all matched
+    ;; (necessarily excluded) messages and go to the first.
+    (notmuch-show-mapc 'notmuch-show-open-if-matched)
+    (force-window-update)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (if (notmuch-show-message-visible-p)
+	(notmuch-show-mark-read)
+      (notmuch-show-next-open-message))))
+(defun notmuch-show-previous-open-message ()
+  "Show the previous open message."
+  (interactive)
+  (while (and (if (= (point) (notmuch-show-message-top))
+		  (notmuch-show-goto-message-previous)
+		(notmuch-show-move-to-message-top))
+	      (not (notmuch-show-message-visible-p))))
+  (notmuch-show-mark-read)
+  (notmuch-show-message-adjust))
+(defun notmuch-show-view-raw-message ()
+  "View the file holding the current message."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((id (notmuch-show-get-message-id))
+	 (buf (get-buffer-create (concat "*notmuch-raw-" id "*"))))
+    (call-process notmuch-command nil buf nil "show" "--format=raw" id)
+    (switch-to-buffer buf)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+    (view-buffer buf 'kill-buffer-if-not-modified)))
+(defun notmuch-show-pipe-message (entire-thread command)
+  "Pipe the contents of the current message (or thread) to the given command.
+The given command will be executed with the raw contents of the
+current email message as stdin. Anything printed by the command
+to stdout or stderr will appear in the *notmuch-pipe* buffer.
+When invoked with a prefix argument, the command will receive all
+open messages in the current thread (formatted as an mbox) rather
+than only the current message."
+  (interactive (let ((query-string (if current-prefix-arg
+				       "Pipe all open messages to command: "
+				     "Pipe message to command: ")))
+		 (list current-prefix-arg (read-string query-string))))
+  (let (shell-command)
+    (if entire-thread
+	(setq shell-command
+	      (concat notmuch-command " show --format=mbox --exclude=false "
+		      (shell-quote-argument
+		       (mapconcat 'identity (notmuch-show-get-message-ids-for-open-messages) " OR "))
+		      " | " command))
+      (setq shell-command
+	    (concat notmuch-command " show --format=raw "
+		    (shell-quote-argument (notmuch-show-get-message-id)) " | " command)))
+    (let ((buf (get-buffer-create (concat "*notmuch-pipe*"))))
+      (with-current-buffer buf
+	(setq buffer-read-only nil)
+	(erase-buffer)
+	(let ((exit-code (call-process-shell-command shell-command nil buf)))
+	  (goto-char (point-max))
+	  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+	  (setq buffer-read-only t)
+	  (unless (zerop exit-code)
+	    (switch-to-buffer-other-window buf)
+	    (message (format "Command '%s' exited abnormally with code %d"
+			     shell-command exit-code))))))))
+(defun notmuch-show-tag-message (&rest tag-changes)
+  "Change tags for the current message.
+TAG-CHANGES is a list of tag operations for `notmuch-tag'."
+  (let* ((current-tags (notmuch-show-get-tags))
+	 (new-tags (notmuch-update-tags current-tags tag-changes)))
+    (unless (equal current-tags new-tags)
+      (notmuch-tag (notmuch-show-get-message-id) tag-changes)
+      (notmuch-show-set-tags new-tags))))
+(defun notmuch-show-tag (&optional tag-changes)
+  "Change tags for the current message.
+See `notmuch-tag' for information on the format of TAG-CHANGES."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((tag-changes (notmuch-tag (notmuch-show-get-message-id) tag-changes))
+	 (current-tags (notmuch-show-get-tags))
+	 (new-tags (notmuch-update-tags current-tags tag-changes)))
+    (unless (equal current-tags new-tags)
+      (notmuch-show-set-tags new-tags))))
+(defun notmuch-show-tag-all (&optional tag-changes)
+  "Change tags for all messages in the current show buffer.
+See `notmuch-tag' for information on the format of TAG-CHANGES."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq tag-changes (notmuch-tag (notmuch-show-get-messages-ids-search) tag-changes))
+  (notmuch-show-mapc
+   (lambda ()
+     (let* ((current-tags (notmuch-show-get-tags))
+	    (new-tags (notmuch-update-tags current-tags tag-changes)))
+       (unless (equal current-tags new-tags)
+	 (notmuch-show-set-tags new-tags))))))
+(defun notmuch-show-add-tag ()
+  "Same as `notmuch-show-tag' but sets initial input to '+'."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-tag "+"))
+(defun notmuch-show-remove-tag ()
+  "Same as `notmuch-show-tag' but sets initial input to '-'."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-tag "-"))
+(defun notmuch-show-toggle-visibility-headers ()
+  "Toggle the visibility of the current message headers."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((props (notmuch-show-get-message-properties)))
+    (notmuch-show-headers-visible
+     props
+     (not (plist-get props :headers-visible))))
+  (force-window-update))
+(defun notmuch-show-toggle-message ()
+  "Toggle the visibility of the current message."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((props (notmuch-show-get-message-properties)))
+    (notmuch-show-message-visible
+     props
+     (not (plist-get props :message-visible))))
+  (force-window-update))
+(defun notmuch-show-open-or-close-all ()
+  "Set the visibility all of the messages in the current thread.
+By default make all of the messages visible. With a prefix
+argument, hide all of the messages."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (loop do (notmuch-show-message-visible (notmuch-show-get-message-properties)
+					   (not current-prefix-arg))
+	  until (not (notmuch-show-goto-message-next))))
+  (force-window-update))
+(defun notmuch-show-next-button ()
+  "Advance point to the next button in the buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (forward-button 1))
+(defun notmuch-show-previous-button ()
+  "Move point back to the previous button in the buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (backward-button 1))
+(defun notmuch-show-next-thread (&optional show previous)
+  "Move to the next item in the search results, if any.
+If SHOW is non-nil, open the next item in a show
+buffer. Otherwise just highlight the next item in the search
+buffer. If PREVIOUS is non-nil, move to the previous item in the
+search results instead."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((parent-buffer notmuch-show-parent-buffer))
+    (notmuch-kill-this-buffer)
+    (when (buffer-live-p parent-buffer)
+      (switch-to-buffer parent-buffer)
+      (and (if previous
+	       (notmuch-search-previous-thread)
+	     (notmuch-search-next-thread))
+	   show
+	   (notmuch-search-show-thread)))))
+(defun notmuch-show-next-thread-show ()
+  "Show the next thread in the search results, if any."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-next-thread t))
+(defun notmuch-show-previous-thread-show ()
+  "Show the previous thread in the search results, if any."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-next-thread t t))
+(defun notmuch-show-archive-thread (&optional unarchive)
+  "Archive each message in thread.
+Archive each message currently shown by applying the tag changes
+in `notmuch-archive-tags' to each. If a prefix argument is given,
+the messages will be \"unarchived\", i.e. the tag changes in
+`notmuch-archive-tags' will be reversed.
+Note: This command is safe from any race condition of new messages
+being delivered to the same thread. It does not archive the
+entire thread, but only the messages shown in the current
+  (interactive "P")
+  (when notmuch-archive-tags
+    (notmuch-show-tag-all
+     (notmuch-tag-change-list notmuch-archive-tags unarchive))))
+(defun notmuch-show-archive-thread-then-next ()
+  "Archive all messages in the current buffer, then show next thread from search."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-archive-thread)
+  (notmuch-show-next-thread t))
+(defun notmuch-show-archive-thread-then-exit ()
+  "Archive all messages in the current buffer, then exit back to search results."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-archive-thread)
+  (notmuch-show-next-thread))
+(defun notmuch-show-archive-message (&optional unarchive)
+  "Archive the current message.
+Archive the current message by applying the tag changes in
+`notmuch-archive-tags' to it. If a prefix argument is given, the
+message will be \"unarchived\", i.e. the tag changes in
+`notmuch-archive-tags' will be reversed."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (when notmuch-archive-tags
+    (apply 'notmuch-show-tag-message
+	   (notmuch-tag-change-list notmuch-archive-tags unarchive))))
+(defun notmuch-show-archive-message-then-next-or-exit ()
+  "Archive the current message, then show the next open message in the current thread.
+If at the last open message in the current thread, then exit back
+to search results."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-archive-message)
+  (notmuch-show-next-open-message t))
+(defun notmuch-show-archive-message-then-next-or-next-thread ()
+  "Archive the current message, then show the next open message in the current thread.
+If at the last open message in the current thread, then show next
+thread from search."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-archive-message)
+  (unless (notmuch-show-next-open-message)
+    (notmuch-show-next-thread t)))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-cc ()
+  "Copy CC field of current message to kill-ring."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-show-get-cc)))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-date ()
+  "Copy date of current message to kill-ring."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-show-get-date)))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-filename ()
+  "Copy filename of current message to kill-ring."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-show-get-filename)))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-from ()
+  "Copy From address of current message to kill-ring."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-show-get-from)))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-message-id (&optional stash-thread-id)
+  "Copy id: query matching the current message to kill-ring.
+If invoked with a prefix argument (or STASH-THREAD-ID is
+non-nil), copy thread: query matching the current thread to
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if stash-thread-id
+      (notmuch-common-do-stash notmuch-show-thread-id)
+    (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-show-get-message-id))))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-message-id-stripped ()
+  "Copy message ID of current message (sans `id:' prefix) to kill-ring."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-show-get-message-id t)))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-subject ()
+  "Copy Subject field of current message to kill-ring."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-show-get-subject)))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-tags ()
+  "Copy tags of current message to kill-ring as a comma separated list."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash (mapconcat 'identity (notmuch-show-get-tags) ",")))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-to ()
+  "Copy To address of current message to kill-ring."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-show-get-to)))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link (&optional mla)
+  "Copy an ML Archive URI for the current message to the kill-ring.
+This presumes that the message is available at the selected Mailing List Archive.
