From: Zooko O'Whielacronx <>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 21:05:44 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: merge Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.3 release announcement with trunk
X-Git-Tag: allmydata-tahoe-1.9.0a2~33

merge Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.3 release announcement with trunk

diff --git a/NEWS.rst b/NEWS.rst
index 69d4fadb..d6084f1c 100644
--- a/NEWS.rst
+++ b/NEWS.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,108 @@
 User-Visible Changes in Tahoe-LAFS
-* Release 1.8.2 (2011-01-30)
+Release 1.9.0 (2011-??-??)
+New Features
+- MDMF! #393
+- blacklist #1425
+- immutable-download timeline viz (#?)
+- drop-upload feature (experimental) #1429
+Configuration/Behavior Changes
+- reject old-style (discrete) config files from <v1.3 #1385
+- measure space of storage/shares/, not storage/ #1384
+- 'tahoe cp xyz MUTABLE' will modify the existing mutable file instead of
+  creating a new one
+- WUI button says "unlink" instead of "del", change docs, allow 'tahoe
+  unlink' #1104
+Notable Bugfixes
+- 'tahoe put/cp' uploads didn't appear in history #1079
+- verifier: serialize block fetches, reduce RAM footprint #1395
+- make large immutable downloads faster (coalesce Share.loop() calls) #1268
+Packaging Changes
+- remove debian packaging #1454
+- remove contrib/fuse #1409
+- The unmaintained FUSE plugins were removed from the source tree. See
+  docs/frontends/FTP-and-SFTP.rst for how to use sshfs. (`#1409`_)
+- replace foolscap[secure_connections] dep with one on pyopenssl #1383
+- bump Twisted dependency to >=10.1
+- bump zope.interface dep to <=3.6.2 or >=3.6.6 #1435
+- extra-permission changes in license
+- no longer need to patch Twisted for FTP, when using Twisted >= 10.1
+Minor Changes
+- minor: #1355, #1366, #1388, #1389, #1391, #1297, #1342, #1404, #1392,
+  #1412, #1344, #1345, #1347, #1334, #1274, #1438, #1120, #1359, #636, #1469,
+  #1149, #1441, #1503, #1510, #1507, #1505
+- minor SFTP fixes: #1442, #1446
+- finish .rst-ifying all docs
+- shuffle configuration.rst to add Frontend section
+- add man page #1420
+- IServer refactoring #1363
+- Nodes now emit "None" for percentiles with higher implied precision
+  than the number of observations can support. Older stats gatherers
+  will throw an exception if they gather stats from a new storage
+  server and it sends a "None" for a percentile. (`#1392`_)
+Compatibility and Dependencies
+- An incompatibility of zope.interface version 3.6.4 with Nevow has
+  been resolved. Tahoe-LAFS now requires one of the exact versions
+  v3.3.1, v3.5.3, or v3.6.1 of zope.interface. (`#1435`_)
+- The Twisted dependency has been raised to version 10.1. This ensures
+  that we no longer require pywin32 on Windows, and that it is never
+  necessary to patch Twisted in order to use the FTP frontend.
+  (`#1274`_, `#1438`_)
+.. _`#1274`:
+.. _`#1392`:
+.. _`#1409`:
+.. _`#1435`:
+.. _`#1438`:
+** Security-related Bugfix
+ - Fix flaw that would allow a person who knows a storage index of a file to
+   delete shares of that file (#1528).
+ - Remove corner cases in mutable file bounds management which could expose
+   extra lease info or old share data (from prior versions of the mutable
+   file) if someone with write authority to that mutable file exercised these
+   corner cases in a way that no actual Tahoe-LAFS client does. (Probably not
+   exploitable.) (#1528).
+Release 1.8.3 (2011-09-13)
+Security-related Bugfix
+- Fix flaw that would allow a person who knows a storage index of a file to
+  delete shares of that file (#1528).
+- Remove corner cases in mutable file bounds management which could expose
+  extra lease info or old share data (from prior versions of the mutable
+  file) if someone with write authority to that mutable file exercised these
+  corner cases in a way that no actual Tahoe-LAFS client does. (Probably not
+  exploitable.) (#1528).
