From 8b063504a021fa5a484b73b79125473aa9349c7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daira Hopwood <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 03:10:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] WIP.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
 .../windows/installer/installer/installer.cpp | 147 ++++++++++--------
 .../installer/installer/installer.vcproj      |   2 +-
 .../windows/installer/installer/stdafx.h      |   2 +
 3 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/installer.cpp b/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/installer.cpp
index e8483f04..0749d387 100644
--- a/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/installer.cpp
+++ b/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/installer.cpp
@@ -6,21 +6,19 @@
 int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]);
 wchar_t * get_default_destination_dir();
 void self_extract(wchar_t *destination_dir);
+void empty_directory(wchar_t *destination_dir);
 void unzip_from_executable(wchar_t *executable_path, wchar_t *destination_dir);
 size_t read_uint32_le(unsigned char *b);
 void unzip(wchar_t *zip_path, wchar_t *destination_dir);
 bool have_acceptable_python();
 void install_python(wchar_t *python_installer_dir);
-bool spawn_with_redirected_stdout(unsigned char *stdout_buf, size_t stdout_size, const wchar_t *argv[]);
+bool spawn_with_redirect(FILE *redirect, unsigned char *output_buf, size_t output_size, const wchar_t *argv[]);
 #define fail_unless(x, s) if (!(x)) { fail(s); }
 void fail(char *s);
 void warn(char *s);
-#define PYTHON_INSTALLER_64BIT (L"python-" INSTALL_PYTHON_VERSION L".amd64.msi")
 void noop_handler(const wchar_t * expression,
                   const wchar_t * function,
@@ -57,9 +55,41 @@ void self_extract(wchar_t *destination_dir) {
 	GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, executable_path, MAX_PATH); 
 	fail_unless(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Could not get the path of the current executable.");
+	empty_directory(destination_dir);
 	unzip_from_executable(executable_path, destination_dir);
+void empty_directory(wchar_t *destination_dir) {
+	// Delete contents of destination_dir if it already exists.
+	struct _stat buf;
+	if (_wstat(destination_dir, &buf) == 0) {
+		wchar_t destination_dir_dblnul[MAX_PATH+1];
+		size_t len = wcslen(destination_dir);
+		fail_unless(len < MAX_PATH, "Destination path is too long.");
+		wcscpy(destination_dir_dblnul, destination_dir);
+		destination_dir_dblnul[len+1] = L'\0';
+		SHFILEOPSTRUCTW shell_file_op = {
+			NULL,
+			destination_dir_dblnul,
+			NULL,
+			FALSE,
+			NULL,
+			NULL
+		};
+		int res = SHFileOperationW(&shell_file_op);
+		fail_unless(res == 0, "Could not delete existing contents of destination directory.");
+	}
+	// (Re-)create an empty directory at destination_dir.
+	errno = 0;
+	int res = _wmkdir(destination_dir);
+	fail_unless(res == 0 && errno == 0, "Could not create destination directory.");
 void unzip_from_executable(wchar_t *executable_path, wchar_t *destination_dir) {
 	// shell32's zipped folder implementation is strict about the zip format and
 	// does not support unzipping a self-extracting exe directly. So we copy the
@@ -232,49 +262,12 @@ void unzip(wchar_t *zip_path, wchar_t *destination_dir) {
-void install_python() {
-	printf("Checking for Python 2.7...");
-	wchar_t python_exe_path[MAX_PATH];
-	DWORD res = SearchPathW(NULL, L"python.exe", NULL, MAX_PATH, python_exe_path, NULL);
-	if (res == 0 || res >= MAX_PATH) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	errno = 0;
-	HANDLE hProcess = (HANDLE) _wspawnlp(P_NOWAIT, L"python", L"-V");
-	if (exitcode != 0 || errno != 0) return false;
-	_cwait(...)
-	HKEY environment_key;
-	if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Environment",
-	                  0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &environment_key) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment",
-	                  0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &environment_key) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	return false;
-void scriptsetup() {
-	unsigned char stdout_buf[1024];
-	const wchar_t *argv[] = { L"python", L"", L"scriptsetup", L"--allusers", NULL };
-	spawn_with_redirected_stdout(stdout_buf, sizeof(stdout_buf), &argv[0]);
-	//if (exitcode != 0 || errno != 0) return false;
-bool spawn_with_redirected_stdout(unsigned char *stdout_buf, size_t stdout_size, const wchar_t *argv[]) {
+bool spawn_with_redirect(FILE *redirect, unsigned char *output_buf, size_t output_size, const wchar_t *argv[]) {
 	bool result = false;
-	fail_unless(stdout_size > 0, "Invalid stdout_size.");
-	stdout_buf[0] = 0;
+	fail_unless(output_size > 0, "Invalid output_size.");
+	output_buf[0] = 0;
-	// Redirecting stdout is annoyingly complicated.
+	// Redirection is annoyingly complicated.
 	int output_pipe[2];
 	errno = 0;
 	int res = _pipe(output_pipe, 512, _O_BINARY | _O_NOINHERIT);
@@ -284,17 +277,17 @@ bool spawn_with_redirected_stdout(unsigned char *stdout_buf, size_t stdout_size,
 	int output_read_fd = output_pipe[0], output_write_fd = output_pipe[1];
-	// Duplicate stdout file descriptor (the call to _dup2 will close the original).
-	int original_stdout_fd = _dup(_fileno(stdout));
+	// Duplicate the redirected file descriptor (the call to _dup2 will close the original).
+	int original_fd = _dup(_fileno(redirect));
 	if (errno != 0) {
-		warn("Could not duplicate original stdout file descriptor.");
+		warn("Could not duplicate original file descriptor.");
 		return false;
-	// Duplicate write end of pipe to stdout file descriptor.