+If optional argument MLA is non-nil, use the provided key instead of prompting
+the user (see `notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-alist')."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash
+   (concat (cdr (assoc
+		 (or mla
+		     (let ((completion-ignore-case t))
+		       (completing-read
+			"Mailing List Archive: "
+			notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-alist
+			nil t nil nil notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-default)))
+		 notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-alist))
+	   (notmuch-show-get-message-id t))))
+(defun notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-and-go (&optional mla)
+  "Copy an ML Archive URI for the current message to the kill-ring and visit it.
+This presumes that the message is available at the selected Mailing List Archive.
+If optional argument MLA is non-nil, use the provided key instead of prompting
+the user (see `notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-alist')."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link mla)
+  (browse-url (current-kill 0 t)))
+;; Interactive part functions and their helpers
+(defun notmuch-show-generate-part-buffer (message-id nth)
+  "Return a temporary buffer containing the specified part's content."
+  (let ((buf (generate-new-buffer " *notmuch-part*"))
+	(process-crypto notmuch-show-process-crypto))
+    (with-current-buffer buf
+      (setq notmuch-show-process-crypto process-crypto)
+      ;; Always acquires the part via `notmuch part', even if it is
+      ;; available in the SEXP output.
+      (insert (notmuch-get-bodypart-internal message-id nth notmuch-show-process-crypto)))
+    buf))
+(defun notmuch-show-current-part-handle ()
+  "Return an mm-handle for the part containing point.
+This creates a temporary buffer for the part's content; the
+caller is responsible for killing this buffer as appropriate."
+  (let* ((part (notmuch-show-get-part-properties))
+	 (message-id (notmuch-show-get-message-id))
+	 (nth (plist-get part :id))
+	 (buf (notmuch-show-generate-part-buffer message-id nth))
+	 (content-type (plist-get part :content-type))
+	 (filename (plist-get part :filename))
+	 (disposition (if filename `(attachment (filename . ,filename)))))
+    (mm-make-handle buf (list content-type) nil nil disposition)))
+(defun notmuch-show-apply-to-current-part-handle (fn)
+  "Apply FN to an mm-handle for the part containing point.
+This ensures that the temporary buffer created for the mm-handle
+is destroyed when FN returns."
+  (let ((handle (notmuch-show-current-part-handle)))
+    (unwind-protect
+	(funcall fn handle)
+      (kill-buffer (mm-handle-buffer handle)))))
+(defun notmuch-show-part-button-default (&optional button)
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((button (or button (button-at (point)))))
+    ;; Try to toggle the part, if that fails then call the default
+    ;; action. The toggle fails if the part has no emacs renderable
+    ;; content.
+    (unless (notmuch-show-toggle-part-invisibility button)
+      (call-interactively notmuch-show-part-button-default-action))))
+(defun notmuch-show-save-part ()
+  "Save the MIME part containing point to a file."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-apply-to-current-part-handle #'mm-save-part))
+(defun notmuch-show-view-part ()
+  "View the MIME part containing point in an external viewer."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; Set mm-inlined-types to nil to force an external viewer
+  (let ((mm-inlined-types nil))
+    (notmuch-show-apply-to-current-part-handle #'mm-display-part)))
+(defun notmuch-show-interactively-view-part ()
+  "View the MIME part containing point, prompting for a viewer."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-apply-to-current-part-handle #'mm-interactively-view-part))
+(defun notmuch-show-pipe-part ()
+  "Pipe the MIME part containing point to an external command."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-show-apply-to-current-part-handle #'mm-pipe-part))
+(provide 'notmuch-show)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-tag.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-tag.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..064cfa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-tag.el
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+;; notmuch-tag.el --- tag messages within emacs
+;; Copyright © Damien Cassou
+;; Copyright © Carl Worth
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: Carl Worth <>
+;;          Damien Cassou <>
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'crm)
+(require 'notmuch-lib)
+(defcustom notmuch-tag-formats
+  '(("unread" (propertize tag 'face '(:foreground "red")))
+    ("flagged" (notmuch-tag-format-image-data tag (notmuch-tag-star-icon))))
+  "Custom formats for individual tags.
+This gives a list that maps from tag names to lists of formatting
+expressions.  The car of each element gives a tag name and the
+cdr gives a list of Elisp expressions that modify the tag.  If
+the list is empty, the tag will simply be hidden.  Otherwise,
+each expression will be evaluated in order: for the first
+expression, the variable `tag' will be bound to the tag name; for
+each later expression, the variable `tag' will be bound to the
+result of the previous expression.  In this way, each expression
+can build on the formatting performed by the previous expression.
+The result of the last expression will displayed in place of the
+For example, to replace a tag with another string, simply use
+that string as a formatting expression.  To change the foreground
+of a tag to red, use the expression
+  (propertize tag 'face '(:foreground \"red\"))
+See also `notmuch-tag-format-image', which can help replace tags
+with images."
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-show
+  :type '(alist :key-type (string :tag "Tag")
+		:extra-offset -3
+		:value-type
+		(radio :format "%v"
+		       (const :tag "Hidden" nil)
+		       (set :tag "Modified"
+			    (string :tag "Display as")
+			    (list :tag "Face" :extra-offset -4
+				  (const :format "" :inline t
+					 (propertize tag 'face))
+				  (list :format "%v"
+					(const :format "" quote)
+					custom-face-edit))
+			    (list :format "%v" :extra-offset -4
+				  (const :format "" :inline t
+					 (notmuch-tag-format-image-data tag))
+				  (choice :tag "Image"
+					  (const :tag "Star"
+						 (notmuch-tag-star-icon))
+					  (const :tag "Empty star"
+						 (notmuch-tag-star-empty-icon))
+					  (const :tag "Tag"
+						 (notmuch-tag-tag-icon))
+					  (string :tag "Custom")))
+			    (sexp :tag "Custom")))))
+(defun notmuch-tag-format-image-data (tag data)
+  "Replace TAG with image DATA, if available.
+This function returns a propertized string that will display image
+DATA in place of TAG.This is designed for use in
+DATA is the content of an SVG picture (e.g., as returned by
+  (propertize tag 'display
+	      `(image :type svg
+		      :data ,data
+		      :ascent center
+		      :mask heuristic)))
+(defun notmuch-tag-star-icon ()
+  "Return SVG data representing a star icon.
+This can be used with `notmuch-tag-format-image-data'."
+"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>
+<svg version=\"1.1\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\">
+  <g transform=\"translate(-242.81601,-315.59635)\">
+    <path
+       d=\"m 290.25762,334.31206 -17.64143,-11.77975 -19.70508,7.85447 5.75171,-20.41814 -13.55925,-16.31348 21.19618,-0.83936 11.325,-17.93675 7.34825,19.89939 20.55849,5.22795 -16.65471,13.13786 z\"
+       transform=\"matrix(0.2484147,-0.02623394,0.02623394,0.2484147,174.63605,255.37691)\"
+       style=\"fill:#ffff00;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\" />
+  </g>
+(defun notmuch-tag-star-empty-icon ()
+  "Return SVG data representing an empty star icon.
+This can be used with `notmuch-tag-format-image-data'."
+  "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>
+<svg version=\"1.1\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\">
+  <g transform=\"translate(-242.81601,-315.59635)\">
+    <path
+       d=\"m 290.25762,334.31206 -17.64143,-11.77975 -19.70508,7.85447 5.75171,-20.41814 -13.55925,-16.31348 21.19618,-0.83936 11.325,-17.93675 7.34825,19.89939 20.55849,5.22795 -16.65471,13.13786 z\"
+       transform=\"matrix(0.2484147,-0.02623394,0.02623394,0.2484147,174.63605,255.37691)\"
+       style=\"fill:#d6d6d1;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\" />
+  </g>
+(defun notmuch-tag-tag-icon ()
+  "Return SVG data representing a tag icon.
+This can be used with `notmuch-tag-format-image-data'."
+  "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>
+<svg version=\"1.1\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\">
+  <g transform=\"translate(0,-1036.3622)\">
+    <path
+       d=\"m 0.44642857,1040.9336 12.50000043,0 2.700893,3.6161 -2.700893,3.616 -12.50000043,0 z\"
+       style=\"fill:#ffff00;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.25;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1\" />
+  </g>
+(defun notmuch-tag-format-tag (tag)
+  "Format TAG by looking into `notmuch-tag-formats'."
+  (let ((formats (assoc tag notmuch-tag-formats)))
+    (cond
+     ((null formats)		;; - Tag not in `notmuch-tag-formats',
+      tag)			;;   the format is the tag itself.
+     ((null (cdr formats))	;; - Tag was deliberately hidden,
+      nil)			;;   no format must be returned
+     (t				;; - Tag was found and has formats,
+      (let ((tag tag))		;;   we must apply all the formats.
+	(dolist (format (cdr formats) tag)
+	  (setq tag (eval format))))))))
+(defun notmuch-tag-format-tags (tags)
+  "Return a string representing formatted TAGS."
+  (notmuch-combine-face-text-property-string
+   (mapconcat #'identity
+	      ;; nil indicated that the tag was deliberately hidden
+	      (delq nil (mapcar #'notmuch-tag-format-tag tags))
+	      " ")
+   'notmuch-tag-face
+   t))
+(defcustom notmuch-before-tag-hook nil
+  "Hooks that are run before tags of a message are modified.
+'tags' will contain the tags that are about to be added or removed as
+a list of strings of the form \"+TAG\" or \"-TAG\".
+'query' will be a string containing the search query that determines
+the messages that are about to be tagged"
+  :type 'hook
+  :options '(notmuch-hl-line-mode)
+  :group 'notmuch-hooks)
+(defcustom notmuch-after-tag-hook nil
+  "Hooks that are run after tags of a message are modified.
+'tags' will contain the tags that were added or removed as
+a list of strings of the form \"+TAG\" or \"-TAG\".
+'query' will be a string containing the search query that determines
+the messages that were tagged"
+  :type 'hook
+  :options '(notmuch-hl-line-mode)
+  :group 'notmuch-hooks)
+(defvar notmuch-select-tag-history nil
+  "Variable to store minibuffer history for
+`notmuch-select-tag-with-completion' function.")
