self.timings = {}
self.file_size = None
-class Output:
- def __init__(self, downloadable, key, total_length, log_parent,
- download_status):
+class DecryptingTarget(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
+ implements(IDownloadTarget, IConsumer)
+ def __init__(self, downloadable, key, _log_msg_id=None):
+ precondition(IDownloadTarget.providedBy(downloadable), downloadable)
self.downloadable = downloadable
self._decryptor = AES(key)
- self._crypttext_hasher = hashutil.crypttext_hasher()
- self.length = 0
- self.total_length = total_length
- self._segment_number = 0
- self._crypttext_hash_tree = None
- self._opened = False
- self._log_parent = log_parent
- self._status = download_status
- self._status.set_progress(0.0)
- def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if "parent" not in kwargs:
- kwargs["parent"] = self._log_parent
- if "facility" not in kwargs:
- kwargs["facility"] = "download.output"
- return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)
- def got_crypttext_hash_tree(self, crypttext_hash_tree):
- self._crypttext_hash_tree = crypttext_hash_tree
- def write_segment(self, crypttext):
- self.length += len(crypttext)
- self._status.set_progress( float(self.length) / self.total_length )
- # memory footprint: 'crypttext' is the only segment_size usage
- # outstanding. While we decrypt it into 'plaintext', we hit
- # 2*segment_size.
- self._crypttext_hasher.update(crypttext)
- if self._crypttext_hash_tree:
- ch = hashutil.crypttext_segment_hasher()
- ch.update(crypttext)
- crypttext_leaves = {self._segment_number: ch.digest()}
- self.log(format="crypttext leaf hash (%(bytes)sB) [%(segnum)d] is %(hash)s",
- bytes=len(crypttext),
- segnum=self._segment_number, hash=base32.b2a(ch.digest()),
- level=log.NOISY)
- self._crypttext_hash_tree.set_hashes(leaves=crypttext_leaves)
- plaintext = self._decryptor.process(crypttext)
- del crypttext
- # now we're back down to 1*segment_size.
- self._segment_number += 1
- # We're still at 1*segment_size. The Downloadable is responsible for
- # any memory usage beyond this.
- if not self._opened:
- self._opened = True
+ prefix = str(downloadable)
+ log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, "", _log_msg_id, prefix=prefix)
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ if IConsumer.providedBy(self.downloadable):
+ self.downloadable.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ if IConsumer.providedBy(self.downloadable):
+ self.downloadable.unregisterProducer()
+ def write(self, ciphertext):
+ plaintext = self._decryptor.process(ciphertext)
- def fail(self, why):
- # this is really unusual, and deserves maximum forensics
- if why.check(DownloadStopped):
- # except DownloadStopped just means the consumer aborted the
- # download, not so scary
- self.log("download stopped", level=log.UNUSUAL)
- else:
- self.log("download failed!", failure=why,
- level=log.SCARY, umid="lp1vaQ")
+ def open(self, size):
def close(self):
- self.crypttext_hash = self._crypttext_hasher.digest()
- self.log("download finished, closing IDownloadable", level=log.NOISY)
def finish(self):
return self.downloadable.finish()
self.results = value
class FileDownloader(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
+ """ I download shares, check their integrity, then decode them, check the integrity of the
+ resulting ciphertext, then and write it to my target. """
_status = None
def __init__(self, client, u, downloadable):
- precondition(isinstance(u, uri.CHKFileURI), u)
+ precondition(IVerifierURI.providedBy(u), u)
+ precondition(IDownloadTarget.providedBy(downloadable), downloadable)
prefix=base32.b2a_l(u.get_storage_index()[:8], 60)
log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, facility="", prefix=prefix)
if IConsumer.providedBy(downloadable):
downloadable.registerProducer(self, True)
self._downloadable = downloadable
- self._output = Output(downloadable, u.key, self._uri.size, self._parentmsgid,
- self._status)
+ self._opened = False
self.active_buckets = {} # k: shnum, v: bucket
self._share_buckets = [] # list of (sharenum, bucket) tuples
self._fetch_failures = {"uri_extension": 0, "crypttext_hash_tree": 0, }
- self._share_hash_tree = None
- self._crypttext_hash_tree = None
+ self._ciphertext_hasher = hashutil.crypttext_hasher()
+ self._bytes_done = 0
+ self._status.set_progress(float(self._bytes_done)/self._uri.size)
+ # _got_uri_extension() will create the following:
+ # self._crypttext_hash_tree
+ # self._share_hash_tree
+ # self._current_segnum = 0
def pauseProducing(self):
if self._paused:
def start(self):
- assert isinstance(self._uri, uri.CHKFileURI), (self._uri, type(self._uri))
self.log("starting download")
# first step: who should we download from?
if self._status:
+ if why.check(DownloadStopped):
+ # DownloadStopped just means the consumer aborted the download; not so scary.
