+ + Python setuptools (build and distribution tool) >= v0.6c6
-The following Python packages are required, but normally they are
-automatically installed as a side-effect of installing Tahoe.
+ http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#installation-instructions
- + Python setuptools (build and distribution tool)
+ The Tahoe install process will automatically use its own bundled copy
+ setuptools if a sufficiently new version of setuptools is not installed on
+ the system. Unlike It will not install it into the system -- this is a build
+ dependency, not an install dependency.
- http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#installation-instructions
- The Tahoe install process will automatically download and install
- setuptools if it is not present. However, if an old, incompatible version
- of setuptools is present (< v0.6c6 on Cygwin, or < v0.6a9 on other
- platforms), then the install will fail.
- If the install fails due to your current version of setuptools being
- incompatible, please either upgrade or uninstall your version of
- setuptools and re-run the install.
+The following Python packages are required, but they are bundled with Tahoe (in
+the <cite>misc/dependencies</cite> directory), and are built by <cite>make
+build-auto-deps</cite>. If you install Tahoe using The Setuptools Way or The
+easy_install Way then these packages will automatically be installed along with
- + zfec (erasure coding library)
+ + zfec (erasure coding library) >= v1.3.0
- zfec is packaged in a setuptools-compatible way and included in the Python
- Package Index (PyPI), so it will be automatically installed when you
- install Tahoe (see INSTALLING). It can be manually installed by running
- "easy_install zfec".
- + Python foolscap (secure remote object library)
+ + foolscap (secure remote object library) >= v0.2.3
- foolscape is packaged in a setuptools-compatible way and included in the
- Python Package Index (PyPI), so it will be automatically installed when
- you install Tahoe (see INSTALLING). It can be manually installed by
- running "easy_install foolscap".
- + Python simplejson (JSON parser)
+ + simplejson (JSON parser) >= v1.7.3
- simplejson is packaged in a setuptools-compatible way and included in the
- Python Package Index (PyPI), so it will be automatically installed when
- you install Tahoe (see INSTALLING). It can be manually installed by
- running "easy_install simplejson".
- + Python Nevow (0.6.0 or later) (web presentation language)
+ + nevow (web presentation language) >= v0.6.0
- Note that the current version of Nevow (0.9.18) requires Twisted 2.4.0 or
- later.
+ Note that Nevow >= 0.9.18 requires Twisted >= 2.4.0.
+ + pycryptopp (Python crypto library) >= v0.2.9
- Nevow is packaged in a setuptools-compatible way and included in the
- Python Package Index (PyPI), so it will be automatically installed when
- you install Tahoe (see INSTALLING). It can be manually installed by
- running "easy_install nevow".
+ http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycryptopp
- + Python pycryptopp (0.2.1 or later) (Python crypto library)
+ + zope.interface (programming language extensions) >= v3.1.0
- pycryptopp is packaged in a setuptools-compatible way and included in the
- Python Package Index (PyPI), so it will be automatically installed when
- you install Tahoe (see INSTALLING). It can be manually installed by
- running "easy_install nevow".
+ Tahoe does <em>not</em> require the entire <cite>Zope</cite> package, merely
+ the much smaller <cite>zope.interface</cite> component.
If you are behind a firewall and you can configure your firewall to
forward TCP connections on a port to the computer running your Tahoe
node, then you can configure the Tahoe node to announce itself as