+(defvar notmuch-read-tag-changes-history nil
+  "Variable to store minibuffer history for
+`notmuch-read-tag-changes' function.")
+(defun notmuch-tag-completions (&optional search-terms)
+  (if (null search-terms)
+      (setq search-terms (list "*")))
+  (split-string
+   (with-output-to-string
+     (with-current-buffer standard-output
+       (apply 'call-process notmuch-command nil t
+	      nil "search" "--output=tags" "--exclude=false" search-terms)))
+   "\n+" t))
+(defun notmuch-select-tag-with-completion (prompt &rest search-terms)
+  (let ((tag-list (notmuch-tag-completions search-terms)))
+    (completing-read prompt tag-list nil nil nil 'notmuch-select-tag-history)))
+(defun notmuch-read-tag-changes (&optional initial-input &rest search-terms)
+  (let* ((all-tag-list (notmuch-tag-completions))
+	 (add-tag-list (mapcar (apply-partially 'concat "+") all-tag-list))
+	 (remove-tag-list (mapcar (apply-partially 'concat "-")
+				  (if (null search-terms)
+				      all-tag-list
+				    (notmuch-tag-completions search-terms))))
+	 (tag-list (append add-tag-list remove-tag-list))
+	 (crm-separator " ")
+	 ;; By default, space is bound to "complete word" function.
+	 ;; Re-bind it to insert a space instead.  Note that <tab>
+	 ;; still does the completion.
+	 (crm-local-completion-map
+	  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+	    (set-keymap-parent map crm-local-completion-map)
+	    (define-key map " " 'self-insert-command)
+	    map)))
+    (delete "" (completing-read-multiple "Tags (+add -drop): "
+		tag-list nil nil initial-input
+		'notmuch-read-tag-changes-history))))
+(defun notmuch-update-tags (tags tag-changes)
+  "Return a copy of TAGS with additions and removals from TAG-CHANGES.
+TAG-CHANGES must be a list of tags names, each prefixed with
+either a \"+\" to indicate the tag should be added to TAGS if not
+present or a \"-\" to indicate that the tag should be removed
+from TAGS if present."
+  (let ((result-tags (copy-sequence tags)))
+    (dolist (tag-change tag-changes)
+      (let ((op (string-to-char tag-change))
+	    (tag (unless (string= tag-change "") (substring tag-change 1))))
+	(case op
+	  (?+ (unless (member tag result-tags)
+		(push tag result-tags)))
+	  (?- (setq result-tags (delete tag result-tags)))
+	  (otherwise
+	   (error "Changed tag must be of the form `+this_tag' or `-that_tag'")))))
+    (sort result-tags 'string<)))
+(defun notmuch-tag (query &optional tag-changes)
+  "Add/remove tags in TAG-CHANGES to messages matching QUERY.
+QUERY should be a string containing the search-terms.
+TAG-CHANGES can take multiple forms.  If TAG-CHANGES is a list of
+strings of the form \"+tag\" or \"-tag\" then those are the tag
+changes applied.  If TAG-CHANGES is a string then it is
+interpreted as a single tag change.  If TAG-CHANGES is the string
+\"-\" or \"+\", or null, then the user is prompted to enter the
+tag changes.
+Note: Other code should always use this function alter tags of
+messages instead of running (notmuch-call-notmuch-process \"tag\" ..)
+directly, so that hooks specified in notmuch-before-tag-hook and
+notmuch-after-tag-hook will be run."
+  ;; Perform some validation
+  (if (string-or-null-p tag-changes)
+      (if (or (string= tag-changes "-") (string= tag-changes "+") (null tag-changes))
+	  (setq tag-changes (notmuch-read-tag-changes tag-changes query))
+	(setq tag-changes (list tag-changes))))
+  (mapc (lambda (tag-change)
+	  (unless (string-match-p "^[-+]\\S-+$" tag-change)
+	    (error "Tag must be of the form `+this_tag' or `-that_tag'")))
+	tag-changes)
+  (unless (null tag-changes)
+    (run-hooks 'notmuch-before-tag-hook)
+    (apply 'notmuch-call-notmuch-process "tag"
+	   (append tag-changes (list "--" query)))
+    (run-hooks 'notmuch-after-tag-hook))
+  ;; in all cases we return tag-changes as a list
+  tag-changes)
+(defun notmuch-tag-change-list (tags &optional reverse)
+  "Convert TAGS into a list of tag changes.
+Add a \"+\" prefix to any tag in TAGS list that doesn't already
+begin with a \"+\" or a \"-\". If REVERSE is non-nil, replace all
+\"+\" prefixes with \"-\" and vice versa in the result."
+  (mapcar (lambda (str)
+	    (let ((s (if (string-match "^[+-]" str) str (concat "+" str))))
+	      (if reverse
+		  (concat (if (= (string-to-char s) ?-) "+" "-")
+			  (substring s 1))
+		s)))
+	  tags))
+(provide 'notmuch-tag)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions)
+;; End:
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-wash.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-wash.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fe91e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch-wash.el
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+;; notmuch-wash.el --- cleaning up message bodies
+;; Copyright © Carl Worth
+;; Copyright © David Edmondson
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: Carl Worth <>
+;;          David Edmondson <>
+(require 'coolj)
+(declare-function notmuch-show-insert-bodypart "notmuch-show" (msg part depth &optional hide))
+(defvar notmuch-wash-signature-regexp
+  "^\\(-- ?\\|_+\\)$"
+  "Pattern to match a line that separates content from signature.")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-citation-regexp
+  "\\(^[[:space:]]*>.*\n\\)+"
+  "Pattern to match citation lines.")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-original-regexp "^\\(--+\s?[oO]riginal [mM]essage\s?--+\\)$"
+  "Pattern to match a line that separates original message from reply in top-posted message.")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-button-signature-hidden-format
+  "[ %d-line signature. Click/Enter to show. ]"
+  "String used to construct button text for hidden signatures.
+Can use up to one integer format parameter, i.e. %d")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-button-signature-visible-format
+  "[ %d-line signature. Click/Enter to hide. ]"
+  "String used to construct button text for visible signatures.
+Can use up to one integer format parameter, i.e. %d")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-button-citation-hidden-format
+  "[ %d more citation lines. Click/Enter to show. ]"
+  "String used to construct button text for hidden citations.
+Can use up to one integer format parameter, i.e. %d")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-button-citation-visible-format
+  "[ %d more citation lines. Click/Enter to hide. ]"
+  "String used to construct button text for visible citations.
+Can use up to one integer format parameter, i.e. %d")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-button-original-hidden-format
+  "[ %d-line hidden original message. Click/Enter to show. ]"
+  "String used to construct button text for hidden citations.
+Can use up to one integer format parameter, i.e. %d")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-button-original-visible-format
+  "[ %d-line original message. Click/Enter to hide. ]"
+  "String used to construct button text for visible citations.
+Can use up to one integer format parameter, i.e. %d")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-signature-lines-max 12
+  "Maximum length of signature that will be hidden by default.")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-citation-lines-prefix 3
+  "Always show at least this many lines from the start of a citation.
+If there is one more line than the sum of
+`notmuch-wash-citation-lines-prefix' and
+`notmuch-wash-citation-lines-suffix', show that, otherwise
+collapse the remaining lines into a button.")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-citation-lines-suffix 3
+  "Always show at least this many lines from the end of a citation.
+If there is one more line than the sum of
+`notmuch-wash-citation-lines-prefix' and
+`notmuch-wash-citation-lines-suffix', show that, otherwise
+collapse the remaining lines into a button.")
+(defvar notmuch-wash-wrap-lines-length nil
+  "Wrap line after at most this many characters.
+If this is nil, lines in messages will be wrapped to fit in the
+current window. If this is a number, lines will be wrapped after
+this many characters or at the window width (whichever one is
+(defun notmuch-wash-toggle-invisible-action (cite-button)
+  ;; Toggle overlay visibility
+  (let ((overlay (button-get cite-button 'overlay)))
+    (overlay-put overlay 'invisible (not (overlay-get overlay 'invisible))))
+  ;; Update button text
+  (let* ((new-start (button-start cite-button))
+	 (overlay (button-get cite-button 'overlay))
+	 (button-label (notmuch-wash-button-label overlay))
+	 (old-point (point))
+	 (properties (text-properties-at (point)))
+	 (inhibit-read-only t))
+    (goto-char new-start)
+    (insert button-label)
+    (set-text-properties new-start (point) properties)
+    (let ((old-end (button-end cite-button)))
+      (move-overlay cite-button new-start (point))
+      (delete-region (point) old-end))
+    (goto-char (min old-point (1- (button-end cite-button))))))
+(define-button-type 'notmuch-wash-button-invisibility-toggle-type
+  'action 'notmuch-wash-toggle-invisible-action
+  'follow-link t
+  'face 'font-lock-comment-face
+  :supertype 'notmuch-button-type)
+(define-button-type 'notmuch-wash-button-citation-toggle-type
+  'help-echo "mouse-1, RET: Show citation"
+  :supertype 'notmuch-wash-button-invisibility-toggle-type)
+(define-button-type 'notmuch-wash-button-signature-toggle-type
+  'help-echo "mouse-1, RET: Show signature"
+  :supertype 'notmuch-wash-button-invisibility-toggle-type)
+(define-button-type 'notmuch-wash-button-original-toggle-type
+  'help-echo "mouse-1, RET: Show original message"
+  :supertype 'notmuch-wash-button-invisibility-toggle-type)
+(defun notmuch-wash-region-isearch-show (overlay)
+  (notmuch-wash-toggle-invisible-action
+   (overlay-get overlay 'notmuch-wash-button)))
+(defun notmuch-wash-button-label (overlay)
+  (let* ((type (overlay-get overlay 'type))
+	 (invis-spec (overlay-get overlay 'invisible))
+	 (state (if (invisible-p invis-spec) "hidden" "visible"))
+	 (label-format (symbol-value (intern-soft (concat "notmuch-wash-button-"
+							  type "-" state "-format"))))
+	 (lines-count (count-lines (overlay-start overlay) (overlay-end overlay))))
+    (format label-format lines-count)))
+(defun notmuch-wash-region-to-button (msg beg end type &optional prefix)
+  "Auxiliary function to do the actual making of overlays and buttons
+BEG and END are buffer locations. TYPE should a string, either
+\"citation\" or \"signature\". Optional PREFIX is some arbitrary
+text to insert before the button, probably for indentation.  Note
+that PREFIX should not include a newline."
