From: David Stainton <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 00:00:39 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: wip


diff --git a/src/allmydata/frontends/ b/src/allmydata/frontends/
index 4627e471..5ee96a2c 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/frontends/
+++ b/src/allmydata/frontends/
@@ -74,8 +74,14 @@ class MagicFolder(service.MultiService):
     def finish(self):
+        print "finish"
         d = self.uploader.stop()
+        def _print(f):
+            print f
+            return f
+        d.addErrback(_print)
         d.addBoth(lambda ign: self.downloader.stop())
+        d.addErrback(_print)
         return d
     def remove_service(self):
@@ -167,6 +173,7 @@ class Uploader(QueueMixin):
         return d
     def stop(self):
+        print "stop: _deque = %r, _pending = %r" % (self._deque, self._pending)
         self._counter('magic_folder.dirs_monitored', -1)
@@ -174,6 +181,10 @@ class Uploader(QueueMixin):
             d = self._notifier.wait_until_stopped()
             d = defer.succeed(None)
+        def _after(res):
+            print "stop _after: res = %r, _deque = %r, _pending = %r" % (res, self._deque, self._pending)
+            return res
+        d.addBoth(_after)
         return d
     def start_scanning(self):
@@ -377,13 +388,22 @@ class Downloader(QueueMixin):
         self._remote_scan_delay = 3 # XXX
         self._download_scan_batch = {} # path -> [(filenode, metadata)]
+        print "Downloader init"
     def start_scanning(self):
+        print "downloader start_scanning"
     def stop(self):
-        return self._lazy_tail
+        print "downloader stop"
+        d = defer.succeed(None)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign: self._lazy_tail)
+        def _print(res):
+            print "downloader stop _after: res = %r, _deque = %r, _pending = %r" % (res, self._deque, self._pending)
+            return res
+        d.addBoth(_print)
+        return d
     def _should_download(self, relpath_u, remote_version):
@@ -391,6 +411,7 @@ class Downloader(QueueMixin):
         We check the remote metadata version against our magic-folder db version number;
         latest version wins.
+        print "_should_download"
         v = self._db.get_local_file_version(relpath_u)
         return (v is None or v < remote_version)
@@ -432,19 +453,29 @@ class Downloader(QueueMixin):
         return collective_dirmap_d
     def _scan_remote(self, nickname, dirnode):
+        print "_scan_remote START: nickname %s dirnode %s" % (nickname, dirnode)
         listing_d = dirnode.list()
-        self._download_scan_batch = {}
         def scan_listing(listing_map):
             for name in listing_map.keys():
+                print "name ", name
                 file_node, metadata = listing_map[name]
+                print "ALL KEYS %s" % (self._download_scan_batch.keys(),)
                 if self._download_scan_batch.has_key(name):
+                    print "HAS KEY - %s %s" % (file_node, metadata)
                     self._download_scan_batch[name] += [(file_node, metadata)]
+                    print "NOT HAS KEY"
                     self._download_scan_batch[name] = [(file_node, metadata)]
+            print "download scan batch before filtering", repr(self._download_scan_batch)
+        print "_scan_remote END"
         return listing_d
     def _scan_remote_collective(self):
+        self._download_scan_batch = {} # XXX
+        print "downloader _scan_remote_collective"
         if self._collective_dirnode is None:
         collective_dirmap_d = self._collective_dirnode.list()
@@ -463,7 +494,12 @@ class Downloader(QueueMixin):
             return d
+        def _print(f):
+            print f
+            return f
+        collective_dirmap_d.addErrback(_print)
+        print "end of _scan_remote_collective"
         return collective_dirmap_d
     def _add_batch_to_download_queue(self, result):
@@ -471,30 +507,40 @@ class Downloader(QueueMixin):
         self._pending.update(map(lambda x: x[0], result))
     def _filter_scan_batch(self, result):
+        print "FILTER START len %s" % (len(self._download_scan_batch),)
         extension = [] # consider whether this should be a dict
         for name in self._download_scan_batch.keys():
             if name in self._pending:
+                print "downloader: %s found in pending; skipping" % (name,)
             file_node, metadata = max(self._download_scan_batch[name], key=lambda x: x[1]['version'])
+            print "file_node %s metadata %s" % (file_node, metadata)
             if self._should_download(name, metadata['version']):
+                print "should download"
                 extension += [(name, file_node, metadata)]
+            else:
+                print "should not download"
+        print "FILTER END"
         return extension
     def _download_file(self, name, file_node):
+        print "_download_file"
         d = file_node.download_best_version()
         def succeeded(res):
             d.addCallback(lambda result: self._write_downloaded_file(name, result))
             self._counter('magic_folder.objects_downloaded', 1)
             return None
         def failed(f):
-            self._log("download failed")
+            self._log("download failed: %s" % (str(f),))
             self._counter('magic_folder.objects_download_failed', 1)
             return f
-        def remove_from_pending(result):
-            self._pending = self._pending.difference(set([name]))
+        def remove_from_pending(ign):
+            print "REMOVE FROM PENDING _pending = %r, name = %r" % (self._pending, name)
+            self._pending.remove(name)
+            print "REMOVE FROM PENDING _after: _pending = %r" % (self._pending,)
         d.addCallbacks(succeeded, failed)
-        d.addBoth(remove_from_pending)
+        d.addCallback(remove_from_pending)
         return d
     def _write_downloaded_file(self, name, file_contents):
@@ -502,6 +548,7 @@ class Downloader(QueueMixin):
     # FIXME move to QueueMixin
     def _append_to_deque(self, path):
+        print "downloader _append_to_deque"
         if path in self._download_scan_batch.keys():
@@ -512,6 +559,7 @@ class Downloader(QueueMixin):
     # FIXME move to QueueMixin
     def _turn_deque(self):
+        print "downloader _turn_deque"
         #if self._stopped:
         #    return
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index b6bd5323..28c94064 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class MagicFolderTestMixin(MagicFolderTestMixin, ShouldFailMixin, ReallyEqualMix
             fileutil.write(abspath_expanduser_unicode(u"what", base=small_tree_dir), "say when")
             d2 = defer.Deferred()
-            self.magicfolder.set_callback(d2.callback, ignore_count=1)
+            self.magicfolder.uploader.set_callback(d2.callback, ignore_count=1)
             os.rename(small_tree_dir, new_small_tree_dir)
             self.notify(to_filepath(new_small_tree_dir), self.inotify.IN_MOVED_TO)
             return d2
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class MagicFolderTestMixin(MagicFolderTestMixin, ShouldFailMixin, ReallyEqualMix
         def _check_moved_tree_is_watched(res):
             d2 = defer.Deferred()
-            self.magicfolder.set_callback(d2.callback)
+            self.magicfolder.uploader.set_callback(d2.callback)
             fileutil.write(abspath_expanduser_unicode(u"another", base=new_small_tree_dir), "file")
             self.notify(to_filepath(abspath_expanduser_unicode(u"another", base=new_small_tree_dir)), self.inotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE)
             return d2
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ class MagicFolderTestMixin(MagicFolderTestMixin, ShouldFailMixin, ReallyEqualMix
         def Alice_rewrite_file(result):
             print "Alice rewrites file\n"
-            self.file_path = abspath_expanduser_unicode(u"file1", base=self.alice_magicfolder._local_dir)
+            self.file_path = abspath_expanduser_unicode(u"file1", base=self.alice_magicfolder.uploader._local_path_u)
             fileutil.write(self.file_path, "Alice suddenly sees the white rabbit running into the forest.")
             self.magicfolder = self.alice_magicfolder
             self.notify(to_filepath(self.file_path), self.inotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE)