--- /dev/null
+# -*- python -*-
+Run this tool with twistd in its own directory, with a file named 'urls.txt'
+describing which nodes to query. It will request disk-usage numbers from the
+nodes once per hour (or slower), and store them in a local database. It will
+compute usage-per-unit time values over several time ranges and make them
+available through an HTTP query (using ./webport). It will also provide an
+estimate of how much time is left before the grid's storage is exhausted.
+Each line of urls.txt points to a single node. Each node should have its own
+dedicated disk: if multiple nodes share a disk, only list one of them in
+urls.txt (otherwise that space will be double-counted, confusing the
+results). Each line should be in the form:
+ http://host:webport/statistics?t=json
+# TODO:
+# built-in graphs on web interface
+import os.path, pprint, time, urllib
+from datetime import timedelta
+from twisted.application import internet, service, strports
+from twisted.web import server, resource, http
+from twisted.python import log
+import simplejson
+from axiom.attributes import AND
+from axiom.store import Store
+from epsilon import extime
+from diskwatcher import Sample
+#from axiom.item import Item
+#from axiom.attributes import text, integer, timestamp
+#class Sample(Item):
+# url = text()
+# when = timestamp()
+# used = integer()
+# avail = integer()
+#s = Store("history.axiom")
+#ns = Store("new-history.axiom")
+#for sa in s.query(Sample):
+# diskwatcher.Sample(store=ns,
+# url=sa.url, when=sa.when, used=sa.used, avail=sa.avail)
+#print "done"
+HOUR = 3600
+DAY = 24*3600
+YEAR = 365*DAY
+class DiskWatcher(service.MultiService, resource.Resource):
+ AVERAGES = {"60s": 60,
+ "5m": 5*60,
+ "30m": 30*60,
+ "1hr": 1*HOUR,
+ "1day": 1*DAY,
+ "2wk": 2*WEEK,
+ "4wk": 4*WEEK,
+ }
+ def __init__(self):
+ assert os.path.exists("diskwatcher.tac") # run from the right directory
+ service.MultiService.__init__(self)
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.store = Store("history.axiom")
+ ts = internet.TimerService(self.POLL_INTERVAL, self.poll)
+ ts.setServiceParent(self)
+ def startService(self):
+ service.MultiService.startService(self)
+ try:
+ desired_webport = open("webport", "r").read().strip()
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ desired_webport = None
+ webport = desired_webport or "tcp:0"
+ root = self
+ serv = strports.service(webport, server.Site(root))
+ serv.setServiceParent(self)
+ if not desired_webport:
+ got_port = serv._port.getHost().port
+ open("webport", "w").write("tcp:%d\n" % got_port)
+ def get_urls(self):
+ for url in open("urls.txt","r").readlines():
+ if "#" in url:
+ url = url[:url.find("#")]
+ url = url.strip()
+ if not url:
+ continue
+ yield url
+ def poll(self):
+ log.msg("polling..")
+ attempts = 0
+ fetched = 0
+ for url in self.get_urls():
+ attempts += 1
+ try:
+ when = extime.Time()
+ data = simplejson.load(urllib.urlopen(url))
+ total = data[u"stats"][u"storage_server.disk_total"]
+ used = data[u"stats"][u"storage_server.disk_used"]
+ avail = data[u"stats"][u"storage_server.disk_avail"]
+ #print "%s : total=%s, used=%s, avail=%s" % (url,
+ # total, used, avail)
+ s = Sample(store=self.store,
+ url=unicode(url), when=when, used=used, avail=avail)
+ fetched += 1
+ except:
+ log.msg("error while fetching: %s" % url)
+ log.err()
+ log.msg("fetched %d of %d" % (fetched, attempts))
+ def calculate(self):
+ timespans = []
+ total_avail_space = self.find_total_avail_space()
+ pairs = [ (timespan,name)
+ for name,timespan in self.AVERAGES.items() ]
+ pairs.sort()
+ for (timespan,name) in pairs:
+ growth = self.growth(timespan)
+ print name, total_avail_space, growth
+ if growth is not None:
+ try:
+ timeleft = total_avail_space / growth
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ timeleft = None
+ timespans.append( (name, timespan, growth, timeleft) )
+ return timespans
+ def find_total_avail_space(self):
+ # this returns the sum of disk-avail stats for all servers that 1)
+ # are listed in urls.txt and 2) have responded recently.