+  ;; This uses some slightly tricky conversions between strings and
+  ;; symbols because of the way the button code works. Note that
+  ;; replacing intern-soft with make-symbol will cause this to fail,
+  ;; since the newly created symbol has no plist.
+  (let ((overlay (make-overlay beg end))
+	(button-type (intern-soft (concat "notmuch-wash-button-"
+					  type "-toggle-type"))))
+    (overlay-put overlay 'invisible t)
+    (overlay-put overlay 'isearch-open-invisible #'notmuch-wash-region-isearch-show)
+    (overlay-put overlay 'type type)
+    (goto-char (1+ end))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (if prefix
+	  (insert-before-markers prefix))
+      (let ((button-beg (point)))
+	(insert-before-markers (notmuch-wash-button-label overlay) "\n")
+	(let ((button (make-button button-beg (1- (point))
+				   'overlay overlay
+				   :type button-type)))
+	  (overlay-put overlay 'notmuch-wash-button button))))))
+(defun notmuch-wash-excerpt-citations (msg depth)
+  "Excerpt citations and up to one signature."
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  (if (and (< (point) (point-max))
+	   (re-search-forward notmuch-wash-original-regexp nil t))
+      (let* ((msg-start (match-beginning 0))
+	     (msg-end (point-max))
+	     (msg-lines (count-lines msg-start msg-end)))
+	(notmuch-wash-region-to-button
+	 msg msg-start msg-end "original")))
+  (while (and (< (point) (point-max))
+	      (re-search-forward notmuch-wash-citation-regexp nil t))
+    (let* ((cite-start (match-beginning 0))
+	   (cite-end (match-end 0))
+	   (cite-lines (count-lines cite-start cite-end)))
+      (overlay-put (make-overlay cite-start cite-end) 'face 'message-cited-text)
+      (when (> cite-lines (+ notmuch-wash-citation-lines-prefix
+			     notmuch-wash-citation-lines-suffix
+			     1))
+	(goto-char cite-start)
+	(forward-line notmuch-wash-citation-lines-prefix)
+	(let ((hidden-start (point-marker)))
+	  (goto-char cite-end)
+	  (forward-line (- notmuch-wash-citation-lines-suffix))
+	  (notmuch-wash-region-to-button
+	   msg hidden-start (point-marker)
+	   "citation")))))
+  (if (and (not (eobp))
+	   (re-search-forward notmuch-wash-signature-regexp nil t))
+      (let* ((sig-start (match-beginning 0))
+	     (sig-end (match-end 0))
+	     (sig-lines (count-lines sig-start (point-max))))
+	(if (<= sig-lines notmuch-wash-signature-lines-max)
+	    (let ((sig-start-marker (make-marker))
+		  (sig-end-marker (make-marker)))
+	      (set-marker sig-start-marker sig-start)
+	      (set-marker sig-end-marker (point-max))
+	      (overlay-put (make-overlay sig-start-marker sig-end-marker) 'face 'message-cited-text)
+	      (notmuch-wash-region-to-button
+	       msg sig-start-marker sig-end-marker
+	       "signature"))))))
+(defun notmuch-wash-elide-blank-lines (msg depth)
+  "Elide leading, trailing and successive blank lines."
+  ;; Algorithm derived from `article-strip-multiple-blank-lines' in
+  ;; `gnus-art.el'.
+  ;; Make all blank lines empty.
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (while (re-search-forward "^[[:space:]\t]+$" nil t)
+    (replace-match "" nil t))
+  ;; Replace multiple empty lines with a single empty line.
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (while (re-search-forward "^\n\\(\n+\\)" nil t)
+    (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+  ;; Remove a leading blank line.
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (if (looking-at "\n")
+      (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
+  ;; Remove a trailing blank line.
+  (goto-char (point-max))
+  (if (looking-at "\n")
+      (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
+(defun notmuch-wash-tidy-citations (msg depth)
+  "Improve the display of cited regions of a message.
+Perform several transformations on the message body:
+- Remove lines of repeated citation leaders with no other
+  content,
+- Remove citation leaders standing alone before a block of cited
+  text,
+- Remove citation trailers standing alone after a block of cited
+  text."
+  ;; Remove lines of repeated citation leaders with no other content.
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (while (re-search-forward "\\(^>[> ]*\n\\)\\{2,\\}" nil t)
+    (replace-match "\\1"))
+  ;; Remove citation leaders standing alone before a block of cited
+  ;; text.
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (while (re-search-forward "\\(\n\\|^[^>].*\\)\n\\(^>[> ]*\n\\)" nil t)
+    (replace-match "\\1\n"))
+  ;; Remove citation trailers standing alone after a block of cited
+  ;; text.
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (while (re-search-forward "\\(^>[> ]*\n\\)\\(^$\\|^[^>].*\\)" nil t)
+    (replace-match "\\2")))
+(defun notmuch-wash-wrap-long-lines (msg depth)
+  "Wrap long lines in the message.
+If `notmuch-wash-wrap-lines-length' is a number, this will wrap
+the message lines to the minimum of the width of the window or
+its value. Otherwise, this function will wrap long lines in the
+message at the window width. When doing so, citation leaders in
+the wrapped text are maintained."
+  (let* ((coolj-wrap-follows-window-size nil)
+	 (limit (if (numberp notmuch-wash-wrap-lines-length)
+		    (min notmuch-wash-wrap-lines-length
+			 (window-width))
+		  (window-width)))
+	 (fill-column (- limit
+			 depth
+			 ;; 2 to avoid poor interaction with
+			 ;; `word-wrap'.
+			 2)))
+    (coolj-wrap-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+(require 'diff-mode)
+(defvar diff-file-header-re) ; From `diff-mode.el'.
+(defun notmuch-wash-subject-to-filename (subject &optional maxlen)
+  "Convert a mail SUBJECT into a filename.
+The resulting filename is similar to the names generated by \"git
+format-patch\", without the leading patch sequence number
+\"0001-\" and \".patch\" extension. Any leading \"[PREFIX]\"
+style strings are removed prior to conversion.
+Optional argument MAXLEN is the maximum length of the resulting
+filename, before trimming any trailing . and - characters."
+  (let* ((s (replace-regexp-in-string "^ *\\(\\[[^]]*\\] *\\)*" "" subject))
+	 (s (replace-regexp-in-string "[^A-Za-z0-9._]+" "-" s))
+	 (s (replace-regexp-in-string "\\.+" "." s))
+	 (s (if maxlen (substring s 0 (min (length s) maxlen)) s))
+	 (s (replace-regexp-in-string "[.-]*$" "" s)))
+    s))
+(defun notmuch-wash-subject-to-patch-sequence-number (subject)
+  "Convert a patch mail SUBJECT into a patch sequence number.
+Return the patch sequence number N from the last \"[PATCH N/M]\"
+style prefix in SUBJECT, or nil if such a prefix can't be found."
+  (when (string-match
+	 "^ *\\(\\[[^]]*\\] *\\)*\\[[^]]*?\\([0-9]+\\)/[0-9]+[^]]*\\].*"
+	 subject)
+      (string-to-number (substring subject (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))
+(defun notmuch-wash-subject-to-patch-filename (subject)
+  "Convert a patch mail SUBJECT into a filename.
+The resulting filename is similar to the names generated by \"git
+format-patch\". If the patch mail was generated and sent using
+\"git format-patch/send-email\", this should re-create the
+original filename the sender had."
+  (format "%04d-%s.patch"
+	  (or (notmuch-wash-subject-to-patch-sequence-number subject) 1)
+	  (notmuch-wash-subject-to-filename subject 52)))
+(defun notmuch-wash-convert-inline-patch-to-part (msg depth)
+  "Convert an inline patch into a fake 'text/x-diff' attachment.
+Given that this function guesses whether a buffer includes a
+patch and then guesses the extent of the patch, there is scope
+for error."
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (when (re-search-forward diff-file-header-re nil t)
+    (beginning-of-line -1)
+    (let ((patch-start (point))
+	  (patch-end (point-max))
+	  part)
+      (goto-char patch-start)
+      (if (or
+	   ;; Patch ends with signature.
+	   (re-search-forward notmuch-wash-signature-regexp nil t)
+	   ;; Patch ends with bugtraq comment.
+	   (re-search-forward "^\\*\\*\\* " nil t))
+	  (setq patch-end (match-beginning 0)))
+      (save-restriction
+	(narrow-to-region patch-start patch-end)
+	(setq part (plist-put part :content-type "inline patch"))
+	(setq part (plist-put part :content (buffer-string)))
+	(setq part (plist-put part :id -1))
+	(setq part (plist-put part :filename
+			      (notmuch-wash-subject-to-patch-filename
+			       (plist-get
+				(plist-get msg :headers) :Subject))))
+	(delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+	(notmuch-show-insert-bodypart nil part depth)))))
+(provide 'notmuch-wash)
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch/notmuch.el b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ce840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/notmuch/notmuch.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1082 @@
+;; notmuch.el --- run notmuch within emacs
+;; Copyright © Carl Worth
+;; This file is part of Notmuch.
+;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Notmuch.  If not, see <>.
+;; Authors: Carl Worth <>
+;; This is an emacs-based interface to the notmuch mail system.
+;; You will first need to have the notmuch program installed and have a
+;; notmuch database built in order to use this. See
+;; for details.
+;; To install this software, copy it to a directory that is on the
+;; `load-path' variable within emacs (a good candidate is
+;; /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp). If you are viewing this from the
+;; notmuch source distribution then you can simply run:
+;;	sudo make install-emacs
+;; to install it.
