--- /dev/null
+# -*- python -*-
+"""Monitor a Tahoe grid, by playing sounds in response to remote events.
+To install:
+ 1: install Boodler, from http://www.eblong.com/zarf/boodler/
+ 2: run "boodler.py -l listen.Sounds". This will run a daemon
+ that listens on a network socket (31863 by default) and
+ accepts commands in the form of "sound bird/crow1.aiff\n"
+ 3: copy this file into a new directory, which we'll call $BASEDIR
+ 4: write one or more logport FURLs into files named *.furl or *.furls, one
+ per line. All logports from all such files will be used.
+ 5: launch this daemon with 'cd $BASEDIR && twistd -y boodlegrid.tac'
+import os, time
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.application import service
+from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer
+from foolscap import Tub, Referenceable
+from foolscap.logging.interfaces import RILogObserver
+from twisted.python import log
+class Listener:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.boodler = None # filled in when we connect to boodler
+ self.last = {}
+ def sound(self, name, slot=None, max=0.100):
+ if not self.boodler:
+ return
+ now = time.time()
+ if slot is None:
+ slot = name
+ if now < self.last.get(slot, 0) + max:
+ return # too soon
+ self.last[slot] = now
+ self.boodler.write("sound %s\n" % name)
+ def msg(self, m, furl):
+ #print "got it", m
+ message = m.get("message", m.get("format", ""))
+ # messages emitted by the Introducer: client join/leave
+ if message.startswith("introducer: subscription[storage] request"):
+ self.sound("voice/hooray.aiff")
+ if message.startswith("introducer: unsubscribing"):
+ self.sound("electro/zaptrill-fade.aiff")
+ # messages from the helper
+ if message == "file already found in grid":
+ print "already found"
+ self.sound("mech/ziplash-high.aiff")
+ #if message == "upload done":
+ if m.get("format") == "plaintext_hash=%(plaintext_hash)s, SI=%(SI)s, size=%(size)d":
+ size = m.get("size")
+ print "upload done, size", size
+ self.sound("mech/ziplash-low.aiff")
+ if "fetching " in message:
+ # helper grabbing ciphertext from client
+ self.sound("voice/phoneme/sh.aiff", max=0.5)
+ # messages from storage servers
+ if message.startswith("storage: slot_readv"):
+ #self.sound("voice/phoneme/r.aiff")
+ self.sound("percussion/wood-tap-hollow.aiff")
+ # messages from webapi
+ if message.startswith("Retrieve") and "starting" in message:
+ self.sound("mech/metal-clack.aiff")
+ if message.startswith("Publish") and "starting" in message:
+ #self.sound("mech/metal-clash.aiff")
+ self.sound("mech/clock-clang.aiff")
+ if "web" in message and "POST" in message and "t=set_children" in message:
+ self.sound("mech/door-slam.aiff")
+ # generic messages
+ #if m['level'] < 20:
+ # self.sound("mech/keyboard-1.aiff")
+ if m['level'] > 30: # SCARY or BAD
+ #self.sound("mech/alarm-bell.aiff")
+ self.sound("environ/thunder-tense.aiff")
+ print m, furl
+ elif m['level'] == 30: # WEIRD
+ self.sound("mech/glass-breaking.aiff")
+ print m, furl
+ elif m['level'] > 20: # UNUSUAL or INFREQUENT or CURIOUS
+ if "_check_for_done but we're not running" in message:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.sound("mech/telephone-ring-old.aiff")
+ print m, furl
+class BoodleSender(protocol.Protocol):
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ print "connected to boodler"
+ self.factory.listener.boodler = self.transport
+class Bridge(Referenceable):
+ implements(RILogObserver)
+ def __init__(self, furl, listener):
+ self.furl = furl
+ self.listener = listener
+ def remote_msg(self, m):
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.listener.msg, m, self.furl)
+ d.addErrback(log.err)
+ # never send errors to the remote side
+class Monitor(service.MultiService):
+ def __init__(self):
+ service.MultiService.__init__(self)
+ self.tub = Tub()
+ self.tub.setServiceParent(self)
+ self.listener = Listener()
+ self.targets = []
+ for fn in os.listdir("."):
+ if fn.endswith(".furl") or fn.endswith(".furls"):
+ for i,line in enumerate(open(fn, "r").readlines()):
+ target = line.strip()
+ if target:
+ self.tub.connectTo(target, self._got_logpublisher,
+ fn, i, target)
+ cf = protocol.ClientFactory()
+ cf.listener = self.listener
+ cf.protocol = BoodleSender
+ reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 31863, cf)
+ def _got_logpublisher(self, publisher, fn, i, target):
+ print "connected to %s:%d, %s" % (fn, i, target)
+ b = Bridge(target, self.listener)
+ publisher.callRemote("subscribe_to_all", b)
+m = Monitor()
+application = service.Application("boodlegrid")