+Release 1.8.2 (2011-01-30)
 Compatibility and Dependencies
diff --git a/docs/quickstart.html b/docs/quickstart.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 781eed5f..00000000
--- a/docs/quickstart.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCtype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html lang="en">
-  <head>
-    <style type="text/css">
-    p.p1 {font-size:85%;}
-    p.p1 {font-style:italic;}
-    </style>
-    <title>Getting Tahoe-LAFS</title>
-    <link rev="made" class="mailto" href="mailto:zooko[at]zooko[dot]com">
-    <meta name="description" content="how to get Tahoe-LAFS">
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-    <meta name="keywords" content="tahoe-lafs secure decentralized filesystem installation">
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <h1>About Tahoe-LAFS</h1>
-    <p> The homepage of Tahoe-LAFS is <a href="">
-</a>. There is a one-page overview at <a href="about.html">
-    About Tahoe-LAFS</a>.
-    <h1>How To Get Tahoe-LAFS</h1>
-    <p class=p1>This has been verified to work on Windows, Mac, OpenSolaris,
-    and too many flavors of Linux and of *BSD to list. It's likely to work on
-    other platforms.</p>
-    <p class=p1><strong>WARNING!</strong> There are a few third-party
-    libraries that Tahoe-LAFS depends on that might not be easy to set up on
-    your platform. If the following instructions don't Just Work, please write
-    to <a href="">the
-    tahoe-dev mailing list</a> where fun, friendly, hackers will help you out!
-    You might also find clues in the Advanced Installation section below.</p>
-    <h2>Install Python</h2>
-    <p>Check if you already have an adequate version of Python installed by
-    running <cite>python --version</cite>. Python&nbsp;v2.4 (v2.4.4 or
-    greater), Python&nbsp;v2.5, Python&nbsp;v2.6, or Python&nbsp;v2.7 will
-    work. Python&nbsp;v3 does not work. On Windows, we recommend the use of
-    Python&nbsp;v2.6 (native, not Cygwin).</p>
-    <p>If you don't have one of these versions of Python installed, then
-    follow the instructions on
-    <a href="">the Python
-    download page</a> to download and install Python&nbsp;v2.6. Make sure
-    that the path to the installation directory has no spaces in it (e.g. on
-    Windows, do not install Python in the "<tt>Program Files</tt>" directory).
-    </p>
-    <h2>Get Tahoe-LAFS</h2>
-    <p>Download the latest stable release, v1.8.2:</p>
-    <pre><a
-    href=""></a></pre>
-    <h2>Set Up Tahoe-LAFS</h2>
-    <p>Unpack the zip file and cd into the top-level directory.</p>
-    <p>Run <cite>python build</cite> to generate the <cite>tahoe</cite>
-    executable in a subdirectory of the current directory named <cite>bin</cite>.
-    This will download and build anything you need from various websites.</p>
-    <p>On Windows, the <cite>build</cite> step might tell you to open a new
-    Command Prompt (or, on XP and earlier, to log out and back in again).
-    This is needed the first time you set up Tahoe-LAFS on a particular
-    installation of Windows.</p>
-    <p>Optionally run <cite>python test</cite> to verify that it
-    passes all of its self-tests.</p>
-    <p>Run <cite>bin/tahoe --version</cite> (on Windows,
-    <cite>bin\tahoe --version</cite>) to verify that the executable tool prints
-    out the right version number.</p>
-    <h2>Run Tahoe-LAFS</h2>
-    <p>Now you are ready to deploy a decentralized filesystem. The
-    <cite>tahoe</cite> executable in the <cite>bin</cite> directory can
-    configure and launch your Tahoe-LAFS nodes.
-    See <a href="running.html">running.html</a> for instructions on how to do
-    that.</p>
-    <h2>Advanced Installation</h2>
-    <p>For optional features such as tighter integration with your operating
-    system's package manager, you can see the
-    <a href="">AdvancedInstall</a>
-    wiki page. The options on that page are not necessary to use Tahoe-LAFS
-    and can be complicated, so we do not recommend following that page unless
-    you have unusual requirements for advanced optional features. For most
-    people, you should first follow the instructions on this page, and if that
-    doesn't work then ask for help by writing to
-    <a href="">the
-    tahoe-dev mailing list</a>.</p>
-  </body>
diff --git a/docs/quickstart.rst b/docs/quickstart.rst
index 1d15faf3..a8f2011f 100644
--- a/docs/quickstart.rst
+++ b/docs/quickstart.rst
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ in the "Program Files" directory).
 Get Tahoe-LAFS
-`Download the latest stable release, v1.8.2
+`Download the latest stable release, v1.8.3
 Set Up Tahoe-LAFS
diff --git a/relnotes.txt b/relnotes.txt
index 5a36da4a..856e5cca 100644
--- a/relnotes.txt
+++ b/relnotes.txt
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ September 13, 2011
 Boulder, Colorado, USA