+;; Then, to actually run it, add:
+;;	(require 'notmuch)
+;; to your ~/.emacs file, and then run "M-x notmuch" from within emacs,
+;; or run:
+;;	emacs -f notmuch
+;; Have fun, and let us know if you have any comment, questions, or
+;; kudos: Notmuch list <> (subscription is not
+;; required, but is available from
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'mm-view)
+(require 'message)
+(require 'notmuch-lib)
+(require 'notmuch-tag)
+(require 'notmuch-show)
+(require 'notmuch-mua)
+(require 'notmuch-hello)
+(require 'notmuch-maildir-fcc)
+(require 'notmuch-message)
+(require 'notmuch-parser)
+(defcustom notmuch-search-result-format
+  `(("date" . "%12s ")
+    ("count" . "%-7s ")
+    ("authors" . "%-20s ")
+    ("subject" . "%s ")
+    ("tags" . "(%s)"))
+  "Search result formatting. Supported fields are:
+	date, count, authors, subject, tags
+For example:
+	(setq notmuch-search-result-format \(\(\"authors\" . \"%-40s\"\)
+					     \(\"subject\" . \"%s\"\)\)\)
+Line breaks are permitted in format strings (though this is
+currently experimental).  Note that a line break at the end of an
+\"authors\" field will get elided if the authors list is long;
+place it instead at the beginning of the following field.  To
+enter a line break when setting this variable with setq, use \\n.
+To enter a line break in customize, press \\[quoted-insert] C-j."
+  :type '(alist :key-type (string) :value-type (string))
+  :group 'notmuch-search)
+(defvar notmuch-query-history nil
+  "Variable to store minibuffer history for notmuch queries")
+(defun notmuch-foreach-mime-part (function mm-handle)
+  (cond ((stringp (car mm-handle))
+         (dolist (part (cdr mm-handle))
+           (notmuch-foreach-mime-part function part)))
+        ((bufferp (car mm-handle))
+         (funcall function mm-handle))
+        (t (dolist (part mm-handle)
+             (notmuch-foreach-mime-part function part)))))
+(defun notmuch-count-attachments (mm-handle)
+  (let ((count 0))
+    (notmuch-foreach-mime-part
+     (lambda (p)
+       (let ((disposition (mm-handle-disposition p)))
+         (and (listp disposition)
+              (or (equal (car disposition) "attachment")
+                  (and (equal (car disposition) "inline")
+                       (assq 'filename disposition)))
+              (incf count))))
+     mm-handle)
+    count))
+(defun notmuch-save-attachments (mm-handle &optional queryp)
+  (notmuch-foreach-mime-part
+   (lambda (p)
+     (let ((disposition (mm-handle-disposition p)))
+       (and (listp disposition)
+            (or (equal (car disposition) "attachment")
+                (and (equal (car disposition) "inline")
+                     (assq 'filename disposition)))
+            (or (not queryp)
+                (y-or-n-p
+                 (concat "Save '" (cdr (assq 'filename disposition)) "' ")))
+            (mm-save-part p))))
+   mm-handle))
+(defun notmuch-documentation-first-line (symbol)
+  "Return the first line of the documentation string for SYMBOL."
+  (let ((doc (documentation symbol)))
+    (if doc
+	(with-temp-buffer
+	  (insert (documentation symbol t))
+	  (goto-char (point-min))
+	  (let ((beg (point)))
+	    (end-of-line)
+	    (buffer-substring beg (point))))
+      "")))
+(defun notmuch-prefix-key-description (key)
+  "Given a prefix key code, return a human-readable string representation.
+This is basically just `format-kbd-macro' but we also convert ESC to M-."
+  (let ((desc (format-kbd-macro (vector key))))
+    (if (string= desc "ESC")
+	"M-"
+      (concat desc " "))))
+;; I would think that emacs would have code handy for walking a keymap
+;; and generating strings for each key, and I would prefer to just call
+;; that. But I couldn't find any (could be all implemented in C I
+;; suppose), so I wrote my own here.
+(defun notmuch-substitute-one-command-key-with-prefix (prefix binding)
+  "For a key binding, return a string showing a human-readable
+representation of the prefixed key as well as the first line of
+documentation from the bound function.
+For a mouse binding, return nil."
+  (let ((key (car binding))
+	(action (cdr binding)))
+    (if (mouse-event-p key)
+	nil
+      (if (keymapp action)
+	  (let ((substitute (apply-partially 'notmuch-substitute-one-command-key-with-prefix (notmuch-prefix-key-description key)))
+		(as-list))
+	    (map-keymap (lambda (a b)
+			  (push (cons a b) as-list))
+			action)
+	    (mapconcat substitute as-list "\n"))
+	(concat prefix (format-kbd-macro (vector key))
+		"\t"
+		(notmuch-documentation-first-line action))))))
+(defun notmuch-substitute-command-keys-one (key)
+  ;; A `keymap' key indicates inheritance from a parent keymap - the
+  ;; inherited mappings follow, so there is nothing to print for
+  ;; `keymap' itself.
+  (when (not (eq key 'keymap))
+    (notmuch-substitute-one-command-key-with-prefix nil key)))
+(defun notmuch-substitute-command-keys (doc)
+  "Like `substitute-command-keys' but with documentation, not function names."
+  (let ((beg 0))
+    (while (string-match "\\\\{\\([^}[:space:]]*\\)}" doc beg)
+      (let* ((keymap-name (substring doc (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+	     (keymap (symbol-value (intern keymap-name))))
+	(setq doc (replace-match
+		   (mapconcat #'notmuch-substitute-command-keys-one
+			      (cdr keymap) "\n")
+		   1 1 doc)))
+      (setq beg (match-end 0)))
+    doc))
+(defun notmuch-help ()
+  "Display help for the current notmuch mode."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((mode major-mode)
+	 (doc (substitute-command-keys (notmuch-substitute-command-keys (documentation mode t)))))
+    (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*notmuch-help*")
+      (insert doc)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+      (view-buffer (current-buffer) 'kill-buffer-if-not-modified))))
+(require 'hl-line)
+(defun notmuch-hl-line-mode ()
+  (prog1 (hl-line-mode)
+    (when hl-line-overlay
+      (overlay-put hl-line-overlay 'priority 1))))
+(defcustom notmuch-search-hook '(notmuch-hl-line-mode)
+  "List of functions to call when notmuch displays the search results."
+  :type 'hook
+  :options '(notmuch-hl-line-mode)
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-hooks)
+(defvar notmuch-search-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "?" 'notmuch-help)
+    (define-key map "q" 'notmuch-search-quit)
+    (define-key map "x" 'notmuch-search-quit)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<DEL>") 'notmuch-search-scroll-down)
+    (define-key map "b" 'notmuch-search-scroll-down)
+    (define-key map " " 'notmuch-search-scroll-up)
+    (define-key map "<" 'notmuch-search-first-thread)
+    (define-key map ">" 'notmuch-search-last-thread)
+    (define-key map "p" 'notmuch-search-previous-thread)
+    (define-key map "n" 'notmuch-search-next-thread)
+    (define-key map "r" 'notmuch-search-reply-to-thread-sender)
+    (define-key map "R" 'notmuch-search-reply-to-thread)
+    (define-key map "m" 'notmuch-mua-new-mail)
+    (define-key map "s" 'notmuch-search)
+    (define-key map "o" 'notmuch-search-toggle-order)
+    (define-key map "c" 'notmuch-search-stash-map)
+    (define-key map "=" 'notmuch-search-refresh-view)
+    (define-key map "G" 'notmuch-search-poll-and-refresh-view)
+    (define-key map "t" 'notmuch-search-filter-by-tag)
+    (define-key map "f" 'notmuch-search-filter)
+    (define-key map [mouse-1] 'notmuch-search-show-thread)
+    (define-key map "*" 'notmuch-search-tag-all)
+    (define-key map "a" 'notmuch-search-archive-thread)
+    (define-key map "-" 'notmuch-search-remove-tag)
+    (define-key map "+" 'notmuch-search-add-tag)
+    (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'notmuch-search-show-thread)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for \"notmuch search\" buffers.")
+(fset 'notmuch-search-mode-map notmuch-search-mode-map)
+(defvar notmuch-search-stash-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "i" 'notmuch-search-stash-thread-id)
+    map)
+  "Submap for stash commands")
+(fset 'notmuch-search-stash-map notmuch-search-stash-map)
+(defun notmuch-search-stash-thread-id ()
+  "Copy thread ID of current thread to kill-ring."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-search-find-thread-id)))
+(defvar notmuch-search-query-string)
+(defvar notmuch-search-target-thread)
+(defvar notmuch-search-target-line)
+(defvar notmuch-search-continuation)
+(defvar notmuch-search-disjunctive-regexp      "\\<[oO][rR]\\>")
+(defun notmuch-search-quit ()
+  "Exit the search buffer, calling any defined continuation function."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((continuation notmuch-search-continuation))
+    (notmuch-kill-this-buffer)
+    (when continuation
+      (funcall continuation))))
+(defun notmuch-search-scroll-up ()
+  "Move forward through search results by one window's worth."
+  (interactive)
+  (condition-case nil
+      (scroll-up nil)
+    ((end-of-buffer) (notmuch-search-last-thread))))
+(defun notmuch-search-scroll-down ()
+  "Move backward through the search results by one window's worth."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; I don't know why scroll-down doesn't signal beginning-of-buffer
+  ;; the way that scroll-up signals end-of-buffer, but c'est la vie.
+  ;;
+  ;; So instead of trapping a signal we instead check whether the
+  ;; window begins on the first line of the buffer and if so, move
+  ;; directly to that position. (We have to count lines since the
+  ;; window-start position is not the same as point-min due to the
+  ;; invisible thread-ID characters on the first line.