+ self.log("download stopped", level=log.UNUSUAL)
+ else:
+ # This is really unusual, and deserves maximum forensics.
+ self.log("download failed!", failure=why, level=log.SCARY, umid="lp1vaQ")
return why
del self._share_vbuckets[shnum]
def _got_all_shareholders(self, res):
- assert isinstance(self._uri, uri.CHKFileURI), (self._uri, type(self._uri))
if self._results:
now = time.time()
self._results.timings["peer_selection"] = now - self._started
# "vb is %s but should be a ValidatedReadBucketProxy" % (vb,)
def _obtain_uri_extension(self, ignored):
- assert isinstance(self._uri, uri.CHKFileURI), self._uri
# all shareholders are supposed to have a copy of uri_extension, and
# all are supposed to be identical. We compute the hash of the data
# that comes back, and compare it against the version in our URI. If
vups = []
for sharenum, bucket in self._share_buckets:
- vups.append(ValidatedExtendedURIProxy(bucket, self._uri.get_verify_cap(), self._fetch_failures))
+ vups.append(ValidatedExtendedURIProxy(bucket, self._uri, self._fetch_failures))
vto = ValidatedThingObtainer(vups, debugname="vups", log_id=self._parentmsgid)
d = vto.start()
def _got_crypttext_hash_tree(res):
# Good -- the self._crypttext_hash_tree that we passed to vchtp is now populated
# with hashes.
- self._output.got_crypttext_hash_tree(self._crypttext_hash_tree)
if self._results:
elapsed = time.time() - _get_crypttext_hash_tree_started
self._results.timings["hashtrees"] = elapsed
def _activate_enough_buckets(self):
"""either return a mapping from shnum to a ValidatedReadBucketProxy that can
provide data for that share, or raise NotEnoughSharesError"""
- assert isinstance(self._uri, uri.CHKFileURI), self._uri
while len(self.active_buckets) < self._uri.needed_shares:
# need some more
self._started_fetching = time.time()
d = defer.succeed(None)
- for segnum in range(self._vup.num_segments-1):
+ for segnum in range(self._vup.num_segments):
d.addCallback(self._download_segment, segnum)
# this pause, at the end of write, prevents pre-fetch from
# happening until the consumer is ready for more data.
- d.addCallback(self._download_tail_segment, self._vup.num_segments-1)
return d
def _check_for_pause(self, res):
return res
def _download_segment(self, res, segnum):
- assert isinstance(self._uri, uri.CHKFileURI), self._uri
if self._status:
self._status.set_status("Downloading segment %d of %d" %
(segnum+1, self._vup.num_segments))
return res
if self._results:
- d.addCallback(lambda (shares, shareids):
- self._codec.decode(shares, shareids))
+ if segnum + 1 == self._vup.num_segments:
+ codec = self._tail_codec
+ else:
+ codec = self._codec
+ d.addCallback(lambda (shares, shareids): codec.decode(shares, shareids))
# once the codec is done, we drop back to 1*segment_size, because
# 'shares' goes out of scope. The memory usage is all in the
# plaintext now, spread out into a bunch of tiny buffers.
# pause/check-for-stop just before writing, to honor stopProducing
- def _done(buffers):
- # we start by joining all these buffers together into a single
- # string. This makes Output.write easier, since it wants to hash
- # data one segment at a time anyways, and doesn't impact our
- # memory footprint since we're already peaking at 2*segment_size
- # inside the codec a moment ago.
- segment = "".join(buffers)
- del buffers
- # we're down to 1*segment_size right now, but write_segment()
- # will decrypt a copy of the segment internally, which will push
- # us up to 2*segment_size while it runs.