-	res = _dup2(output_write_fd, _fileno(stdout));
+	// Duplicate write end of pipe to redirected file descriptor.
+	res = _dup2(output_write_fd, _fileno(redirect));
 	if (res != 0 || errno != 0) {
-		warn("Could not redirect stdout.");
+		warn("Could not redirect.");
 		return false;
@@ -308,11 +301,11 @@ bool spawn_with_redirected_stdout(unsigned char *stdout_buf, size_t stdout_size,
 	// Duplicate copy of original stdout back into stdout.
 	errno = 0;
-	res = _dup2(original_stdout_fd, _fileno(stdout));
+	res = _dup2(original_fd, _fileno(redirect));
 	fail_unless(res == 0 && errno == 0, "Could not restore stdout.");
-	// Close duplicate copy of original stdout.
-	_close(original_stdout_fd); // ignore errors
+	// Close duplicate copy of original fd.
+	_close(original_fd); // ignore errors
 	if (process_handle == (HANDLE) -1) {
 		return false;
@@ -320,8 +313,8 @@ bool spawn_with_redirected_stdout(unsigned char *stdout_buf, size_t stdout_size,
 	DWORD exit_code = 0;
 	errno = 0;
-	unsigned char *p = stdout_buf;
-	size_t remaining_size = stdout_size;
+	unsigned char *p = output_buf;
+	size_t remaining_size = output_size;
 	int bytes_read;
 	do {
 		if (remaining_size == 0) {
@@ -330,10 +323,10 @@ bool spawn_with_redirected_stdout(unsigned char *stdout_buf, size_t stdout_size,
 		} else {
 			bytes_read = _read(output_read_fd, p, remaining_size-1);
 			if (errno != 0 || bytes_read < 0) {
-				warn("Could not read from subprocess stdout.");
+				warn("Could not read from subprocess output.");
 				return false;
-			fail_unless((size_t) bytes_read < stdout_size, "Unexpectedly long read.");
+			fail_unless((size_t) bytes_read < output_size, "Unexpectedly long read.");
 			p += bytes_read;
 			remaining_size -= bytes_read;
 			*p = 0;
@@ -351,7 +344,23 @@ bool spawn_with_redirected_stdout(unsigned char *stdout_buf, size_t stdout_size,
 void install_python(wchar_t *python_installer_dir) {
-	wchar_t installer_wildcard[] = L"\\*.msi";
+	printf("Checking for Python 2.7...\n");
+	unsigned char output_buf[1024];
+	const wchar_t *argv[] = { L"python", L"-V", NULL };
+	bool res = spawn_with_redirect(stderr, output_buf, sizeof(output_buf), &argv[0]);
+	if (res) {
+		if (strncmp((char *) output_buf, REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION_PREFIX, strlen(REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION_PREFIX)) == 0) {
+			printf("Found %s which is sufficient.\n", (char *) output_buf);
+			return;
+		} else {
+			printf("Found %s which is not sufficient.\n", (char *) output_buf);
+		}
+	} else {
+		printf("No Python found.\n");
+	}
+	wchar_t installer_wildcard[] = L"\\python*.msi";
 	if (python_installer_dir[wcslen(python_installer_dir)-1] == '\\') {
 		wcscpy(installer_wildcard, L"*.msi");
@@ -372,15 +381,27 @@ void install_python(wchar_t *python_installer_dir) {
 	wchar_t installer_path[MAX_PATH];
 	wcscpy(installer_path, python_installer_dir);
 	wcscat(installer_path, find_data.cFileName);
-	//execute(installer_path, L"");
+	// <>
+	const wchar_t *python_installer_argv[] = { L"msiexec", L"/i", installer_path,
+	                                           L"/qb!", L"ALLUSERS=1", L"ADDLOCAL=Extensions", NULL };
+	errno = 0;
+	intptr_t exit_code = _wspawnvp(P_WAIT, python_installer_argv[0], python_installer_argv);
+	fail_unless(errno == 0, "Could not execute Python installer.");
+	fail_unless(exit_code == 0, "Python installer failed.");
+	const wchar_t *scriptsetup_argv[] = { L"python", L"", L"scriptsetup", L"--allusers", NULL };
+	res = spawn_with_redirect(stdout, output_buf, sizeof(output_buf), &scriptsetup_argv[0]);
+	puts((char *) output_buf);
+	fail_unless(res, "Could not set up Python to run the 'tahoe' command.");
 void fail(char *s) {
 	// TODO: show dialog box
-	fputs(s, stderr);
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
 void warn(char *s) {
-	fputs(s, stderr);
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/installer.vcproj b/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/installer.vcproj
index d19a40b9..a2fb0851 100644
--- a/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/installer.vcproj
+++ b/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/installer.vcproj
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 				Description="Making self-extracting executable..."
-				CommandLine="cmd /c &quot;copy /y /b $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).exe+C:\tahoe\ $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).exe&quot;"
+				CommandLine="cmd /c &quot;copy /y /b $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).exe+C:\tahoe\ $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).exe&quot;"
diff --git a/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/stdafx.h b/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/stdafx.h
index 7963cd77..983234ec 100644
--- a/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/stdafx.h
+++ b/misc/build_helpers/windows/installer/installer/stdafx.h
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include <io.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <process.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
 // Turn off the warnings nagging you to use the more complicated *_s
 // "secure" functions that are actually more difficult to use securely.
@@ -23,3 +24,4 @@
 #include <wtypes.h>
 #include <objbase.h>
 #include <shldisp.h>
+#include <shellapi.h>