+  (if (equal (count-lines (point-min) (window-start)) 0)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+    (scroll-down nil)))
+(defun notmuch-search-next-thread ()
+  "Select the next thread in the search results."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (notmuch-search-get-result)
+    (goto-char (notmuch-search-result-end))))
+(defun notmuch-search-previous-thread ()
+  "Select the previous thread in the search results."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (notmuch-search-get-result)
+      (unless (bobp)
+	(goto-char (notmuch-search-result-beginning (- (point) 1))))
+    ;; We must be past the end; jump to the last result
+    (notmuch-search-last-thread)))
+(defun notmuch-search-last-thread ()
+  "Select the last thread in the search results."
+  (interactive)
+  (goto-char (point-max))
+  (forward-line -2)
+  (let ((beg (notmuch-search-result-beginning)))
+    (when beg (goto-char beg))))
+(defun notmuch-search-first-thread ()
+  "Select the first thread in the search results."
+  (interactive)
+  (goto-char (point-min)))
+(defface notmuch-message-summary-face
+ '((((class color) (background light)) (:background "#f0f0f0"))
+   (((class color) (background dark)) (:background "#303030")))
+ "Face for the single-line message summary in notmuch-show-mode."
+ :group 'notmuch-show
+ :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-search-date
+  '((t :inherit default))
+  "Face used in search mode for dates."
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-search-count
+  '((t :inherit default))
+  "Face used in search mode for the count matching the query."
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-search-subject
+  '((t :inherit default))
+  "Face used in search mode for subjects."
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-search-matching-authors
+  '((t :inherit default))
+  "Face used in search mode for authors matching the query."
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-search-non-matching-authors
+  '((((class color)
+      (background dark))
+     (:foreground "grey30"))
+    (((class color)
+      (background light))
+     (:foreground "grey60"))
+    (t
+     (:italic t)))
+  "Face used in search mode for authors not matching the query."
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defface notmuch-tag-face
+  '((((class color)
+      (background dark))
+     (:foreground "OliveDrab1"))
+    (((class color)
+      (background light))
+     (:foreground "navy blue" :bold t))
+    (t
+     (:bold t)))
+  "Face used in search mode face for tags."
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defun notmuch-search-mode ()
+  "Major mode displaying results of a notmuch search.
+This buffer contains the results of a \"notmuch search\" of your
+email archives. Each line in the buffer represents a single
+thread giving a summary of the thread (a relative date, the
+number of matched messages and total messages in the thread,
+participants in the thread, a representative subject line, and
+any tags).
+Pressing \\[notmuch-search-show-thread] on any line displays that
+thread. The '\\[notmuch-search-add-tag]' and
+'\\[notmuch-search-remove-tag]' keys can be used to add or remove
+tags from a thread. The '\\[notmuch-search-archive-thread]' key
+is a convenience for archiving a thread (applying changes in
+`notmuch-archive-tags'). The '\\[notmuch-search-tag-all]' key can
+be used to add and/or remove tags from all messages (as opposed
+to threads) that match the current query.  Use with caution, as
+this will also tag matching messages that arrived *after*
+constructing the buffer.
+Other useful commands are '\\[notmuch-search-filter]' for
+filtering the current search based on an additional query string,
+'\\[notmuch-search-filter-by-tag]' for filtering to include only
+messages with a given tag, and '\\[notmuch-search]' to execute a
+new, global search.
+Complete list of currently available key bindings:
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (make-local-variable 'notmuch-search-query-string)
+  (make-local-variable 'notmuch-search-oldest-first)
+  (make-local-variable 'notmuch-search-target-thread)
+  (make-local-variable 'notmuch-search-target-line)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'notmuch-search-continuation) nil)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'scroll-preserve-screen-position) t)
+  (add-to-invisibility-spec (cons 'ellipsis t))
+  (use-local-map notmuch-search-mode-map)
+  (setq truncate-lines t)
+  (setq major-mode 'notmuch-search-mode
+	mode-name "notmuch-search")
+  (setq buffer-read-only t))
+(defun notmuch-search-get-result (&optional pos)
+  "Return the result object for the thread at POS (or point).
+If there is no thread at POS (or point), returns nil."
+  (get-text-property (or pos (point)) 'notmuch-search-result))
+(defun notmuch-search-result-beginning (&optional pos)
+  "Return the point at the beginning of the thread at POS (or point).
+If there is no thread at POS (or point), returns nil."
+  (when (notmuch-search-get-result pos)
+    ;; We pass 1+point because previous-single-property-change starts
+    ;; searching one before the position we give it.
+    (previous-single-property-change (1+ (or pos (point)))
+				     'notmuch-search-result nil (point-min))))
+(defun notmuch-search-result-end (&optional pos)
+  "Return the point at the end of the thread at POS (or point).
+The returned point will be just after the newline character that
+ends the result line.  If there is no thread at POS (or point),
+returns nil"
+  (when (notmuch-search-get-result pos)
+    (next-single-property-change (or pos (point)) 'notmuch-search-result
+				 nil (point-max))))
+(defun notmuch-search-foreach-result (beg end function)
+  "Invoke FUNCTION for each result between BEG and END.
+FUNCTION should take one argument.  It will be applied to the
+character position of the beginning of each result that overlaps
+the region between points BEG and END.  As a special case, if (=
+BEG END), FUNCTION will be applied to the result containing point
+  (lexical-let ((pos (notmuch-search-result-beginning beg))
+		;; End must be a marker in case function changes the
+		;; text.
+		(end (copy-marker end))
+		;; Make sure we examine at least one result, even if
+		;; (= beg end).
+		(first t))
+    ;; We have to be careful if the region extends beyond the results.
+    ;; In this case, pos could be null or there could be no result at
+    ;; pos.
+    (while (and pos (or (< pos end) first))
+      (when (notmuch-search-get-result pos)
+	(funcall function pos))
+      (setq pos (notmuch-search-result-end pos)
+	    first nil))))
+;; Unindent the function argument of notmuch-search-foreach-result so
+;; the indentation of callers doesn't get out of hand.
+(put 'notmuch-search-foreach-result 'lisp-indent-function 2)
+(defun notmuch-search-properties-in-region (property beg end)
+  (let (output)
+    (notmuch-search-foreach-result beg end
+      (lambda (pos)
+	(push (plist-get (notmuch-search-get-result pos) property) output)))
+    output))
+(defun notmuch-search-find-thread-id (&optional bare)
+  "Return the thread for the current thread
+If BARE is set then do not prefix with \"thread:\""
+  (let ((thread (plist-get (notmuch-search-get-result) :thread)))
+    (when thread (concat (unless bare "thread:") thread))))
+(defun notmuch-search-find-thread-id-region (beg end)
+  "Return a list of threads for the current region"
+  (mapcar (lambda (thread) (concat "thread:" thread))
+	  (notmuch-search-properties-in-region :thread beg end)))
+(defun notmuch-search-find-thread-id-region-search (beg end)
+  "Return a search string for threads for the current region"
+  (mapconcat 'identity (notmuch-search-find-thread-id-region beg end) " or "))
+(defun notmuch-search-find-authors ()
+  "Return the authors for the current thread"
+  (plist-get (notmuch-search-get-result) :authors))
+(defun notmuch-search-find-authors-region (beg end)
+  "Return a list of authors for the current region"
+  (notmuch-search-properties-in-region :authors beg end))
+(defun notmuch-search-find-subject ()
+  "Return the subject for the current thread"
+  (plist-get (notmuch-search-get-result) :subject))
+(defun notmuch-search-find-subject-region (beg end)
+  "Return a list of authors for the current region"
+  (notmuch-search-properties-in-region :subject beg end))
+(defun notmuch-search-show-thread ()
+  "Display the currently selected thread."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((thread-id (notmuch-search-find-thread-id))
+	(subject (notmuch-search-find-subject)))
+    (if (> (length thread-id) 0)
+	(notmuch-show thread-id
+		      (current-buffer)
+		      notmuch-search-query-string
+		      ;; Name the buffer based on the subject.
+		      (concat "*" (truncate-string-to-width subject 30 nil nil t) "*"))
+      (message "End of search results."))))
+(defun notmuch-search-reply-to-thread (&optional prompt-for-sender)
+  "Begin composing a reply-all to the entire current thread in a new buffer."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((message-id (notmuch-search-find-thread-id)))
+    (notmuch-mua-new-reply message-id prompt-for-sender t)))
+(defun notmuch-search-reply-to-thread-sender (&optional prompt-for-sender)
+  "Begin composing a reply to the entire current thread in a new buffer."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((message-id (notmuch-search-find-thread-id)))
+    (notmuch-mua-new-reply message-id prompt-for-sender nil)))
+(defun notmuch-call-notmuch-process (&rest args)
+  "Synchronously invoke \"notmuch\" with the given list of arguments.
+If notmuch exits with a non-zero status, output from the process
+will appear in a buffer named \"*Notmuch errors*\" and an error
+will be signaled."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((status (apply #'call-process notmuch-command nil t nil args)))
+      (notmuch-check-exit-status status (cons notmuch-command args)
+				 (buffer-string)))))
+(defun notmuch-search-set-tags (tags &optional pos)
+  (let ((new-result (plist-put (notmuch-search-get-result pos) :tags tags)))
+    (notmuch-search-update-result new-result pos)))
+(defun notmuch-search-get-tags (&optional pos)
+  (plist-get (notmuch-search-get-result pos) :tags))
+(defun notmuch-search-get-tags-region (beg end)
+  (let (output)
+    (notmuch-search-foreach-result beg end
+      (lambda (pos)
+	(setq output (append output (notmuch-search-get-tags pos)))))
+    output))
+(defun notmuch-search-tag-region (beg end &optional tag-changes)
+  "Change tags for threads in the given region."
+  (let ((search-string (notmuch-search-find-thread-id-region-search beg end)))
+    (setq tag-changes (notmuch-tag search-string tag-changes))
+    (notmuch-search-foreach-result beg end
+      (lambda (pos)
+	(notmuch-search-set-tags
+	 (notmuch-update-tags (notmuch-search-get-tags pos) tag-changes)
+	 pos)))))
+(defun notmuch-search-tag (&optional tag-changes)
+  "Change tags for the currently selected thread or region.