- started_decrypt = time.time()
- self._output.write_segment(segment)
- if self._results:
- elapsed = time.time() - started_decrypt
- self._results.timings["cumulative_decrypt"] += elapsed
- d.addCallback(_done)
+ d.addCallback(self._got_segment)
return d
- def _download_tail_segment(self, res, segnum):
- assert isinstance(self._uri, uri.CHKFileURI), self._uri
- self.log("downloading seg#%d of %d (%d%%)"
- % (segnum, self._vup.num_segments,
- 100.0 * segnum / self._vup.num_segments))
- segmentdler = SegmentDownloader(self, segnum, self._uri.needed_shares,
- self._results)
- started = time.time()
- d = segmentdler.start()
- def _finished_fetching(res):
- elapsed = time.time() - started
- self._results.timings["cumulative_fetch"] += elapsed
- return res
- if self._results:
- d.addCallback(_finished_fetching)
- # pause before using more memory
- d.addCallback(self._check_for_pause)
- def _started_decode(res):
- self._started_decode = time.time()
- return res
- if self._results:
- d.addCallback(_started_decode)
- d.addCallback(lambda (shares, shareids):
- self._tail_codec.decode(shares, shareids))
- def _finished_decode(res):
- elapsed = time.time() - self._started_decode
- self._results.timings["cumulative_decode"] += elapsed
- return res
+ def _got_segment(self, buffers):
+ precondition(self._crypttext_hash_tree)
+ started_decrypt = time.time()
+ self._status.set_progress(float(self._current_segnum)/self._uri.size)
+ if self._current_segnum + 1 == self._vup.num_segments:
+ # This is the last segment.
+ # Trim off any padding added by the upload side. We never send empty segments. If
+ # the data was an exact multiple of the segment size, the last segment will be full.
+ tail_buf_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self._vup.tail_segment_size, self._uri.needed_shares)
+ num_buffers_used = mathutil.div_ceil(self._vup.tail_data_size, tail_buf_size)
+ # Remove buffers which don't contain any part of the tail.
+ del buffers[num_buffers_used:]
+ # Remove the past-the-tail-part of the last buffer.
+ tail_in_last_buf = self._vup.tail_data_size % tail_buf_size
+ if tail_in_last_buf == 0:
+ tail_in_last_buf = tail_buf_size
+ buffers[-1] = buffers[-1][:tail_in_last_buf]
+ # First compute the hash of this segment and check that it fits.
+ ch = hashutil.crypttext_segment_hasher()
+ for buffer in buffers:
+ self._ciphertext_hasher.update(buffer)
+ ch.update(buffer)
+ self._crypttext_hash_tree.set_hashes(leaves={self._current_segnum: ch.digest()})
+ # Then write this segment to the target.
+ if not self._opened:
+ self._opened = True
+ for buffer in buffers:
+ self._downloadable.write(buffer)
+ self._bytes_done += len(buffer)
+ self._status.set_progress(float(self._bytes_done)/self._uri.size)
+ self._current_segnum += 1
if self._results:
- d.addCallback(_finished_decode)
- # pause/check-for-stop just before writing, to honor stopProducing
- d.addCallback(self._check_for_pause)
- def _done(buffers):
- # trim off any padding added by the upload side
- segment = "".join(buffers)
- del buffers
- # we never send empty segments. If the data was an exact multiple
- # of the segment size, the last segment will be full.
- pad_size = mathutil.pad_size(self._uri.size, self._vup.segment_size)
- tail_size = self._vup.segment_size - pad_size
- segment = segment[:tail_size]
- started_decrypt = time.time()
- self._output.write_segment(segment)
- if self._results:
- elapsed = time.time() - started_decrypt
- self._results.timings["cumulative_decrypt"] += elapsed
- d.addCallback(_done)
- return d
+ elapsed = time.time() - started_decrypt
+ self._results.timings["cumulative_decrypt"] += elapsed
def _done(self, res):
- assert isinstance(self._uri, uri.CHKFileURI), self._uri
self.log("download done")
if self._results:
now = time.time()
self._results.timings["total"] = now - self._started
self._results.timings["segments"] = now - self._started_fetching
- self._output.close()
if self._vup.crypttext_hash:
- _assert(self._vup.crypttext_hash == self._output.crypttext_hash,
+ _assert(self._vup.crypttext_hash == self._ciphertext_hasher.digest(),
"bad crypttext_hash: computed=%s, expected=%s" %
- (base32.b2a(self._output.crypttext_hash),
+ (base32.b2a(self._ciphertext_hasher.digest()),
- _assert(self._output.length == self._uri.size,
- got=self._output.length, expected=self._uri.size)
- return self._output.finish()
+ _assert(self._bytes_done == self._uri.size, self._bytes_done, self._uri.size)
+ self._status.set_progress(1)
+ self._downloadable.close()
+ return self._downloadable.finish()
def get_download_status(self):
return self._status
# include LIT files
self.stats_provider.count('downloader.files_downloaded', 1)
self.stats_provider.count('downloader.bytes_downloaded', u.get_size())
- dl = FileDownloader(self.parent, u, t)
+ target = DecryptingTarget(t, u.key, _log_msg_id=_log_msg_id)
+ dl = FileDownloader(self.parent, u.get_verify_cap(), target)
d = dl.start()
return d