from allmydata.util.fileutil import precondition_abspath, get_pathinfo
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
from allmydata.util.deferredutil import HookMixin
-from allmydata.util.encodingutil import listdir_unicode, to_filepath, \
- unicode_from_filepath, quote_local_unicode_path, quote_output, \
- FilenameEncodingError
+from allmydata.util.encodingutil import listdir_filepath, to_filepath, \
+ extend_filepath, unicode_from_filepath, unicode_segments_from, \
+ quote_filepath, quote_local_unicode_path, quote_output, FilenameEncodingError
from allmydata.immutable.upload import FileName, Data
from allmydata import backupdb, magicpath
self._stopped = False
self._turn_delay = 0
- def _get_abspath(self, relpath_u):
- return unicode_from_filepath(self._local_filepath.preauthChild(relpath_u))
+ def _get_filepath(self, relpath_u):
+ return extend_filepath(self._local_filepath, relpath_u.split(u"/"))
def _get_relpath(self, filepath):
print "_get_relpath(%r)" % (filepath,)
- segments = filepath.asTextMode().segmentsFrom(self._local_filepath.asTextMode())
+ segments = unicode_segments_from(filepath, self._local_filepath)
print "segments = %r" % (segments,)
return u"/".join(segments)
def _scan(self, reldir_u):
self._log("scan %r" % (reldir_u,))
- abspath_u = self._get_abspath(reldir_u)
+ fp = self._get_filepath(reldir_u)
- children = listdir_unicode(abspath_u)
+ children = listdir_filepath(fp)
except EnvironmentError:
raise Exception("WARNING: magic folder: permission denied on directory %s"
- % quote_local_unicode_path(abspath_u))
+ % quote_filepath(fp))
except FilenameEncodingError:
raise Exception("WARNING: magic folder: could not list directory %s due to a filename encoding error"
- % quote_local_unicode_path(abspath_u))
+ % quote_filepath(fp))
d = defer.succeed(None)
for child in children:
d = defer.succeed(None)
def _maybe_upload(val):
- abspath_u = self._get_abspath(relpath_u)
- pathinfo = get_pathinfo(abspath_u)
+ fp = self._get_filepath(relpath_u)
+ pathinfo = get_pathinfo(unicode_from_filepath(fp))
print "pending = %r, about to remove %r" % (self._pending, relpath_u)
encoded_name_u = magicpath.path2magic(relpath_u)
if not pathinfo.exists:
- self._log("notified object %s disappeared (this is normal)" % quote_local_unicode_path(abspath_u))
+ self._log("notified object %s disappeared (this is normal)" % quote_filepath(fp))
d2 = defer.succeed(None)
if self._db.check_file_db_exists(relpath_u):
d2.addCallback(lambda x: Exception("file does not exist")) # FIXME wrong
return d2
elif pathinfo.islink:
- self.warn("WARNING: cannot upload symlink %s" % quote_local_unicode_path(abspath_u))
+ self.warn("WARNING: cannot upload symlink %s" % quote_filepath(fp))
return None
elif pathinfo.isdir:
-, mask=self.mask, callbacks=[self._notify], recursive=True)
+, mask=self.mask, callbacks=[self._notify], recursive=True)
uploadable = Data("", self._client.convergence)
encoded_name_u += u"@_"
upload_d = self._upload_dirnode.add_file(encoded_name_u, uploadable, metadata={"version":0}, overwrite=True)
version = self._db.get_local_file_version(relpath_u)
if version is None:
version = 0
- elif self._db.is_new_file_time(abspath_u, relpath_u):
+ elif self._db.is_new_file_time(unicode_from_filepath(fp), relpath_u):
version += 1
return None
- uploadable = FileName(abspath_u, self._client.convergence)
+ uploadable = FileName(unicode_from_filepath(fp), self._client.convergence)
d2 = self._upload_dirnode.add_file(encoded_name_u, uploadable, metadata={"version":version}, overwrite=True)
def add_db_entry(filenode):
filecap = filenode.get_uri()
return d2
- self.warn("WARNING: cannot process special file %s" % quote_local_unicode_path(abspath_u))
+ self.warn("WARNING: cannot process special file %s" % quote_filepath(fp))
return None
exists in our magic-folder db; if not then return None
else check for an entry in our magic-folder db and return the version number.
- abspath_u = self._get_abspath(relpath_u)
- if not os.path.exists(abspath_u):
+ if not self._get_filepath(relpath_u).exists():
return None
return self._db.get_local_file_version(relpath_u)
(relpath_u, file_node, metadata) = item
d = file_node.download_best_version()
def succeeded(res):
- abspath_u = self._get_abspath(relpath_u)
+ fp = self._get_filepath(relpath_u)
+ abspath_u = unicode_from_filepath(fp)
d2 = defer.succeed(res)
d2.addCallback(lambda result: self._write_downloaded_file(abspath_u, result, is_conflict=False))
def do_update_db(written_abspath_u):
import sys, os, re, locale
from types import NoneType
-from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
+from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition, _assert
from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from allmydata.util import log
return quote_output(path, quotemarks=quotemarks, quote_newlines=True)
+def quote_filepath(path, quotemarks=True):
+ return quote_local_unicode_path(unicode_from_filepath(path), quotemarks=quotemarks)
+def extend_filepath(fp, segments):
+ # We cannot use FilePath.preauthChild, because
+ # * it has the security flaw described in <>;
+ # * it may return a FilePath in the wrong mode.
+ for segment in segments:
+ fp = fp.child(segment)
+ if isinstance(fp.path, unicode) and not use_unicode_filepath:
+ return FilePath(fp.path.encode(filesystem_encoding))
+ else:
+ return fp
def to_filepath(path):
precondition(isinstance(path, basestring), path=path)
return FilePath(path)
+def _decode(s):
+ precondition(isinstance(s, basestring), s=s)
+ if isinstance(s, bytes):
+ return s.decode(filesystem_encoding)
+ else:
+ return s
def unicode_from_filepath(fp):
precondition(isinstance(fp, FilePath), fp=fp)
+ return _decode(fp.path)
- path = fp.path
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- path = path.decode(filesystem_encoding)
- return path
+def unicode_segments_from(base_fp, ancestor_fp):
+ precondition(isinstance(base_fp, FilePath), base_fp=base_fp)
+ precondition(isinstance(ancestor_fp, FilePath), ancestor_fp=ancestor_fp)
+ if hasattr(FilePath, 'asTextMode'):
+ return base_fp.asTextMode().segmentsFrom(ancestor_fp.asTextMode())
+ else:
+ bpt, apt = (type(base_fp.path), type(ancestor_fp.path))
+ _assert(bpt == apt, bpt=bpt, apt=apt)
+ return map(_decode, base_fp.segmentsFrom(ancestor_fp))
def unicode_platform():
return os.listdir(path)
return listdir_unicode_fallback(path)
+def listdir_filepath(fp):
+ return listdir_unicode(unicode_from_filepath(fp))