+See `notmuch-tag' for information on the format of TAG-CHANGES."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((beg (if (region-active-p) (region-beginning) (point)))
+	 (end (if (region-active-p) (region-end) (point))))
+    (notmuch-search-tag-region beg end tag-changes)))
+(defun notmuch-search-add-tag ()
+  "Same as `notmuch-search-tag' but sets initial input to '+'."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-search-tag "+"))
+(defun notmuch-search-remove-tag ()
+  "Same as `notmuch-search-tag' but sets initial input to '-'."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-search-tag "-"))
+(defun notmuch-search-archive-thread (&optional unarchive)
+  "Archive the currently selected thread.
+Archive each message in the currently selected thread by applying
+the tag changes in `notmuch-archive-tags' to each (remove the
+\"inbox\" tag by default). If a prefix argument is given, the
+messages will be \"unarchived\" (i.e. the tag changes in
+`notmuch-archive-tags' will be reversed).
+This function advances the next thread when finished."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (when notmuch-archive-tags
+    (notmuch-search-tag
+     (notmuch-tag-change-list notmuch-archive-tags unarchive)))
+  (notmuch-search-next-thread))
+(defun notmuch-search-update-result (result &optional pos)
+  "Replace the result object of the thread at POS (or point) by
+RESULT and redraw it.
+This will keep point in a reasonable location.  However, if there
+are enclosing save-excursions and the saved point is in the
+result being updated, the point will be restored to the beginning
+of the result."
+  (let ((start (notmuch-search-result-beginning pos))
+	(end (notmuch-search-result-end pos))
+	(init-point (point))
+	(inhibit-read-only t))
+    ;; Delete the current thread
+    (delete-region start end)
+    ;; Insert the updated thread
+    (notmuch-search-show-result result start)
+    ;; If point was inside the old result, make an educated guess
+    ;; about where to place it now.  Unfortunately, this won't work
+    ;; with save-excursion (or any other markers that would be nice to
+    ;; preserve, such as the window start), but there's nothing we can
+    ;; do about that without a way to retrieve markers in a region.
+    (when (and (>= init-point start) (<= init-point end))
+      (let* ((new-end (notmuch-search-result-end start))
+	     (new-point (if (= init-point end)
+			    new-end
+			  (min init-point (- new-end 1)))))
+	(goto-char new-point)))))
+(defun notmuch-search-process-sentinel (proc msg)
+  "Add a message to let user know when \"notmuch search\" exits"
+  (let ((buffer (process-buffer proc))
+	(status (process-status proc))
+	(exit-status (process-exit-status proc))
+	(never-found-target-thread nil))
+    (when (memq status '(exit signal))
+      (catch 'return
+	(kill-buffer (process-get proc 'parse-buf))
+	(if (buffer-live-p buffer)
+	    (with-current-buffer buffer
+	      (save-excursion
+		(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+		      (atbob (bobp)))
+		  (goto-char (point-max))
+		  (if (eq status 'signal)
+		      (insert "Incomplete search results (search process was killed).\n"))
+		  (when (eq status 'exit)
+		    (insert "End of search results.\n")
+		    ;; For version mismatch, there's no point in
+		    ;; showing the search buffer
+		    (when (or (= exit-status 20) (= exit-status 21))
+		      (kill-buffer)
+		      (throw 'return nil))
+		    (if (and atbob
+			     (not (string= notmuch-search-target-thread "found")))
+			(set 'never-found-target-thread t)))))
+	      (when (and never-found-target-thread
+		       notmuch-search-target-line)
+		  (goto-char (point-min))
+		  (forward-line (1- notmuch-search-target-line)))))))))
+(defcustom notmuch-search-line-faces '(("unread" :weight bold)
+				       ("flagged" :foreground "blue"))
+  "Tag/face mapping for line highlighting in notmuch-search.
+Here is an example of how to color search results based on tags.
+ (the following text would be placed in your ~/.emacs file):
+ (setq notmuch-search-line-faces '((\"deleted\" . (:foreground \"red\"
+						  :background \"blue\"))
+                                   (\"unread\" . (:foreground \"green\"))))
+The attributes defined for matching tags are merged, with later
+attributes overriding earlier. A message having both \"deleted\"
+and \"unread\" tags with the above settings would have a green
+foreground and blue background."
+  :type '(alist :key-type (string) :value-type (custom-face-edit))
+  :group 'notmuch-search
+  :group 'notmuch-faces)
+(defun notmuch-search-color-line (start end line-tag-list)
+  "Colorize lines in `notmuch-show' based on tags."
+  (mapc (lambda (elem)
+	  (let ((tag (car elem))
+		(attributes (cdr elem)))
+	    (when (member tag line-tag-list)
+	      (notmuch-combine-face-text-property start end attributes))))
+	;; Reverse the list so earlier entries take precedence
+	(reverse notmuch-search-line-faces)))
+(defun notmuch-search-author-propertize (authors)
+  "Split `authors' into matching and non-matching authors and
+propertize appropriately. If no boundary between authors and
+non-authors is found, assume that all of the authors match."
+  (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)|\\(.*\\)" authors)
+      (concat (propertize (concat (match-string 1 authors) ",")
+			  'face 'notmuch-search-matching-authors)
+	      (propertize (match-string 2 authors)
+			  'face 'notmuch-search-non-matching-authors))
+    (propertize authors 'face 'notmuch-search-matching-authors)))
+(defun notmuch-search-insert-authors (format-string authors)
+  ;; Save the match data to avoid interfering with
+  ;; `notmuch-search-process-filter'.
+  (save-match-data
+    (let* ((formatted-authors (format format-string authors))
+	   (formatted-sample (format format-string ""))
+	   (visible-string formatted-authors)
+	   (invisible-string "")
+	   (padding ""))
+      ;; Truncate the author string to fit the specification.
+      (if (> (length formatted-authors)
+	     (length formatted-sample))
+	  (let ((visible-length (- (length formatted-sample)
+				   (length "... "))))
+	    ;; Truncate the visible string according to the width of
+	    ;; the display string.
+	    (setq visible-string (substring formatted-authors 0 visible-length)
+		  invisible-string (substring formatted-authors visible-length))
+	    ;; If possible, truncate the visible string at a natural
+	    ;; break (comma or pipe), as incremental search doesn't
+	    ;; match across the visible/invisible border.
+	    (when (string-match "\\(.*\\)\\([,|] \\)\\([^,|]*\\)" visible-string)
+	      ;; Second clause is destructive on `visible-string', so
+	      ;; order is important.
+	      (setq invisible-string (concat (match-string 3 visible-string)
+					     invisible-string)
+		    visible-string (concat (match-string 1 visible-string)
+					   (match-string 2 visible-string))))
+	    ;; `visible-string' may be shorter than the space allowed
+	    ;; by `format-string'. If so we must insert some padding
+	    ;; after `invisible-string'.
+	    (setq padding (make-string (- (length formatted-sample)
+					  (length visible-string)
+					  (length "..."))
+				       ? ))))
+      ;; Use different faces to show matching and non-matching authors.
+      (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)|\\(.*\\)" visible-string)
+	  ;; The visible string contains both matching and
+	  ;; non-matching authors.
+	  (setq visible-string (notmuch-search-author-propertize visible-string)
+		;; The invisible string must contain only non-matching
+		;; authors, as the visible-string contains both.
+		invisible-string (propertize invisible-string
+					     'face 'notmuch-search-non-matching-authors))
+	;; The visible string contains only matching authors.
+	(setq visible-string (propertize visible-string
+					 'face 'notmuch-search-matching-authors)
+	      ;; The invisible string may contain both matching and
+	      ;; non-matching authors.
+	      invisible-string (notmuch-search-author-propertize invisible-string)))
+      ;; If there is any invisible text, add it as a tooltip to the
+      ;; visible text.
+      (when (not (string= invisible-string ""))
+	(setq visible-string (propertize visible-string 'help-echo (concat "..." invisible-string))))
+      ;; Insert the visible and, if present, invisible author strings.
+      (insert visible-string)
+      (when (not (string= invisible-string ""))
+	(let ((start (point))
+	      overlay)
+	  (insert invisible-string)
+	  (setq overlay (make-overlay start (point)))
+	  (overlay-put overlay 'invisible 'ellipsis)
+	  (overlay-put overlay 'isearch-open-invisible #'delete-overlay)))
+      (insert padding))))
+(defun notmuch-search-insert-field (field format-string result)
+  (cond
+   ((string-equal field "date")
+    (insert (propertize (format format-string (plist-get result :date_relative))
+			'face 'notmuch-search-date)))
+   ((string-equal field "count")
+    (insert (propertize (format format-string
+				(format "[%s/%s]" (plist-get result :matched)
+					(plist-get result :total)))
+			'face 'notmuch-search-count)))
+   ((string-equal field "subject")
+    (insert (propertize (format format-string (plist-get result :subject))
+			'face 'notmuch-search-subject)))
+   ((string-equal field "authors")
+    (notmuch-search-insert-authors format-string (plist-get result :authors)))
+   ((string-equal field "tags")
+    (let ((tags (plist-get result :tags)))
+      (insert (format format-string (notmuch-tag-format-tags tags)))))))
+(defun notmuch-search-show-result (result &optional pos)
+  "Insert RESULT at POS or the end of the buffer if POS is null."
+  ;; Ignore excluded matches
+  (unless (= (plist-get result :matched) 0)
+    (let ((beg (or pos (point-max))))
+      (save-excursion
+	(goto-char beg)
+	(dolist (spec notmuch-search-result-format)
+	  (notmuch-search-insert-field (car spec) (cdr spec) result))
+	(insert "\n")
+	(notmuch-search-color-line beg (point) (plist-get result :tags))
+	(put-text-property beg (point) 'notmuch-search-result result))
+      (when (string= (plist-get result :thread) notmuch-search-target-thread)
+	(setq notmuch-search-target-thread "found")
+	(goto-char beg)))))
+(defun notmuch-search-process-filter (proc string)
+  "Process and filter the output of \"notmuch search\""
+  (let ((results-buf (process-buffer proc))
+	(parse-buf (process-get proc 'parse-buf))
+	(inhibit-read-only t)
+	done)
+    (when (buffer-live-p results-buf)
+      (with-current-buffer parse-buf
+	;; Insert new data
+	(save-excursion
+	  (goto-char (point-max))
+	  (insert string))
+	(notmuch-sexp-parse-partial-list 'notmuch-search-show-result
+					 results-buf)))))
+(defun notmuch-search-tag-all (&optional tag-changes)
+  "Add/remove tags from all messages in current search buffer.