+ now = extime.Time()
+ recent = now - timedelta(seconds=2*self.POLL_INTERVAL)
+ total_avail_space = 0
+ for url in self.get_urls():
+ url = unicode(url)
+ latest = list(self.store.query(Sample,
+ AND(Sample.url == url,
+ Sample.when > recent),
+ sort=Sample.when.descending,
+ limit=1))
+ if latest:
+ total_avail_space += latest[0].avail
+ return total_avail_space
+ def growth(self, timespan):
+ """Calculate the bytes-per-second growth of the total disk-used stat,
+ over a period of TIMESPAN seconds (i.e. between the most recent
+ sample and the latest one that's at least TIMESPAN seconds ago),
+ summed over all nodes which 1) are listed in urls.txt, 2) have
+ responded recently, and 3) have a response at least as old as
+ TIMESPAN. If there are no nodes which meet these criteria, we'll
+ return None; this is likely to happen for the longer timespans (4wk)
+ until the gatherer has been running and collecting data for that
+ long."""
+ td = timedelta(seconds=timespan)
+ now = extime.Time()
+ then = now - td
+ recent = now - timedelta(seconds=2*self.POLL_INTERVAL)
+ total_growth = 0.0
+ num_nodes = 0
+ for url in self.get_urls():
+ url = unicode(url)
+ latest = list(self.store.query(Sample,
+ AND(Sample.url == url,
+ Sample.when > recent),
+ sort=Sample.when.descending,
+ limit=1))
+ if not latest:
+ #print "no latest sample from", url
+ continue # skip this node
+ latest = latest[0]
+ old = list(self.store.query(Sample,
+ AND(Sample.url == url,
+ Sample.when < then),
+ sort=Sample.when.descending,
+ limit=1))
+ if not old:
+ #print "no old sample from", url
+ continue # skip this node
+ old = old[0]
+ duration = latest.when.asPOSIXTimestamp() - old.when.asPOSIXTimestamp()
+ if not duration:
+ print "only one sample from", url
+ continue
+ rate = float(latest.used - old.used) / duration
+ #print url, rate
+ total_growth += rate
+ num_nodes += 1
+ if not num_nodes:
+ return None
+ return total_growth
+ def getChild(self, path, req):
+ if path == "":
+ return self
+ return resource.Resource.getChild(self, path, req)
+ def abbreviate_time(self, s):
+ def _plural(count, unit):
+ count = int(count)
+ if count == 1:
+ return "%d %s" % (count, unit)
+ return "%d %ss" % (count, unit)
+ if s is None:
+ return "unknown"
+ if s < 120:
+ return _plural(s, "second")
+ if s < 3*HOUR:
+ return _plural(s/60, "minute")
+ if s < 2*DAY:
+ return _plural(s/HOUR, "hour")
+ if s < 2*MONTH:
+ return _plural(s/DAY, "day")
+ if s < 4*YEAR:
+ return _plural(s/MONTH, "month")
+ return _plural(s/YEAR, "year")
+ def render(self, req):
+ t = req.args.get("t", ["html"])[0]
+ ctype = "text/plain"
+ data = ""
+ if t == "html":
+ data = ""
+ for (name, timespan, growth, timeleft) in self.calculate():
+ data += "%f bytes per second, %s remaining (over %s)\n" % \
+ (growth, self.abbreviate_time(timeleft), name)
+ elif t == "json":
+ current = self.calculate()
+ #data = str(current) + "\n" # isn't that convenient? almost.
+ data = simplejson.dumps(current, indent=True)
+ else:
+ req.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST)
+ data = "Unknown t= %s\n" % t
+ req.setHeader("content-type", ctype)
+ return data
+application = service.Application("disk-watcher")