+See `notmuch-tag' for information on the format of TAG-CHANGES."
+  (interactive)
+  (apply 'notmuch-tag notmuch-search-query-string tag-changes))
+(defun notmuch-search-buffer-title (query)
+  "Returns the title for a buffer with notmuch search results."
+  (let* ((saved-search
+	  (let (longest
+		(longest-length 0))
+	    (loop for tuple in notmuch-saved-searches
+		  if (let ((quoted-query (regexp-quote (cdr tuple))))
+		       (and (string-match (concat "^" quoted-query) query)
+			    (> (length (match-string 0 query))
+			       longest-length)))
+		  do (setq longest tuple))
+	    longest))
+	 (saved-search-name (car saved-search))
+	 (saved-search-query (cdr saved-search)))
+    (cond ((and saved-search (equal saved-search-query query))
+	   ;; Query is the same as saved search (ignoring case)
+	   (concat "*notmuch-saved-search-" saved-search-name "*"))
+	  (saved-search
+	   (concat "*notmuch-search-"
+		   (replace-regexp-in-string (concat "^" (regexp-quote saved-search-query))
+					     (concat "[ " saved-search-name " ]")
+					     query)
+		   "*"))
+	  (t
+	   (concat "*notmuch-search-" query "*"))
+	  )))
+(defun notmuch-read-query (prompt)
+  "Read a notmuch-query from the minibuffer with completion.
+PROMPT is the string to prompt with."
+  (lexical-let
+      ((completions
+	(append (list "folder:" "thread:" "id:" "date:" "from:" "to:"
+		      "subject:" "attachment:")
+		(mapcar (lambda (tag)
+			  (concat "tag:" (notmuch-escape-boolean-term tag)))
+			(process-lines notmuch-command "search" "--output=tags" "*")))))
+    (let ((keymap (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-map))
+	  (minibuffer-completion-table
+	   (completion-table-dynamic
+	    (lambda (string)
+	      ;; generate a list of possible completions for the current input
+	      (cond
+	       ;; this ugly regexp is used to get the last word of the input
+	       ;; possibly preceded by a '('
+	       ((string-match "\\(^\\|.* (?\\)\\([^ ]*\\)$" string)
+		(mapcar (lambda (compl)
+			  (concat (match-string-no-properties 1 string) compl))
+			(all-completions (match-string-no-properties 2 string)
+					 completions)))
+	       (t (list string)))))))
+      ;; this was simpler than convincing completing-read to accept spaces:
+      (define-key keymap (kbd "TAB") 'minibuffer-complete)
+      (let ((history-delete-duplicates t))
+	(read-from-minibuffer prompt nil keymap nil
+			      'notmuch-search-history nil nil)))))
+(defun notmuch-search (&optional query oldest-first target-thread target-line continuation)
+  "Run \"notmuch search\" with the given `query' and display results.
+If `query' is nil, it is read interactively from the minibuffer.
+Other optional parameters are used as follows:
+  oldest-first: A Boolean controlling the sort order of returned threads
+  target-thread: A thread ID (without the thread: prefix) that will be made
+                 current if it appears in the search results.
+  target-line: The line number to move to if the target thread does not
+               appear in the search results."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((query (or query (notmuch-read-query "Notmuch search: ")))
+	 (buffer (get-buffer-create (notmuch-search-buffer-title query))))
+    (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+    (notmuch-search-mode)
+    ;; Don't track undo information for this buffer
+    (set 'buffer-undo-list t)
+    (set 'notmuch-search-query-string query)
+    (set 'notmuch-search-oldest-first oldest-first)
+    (set 'notmuch-search-target-thread target-thread)
+    (set 'notmuch-search-target-line target-line)
+    (set 'notmuch-search-continuation continuation)
+    (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+	  (inhibit-read-only t))
+      (if proc
+	  (error "notmuch search process already running for query `%s'" query)
+	)
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (save-excursion
+	(let ((proc (notmuch-start-notmuch
+		     "notmuch-search" buffer #'notmuch-search-process-sentinel
+		     "search" "--format=sexp" "--format-version=1"
+		     (if oldest-first
+			 "--sort=oldest-first"
+		       "--sort=newest-first")
+		     query))
+	      ;; Use a scratch buffer to accumulate partial output.
+	      ;; This buffer will be killed by the sentinel, which
+	      ;; should be called no matter how the process dies.
+	      (parse-buf (generate-new-buffer " *notmuch search parse*")))
+	  (process-put proc 'parse-buf parse-buf)
+	  (set-process-filter proc 'notmuch-search-process-filter)
+	  (set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil))))
+    (run-hooks 'notmuch-search-hook)))
+(defun notmuch-search-refresh-view ()
+  "Refresh the current view.
+Kills the current buffer and runs a new search with the same
+query string as the current search. If the current thread is in
+the new search results, then point will be placed on the same
+thread. Otherwise, point will be moved to attempt to be in the
+same relative position within the new buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((target-line (line-number-at-pos))
+	(oldest-first notmuch-search-oldest-first)
+	(target-thread (notmuch-search-find-thread-id 'bare))
+	(query notmuch-search-query-string)
+	(continuation notmuch-search-continuation))
+    (notmuch-kill-this-buffer)
+    (notmuch-search query oldest-first target-thread target-line continuation)
+    (goto-char (point-min))))
+(defcustom notmuch-poll-script nil
+  "An external script to incorporate new mail into the notmuch database.
+This variable controls the action invoked by
+`notmuch-search-poll-and-refresh-view' and
+`notmuch-hello-poll-and-update' (each have a default keybinding
+of 'G') to incorporate new mail into the notmuch database.
+If set to nil (the default), new mail is processed by invoking
+\"notmuch new\". Otherwise, this should be set to a string that
+gives the name of an external script that processes new mail. If
+set to the empty string, no command will be run.
+The external script could do any of the following depending on
+the user's needs:
+1. Invoke a program to transfer mail to the local mail store
+2. Invoke \"notmuch new\" to incorporate the new mail
+3. Invoke one or more \"notmuch tag\" commands to classify the mail
+Note that the recommended way of achieving the same is using
+\"notmuch new\" hooks."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "notmuch new" nil)
+		 (const :tag "Disabled" "")
+		 (string :tag "Custom script"))
+  :group 'notmuch-external)
+(defun notmuch-poll ()
+  "Run \"notmuch new\" or an external script to import mail.
+Invokes `notmuch-poll-script', \"notmuch new\", or does nothing
+depending on the value of `notmuch-poll-script'."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (stringp notmuch-poll-script)
+      (unless (string= notmuch-poll-script "")
+	(call-process notmuch-poll-script nil nil))
+    (call-process notmuch-command nil nil nil "new")))
+(defun notmuch-search-poll-and-refresh-view ()
+  "Invoke `notmuch-poll' to import mail, then refresh the current view."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-poll)
+  (notmuch-search-refresh-view))
+(defun notmuch-search-toggle-order ()
+  "Toggle the current search order.
+This command toggles the sort order for the current search. The
+default sort order is defined by `notmuch-search-oldest-first'."
+  (interactive)
+  (set 'notmuch-search-oldest-first (not notmuch-search-oldest-first))
+  (notmuch-search-refresh-view))
+(defun notmuch-search-filter (query)
+  "Filter the current search results based on an additional query string.
+Runs a new search matching only messages that match both the
+current search results AND the additional query string provided."
+  (interactive (list (notmuch-read-query "Filter search: ")))
+  (let ((grouped-query (if (string-match-p notmuch-search-disjunctive-regexp query)
+			   (concat "( " query " )")
+			 query)))
+    (notmuch-search (if (string= notmuch-search-query-string "*")
+			grouped-query
+		      (concat notmuch-search-query-string " and " grouped-query)) notmuch-search-oldest-first)))
+(defun notmuch-search-filter-by-tag (tag)
+  "Filter the current search results based on a single tag.
+Runs a new search matching only messages that match both the
+current search results AND that are tagged with the given tag."
+  (interactive
+   (list (notmuch-select-tag-with-completion "Filter by tag: ")))
+  (notmuch-search (concat notmuch-search-query-string " and tag:" tag) notmuch-search-oldest-first))
+(defun notmuch ()
+  "Run notmuch and display saved searches, known tags, etc."
+  (interactive)
+  (notmuch-hello))
+(defun notmuch-interesting-buffer (b)
+  "Is the current buffer of interest to a notmuch user?"
+  (with-current-buffer b
+    (memq major-mode '(notmuch-show-mode
+		       notmuch-search-mode
+		       notmuch-hello-mode
+		       message-mode))))
+(defun notmuch-cycle-notmuch-buffers ()
+  "Cycle through any existing notmuch buffers (search, show or hello).
+If the current buffer is the only notmuch buffer, bury it. If no
+notmuch buffers exist, run `notmuch'."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (start first)
+    ;; If the current buffer is a notmuch buffer, remember it and then
+    ;; bury it.
+    (when (notmuch-interesting-buffer (current-buffer))
+      (setq start (current-buffer))
+      (bury-buffer))
+    ;; Find the first notmuch buffer.
+    (setq first (loop for buffer in (buffer-list)
+		     if (notmuch-interesting-buffer buffer)
+		     return buffer))
+    (if first
+	;; If the first one we found is any other than the starting
+	;; buffer, switch to it.
+	(unless (eq first start)
+	  (switch-to-buffer first))
+      (notmuch))))
+(setq mail-user-agent 'notmuch-user-agent)
+(provide 'notmuch)